from django.contrib import admin
from newtagging.admin import TaggableModelAdmin
-from catalogue.models import Tag, Book, Fragment, BookStub, BookMedia
+from catalogue.models import Tag, Book, Fragment, BookMedia
class TagAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
ordering = ('book', 'anchor',)
-class BookStubAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- # tag_model = Tag
- list_display = ('title', 'author', 'slug','pd')
- search_fields = ('title','author')
- ordering = ('title',)
- prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',)}
class MediaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
#tag_model = BookMedia, BookStubAdmin), TagAdmin), BookAdmin), FragmentAdmin)
--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf-8
+import datetime
+from south.db import db
+from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
+from django.db import models
+class Migration(SchemaMigration):
+ def forwards(self, orm):
+ # Deleting model 'BookStub'
+ db.delete_table('catalogue_bookstub')
+ # Deleting field 'Tag.death'
+ db.delete_column('catalogue_tag', 'death')
+ def backwards(self, orm):
+ # Adding model 'BookStub'
+ db.create_table('catalogue_bookstub', (
+ ('title','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=120)),
+ ('author','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=120)),
+ ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)),
+ ('translator','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)),
+ ('translator_death','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)),
+ ('pd','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(null=True, blank=True)),
+ ('slug','django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(unique=True, max_length=120, db_index=True)),
+ ))
+ db.send_create_signal('catalogue', ['BookStub'])
+ # Adding field 'Tag.death'
+ db.add_column('catalogue_tag', 'death','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False)
+ models = {
+ '': {
+ 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'},
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '80', 'unique': 'True'}),
+ 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'auth.permission': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'},
+ 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
+ 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'})
+ },
+ 'auth.user': {
+ 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'},
+ 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
+ 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}),
+ 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
+ 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
+ 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}),
+ 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}),
+ 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'unique': 'True'})
+ },
+ '': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('title',)", 'object_name': 'Book'},
+ '_short_html': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}),
+ '_short_html_de': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_en': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_es': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_fr': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_lt': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_pl': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_ru': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_uk': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_tag_counter': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'null': 'True'}),
+ '_theme_counter': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'null': 'True'}),
+ 'created_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'epub_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'extra_info': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {}),
+ 'gazeta_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'html_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'medias': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['catalogue.BookMedia']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'children'", 'blank': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['catalogue.Book']"}),
+ 'parent_number': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
+ 'pdf_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'unique': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'}),
+ 'txt_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'wiki_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'xml_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'catalogue.bookmedia': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('type', 'name')", 'object_name': 'BookMedia'},
+ 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': "'100'", 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': "'100'"}),
+ 'uploaded_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'catalogue.filerecord': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('-time', '-slug', '-type')", 'object_name': 'FileRecord'},
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'sha1': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'time': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '20', 'db_index': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'catalogue.fragment': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('book', 'anchor')", 'object_name': 'Fragment'},
+ '_short_html': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}),
+ '_short_html_de': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_en': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_es': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_fr': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_lt': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_pl': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_ru': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_uk': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ 'anchor': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'}),
+ 'book': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'fragments'", 'to': "orm['catalogue.Book']"}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'short_text': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}),
+ 'text': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {})
+ },
+ 'catalogue.tag': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('sort_key',)", 'unique_together': "(('slug', 'category'),)", 'object_name': 'Tag'},
+ 'book_count': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True'}),
+ 'category': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'gazeta_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'main_page': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'sort_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'wiki_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'catalogue.tagrelation': {
+ 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('tag', 'content_type', 'object_id'),)", 'object_name': 'TagRelation', 'db_table': "'catalogue_tag_relation'"},
+ 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'tag': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'items'", 'to': "orm['catalogue.Tag']"})
+ },
+ 'contenttypes.contenttype': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"},
+ 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'})
+ }
+ }
+ complete_apps = ['catalogue']
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import get_language
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from datetime import datetime
from django.conf import settings
user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True)
book_count = models.IntegerField(_('book count'), blank=False, null=True)
- death = models.IntegerField(_(u'year of death'), blank=True, null=True)
gazeta_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
wiki_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
has_description.short_description = _('description')
has_description.boolean = True
- def alive(self):
- return self.death is None
- def in_pd(self):
- """ tests whether an author is in public domain """
- return self.death is not None and self.goes_to_pd() <=
- def goes_to_pd(self):
- """ calculates the year of public domain entry for an author """
- return self.death + 71 if self.death is not None else None
def get_count(self):
""" returns global book count for book tags, fragment count for themes """
return mark_safe(getattr(self, key))
-class BookStub(models.Model):
- title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=120)
- author = models.CharField(_('author'), max_length=120)
- pd = models.IntegerField(_('goes to public domain'), null=True, blank=True)
- slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)
- translator = models.TextField(_('translator'), blank=True)
- translator_death = models.TextField(_('year of translator\'s death'), blank=True)
- class Meta:
- ordering = ('title',)
- verbose_name = _('book stub')
- verbose_name_plural = _('book stubs')
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.title
- @permalink
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return ('catalogue.views.book_detail', [self.slug])
- def in_pd(self):
- return self.pd is not None and self.pd <=
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self.title
class FileRecord(models.Model):
slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, db_index=True)
type = models.CharField(_('type'), max_length=20, db_index=True)
from catalogue import forms
from catalogue.utils import split_tags
from newtagging import views as newtagging_views
+from pdcounter import models as pdcounter_models
+from pdcounter import views as pdcounter_views
from slughifi import slughifi
tags = models.Tag.get_tag_list(tags)
except models.Tag.DoesNotExist:
- raise Http404
+ chunks = tags.split('/')
+ if len(chunks) == 2 and chunks[0] == 'autor':
+ return pdcounter_views.author_detail(request, chunks[1])
+ else:
+ raise Http404
except models.Tag.MultipleObjectsReturned, e:
return differentiate_tags(request, e.tags, e.ambiguous_slugs)
only_shelf = shelf_is_set and len(tags) == 1
only_my_shelf = only_shelf and request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user == tags[0].user
- objects = only_author = pd_counter = None
+ objects = only_author = None
categories = {}
if theme_is_set:
if not objects:
only_author = len(tags) == 1 and tags[0].category == 'author'
- pd_counter = only_author and tags[0].goes_to_pd()
objects = models.Book.objects.none()
return object_list(
'categories': categories,
'only_shelf': only_shelf,
'only_author': only_author,
- 'pd_counter': pd_counter,
'only_my_shelf': only_my_shelf,
'formats_form': forms.DownloadFormatsForm(),
book = models.Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
except models.Book.DoesNotExist:
- return book_stub_detail(request, slug)
+ return pdcounter_views.book_stub_detail(request, slug)
book_tag = book.book_tag()
tags = list(book.tags.filter(~Q(category='set')))
-def book_stub_detail(request, slug):
- book = get_object_or_404(models.BookStub, slug=slug)
- pd_counter = book.pd
- form = forms.SearchForm()
- return render_to_response('catalogue/book_stub_detail.html', locals(),
- context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def book_text(request, slug):
book = get_object_or_404(models.Book, slug=slug)
if not book.has_html_file():
def _tags_starting_with(prefix, user=None):
prefix = prefix.lower()
- book_stubs = models.BookStub.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('title', prefix))
+ # PD counter
+ book_stubs = pdcounter_models.BookStub.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('title', prefix))
+ authors = pdcounter_models.Author.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('name', prefix))
books = models.Book.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('title', prefix))
- book_stubs = filter(lambda x: x not in books, book_stubs)
tags = models.Tag.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('name', prefix))
if user and user.is_authenticated():
tags = tags.filter(~Q(category='book') & (~Q(category='set') | Q(user=user)))
tags = tags.filter(~Q(category='book') & ~Q(category='set'))
prefix_regexp = re.compile(_word_starts_with_regexp(prefix))
- return list(books) + list(tags) + list(book_stubs) + [app for app in _apps if]
+ return list(books) + list(tags) + [app for app in _apps if] + list(book_stubs) + list(authors)
def _get_result_link(match, tag_list):
- if isinstance(match, models.Book) or isinstance(match, models.BookStub):
- return match.get_absolute_url()
- elif isinstance(match, App):
- return match.view()
- else:
+ if isinstance(match, models.Tag):
return reverse('catalogue.views.tagged_object_list',
kwargs={'tags': '/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in tag_list + [match])}
+ elif isinstance(match, App):
+ return match.view()
+ else:
+ return match.get_absolute_url()
def _get_result_type(match):
- if isinstance(match, models.Book) or isinstance(match, models.BookStub):
+ if isinstance(match, models.Book) or isinstance(match, pdcounter_models.BookStub):
type = 'book'
type = match.category
def find_best_matches(query, user=None):
- """ Finds a Book, Tag or Bookstub best matching a query.
+ """ Finds a Book, Tag, BookStub or Author best matching a query.
Returns a with:
- zero elements when nothing is found,
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from django.contrib import admin
+from pdcounter.models import BookStub, Author
+class BookStubAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ('title', 'author', 'slug', 'pd')
+ search_fields = ('title','author')
+ ordering = ('title',)
+ prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',)}
+class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ('name', 'slug', 'death')
+ search_fields = ('name',)
+ ordering = ('sort_key', 'name')
+ prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('name',), 'sort_key': ('name',),}
+, BookStubAdmin), AuthorAdmin)
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:45\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.6\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "slug"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "Sortierschlüssel"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "Todesjahr"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "Autor"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "Titel"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "gehe zur Public Domain"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "Übersetzer"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "Todesjahr des Übersetzers"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "Buch Vorschau"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "Bücher Vorschau"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:45\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.6\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "name"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "Slug"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "Sort key"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "Description"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "Year of death"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "author"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "author"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "Title"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "Goes to public domain"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "Translator"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "Year of translator's death"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "Book stub"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "Book stubs"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:48\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.6\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "nombre"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "slug"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "clave de clasificación"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "descripción"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "año de muerte"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "autor"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "autor"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "título"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "pasa al dominio público"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "traductor"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "año de la muerte del traductor"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "vista previa del libro"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "vista previa de libros"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-07 20:25+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "nom"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "slug"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "critère de tri"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "description"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "année de la mort"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "auteur"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "auteur"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "titre"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "entre dans le domaine public"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "traducteur"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "année de la mort du traducteur"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "ébauche du livre"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "ébauches des livres"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-12 19:07+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Alicja Sinkiewicz <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.3\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "pavadinimas"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "slugas"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "rūšiavimo raktas"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "aprašymas"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "mirimo metai"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "autorius"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "autorius"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "pavadinimas"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "keliauja į viešą tinklapį "
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "vertėjas"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "vertėjo mirimo metai"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "knygos paskelbimas"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "knygu paskelbimai"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 11:02\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.6\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "nazwa"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "klucz sortowania"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "opis"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "rok śmierci"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "autor"
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "autorzy"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "tytuł"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "trafia do domeny publicznej"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "tłumacz"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "rok śmierci tłumacza"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "zapowiedź książki"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "zapowiedzi książek"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 11:02\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.6\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "название"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "slug"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "ключ сортировки "
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "описание"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "год смерти"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "автор"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "автор"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "заглавие"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "идти к публичной домене"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "переводчик"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "год смерти переводчика"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "анонс книги"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "анонсы книги"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 13:52+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "назва"
+msgid "slug"
+msgstr "слуґ"
+msgid "sort key"
+msgstr "ключ сортування"
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "опис"
+msgid "year of death"
+msgstr "дата смерті"
+msgid "author"
+msgstr "автор"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "authors"
+msgstr "автор"
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "заголовок"
+msgid "goes to public domain"
+msgstr "входить у суспільне надбання"
+msgid "translator"
+msgstr "перекладач"
+msgid "year of translator's death"
+msgstr "рік смерті перекладача"
+msgid "book stub"
+msgstr "заготовка книжки"
+msgid "book stubs"
+msgstr "заготовки книжок"
--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf-8
+import datetime
+from south.db import db
+from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
+from django.db import models
+class Migration(SchemaMigration):
+ def forwards(self, orm):
+ # Adding model 'Author'
+ db.create_table('pdcounter_author', (
+ ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)),
+ ('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=50, db_index=True)),
+ ('slug','django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)),
+ ('sort_key','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=120, db_index=True)),
+ ('description','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)),
+ ('death','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(null=True, blank=True)),
+ ('gazeta_link','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=240, blank=True)),
+ ('wiki_link','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=240, blank=True)),
+ ))
+ db.send_create_signal('pdcounter', ['Author'])
+ # Adding model 'BookStub'
+ db.create_table('pdcounter_bookstub', (
+ ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)),
+ ('title','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=120)),
+ ('author','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=120)),
+ ('pd','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(null=True, blank=True)),
+ ('slug','django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)),
+ ('translator','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(blank=True)),
+ ))
+ db.send_create_signal('pdcounter', ['BookStub'])
+ def backwards(self, orm):
+ # Deleting model 'Author'
+ db.delete_table('pdcounter_author')
+ # Deleting model 'BookStub'
+ db.delete_table('pdcounter_bookstub')
+ models = {
+ '': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('sort_key',)", 'object_name': 'Author'},
+ 'death': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'gazeta_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'unique': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'sort_key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'wiki_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'})
+ },
+ 'pdcounter.bookstub': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('title',)", 'object_name': 'BookStub'},
+ 'author': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'pd': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'unique': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'}),
+ 'translator': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'})
+ }
+ }
+ complete_apps = ['pdcounter']
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models import permalink
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from datetime import datetime
+class Author(models.Model):
+ name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=50, db_index=True)
+ slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, db_index=True, unique=True)
+ sort_key = models.CharField(_('sort key'), max_length=120, db_index=True)
+ description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True)
+ death = models.IntegerField(_(u'year of death'), blank=True, null=True)
+ gazeta_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
+ wiki_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ('sort_key',)
+ verbose_name = _('author')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('authors')
+ @property
+ def category(self):
+ return "author"
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Author(slug=%r)" % self.slug
+ @permalink
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return ('catalogue.views.tagged_object_list', [self.url_chunk])
+ def has_description(self):
+ return len(self.description) > 0
+ has_description.short_description = _('description')
+ has_description.boolean = True
+ def alive(self):
+ return self.death is None
+ def in_pd(self):
+ """ tests whether an author is in public domain """
+ return self.death is not None and self.goes_to_pd() <=
+ def goes_to_pd(self):
+ """ calculates the year of public domain entry for an author """
+ return self.death + 71 if self.death is not None else None
+ @property
+ def url_chunk(self):
+ return '/'.join(('autor', self.slug))
+class BookStub(models.Model):
+ title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=120)
+ author = models.CharField(_('author'), max_length=120)
+ pd = models.IntegerField(_('goes to public domain'), null=True, blank=True)
+ slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)
+ translator = models.TextField(_('translator'), blank=True)
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ('title',)
+ verbose_name = _('book stub')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('book stubs')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.title
+ @permalink
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return ('catalogue.views.book_detail', [self.slug])
+ def in_pd(self):
+ return self.pd is not None and self.pd <=
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self.title
--- /dev/null
+# Source:
+# Author: adurdin
+# Posted: August 13, 2008
+# We can use it based on djangosnippets Terms of Service:
+# (
+# 2. That you grant any third party who sees the code you post
+# a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to copy and distribute that code
+# and to make and distribute derivative works based on that code. You may
+# include license terms in snippets you post, if you wish to use
+# a particular license (such as the BSD license or GNU GPL), but that
+# license must permit royalty-free copying, distribution and modification
+# of the code to which it is applied.
+from django import template
+from django.template import Library, Node, VariableDoesNotExist
+register = Library()
+def do_switch(parser, token):
+ """
+ The ``{% switch %}`` tag compares a variable against one or more values in
+ ``{% case %}`` tags, and outputs the contents of the matching block. An
+ optional ``{% else %}`` tag sets off the default output if no matches
+ could be found::
+ {% switch result_count %}
+ {% case 0 %}
+ There are no search results.
+ {% case 1 %}
+ There is one search result.
+ {% else %}
+ Jackpot! Your search found {{ result_count }} results.
+ {% endswitch %}
+ Each ``{% case %}`` tag can take multiple values to compare the variable
+ against::
+ {% switch username %}
+ {% case "Jim" "Bob" "Joe" %}
+ Me old mate {{ username }}! How ya doin?
+ {% else %}
+ Hello {{ username }}
+ {% endswitch %}
+ """
+ bits = token.contents.split()
+ tag_name = bits[0]
+ if len(bits) != 2:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag requires one argument" % tag_name)
+ variable = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
+ class BlockTagList(object):
+ # This is a bit of a hack, as it embeds knowledge of the behaviour
+ # of Parser.parse() relating to the "parse_until" argument.
+ def __init__(self, *names):
+ self.names = set(names)
+ def __contains__(self, token_contents):
+ name = token_contents.split()[0]
+ return name in self.names
+ # Skip over everything before the first {% case %} tag
+ parser.parse(BlockTagList('case', 'endswitch'))
+ cases = []
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ got_case = False
+ got_else = False
+ while token.contents != 'endswitch':
+ nodelist = parser.parse(BlockTagList('case', 'else', 'endswitch'))
+ if got_else:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'else' must be last tag in '%s'." % tag_name)
+ contents = token.contents.split()
+ token_name, token_args = contents[0], contents[1:]
+ if token_name == 'case':
+ tests = map(parser.compile_filter, token_args)
+ case = (tests, nodelist)
+ got_case = True
+ else:
+ # The {% else %} tag
+ case = (None, nodelist)
+ got_else = True
+ cases.append(case)
+ token = parser.next_token()
+ if not got_case:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' must have at least one 'case'." % tag_name)
+ return SwitchNode(variable, cases)
+class SwitchNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, variable, cases):
+ self.variable = variable
+ self.cases = cases
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Switch node>"
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for tests, nodelist in self.cases:
+ for node in nodelist:
+ yield node
+ def get_nodes_by_type(self, nodetype):
+ nodes = []
+ if isinstance(self, nodetype):
+ nodes.append(self)
+ for tests, nodelist in self.cases:
+ nodes.extend(nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(nodetype))
+ return nodes
+ def render(self, context):
+ try:
+ value_missing = False
+ value = self.variable.resolve(context, True)
+ except VariableDoesNotExist:
+ no_value = True
+ value_missing = None
+ for tests, nodelist in self.cases:
+ if tests is None:
+ return nodelist.render(context)
+ elif not value_missing:
+ for test in tests:
+ test_value = test.resolve(context, True)
+ if value == test_value:
+ return nodelist.render(context)
+ else:
+ return ""
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+urlpatterns = patterns('catalogue.views',
+ url(r'^$', 'main_page', name='main_page'),
+ url(r'^polki/(?P<shelf>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/formaty/$', 'shelf_book_formats', name='shelf_book_formats'),
+ url(r'^polki/(?P<shelf>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/(?P<book>[a-zA-Z0-9-0-]+)/usun$', 'remove_from_shelf', name='remove_from_shelf'),
+ url(r'^polki/$', 'user_shelves', name='user_shelves'),
+ url(r'^polki/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/usun/$', 'delete_shelf', name='delete_shelf'),
+ url(r'^polki/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.zip$', 'download_shelf', name='download_shelf'),
+ url(r'^lektury/', 'book_list', name='book_list'),
+ url(r'^audiobooki/', 'audiobook_list', name='audiobook_list'),
+ url(r'^daisy/', 'daisy_list', name='daisy_list'),
+ url(r'^lektura/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/polki/', 'book_sets', name='book_shelves'),
+ url(r'^polki/nowa/$', 'new_set', name='new_set'),
+ url(r'^tags/$', 'tags_starting_with', name='hint'),
+ url(r'^jtags/$', 'json_tags_starting_with', name='jhint'),
+ url(r'^szukaj/$', 'search', name='search'),
+ # tools
+ url(r'^zegar/$', 'clock', name='clock'),
+ url(r'^$', 'xmls', name='xmls'),
+ url(r'^epubs.tar$', 'epubs', name='epubs'),
+ # Public interface. Do not change this URLs.
+ url(r'^lektura/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.html$', 'book_text', name='book_text'),
+ url(r'^lektura/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', 'book_detail', name='book_detail'),
+ url(r'^lektura/(?P<book_slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/motyw/(?P<theme_slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$',
+ 'book_fragments', name='book_fragments'),
+ url(r'^(?P<tags>[a-zA-Z0-9-/]*)/$', 'tagged_object_list', name='tagged_object_list'),
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+#from datetime import datetime
+from django.template import RequestContext
+from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
+from pdcounter import models
+from catalogue import forms
+def book_stub_detail(request, slug):
+ book = get_object_or_404(models.BookStub, slug=slug)
+ pd_counter = book.pd
+ form = forms.SearchForm()
+ return render_to_response('pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html', locals(),
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def author_detail(request, slug):
+ author = get_object_or_404(models.Author, slug=slug)
+ pd_counter = author.goes_to_pd()
+ form = forms.SearchForm()
+ return render_to_response('pdcounter/author_detail.html', locals(),
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-25 10:23+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:43\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgstr "Die angeforderte Webseite existiert nicht"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "Die gesuchte Seite existiert leider nicht mehr. Überprüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie sich bei der Eingabe der URL in die Adresszeile des Browsers vertippt haben oder gehen Sie zur Startseite"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"Die gesuchte Seite existiert leider nicht mehr. Überprüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie "
+"sich bei der Eingabe der URL in die Adresszeile des Browsers vertippt haben "
+"oder gehen Sie zur Startseite"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "Serverfehler"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
-msgstr "<p> ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage <a href=''> Blog </ a>. </ P> Informieren Sie uns <a href = \"mailto:\" > Administratoren </ a> über den Fehler. </ p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p> ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Besuchen Sie unsere "
+"Homepage <a href=''> Blog </ a>. </ P> "
+"Informieren Sie uns <a href = \"mailto:\" > "
+"Administratoren </ a> über den Fehler. </ p>"
#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
msgstr " wegen Wartungsarbeiten momentan nicht verfügbar."
-#: templates/base.html:19
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Diese Seite kann nicht richtig im Internet Explorer angezeigt werden. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu lesen..."
+#: templates/base.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Seite kann nicht richtig im Internet Explorer angezeigt werden. "
+"Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu lesen..."
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Willkommen"
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr "Deine Bücherregale"
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
-#: templates/base.html:37 templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Abmelden"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:92
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Anmelden"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:96
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrieren"
-#: templates/base.html:69
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury ist ein Projekt, dass von <a href=\"\">Stiftung Modernes Polen </a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigitale Reproduktion entwickelt von der <a href=\"\">Natonalbibliothek</a>, Exemplare aus dem Bücherbestand NB. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury ist ein Projekt, dass von <a href=\"http://"
+"\">Stiftung Modernes Polen </a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigitale Reproduktion entwickelt von der <a href=\""
+"pl/\">Natonalbibliothek</a>, Exemplare aus dem Bücherbestand NB. \n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\t Stiftung Modernes Polen, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\t Stiftung Modernes Polen, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
-#: templates/base.html:85 templates/ templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:22
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:19
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schliessen"
-#: templates/base.html:108 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:148
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:157
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Herunterladen"
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/breadcrumbs.html:21
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Suchen"
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43 templates/info/base.html:10
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr "oder"
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "Zur Startseite wechseln"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Werkverzeichnis unter"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr "Werkverzeichnis"
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr "auf"
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "EPUB-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "ODT-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "TXT-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Liest"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "Führt Regie"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:67
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "MP3-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:68
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Ogg Vorbis-Datei herunterladen"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "DAISY-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:95
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:105
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoche"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Art"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Gattung"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:123
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Andere Ressourcen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:125
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Schullektüre auf WikiProjekt"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Buchquelle"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Buchbeschreibung unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Buchbeschreibung auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Werkmotive"
msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr "Werkverzeichnis"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Inhalt"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Leg das Buch aufs Regal ab!"
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues Bücherregal erstellen."
+msgstr ""
+"Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues "
+"Bücherregal erstellen."
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Dieses Werk ist zur öffentlichen Nutzung vorgesehen und wird bald in der Internetbibliothek Wolne Lektury veröffentlicht sein."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Dieses Werk wird bald zur öffentlichen Nutzung freigestellt und kann in der Zukunft ohne weitere Einschränkungen veröffentlicht werden"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Finde heraus, warum Internet-Bibliotheken die Werke dieses Autors nicht veröffentlichen dürfen."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "Dieses Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt."
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Inhalt"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Motive"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Werkverzeichnis unter"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr "Werkverzeichnis"
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Alle Kategorien anzeigen"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "mehr"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "weniger"
msgstr "Regale mit Buchauszügen"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues Bücherregal erstellen."
+msgstr ""
+"Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues "
+"Bücherregal erstellen."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Werk ansehen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "Siehe Bücherliste"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "in unserer Sammlung"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "Buch ablegen"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Bücher nach ausgewählten Kategorien ansehen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr "auf"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Deine Bücherregale"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "löschen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Bücherregal erstellen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Erstelle dein eigenes Bücherregal. Du kannst es später mal mit deinen Freunden teilen, indem du den Link an sie verschickst."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Erstelle dein eigenes Bücherregal. Du kannst es später mal mit deinen "
+"Freunden teilen, indem du den Link an sie verschickst."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Um deine Bücherregale zu verwalten "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "musst du angemeldet sein"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "Bücherregale verwalten"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Lehrmaterialien"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Unterrichtsszenarien und andere Ideen für die Verwendung von für das Unterricht"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Unterrichtsszenarien und andere Ideen für die Verwendung von "
+"für das Unterricht"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "sind professionelle Aufnahmen literarischer Texte aus unserer Sammlung, die unter freier Lizenz in folgenden Formaten verfügbar sind: MP3-und Ogg-Vorbis-Formate sowie im DAISY-System."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"sind professionelle Aufnahmen literarischer Texte aus unserer Sammlung, die "
+"unter freier Lizenz in folgenden Formaten verfügbar sind: MP3-und Ogg-Vorbis-"
+"Formate sowie im DAISY-System."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autoren"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Arten"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Gattungen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:140
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Epochen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Motive und Themen"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Motivketten"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "News"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Siehe unseren Blog"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Du kannst uns helfen!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Wir sind stets bemüht, unseren Bibliothekbestand ständig um neue Werke zu erweitern. Dies ist nur dank der Hilfe unserer Volontäre möglich."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Wir sind stets bemüht, unseren Bibliothekbestand ständig um neue Werke zu "
+"erweitern. Dies ist nur dank der Hilfe unserer Volontäre möglich."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Wir laden herzlich alle Personen ein, die sich an der Mitgestaltung unserer Internet-Schulbibliothek beteiligen wollen."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Wir laden herzlich alle Personen ein, die sich an der Mitgestaltung unserer "
+"Internet-Schulbibliothek beteiligen wollen."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Über das Projekt"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tSchulbücher “Wolne Lektury” in der Internetbibliothek(<a href=\"\"></a>) ist ein Projekt, das von der Stiftung Modernes Polen gefördert wird. Die Stiftung ist seit 2007 tätig und hat bisher viele Schulbücher aus dem Bibliothekbestand zur öffentlichen Nutzung freigestellt. Die Schulbücher werden ausdrücklich vom Bildungsministerium empfohlen.\n"
+"\t\t\tSchulbücher “Wolne Lektury” in der Internetbibliothek(<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) ist ein Projekt, das von "
+"der Stiftung Modernes Polen gefördert wird. Die Stiftung ist seit 2007 tätig "
+"und hat bisher viele Schulbücher aus dem Bibliothekbestand zur öffentlichen "
+"Nutzung freigestellt. Die Schulbücher werden ausdrücklich vom "
+"Bildungsministerium empfohlen.\n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Suche unter"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr "Sorry! Die Suche ergab leider keine Treffer."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
msgstr ""
-"Die Suche kann nach folgenden Kriterien eingegrenzt werden: Titel, Autor, Motiv/Thema, Epoche, Literaturgattung und Gattungsart. \n"
+"Die Suche kann nach folgenden Kriterien eingegrenzt werden: Titel, Autor, "
+"Motiv/Thema, Epoche, Literaturgattung und Gattungsart. \n"
"\t\tDie Suche nach Text-Phrasen wird momentan nicht unterstützt."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgstr "Dein Bücherregal ist leer"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Du kannst das Buch aufs Regal ablegen, indem du \" aufs Regal!\" - Button anklickst."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Du kannst das Buch aufs Regal ablegen, indem du \" aufs Regal!\" - Button "
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Wähle Buchformate aus, die du herunterladen möchtest:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "drucken mit"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "bearbeiten mit"
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr " Stiftung"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Liste der Buchformate auf dem Regal aktualisieren"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "löschen"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Teile dieses Bücherregal"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:50
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Kopiere diesen Link und verschicke an Personen, mit denen du dein Bücherregal teilen willst."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Kopiere diesen Link und verschicke an Personen, mit denen du dein "
+"Bücherregal teilen willst."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Lies Werkanalyse dieses Autors unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:62
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Lies Werkanalyse dieses Autors unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:64
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Lies Werkanalyse dieses Autors unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:66
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Lies Werkanalyse dieses Autors unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:68
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related study on"
msgstr "Lies Werkanalyse dieses Autors unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:76
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lies den Beitrag über diesen Autor auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:78
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lies den Beitrag über diesen Autor auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lies den Beitrag über diesen Autor auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lies den Beitrag über diesen Autor auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:84
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lies den Beitrag über diesen Autor auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Die Werke dieses Autors sind urheberrechtlich geschützt."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:105
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Dieses Werk ist zur öffentlichen Nutzung vorgesehen und wird bald in der Internetbibliothek Wolne Lektury veröffentlicht sein."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:109
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Die Werke dieses Autors werden bald zur öffentlichen Nutzung freigestellt und können in der Zukunft ohne weitere Einschränkungen veröffentlicht werden."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:111
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Finde heraus, warum Internet-Bibliotheken zu den Werken dieses Autors den Zugang verwähren."
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
msgstr "löschen"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:10
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below if you want to"
-msgstr "Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues Bücherregal erstellen."
+msgstr ""
+"Keine neue Bücherregale vorhanden. Wenn du willst, kannst du ein neues "
+"Bücherregal erstellen."
#: templates/info/base.html:10
msgid "return to the main page"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
-msgstr "Auf unserer Hompage Wolne Lektury wurden bereits etwa 1000 Werke veröffentlicht! Helfe uns bei der Mitgestaltung und Veröffentlichung neuer Schullektüren, indem du uns eine Spende in Höhe von 1% deiner Steuerabgaben übergibst."
+msgstr ""
+"Auf unserer Hompage Wolne Lektury wurden bereits etwa 1200 Werke "
+"veröffentlicht! Helfe uns bei der Mitgestaltung und Veröffentlichung neuer "
+"Schullektüren, indem du uns eine Spende in Höhe von 1% deiner Steuerabgaben "
#: templates/info/join_us.html:5 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
"Become an editor of Wolne Lektury! Find out if\n"
"we're currently working on a reading you're looking for and prepare\n"
"a publication by yourself by logging into the Editorial Platform."
-msgstr "Werde Redakteur/in bei Wolne Lektury! Schau, ob wir gerade an der Veröffentlichung der Schullektüre arbeiten, die du ausgesucht hast. Um eigene Texte zu veröffentlichen, musst du vorher auf unserer redaktionellen Online-Plattform eingeloggt sein. "
+msgstr ""
+"Werde Redakteur/in bei Wolne Lektury! Schau, ob wir gerade an der "
+"Veröffentlichung der Schullektüre arbeiten, die du ausgesucht hast. Um "
+"eigene Texte zu veröffentlichen, musst du vorher auf unserer redaktionellen "
+"Online-Plattform eingeloggt sein. "
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "next"
msgstr "vor"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Die Werke dieses Autors sind urheberrechtlich geschützt."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Finde heraus</"
+"a>, warum Internet-Bibliotheken zu den Werken dieses Autors den "
+"Zugang verwähren."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Werk ist zur öffentlichen Nutzung vorgesehen und wird bald in der "
+"Internetbibliothek Wolne Lektury veröffentlicht sein."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Werke dieses Autors werden bald zur öffentlichen Nutzung freigestellt "
+"und können in der Zukunft ohne weitere Einschränkungen veröffentlicht werden."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Werk ist zur öffentlichen Nutzung vorgesehen und wird bald in der "
+"Internetbibliothek Wolne Lektury veröffentlicht sein."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Werk wird bald zur öffentlichen Nutzung freigestellt und kann in der "
+"Zukunft ohne weitere Einschränkungen veröffentlicht werden"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Finde heraus</"
+"a>, warum Internet-Bibliotheken die Werke dieses Autors nicht "
+"veröffentlichen dürfen."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "Dieses Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt."
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "ODT-Datei herunterladen"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Liest"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "Führt Regie"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "MP3-Datei herunterladen"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Ogg Vorbis-Datei herunterladen"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "DAISY10-Datei herunterladen"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "Siehe Bücherliste"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "in unserer Sammlung"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "Polnisch"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-25 10:23+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:19
+#: templates/base.html:20
msgid ""
"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:37 templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:92
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:96
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:69
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:85 templates/ templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
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#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:31
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#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:22
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:19
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:108 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:148
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:157
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr ""
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
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-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
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+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr ""
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
-msgid "Download TXT"
-msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:67
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:68
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:95
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:105
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:123
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:125
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr ""
msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid ""
-"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
-"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid ""
-"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
-"published without restrictions in"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
+msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
+msgid "Themes"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
-msgid "Table of contents"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:146
-msgid "Themes"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
msgstr ""
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+msgid "all books"
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
msgid ""
"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
"to your shelf."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
msgid ""
"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
msgid ""
"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:140
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
msgid ""
"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
"only due to support of our volunteers."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
msgid ""
"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
"Wolne Lektury."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr ""
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
msgid ""
"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:62
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:64
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:66
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:68
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
msgid "Read related study on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:76
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:78
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
#, python-format
msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
#, python-format
msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
#, python-format
msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:84
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:105
-msgid ""
-"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
-"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:109
-msgid ""
-"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
-"be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:111
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
-#, python-format
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
msgstr ""
#: templates/pagination/pagination.html:23
msgid "next"
msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr ""
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-25 10:24+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:49\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
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msgstr "Página no existe"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "Lo sentimos, esta página no existe. Comprueba si la dirección es correcta o ve a la"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"Lo sentimos, esta página no existe. Comprueba si la dirección es correcta o "
+"ve a la"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "Error del servidor"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
-msgstr "<p>La página actualmente no está disponible. Mientras tanto visita nuestro <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Informa a nuestros <a href=''>administradores</a> sobre el error.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p>La página actualmente no está disponible. Mientras tanto "
+"visita nuestro <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> "
+"<p>Informa a nuestros <a href='"
+"pl'>administradores</a> sobre el error.</p>"
#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
msgstr "La página no está disponible debido al mantenimiento."
-#: templates/base.html:19
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Internet Explorer no puede mostrar esta página correctamente. Haz clic aquí para saber más..."
+#: templates/base.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Internet Explorer no puede mostrar esta página correctamente. Haz clic aquí "
+"para saber más..."
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Bienvenido(a)"
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr "Tus estantes"
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administración"
-#: templates/base.html:37 templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Cerrar sesión"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:92
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:96
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrarse"
-#: templates/base.html:69
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury es un proyecto dirigido por <a href=\"\"> la Fundación Polonia Moderna</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tReproducciones digitales están preparadas por <a href=\"\">La Biblioteca Nacional</a>, en base de los recursos de la BN. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury es un proyecto dirigido por <a href=\"http://"
+"\"> la Fundación Polonia Moderna</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tReproducciones digitales están preparadas por <a href=\"http://www."
+"\">La Biblioteca Nacional</a>, en base de los recursos de la BN. \n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
"\t\t\t\t "
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tFundación Polonia Moderna, c/ Marszałkowska 84/92, lok. 125, 00-514 Varsovia, tel/fax: +48 (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tFundación Polonia Moderna, c/ Marszałkowska 84/92, lok. 125, 00-514 "
+"Varsovia, tel/fax: +48 (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
-#: templates/base.html:85 templates/ templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
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msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
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-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:148
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+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
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#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
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-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:157
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
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msgstr "Cargando"
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#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
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+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
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#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "volver a la página principal"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Lista de las obras en"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr "Lista de las obras"
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr "en"
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Descargar EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "Descargar ODT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Descargar TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Artista"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "Director"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:67
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "Descargar MP3"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:68
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Descargar Ogg Vorbis"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "Descargar DAISY"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:95
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:105
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Época"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Género"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Subgénero"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:123
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Otros recursos"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:125
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Libro en wiki del proyecto"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Fuente del libro"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Descripción del libro en"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Descripción del libro en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Temas de la obra"
msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr "Lista de las obras"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Índice"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "¡Poner un libro en el estante!"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorías"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Esta obra se encuentra en el dominio público y pronto será publicada en la biblioteca electrónica de Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Esta obra entrará en los recursos del dominio público y podrá ser publicada sin restricciones en"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Entérate por qué las bibliotecas virtuales no pueden publicar esta obra."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "Esta obra está protegida por los derechos de autor."
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Índice"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Lista de las obras en"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr "Lista de las obras"
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar toda la categoría"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Ver más"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Esconder"
msgstr "Estentes que contienen este fragmento"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
msgstr "No tienes ningún estante. Puedes crear uno abajo si quieres."
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Ver en el libro"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "Verificar la lista de libros"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "en nuestra colección"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "¡Poner un libro"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Mirar los libros según categoría"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr "en"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Tus estantes con libros"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "borrar"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Crear un estante"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Crea tu propia colección de libros. Puedes compartirla con tus amigos enviándoles el enlace a tu estante."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Crea tu propia colección de libros. Puedes compartirla con tus amigos "
+"enviándoles el enlace a tu estante."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Tienes que"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "iniciar la sesión"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "para organizar tus estantes."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Materiales para los profesores"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Esquemas de clases y otras ideas para usar en la enseñanza."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Esquemas de clases y otras ideas para usar en la enseñanza."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "son grabaciones profesionales de textos literarios de nuestro depósito. Están disponibles gratis en formatos MP3, Ogg Vorbis y en el sistema DAISY. "
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"son grabaciones profesionales de textos literarios de nuestro depósito. "
+"Están disponibles gratis en formatos MP3, Ogg Vorbis y en el sistema DAISY. "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autores"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Géneros"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Subgéneros"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:140
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Épocas"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Temas y motivos"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Grupos de temas"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "Noticias"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Ver nuestro blog"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "¡Puedes ayudarnos!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Hacemos todo lo posible para elaborar las obras de nuestra biblioteca con la mayor perfección. Esto es posible sólo gracias al apoyo de nuestros voluntarios."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Hacemos todo lo posible para elaborar las obras de nuestra biblioteca con la "
+"mayor perfección. Esto es posible sólo gracias al apoyo de nuestros "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Invitamos a todos quienes quieren formar parte en el desarrollo de la biblioteca virtual de Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Invitamos a todos quienes quieren formar parte en el desarrollo de la "
+"biblioteca virtual de Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Sobre nosotros"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tLa biblioteca virtual con lecturas “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>)es un proyecto creado por la Fundación Polonia Moderna. Había comenzado su actividad en el año 2007 y está compartiendo las lecturas recomendadas por el Ministerio de la Educación Nacional y que son del dominio público.\n"
+"\t\t\tLa biblioteca virtual con lecturas “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"http://"
+"\"></a>)es un proyecto creado por la "
+"Fundación Polonia Moderna. Había comenzado su actividad en el año 2007 y "
+"está compartiendo las lecturas recomendadas por el Ministerio de la "
+"Educación Nacional y que son del dominio público.\n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Buscar en"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
-msgstr "Lo sentimos, no hay resultados que corresponden con los criterios de la búsqueda."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo sentimos, no hay resultados que corresponden con los criterios de la "
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
msgstr ""
-"El buscador admite los criterios siguientes: título, autor, tema/motivo, época, género y subgénero.\n"
+"El buscador admite los criterios siguientes: título, autor, tema/motivo, "
+"época, género y subgénero.\n"
"\t\tActualmente no admitimos la búsqueda de texto entero."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgstr "Tu estante está vacío"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Puedes poner un libro en el estante entrando en la página de aquella lectura y haciendo clic en \"Poner en el estante\"."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Puedes poner un libro en el estante entrando en la página de aquella lectura "
+"y haciendo clic en \"Poner en el estante\"."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Elige formatos de los libros que quieres descargar:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "e imprimir"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "y editar"
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr "Fundación"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Actualizando la lista de formatos de los libros en el estante"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "cancelar"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Compartir este estante"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:50
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Copia este enlace y compártelo con otros para que puedan ver tu estante. "
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Copia este enlace y compártelo con otros para que puedan ver tu estante. "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Leer el estudio sobre las obras de este autor en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:62
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Leer el estudio sobre las obras de este autor en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:64
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Leer el estudio sobre las obras de este autor en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:66
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Leer el estudio sobre las obras de este autor en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:68
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related study on"
msgstr "Leer el estudio sobre las obras de este autor en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:76
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Leer el artículo sobre este autor en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:78
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Leer el artículo sobre este autor en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Leer el artículo sobre este autor en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Leer el artículo sobre este autor en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:84
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Leer el artículo sobre este autor en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Las obras de este autor están protegidas por los derechos de autor."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:105
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Las obras de este autor se encuentran en el dominio público y pronto serán publicadas en la biblioteca virtual de Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:109
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Las obras de este autor entrarán en los recursos del dominio público y podrán ser publicadas sin restricciones en "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:111
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Entérate por qué las bibliotecas virtuales no pueden publicar las obras de este autor."
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
msgstr "borrar"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
msgstr ""
-"¡Hay más que 1000 obras publicadas en Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"¡Hay más que 1200 obras publicadas en Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Ayúdanos a desarrollar la biblioteca y publicar nuevas lecturas gratis\n"
"haciendo una donación o transfiriendo 1% de tus impuestos."
msgid "next"
msgstr "siguiente"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Las obras de este autor están protegidas por los derechos de autor."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Entérate</"
+"a> por qué las bibliotecas virtuales no pueden publicar las obras de "
+"este autor."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Las obras de este autor se encuentran en el dominio público y pronto serán "
+"publicadas en la biblioteca virtual de Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Las obras de este autor entrarán en los recursos del dominio público y "
+"podrán ser publicadas sin restricciones en "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta obra se encuentra en el dominio público y pronto será publicada en la "
+"biblioteca electrónica de Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Esta obra entrará en los recursos del dominio público y podrá ser publicada "
+"sin restricciones en"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Entérate</"
+"a> por qué las bibliotecas virtuales no pueden publicar esta obra."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "Esta obra está protegida por los derechos de autor."
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "Descargar ODT"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Artista"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "Director"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "Descargar MP3"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Descargar Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "Descargar DAISY"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "Verificar la lista de libros"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "en nuestra colección"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "polaco"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-25 14:29+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-07 20:23+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "polonais"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "allemand"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "anglais"
-msgid "Lithuanian"
-msgstr "lituanien"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "français"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "russe"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "espagnol"
-msgid "Ukrainian"
-msgstr "ukrainien"
-#: templates/404.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/404.html:6 templates/
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "La page n'existe pas"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "Désolé, cette page n'existe pas. Vérifiez si vous avez introduit l'adresse correcte ou allez à"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"Désolé, cette page n'existe pas. Vérifiez si vous avez introduit l'adresse "
+"correcte ou allez à"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "l'accueil"
-#: templates/500.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/500.html:6 templates/
msgid "Server error"
msgstr "Erreur du serveur"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
-msgstr "<p> Le site est temporairement inaccessible. En attendant, visitez notre <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p> Informez nos <a href=''> administrateurs </a> de l'erreur.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p> Le site est temporairement inaccessible. En attendant, "
+"visitez notre <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p> "
+"Informez nos <a href=''> "
+"administrateurs </a> de l'erreur.</p>"
-#: templates/503.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Service inaccessible"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr "Le site est temporairement inaccessible en raison d'opérations de maintenance."
+msgstr ""
+"Le site est temporairement inaccessible en raison "
+"d'opérations de maintenance."
#: templates/base.html:20
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Internet Explorer ne peut pas afficher ce site correctement. Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus..."
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Internet Explorer ne peut pas afficher ce site correctement. Cliquer ici "
+"pour en savoir plus..."
#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
+msgid "Report a bug"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Déconnexion"
-#: templates/base.html:41
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:91
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:4
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:12
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Connexion"
-#: templates/base.html:41
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:95
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:7
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:23
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Créer un compte"
-#: templates/base.html:51
-msgid "Choose your interface language: "
-msgstr "Choisir la langue de l'interface"
-#: templates/base.html:56
-msgid "Choose language"
-msgstr "Choisir la langue"
-#: templates/base.html:68
+#: templates/base.html:70
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tLectures libres et un projet réalisé par la <a href=\"\">Fondation Pologne Moderne </a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tReproductions numériques faites par <a href=\"\">la Bibliothèque nationale</a>, basées sur ses ressources. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tLectures libres et un projet réalisé par la <a href=\"http://"
+"\">Fondation Pologne Moderne </a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tReproductions numériques faites par <a href=\""
+"\">la Bibliothèque nationale</a>, basées sur ses ressources. \n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
-#: templates/base.html:75
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\t Fondation Pologne Moderne, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\t Fondation Pologne Moderne, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
-#: templates/base.html:84
-#: templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:31
-#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:23
+#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
+#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:22
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:19
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
-#: templates/base.html:107
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:33
-#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:25
+#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
+#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:143
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Chargement en cours"
-#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4
-#: templates/admin/
+#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4 templates/admin/
msgid "Site administration"
msgstr "Site de l'administrateur"
msgid "Register on"
msgstr "Régistrer sur"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/breadcrumbs.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-#: templates/info/base.html:10
+#: templates/catalogue/breadcrumbs.html:21
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Chercher"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
-#: templates/info/base.html:10
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "retour à l'accueil"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Liste alphabétique des oeuvres sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr "sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:17
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:29
msgid "Work is licensed under "
msgstr "Oeuvre sous licence "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:31
msgid "Based on"
msgstr "Basé sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:24
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:27
-msgid "Hide description"
-msgstr "Cacher la description"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:27
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
msgid "Put a book"
msgstr "Mettre le livre"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:27
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
msgid "on the shelf!"
msgstr "sur l'étagère"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:31
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:44
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Lire en ligne"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:34
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:37
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "Télécharger un fichier ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Download EPUB"
+msgstr "Télécharger un fichier PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:45
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Artiste"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "Metteur en scène"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "Télécharger un fichier MP3"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:52
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Télécharger un fichier Ogg Vorbis"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "Télécharger un fichier DAISY"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:79
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Auteur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:88
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoque"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Type"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:100
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Genre"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:106
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Autres ressources"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:108
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Le livre sur le wiki du projet"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:109
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Source du livre"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Description du livre sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Description du livre sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:119
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Les thèmes de l'oeuvre"
msgstr "du livre"
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:7
-msgid "Alphabetical listing of works on"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all works on"
msgstr "Liste alphabétique des oeuvres sur"
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:10
-msgid "Alphabetical listing of works"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr "Liste alphabétique des oeuvres"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Tables des matières"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Mettre le livre sur l'étagère!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3 templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
+msgid "Create new shelf"
+msgstr "Créer une étagère nouvelle"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une au-dessous, si vous voulez."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une au-dessous, si "
+"vous voulez."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgstr "Mettre sur l'étagère!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:16
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
-msgid "Create new shelf"
-msgstr "Créer une étagère nouvelle"
#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:14
msgid "Jump to"
msgstr "Aller à"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Cette oeuvre est dans le domaine public et va être prochainement publiée dans la bibliothèque en ligne Wolne Lektury"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Cette oeuvre sera dans le domaine public et il sera possible de la publier sans restrictions en "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Apprendre pourquoi les bibliothéques en ligne ne peuvent pas publier cette oeuvre."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "Cette oeuvre est protégée par le droit d'auteur"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Tables des matières"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Thèmes"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Liste alphabétique des oeuvres sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
+msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:4
msgid "Show full category"
msgstr "Montrer la catégorie entière"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Voir plus"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Cacher"
msgstr "Etagères qui contiennent l'extrait"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une au-dessous, si vous voulez."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une au-dessous, si "
+"vous voulez."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les étagères"
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:7
msgid "Expand fragment"
msgstr "Montrer l'extrait"
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:12
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:13
msgid "Hide fragment"
msgstr "Cacher l'extrait"
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:17
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:18
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Voir dans le livre"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "consultation de la liste des livres"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "dans notre répertoire"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "Mettre le livre"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Regarder les livres selon catégories"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr "sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Vos étagères avec les livres"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "supprimer"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Créer une étagère"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Créer votre propre choix des livres. Vous pouvez les partager avec les amis en leur envoyant le lien à votre étagère."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Créer votre propre choix des livres. Vous pouvez les partager avec les amis "
+"en leur envoyant le lien à votre étagère."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Vous devez "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "vous connecter"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "pour gérer vos étagères."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Fiches pour les enseignants"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Plans des leçons et autres idées pour utiliser à enseigner."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Plans des leçons et autres idées pour utiliser à enseigner."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "sont des enregistrements professionnels des textes littéraires de notre répertoire, accessibles gratuitment au format MP3 et Ogg Vorbis ainsi que dans le système DAISY."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"sont des enregistrements professionnels des textes littéraires de notre "
+"répertoire, accessibles gratuitment au format MP3 et Ogg Vorbis ainsi que "
+"dans le système DAISY."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Auteurs"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Types"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:122
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Genres"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Epoques"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Thèmes et sujets"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Groupes des thèmes"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "Actualités"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Voir notre blog"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Vous pouvez nous aider"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Nous essayons de rédiger les oeuvres ajoutées à notre bibliothèque le mieux possible. C'est possible grâce à l'aide des nos bénévoles."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Nous essayons de rédiger les oeuvres ajoutées à notre bibliothèque le mieux "
+"possible. C'est possible grâce à l'aide des nos bénévoles."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Nous invitons ceux qui veulent participer au développement du bibliothèque en ligne Lectures Libres."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Nous invitons ceux qui veulent participer au développement du bibliothèque "
+"en ligne Lectures Libres."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Qui sommes-nous?"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tBibliothèque en ligne avec lectures scolaires “Wolne Lektury” (Lectures Libres) (<a href=\"\"></a>) est un projet de la Fondation Pologne Moderne. Il a été lancé en 2007 et il comprend des lectures scolaires recommendées par le Ministère de l'éducation nationale qui sont dans le domaine public.\n"
+"\t\t\tBibliothèque en ligne avec lectures scolaires “Wolne "
+"Lektury” (Lectures Libres) (<a href=\"\">www."
+"</a>) est un projet de la Fondation Pologne Moderne. Il a été "
+"lancé en 2007 et il comprend des lectures scolaires recommendées par le "
+"Ministère de l'éducation nationale qui sont dans le domaine public.\n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Recherche dans"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
-msgstr "Nous sommes désolés, aucune ressource ne répond au critères de recherche."
+msgstr ""
+"Nous sommes désolés, aucune ressource ne répond au critères de recherche."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
msgstr ""
-"Le moteur de recherche permet de chercher selon le titre, auteur, sujet/thème, époque, type et genre.\n"
+"Le moteur de recherche permet de chercher selon le titre, auteur, sujet/"
+"thème, époque, type et genre.\n"
"\t\tPour le moment nous n'assuront pas la recherche dans le texte entière."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgid "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters."
-msgstr "Nous sommes désolés, pour effectuer la recherche il faut entrer au moins deux caractères."
+msgstr ""
+"Nous sommes désolés, pour effectuer la recherche il faut entrer au moins "
+"deux caractères."
#: templates/catalogue/tag_list.html:4
msgid "See full category"
msgstr "Votre étagère est vide"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez mettre un livre sur l'étagère en entrant sur sa page et cliquant \"Mettre sur l'étagère\"."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez mettre un livre sur l'étagère en entrant sur sa page et cliquant "
+"\"Mettre sur l'étagère\"."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:31
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Télécharger tous les livres de cette étagère"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:35
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Choisir le format du livre à télécharger:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgstr "pour lire"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "et imprimer avec"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "et rédiger avec"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
msgstr "sur petits écrans, par exemple téléphones portables"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "pour écouter"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "on favourite MP3 player"
msgstr "sur baladeur MP3 préféré"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "open format"
msgstr "format ouvert"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr "Fondation "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Télécharger"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Mettre à jour la liste des formats des livres sur l'étagère"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "annuler"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:46
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Partager l'étagère"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Copier le lien et partager avec les autres pour qu'ils puissent voir votre étagère"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Copier le lien et partager avec les autres pour qu'ils puissent voir votre "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Lire l'étude sur cet auteur sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "Read study of epoch"
-msgstr "Lire l'étude de l'époque"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Lire l'étude sur cet auteur sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "on"
-msgstr "sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Lire l'étude sur cet auteur sur"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Lire l'étude sur cet auteur sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related study on"
+msgstr "Lire l'étude sur cet auteur sur"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Lire l'article sur cet auteur sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "Read article about epoch"
-msgstr "Lire l'article sur cette époque"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "on Wikipedia"
-msgstr "sur Wikipédia"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Lire l'article sur cet auteur sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Lire l'article sur cet auteur sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:88
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Les oeuvres de cet auteurs sont protégées par le droit d'auteur"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Lire l'article sur cet auteur sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:91
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Les oeuvres de cet auteur sont dans le domaine public et vont être prochainement publiées dans la bibliothèque en ligne Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Lire l'article sur cet auteur sur Wikipédia"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Les oeuvres de cet auteur seront dans le domaine public et il sera possible de les publier sans restrictions en"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:97
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Lire pourquoi les bibliothèques en ligne ne peuvent pas publier les oeuvres de cet auteur."
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Supprimer"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:10
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below if you want to"
-msgstr "Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une en-dessus, si vous voulez."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous ne possédez aucune étagère. Vous pouvez en créer une en-dessus, si vous "
#: templates/info/base.html:10
msgid "return to the main page"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
msgstr ""
-"Il y a plus de 1000 oeuvres publiées sur Lectures libres!\n"
-"Aidez-nous à développer la bibliothèque et mettre de textes nouveaux à disposition gratuite en\n"
+"Il y a plus de 1200 oeuvres publiées sur Lectures libres!\n"
+"Aidez-nous à développer la bibliothèque et mettre de textes nouveaux à "
+"disposition gratuite en\n"
"faisant une donation ou en nous transmettant 1% de votre impôt sur le revenu."
-#: templates/info/join_us.html:5
-#: templates/info/
+#: templates/info/join_us.html:5 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Plus..."
msgid "next"
msgstr "suivant"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Les oeuvres de cet auteurs sont protégées par le droit d'auteur"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Lire pourquoi</"
+"a> les bibliothèques en ligne ne peuvent pas publier les oeuvres "
+"de cet auteur."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Les oeuvres de cet auteur sont dans le domaine public et vont être "
+"prochainement publiées dans la bibliothèque en ligne Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Les oeuvres de cet auteur seront dans le domaine public et il sera possible "
+"de les publier sans restrictions en"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette oeuvre est dans le domaine public et va être prochainement publiée "
+"dans la bibliothèque en ligne Wolne Lektury"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Cette oeuvre sera dans le domaine public et il sera possible de la publier "
+"sans restrictions en "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Apprendre pourquoi</"
+"a> les bibliothéques en ligne ne peuvent pas publier cette "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "Cette oeuvre est protégée par le droit d'auteur"
+#~ msgid "Polish"
+#~ msgstr "polonais"
+#~ msgid "German"
+#~ msgstr "allemand"
+#~ msgid "English"
+#~ msgstr "anglais"
+#~ msgid "Lithuanian"
+#~ msgstr "lituanien"
+#~ msgid "French"
+#~ msgstr "français"
+#~ msgid "Russian"
+#~ msgstr "russe"
+#~ msgid "Spanish"
+#~ msgstr "espagnol"
+#~ msgid "Ukrainian"
+#~ msgstr "ukrainien"
+#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
+#~ msgstr "Choisir la langue de l'interface"
+#~ msgid "Choose language"
+#~ msgstr "Choisir la langue"
+#~ msgid "Hide description"
+#~ msgstr "Cacher la description"
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier ODT"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Artiste"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "Metteur en scène"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier MP3"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier DAISY"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "consultation de la liste des livres"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "dans notre répertoire"
+#~ msgid "Read study of epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Lire l'étude de l'époque"
+#~ msgid "on"
+#~ msgstr "sur"
+#~ msgid "Read article about epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Lire l'article sur cette époque"
+#~ msgid "on Wikipedia"
+#~ msgstr "sur Wikipédia"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-25 14:29+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 22:39+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Alicja Sinkiewicz <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Translated-Using: django-rosetta 0.5.3\n"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Lenkų"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Vokiečių"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Anglų "
-msgid "Lithuanian"
-msgstr "Lietuvių"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Prancūzų"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Rusų"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Ispanų"
-msgid "Ukrainian"
-msgstr "Ukrainiečių"
-#: templates/404.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/404.html:6 templates/
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "Tinklapis neegzistuoja"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
msgstr "Atsiprašom, bet svetainė neveike"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "pagrindinis puslapis"
-#: templates/500.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/500.html:6 templates/
msgid "Server error"
msgstr "serverio klaida"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
msgstr ""
-"<p>Servisas yra laikinai neprieinamas. Aplankyk mūsų <a href=''>blogą</a></p>\n"
-"<p>Powiadom <a href=''>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
+"<p>Servisas yra laikinai neprieinamas. Aplankyk mūsų "
+"<a href=''>blogą</a></p>\n"
+"<p>Powiadom <a href='"
+"pl'>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
-#: templates/503.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Servisas neprieinamas"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr "Servisas pastaruoju metu yra neprieinamas del konservavimo darbų"
+msgstr ""
+"Servisas pastaruoju metu yra neprieinamas del "
+"konservavimo darbų"
#: templates/base.html:20
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Internet Explorer nie sugeba teisingai parodyti šio tinklapio. Paspausti čia, kad sužinoti daugiau..."
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Internet Explorer nie sugeba teisingai parodyti šio tinklapio. Paspausti "
+"čia, kad sužinoti daugiau..."
#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administracija "
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
+msgid "Report a bug"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Atsijungti"
-#: templates/base.html:41
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:91
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:4
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:12
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+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Prisijungti "
-#: templates/base.html:41
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:95
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:7
-#: templates/auth/
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+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registruotis "
-#: templates/base.html:51
-msgid "Choose your interface language: "
-msgstr "Pasirink sąsajos kalbą:"
-#: templates/base.html:56
-msgid "Choose language"
-msgstr "Pasirink kalbą"
-#: templates/base.html:68
+#: templates/base.html:70
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Projektą Laisvoji Literatura veda <a href=\"\"> Šiuolaikines Lenkijos Fondas</a>. \n"
-"Skaitmenines reprodukcijas paruoše <a href=\"\">Lenkijos Tautinė Biblioteka</a> egzemplioriai paskolinti iš Lenkijos Tautinės Bibliotekos.\n"
+"Projektą Laisvoji Literatura veda <a href=\""
+"\"> Šiuolaikines Lenkijos Fondas</a>. \n"
+"Skaitmenines reprodukcijas paruoše <a href=\""
+"\">Lenkijos Tautinė Biblioteka</a> egzemplioriai paskolinti iš Lenkijos "
+"Tautinės Bibliotekos.\n"
"Hosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>."
-#: templates/base.html:75
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tŠiuolaikines Lenkijos Fondas, 00-514 Varšuva, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 butas 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>"
-#: templates/base.html:84
-#: templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
+"\t\t\t\tŠiuolaikines Lenkijos Fondas, 00-514 Varšuva, ul. Marszałkowska "
+"84/92 butas 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"mailto:"
+"a>Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. "
+"125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"mailto:"
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
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-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Uždaryk "
-#: templates/base.html:107
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
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#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
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+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Krovimas"
-#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4
-#: templates/admin/
+#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4 templates/admin/
msgid "Site administration"
msgstr "Tinklapio administracija"
msgid "Register on"
msgstr "Registruotis į"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
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msgid "Search"
msgstr "ieškojimas"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
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#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
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-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
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+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "gryžk į pagrindinį puslapį"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Kūriniu sąrašas"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr "Kūriniu sąrašas"
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:17
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:29
msgid "Work is licensed under "
msgstr "Kūrinys yra prieinamas su licencija "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:31
msgid "Based on"
msgstr "Pagal motyvus"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:24
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:27
-msgid "Hide description"
-msgstr "Suvyniok aprašymą "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:27
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
msgid "Put a book"
msgstr "Prijung literatūrą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:27
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
msgid "on the shelf!"
msgstr "į lentyną!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:31
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:44
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Skaityk online"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:34
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "atsisiųsk PDF failą"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "atsisiųsk EPUB failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:37
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "atsisiųsk ODT failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "atsisiųsk TXT failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:45
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "artistas"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "vadovas"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "atsisiųsk MP3 failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:52
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "atsisiųsk Ogg Vorbis failą"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "atsisiųsk DAISY failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:79
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "detalės "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autorius"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:88
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Gadynė"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Rūšis "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:100
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Padermė "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:106
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Kitose vietose"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:108
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Sukurk straipsnį apie knygą vikiprojekte"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:109
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Literaturos šaltinis"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Literaturos aprašymas"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Literaturos aprašymas Vikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:119
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Kūrinio motyvai"
msgstr "kūrinio"
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:7
-msgid "Listing of works on"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all works on"
msgstr "Kūriniu sąrašas"
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:10
-msgid "Listing of works"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr "Kūriniu sąrašas"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Turinys"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Įmesk knyga į lentyną! "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3 templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
+msgid "Create new shelf"
+msgstr "Sukurk naują lentyną"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
+msgstr ""
+"Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgstr "Įmesk į lentyną! "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:16
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
-msgid "Create new shelf"
-msgstr "Sukurk naują lentyną"
#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:14
msgid "Jump to"
msgstr "Santrumpa"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kūrinio kategorija "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Šis kūrinys randasi viešojoje srityje bet ne už ilgo bys paviešintas Laisvosios Literaturos internetinėje bibliotekoje. "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Šis kūrinys atsiras viešiojoje sryty ir gales buti viešintas be jokiu apriboimu už"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Sužinok kodėl internetines bibliotekos neprileidzia šio autoraus kūriniu."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "Šis kūrinis apimtas autoriaus teisę."
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Turinys"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Motyai"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Kūriniu sąrašas"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
+msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:4
msgid "Show full category"
msgstr "Apžiūrek visą kategoriją"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Apžiūrėk daugiau"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Suvyniok"
msgstr "Lentynos turinčios fragmentus "
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
+msgstr ""
+"Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
msgstr "Užsirašyk lentyną "
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:7
msgid "Expand fragment"
msgstr "Išplėsk fragmentą"
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:12
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:13
msgid "Hide fragment"
msgstr "Suvyniok fragmentą"
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:17
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:18
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Surask knygoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "patikrink knygų sąrašą"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "mūsų knygų rinkiny"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "Prijung literatūrą"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Peržiurinek literaturą pagal išrinktą kategoriją"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Tavo lentynos su literatura"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "pašalink"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Sukurk lentyną"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Sukurk savo knygų rinkiny. Gali juo veliau pasidalinti su kitais, persiūsk jiems nuorodą i tavo lentyną."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Sukurk savo knygų rinkiny. Gali juo veliau pasidalinti su kitais, persiūsk "
+"jiems nuorodą i tavo lentyną."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Gali"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "Prisijungti "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "Kad valdti savo lentynom."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Pagalbinės medžiagos mokytojams"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Pamokų scenarijai ir kiti sumanymai kaip panaudoti servisą mokslui."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Pamokų scenarijai ir kiti sumanymai kaip panaudoti servisą "
+" mokslui."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "Tai profesjonalus literaturinių tekstų garso įrašai, mūsų rinkinių laisvai prieinami šiuose įrašymo formatouse: MP3, Ogg Vorbis ir sistema DAISY."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"Tai profesjonalus literaturinių tekstų garso įrašai, mūsų rinkinių laisvai "
+"prieinami šiuose įrašymo formatouse: MP3, Ogg Vorbis ir sistema DAISY."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autoriai"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Rušys"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:122
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Padermės "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Gadynės"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Motyvai ir temos"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Motyvų grupė"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "žinios"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Aplankyk mūsų blogą"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Gali mums padėti!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Dėka savanorių apršymai kūriniu, kurie yra prijungemi i mūsų biblioteką yra kiekvieną kartą kruopščiai paruošti"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Dėka savanorių apršymai kūriniu, kurie yra prijungemi i mūsų biblioteką yra "
+"kiekvieną kartą kruopščiai paruošti"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Kviečiame visus, kurie nori kartu su mumi kurti mokykline internetine biblioteką Laisvoji Literatura."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Kviečiame visus, kurie nori kartu su mumi kurti mokykline internetine "
+"biblioteką Laisvoji Literatura."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Apie projektą"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tInternetine biblioteka \"Laisvoji Literatura\" ( siūlanti mokyklinę literaturą - tai Šiuolaikines Lenkijos Fondasto projektas. Fondas veike nou 2007 metų ir savo rinkinuose turi mokyklinę literaturą, kuri yra rekomenduojama per Švietimo ir Mokslo Ministeriją ir kuri jau pateko į viešią Interneto svetainę.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternetine biblioteka \"Laisvoji Literatura\" (www.laisvojiliteratura."
+"lt) siūlanti mokyklinę literaturą - tai Šiuolaikines Lenkijos "
+"Fondasto projektas. Fondas veike nou 2007 metų ir savo rinkinuose turi "
+"mokyklinę literaturą, kuri yra rekomenduojama per Švietimo ir "
+"Mokslo Ministeriją ir kuri jau\tpateko į viešią Interneto svetainę.\n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Ieškok šiame tinklapyje "
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr "Atsiprašom! Trūksta rezultatų atitinkančių užklausimui. "
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
-msgstr "Paieškos programa aptarnauja šiuos kriterijusi: kūrinio pavadinimas, autorius, motyvas/tema, gadynė, rušys ir padermė. Dabartiniu metu neaptarnaujame paieškos frazių kūrinio tekste. "
+msgstr ""
+"Paieškos programa aptarnauja šiuos kriterijusi: kūrinio pavadinimas, "
+"autorius, motyvas/tema, gadynė, rušys ir padermė. Dabartiniu metu "
+"neaptarnaujame paieškos frazių kūrinio tekste. "
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgid "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters."
msgstr "Tavo lentyna yra tuščia"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Gali įmesti knygą į lentyną, įeik į knygos tinklapį ir išrink \"Į lentyną\". "
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Gali įmesti knygą į lentyną, įeik į knygos tinklapį ir išrink \"Į lentyną"
+"\". "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:31
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Persisiųsk visas knygas iš šios lentynos"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:35
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Pasirink knygos persiuntimo formatą:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgstr "į skaitimą"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "ir spausdinti su pagalbą"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "ir edituoti su pagalbą "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
msgstr "ant displėjaus, pvz. mobilaus telefono "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "klausyti"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "on favourite MP3 player"
msgstr "numylėtam MP3 grotuve"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "open format"
msgstr "atviras formatas"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr "Fondo Xiph.Org"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Atsisiųsti"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Atnaujinti knygų formatų sąrašą lentynose. "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "anuliuoti"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:46
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Pasidalink šią lentyną."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Sukopijuok šią nuorodą ir persiusk ją tiems, su kuriais noru pasidalinti savo lentyną."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Sukopijuok šią nuorodą ir persiusk ją tiems, su kuriais noru pasidalinti "
+"savo lentyną."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Perskaityk šio autoriaus aprašymą tinklapį"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "Read study of epoch"
-msgstr "Perskaityk gadynės aprašymą"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Perskaityk šio autoriaus aprašymą tinklapį"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "on"
-msgstr "tinklapyje"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Perskaityk šio autoriaus aprašymą tinklapį"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Perskaityk šio autoriaus aprašymą tinklapį"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related study on"
+msgstr "Perskaityk šio autoriaus aprašymą tinklapį"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie autorių Wikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "Read article about epoch"
-msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie gadynę "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "on Wikipedia"
-msgstr "Vikipedijoje"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie autorių Wikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "pašalinti "
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie autorių Wikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:88
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Šio autoriaus kūriniai yra saugomi nepažeidžiant autorių teisės"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie autorių Wikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:91
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Šio autoriaus kūrinys jau yra viešoje Interneto svetaineję ir neužilgo bus paplatintas internetine bibliotekoje Laisvoji Literatura"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie autorių Wikipedijoje"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Šio autoriaus kūrinys neužilgo atsiras viešoje Interneto svetaineję ir gales but paplatinti be jokiu ribų"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:97
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Sužinok kodel šio autoriaus kūriniai negali būti platinti internetineje bibliotekoje"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "pašalinti "
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:10
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below if you want to"
-msgstr "Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
+msgstr ""
+"Neturi nei vienos lentynos. Jeigu nori gali žemiau sukurti naują lentyną."
#: templates/info/base.html:10
msgid "return to the main page"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
-msgstr "Tinklapyje Laisvoji Literatura rasi virš 1000 kūrinių! Padėk mums vystytis ir plėsti literaturą paskirk 1% pajamų mokesčio bibliotekai"
+msgstr ""
+"Tinklapyje Laisvoji Literatura rasi virš 1200 kūrinių! Padėk mums vystytis "
+"ir plėsti literaturą paskirk 1% pajamų mokesčio bibliotekai"
-#: templates/info/join_us.html:5
-#: templates/info/
+#: templates/info/join_us.html:5 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Daugiau..."
"Become an editor of Wolne Lektury! Find out if\n"
"we're currently working on a reading you're looking for and prepare\n"
"a publication by yourself by logging into the Editorial Platform."
-msgstr "Gali likti redaktoriumi Laisvojos Literaturos! Patikrink, ar pastaruoju metu ruošama yra publikacija jūsų ieškamos knygos ir savarankiškai paruošk publikacija – prisijung prie Redakcines Platformos."
+msgstr ""
+"Gali likti redaktoriumi Laisvojos Literaturos! Patikrink, ar pastaruoju metu "
+"ruošama yra publikacija jūsų ieškamos knygos ir savarankiškai paruošk "
+"publikacija – prisijung prie Redakcines Platformos."
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "next"
msgstr "sekantis "
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Šio autoriaus kūriniai yra saugomi nepažeidžiant autorių teisės"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Sužinok</"
+"a> kodel šio autoriaus kūriniai negali būti platinti internetineje "
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Šio autoriaus kūrinys jau yra viešoje Interneto svetaineję ir neužilgo bus "
+"paplatintas internetine bibliotekoje Laisvoji Literatura"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Šio autoriaus kūrinys neužilgo atsiras viešoje Interneto svetaineję ir "
+"gales but paplatinti be jokiu ribų"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Šis kūrinys randasi viešojoje srityje bet ne už ilgo bys paviešintas "
+"Laisvosios Literaturos internetinėje bibliotekoje. "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Šis kūrinys atsiras viešiojoje sryty ir gales buti viešintas be jokiu "
+"apriboimu už"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Sužinok</"
+"a> kodėl internetines bibliotekos neprileidzia šio autoraus kūriniu."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "Šis kūrinis apimtas autoriaus teisę."
+#~ msgid "Polish"
+#~ msgstr "Lenkų"
+#~ msgid "German"
+#~ msgstr "Vokiečių"
+#~ msgid "English"
+#~ msgstr "Anglų "
+#~ msgid "Lithuanian"
+#~ msgstr "Lietuvių"
+#~ msgid "French"
+#~ msgstr "Prancūzų"
+#~ msgid "Russian"
+#~ msgstr "Rusų"
+#~ msgid "Spanish"
+#~ msgstr "Ispanų"
+#~ msgid "Ukrainian"
+#~ msgstr "Ukrainiečių"
+#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
+#~ msgstr "Pasirink sąsajos kalbą:"
+#~ msgid "Choose language"
+#~ msgstr "Pasirink kalbą"
+#~ msgid "Hide description"
+#~ msgstr "Suvyniok aprašymą "
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk ODT failą"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "artistas"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "vadovas"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk MP3 failą"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk Ogg Vorbis failą"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk DAISY failą"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "patikrink knygų sąrašą"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "mūsų knygų rinkiny"
+#~ msgid "Read study of epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Perskaityk gadynės aprašymą"
+#~ msgid "on"
+#~ msgstr "tinklapyje"
+#~ msgid "Read article about epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Perskaityk straipsnį apie gadynę "
+#~ msgid "on Wikipedia"
+#~ msgstr "Vikipedijoje"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-01 13:29+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-01 15:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Radek Czajka <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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-#: templates/404.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/404.html:6 templates/
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "Podana strona nie istnieje"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "Przepraszamy, ale ta strona nie istnieje. Sprawdź czy podałeś dobry adres, lub przejdź do"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"Przepraszamy, ale ta strona nie istnieje. Sprawdź czy podałeś dobry adres, "
+"lub przejdź do"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "strony głównej"
-#: templates/500.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/500.html:6 templates/
msgid "Server error"
msgstr "Błąd serwera"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
msgstr ""
-"<p>Serwis jest chwilowo niedostępny. Odwiedź naszego <a href=''>bloga</a></p>\n"
-"<p>Powiadom <a href=''>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
+"<p>Serwis jest chwilowo niedostępny. Odwiedź naszego <a "
+"<p>Powiadom <a href='"
+"pl'>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
-#: templates/503.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Serwis niedostępny"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr "Serwis jest obecnie niedostępny z powodu prac konserwacyjnych."
+msgstr ""
+"Serwis jest obecnie niedostępny z powodu prac "
-#: templates/base.html:19
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Internet Explorer nie potrafi poprawnie wyświetlić tej strony. Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej..."
+#: templates/base.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Internet Explorer nie potrafi poprawnie wyświetlić tej strony. Kliknij "
+"tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej..."
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Witaj"
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr "Twoje półki"
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administracja"
-#: templates/base.html:37
-#: templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr "Zgłoś błąd"
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Wyloguj"
-#: templates/base.html:42
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:92
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:4
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:12
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
-#: templates/base.html:42
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:96
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:7
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:23
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Załóż konto"
-#: templates/base.html:69
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Wolne Lektury to projekt prowadzony przez <a href=\"\">Fundację Nowoczesna Polska</a>. \n"
-"Reprodukcje cyfrowe wykonane przez <a href=\"\">Bibliotekę Narodową</a> z egzemplarzy pochodzących ze zbiorów BN.\n"
+"Wolne Lektury to projekt prowadzony przez <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Fundację Nowoczesna Polska</a>. \n"
+"Reprodukcje cyfrowe wykonane przez <a href=\""
+"\">Bibliotekę Narodową</a> z egzemplarzy pochodzących ze zbiorów BN.\n"
"Hosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>. "
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>"
+"Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. "
+"125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"mailto:"
-#: templates/base.html:85
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
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+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"
-#: templates/base.html:108
-#: templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
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#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Ładowanie"
-#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4
-#: templates/admin/
+#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4 templates/admin/
msgid "Site administration"
msgstr "Administracja stroną"
msgid "Register on"
msgstr "Zarejestruj się w"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
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-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Szukaj"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
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-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr "lub"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "wróć do strony głównej"
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Pobierz plik EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "Pobierz plik ODT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Pobierz plik TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Czyta"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "Reżyseruje"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:67
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "Pobierz plik MP3"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:68
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Pobierz plik Ogg Vorbis"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:69
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "Pobierz plik DAISY"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:96
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "O utworze"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:100
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:106
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoka"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:112
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Rodzaj"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Gatunek"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "W innych miejscach"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Lektura na wiki projektu"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:127
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Źródło lektury"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Opis lektury w"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Opis lektury w Wikipedii"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:137
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Motywy w utworze"
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Wrzuć lekturę na półkę!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3 templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
msgid "Create new shelf"
msgstr "Utwórz nową półkę"
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę poniżej."
+msgstr ""
+"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15
-#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgstr "Wrzuć na półkę"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Utwór w kategoriach"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "To dzieło znajduje się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostanie opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "To dzieło przejdzie do zasobów domeny publicznej i będzie mogło być publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Dowiedz się, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego autora."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "To dzieło objęte jest prawem autorskim."
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Spis treści"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:147
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Motywy"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
msgstr "Spis wszystkich plików DAISY w"
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
-msgstr "Podane kryteria są niejednoznaczne. Proszę wybrać jedną z następujących możliwości:"
+msgstr ""
+"Podane kryteria są niejednoznaczne. Proszę wybrać jedną z następujących "
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:4
msgid "Show full category"
msgstr "Zobacz całą kategorię"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:282
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Zobacz więcej"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:262
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Zwiń"
msgstr "Półki zawierające fragment"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:40
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę poniżej."
+msgstr ""
+"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę "
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
msgid "see"
msgstr "zobacz"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
msgid "all books"
msgstr "wszystkie utwory"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
msgid "audiobooks"
msgstr "audiobooki"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
msgid "daisy"
msgstr "daisy"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Przeglądaj lektury według wybranych kategorii"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:22
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
msgstr "Widżet Wolne Lektury"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
-msgid "Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below onto your page:"
-msgstr "Umieść widżet – wyszukiwarkę Wolnych Lektur umożliwiającą dostęp do darmowych lektur i audiobooków – na swojej stronie WWW! Po prostu skopiuj poniższy kod HTML na swoją stronę:"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+"Umieść widżet – wyszukiwarkę Wolnych Lektur umożliwiającą dostęp do "
+"darmowych lektur i audiobooków – na swojej stronie WWW! Po prostu skopiuj "
+"poniższy kod HTML na swoją stronę:"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
msgstr "Umieść ten element w miejscu gdzie chcesz wyświetlić widżet"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:27
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
msgstr "Umieść ten element tuż przed zamknięciem taga body: </body>"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:31
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Twoje półki z lekturami"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:36
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "usuń"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Utwórz półkę"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:49
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Stwórz własny zestaw lektur. Możesz się nim później podzielić z innymi, przesyłając im link do Twojej półki."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Stwórz własny zestaw lektur. Możesz się nim później podzielić z innymi, "
+"przesyłając im link do Twojej półki."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Aby zarządzać swoimi półkami, musisz się"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "zalogować"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:53
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Materiały pomocnicze dla nauczycieli"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Scenariusze lekcji i inne pomysły na wykorzytanie serwisu podczas nauczania."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Scenariusze lekcji i inne pomysły na wykorzytanie serwisu "
+"podczas nauczania."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:59
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "to profesjonalne nagrania tekstów literackich z naszego zbioru dostępne na wolnej licencji w formatach MP3, Ogg Vorbis oraz w systemie DAISY."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"to profesjonalne nagrania tekstów literackich z naszego zbioru dostępne na "
+"wolnej licencji w formatach MP3, Ogg Vorbis oraz w systemie DAISY."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:129
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autorzy"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:133
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Rodzaje"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:137
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Gatunki"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:78
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Epoki"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:84
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Motywy i tematy"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Rodziny motywów"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:272
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "Aktualności"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:276
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Zobacz nasz blog"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Możesz nam pomóc!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:280
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Utwory włączane sukcesywnie do naszej biblioteki staramy się opracowywać jak najdokładniej. Jest to możliwe tylko dzięki współpracującym z nami wolontariuszom."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Utwory włączane sukcesywnie do naszej biblioteki staramy się opracowywać jak "
+"najdokładniej. Jest to możliwe tylko dzięki współpracującym z nami "
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:281
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby, które chcą współtworzyć szkolną bibliotekę internetową Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby, które chcą współtworzyć szkolną bibliotekę "
+"internetową Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:285
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "O projekcie"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"Biblioteka internetowa z lekturami szkolnymi „Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) to projekt realizowany przez Fundację Nowoczesna Polska. Działa od 2007 roku i udostępnia w swoich zbiorach lektury szkolne, które są zalecane do użytku przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i które trafiły już do domeny publicznej."
+"Biblioteka internetowa z lekturami szkolnymi „Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) to projekt realizowany "
+"przez Fundację Nowoczesna Polska. Działa od 2007 roku i udostępnia w swoich "
+"zbiorach lektury szkolne, które są zalecane do użytku przez Ministerstwo "
+"Edukacji Narodowej i które trafiły już do domeny publicznej."
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:5
msgstr "Wyszukiwanie w"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr "Przepraszamy! Brak wyników spełniających kryteria podane w zapytaniu."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
-msgstr "Wyszukiwarka obsługuje takie kryteria jak tytuł, autor, motyw/temat, epoka, rodzaj i gatunek utworu. Obecnie nie obsługujemy wyszukiwania fraz w tekstach utworów."
+msgstr ""
+"Wyszukiwarka obsługuje takie kryteria jak tytuł, autor, motyw/temat, epoka, "
+"rodzaj i gatunek utworu. Obecnie nie obsługujemy wyszukiwania fraz w "
+"tekstach utworów."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgid "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters."
msgstr "Twoja półka jest pusta"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Możesz wrzucić książkę na półkę, wchodząc na stronę danej lektury i klikając na przycisk „Na półkę!”."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Możesz wrzucić książkę na półkę, wchodząc na stronę danej lektury i klikając "
+"na przycisk „Na półkę!”."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Podziel się tą półką"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Skopiuj ten link i przekaż go osobom, z którymi chcesz się podzielić tą półką."
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Skopiuj ten link i przekaż go osobom, z którymi chcesz się podzielić tą "
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia utworów autora w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
-msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia z rodzaju %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
+msgstr ""
+"Przeczytaj omówienia z rodzaju %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
-msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia z gatunku %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
+msgstr ""
+"Przeczytaj omówienia z gatunku %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
msgid "Read related study on"
msgstr "Przeczytaj powiązane omówienia w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Przeczytaj artykuł o autorze w Wikipedii"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:103
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Dzieła tego autora objęte są prawem autorskim."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:106
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Dzieła tego autora znajdują się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostaną opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:110
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Dzieła tego autora przejdą do zasobów domeny publicznej i będą mogły być publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Dowiedz się, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego autora."
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
msgstr "usuń"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:10
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below if you want to"
-msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć półkę poniżej."
+msgstr ""
+"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć półkę poniżej."
#: templates/info/base.html:10
msgid "return to the main page"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
-msgstr "W serwisie Wolne Lektury już teraz opublikowanych jest ponad 1000 utworów! Pomóż w rozwijaniu biblioteki i uwalnianiu nowych lektur przekazując nam darowiznę lub 1% podatku."
+msgstr ""
+"W serwisie Wolne Lektury już teraz opublikowanych jest ponad 1200 utworów! "
+"Pomóż w rozwijaniu biblioteki i uwalnianiu nowych lektur przekazując nam "
+"darowiznę lub 1% podatku."
-#: templates/info/join_us.html:5
-#: templates/info/
+#: templates/info/join_us.html:5 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Więcej..."
"Become an editor of Wolne Lektury! Find out if\n"
"we're currently working on a reading you're looking for and prepare\n"
"a publication by yourself by logging into the Editorial Platform."
-msgstr "Zostań redaktorem lub redaktorką Wolnych Lektur! Sprawdź, czy obecnie pracujemy nad publikacją wyszukiwanej przez ciebie lektury i samodzielnie przygotuj publikację logując się na Platformie Redakcyjnej."
+msgstr ""
+"Zostań redaktorem lub redaktorką Wolnych Lektur! Sprawdź, czy obecnie "
+"pracujemy nad publikacją wyszukiwanej przez ciebie lektury i samodzielnie "
+"przygotuj publikację logując się na Platformie Redakcyjnej."
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "next"
msgstr "następny"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora objęte są prawem autorskim."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Dowiedz się</"
+"a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego "
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Dzieła tego autora znajdują się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostaną "
+"opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Dzieła tego autora przejdą do zasobów domeny publicznej i będą mogły być "
+"publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"To dzieło znajduje się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostanie opublikowane "
+"w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"To dzieło przejdzie do zasobów domeny publicznej i będzie mogło być "
+"publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Dowiedz się</"
+"a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "To dzieło objęte jest prawem autorskim."
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik ODT"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Czyta"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "Reżyseruje"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik MP3"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik DAISY"
#~ msgid "check list of books"
#~ msgstr "zobacz spis utworów"
#~ msgid "in our repository"
#~ msgstr "w naszym zbiorze"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "polski"
#~ msgid "German"
#~ msgstr "niemiecki"
#~ msgid "English"
#~ msgstr "angielski"
#~ msgid "Lithuanian"
#~ msgstr "litewski"
#~ msgid "French"
#~ msgstr "francuski"
#~ msgid "Russian"
#~ msgstr "rosyjski"
#~ msgid "Spanish"
#~ msgstr "hiszpański"
#~ msgid "Ukrainian"
#~ msgstr "ukraiński"
#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
#~ msgstr "Wybierz język interfejsu:"
#~ msgid "Choose language"
#~ msgstr "Wybierz język"
#~ msgid "Hide description"
#~ msgstr "Zwiń opis"
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 11:05\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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msgstr "Сайт не существует"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "Извините! Этот сайт не существует. Проверьте, пожалуйста, набрали ли вы хороший адрес или зайдите на"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"Извините! Этот сайт не существует. Проверьте, пожалуйста, набрали ли вы "
+"хороший адрес или зайдите на"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "Ошибка сервера"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
-msgstr "<p> The временно не работает. Тем времнем зайдите на <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p> The временно не работает. Тем времнем зайдите на <a "
+"href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr "По поводу технической поддрежки сайт The временно не работает."
+msgstr ""
+"По поводу технической поддрежки сайт The временно не "
-#: templates/base.html:19
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Internet Explorer не может хорошо показать сайта. Щелкните здесь, чтобы прочитать больше..."
+#: templates/base.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Internet Explorer не может хорошо показать сайта. Щелкните здесь, чтобы "
+"прочитать больше..."
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Добро пожаловать"
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr "Ваши полки"
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Администрация"
-#: templates/base.html:37 templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Выход"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:92
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+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
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msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Вход"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:96
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+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Зарегистроваться"
-#: templates/base.html:69
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
+"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
+"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury - это проект под управлением <a href=\"\"> Фонда Молодой Польши </a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\t Цифровые копии создаются <a href=\"\"> Народной бибиотеки </a>, основанной на ресурсах TNL. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury - это проект под управлением <a href=\"http://"
+"\"> Фонда Молодой Польши </a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\t Цифровые копии создаются <a href=\"\"> "
+"Народной бибиотеки </a>, основанной на ресурсах TNL. \n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tФонд Молодой Польши, 00-514 Варшава, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tФонд Молодой Польши, 00-514 Варшава, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. "
+"125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
-#: templates/base.html:85 templates/ templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
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+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Закройте"
-#: templates/base.html:108 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:148
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
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+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
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msgstr "Погрузка"
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msgid "Search"
msgstr "Поиск"
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#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
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+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
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msgid "or"
msgstr "или"
#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "возврат на главную страницу"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Список работ на"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr "Список работ"
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr "на"
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Скачать EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "Скачать ODT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Скачать TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Артист"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "режиссер"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:67
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "скачать MP3"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:68
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Скачать Ogg Vorbis"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "Скачать DAISY"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:95
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Подробнее"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:105
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "эпоха"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:111
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "форма"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "жанр"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:123
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "другие ресурсы"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:125
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Книга по проекту вики"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Источник книги"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Описание книги на"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:131
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Описание книги на Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Темы труда"
msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr "Список работ"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Оглавление"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Поставьте книгу на полку!"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Категории"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Этот труд находится в публичной области. Мыпоместим ее в школьной библиотеке Wolne Lektury скоро. ?"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Этот труд будет частью публичной сферы. Ее издание будет разрешено без ограничения ... ?"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Узнайте, почему интернет-библиотеки не могут издать этого труда."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "На эту работу распространяется авторское право."
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Оглавление"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Мотивы"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Список работ на"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr "Список работ"
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Показать всю категорию"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Подробнее"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Скрыть"
msgstr "Полки с фрагментом"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
msgstr "У вас нет никакой полки. Если вы хотите, вы можете создать одну ниже."
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Посмотрите в книге"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "проверить список книг"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "в нашем хранилище"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "Поставьте книгу"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Просматривать книги по категориям"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr "на"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Ваши книжные полки"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "удалить"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Создать полку"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Создать собственный набор книг. Вы можете делиться ими со своими друзьями, посылая ссылку на свою полку."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Создать собственный набор книг. Вы можете делиться ими со своими друзьями, "
+"посылая ссылку на свою полку."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Вам необходимо"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "Войти в систему,"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "чтобы управлять своими полками"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Хендауты для учителей"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr "Конспекты уроков и другие идеи использования учителями."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr ""
+"Конспекты уроков и другие идеи использования учителями."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "- это профессиональные записи литературных текстов из нашего хранилища. Они доступны по бесплатному разрешению ? в форматах MP3 и Ogg Vorbis, а также в системе DAISY."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"- это профессиональные записи литературных текстов из нашего хранилища. Они "
+"доступны по бесплатному разрешению ? в форматах MP3 и Ogg Vorbis, а также в "
+"системе DAISY."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Авторы"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Формы"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Жанры"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:140
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Эпохи"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Мотивы и темы"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Тематические группы"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "Новости"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Посмотрите наш блог"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Вы можете нам помочь!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Мы стремимся тщательно разрабатывать труды, прибавляемые в нашу библиотеку. Это является возможным только благодаря помощи наших волонтеров."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Мы стремимся тщательно разрабатывать труды, прибавляемые в нашу библиотеку. "
+"Это является возможным только благодаря помощи наших волонтеров."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Мы приглашаем людей, которые хотят принять участие в развитии школьной библиотеки Интернета Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Мы приглашаем людей, которые хотят принять участие в развитии школьной "
+"библиотеки Интернета Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "О нас"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tИнтернет-библиотека со школьными чтениями “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) является проектом, созданным фондом Современной Польши. Действуя с 2007 г., библиотека делает доступными школьные чтения публичного домена, предлагаемые министром народного образования. \n"
+"\t\t\tИнтернет-библиотека со школьными чтениями “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) является проектом, "
+"созданным фондом Современной Польши. Действуя с 2007 г., библиотека делает "
+"доступными школьные чтения публичного домена, предлагаемые министром "
+"народного образования. \n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Искать в"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr "Извините! Критерий поиска не соответствует никаким ресурсам."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
msgstr ""
-"Искать поддержку двигателя используя критерии: заглавие, автор, тема/сюжет, эпоха, форма и жанр.\n"
+"Искать поддержку двигателя используя критерии: заглавие, автор, тема/сюжет, "
+"эпоха, форма и жанр.\n"
"\t\tПока мы не поддерживаем поиска всего текста."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgid "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters."
-msgstr "Извините! У искаемого вопроса должны быть по крайней мере два свойства."
+msgstr ""
+"Извините! У искаемого вопроса должны быть по крайней мере два свойства."
#: templates/catalogue/tag_list.html:4
msgid "See full category"
msgstr "У тебя пустая полка"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Вы можете поставить книгу на полку, заходя на сайт произведения или щелкнув 'Поставить на полку'."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Вы можете поставить книгу на полку, заходя на сайт произведения или щелкнув "
+"'Поставить на полку'."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Выбрать формат книг, которые вы хотите скачать:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "и для печатки"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "и для редактирования"
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr "Фонд"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Скачать"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Обновить список форматов книг на полке"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "Отменить"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Делить эту полку"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:50
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr "Копировать эту ссылку и делить с другими пользователями, чтобы они могли увидеть вашу полку."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Копировать эту ссылку и делить с другими пользователями, чтобы они могли "
+"увидеть вашу полку."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Читать очерк произведения данного автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:62
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Читать очерк произведения данного автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:64
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Читать очерк произведения данного автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:66
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
msgstr "Читать очерк произведения данного автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:68
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related study on"
msgstr "Читать очерк произведения данного автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:76
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Прочитайте статью об авторе в Википедии"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:78
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Прочитайте статью об авторе в Википедии"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Прочитайте статью об авторе в Википедии"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Прочитайте статью об авторе в Википедии"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:84
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Прочитайте статью об авторе в Википедии"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Удалить"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "На работы этого автора распространяется авторское право."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:105
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Работы данного автора находятся в публичной области и будут изданы в школьной библиотеке Интернета скоро."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:109
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Труды данного автора будут частью публичной области и возможным будет их издание без ограничений на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:111
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Узнайте, почему интернет-библиотеки не могут издать работ этого автора."
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
msgstr "убрать"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
msgstr ""
-"У нас больше 1000 трудов в Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"У нас больше 1200 трудов в Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Помогите нам распространить библиотеку и поместить новые бесплатные чтения\n"
"при помощи денежного пожертвования или перевода 1% вашего подоходного налога."
msgid "next"
msgstr "следующая"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "На работы этого автора распространяется авторское право."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Узнайте</"
+"a>, почему интернет-библиотеки не могут издать работ этого автора."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Работы данного автора находятся в публичной области и будут изданы в "
+"школьной библиотеке Интернета скоро."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Труды данного автора будут частью публичной области и возможным будет их "
+"издание без ограничений на"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Этот труд находится в публичной области. Мыпоместим ее в школьной библиотеке "
+"Wolne Lektury скоро. ?"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Этот труд будет частью публичной сферы. Ее издание будет разрешено без "
+"ограничения ... ?"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr "<a href=''>Узнайте</"
+"a>, почему интернет-библиотеки не могут издать этого труда."
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "На эту работу распространяется авторское право."
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "Скачать ODT"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Артист"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "режиссер"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "скачать MP3"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Скачать Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "Скачать DAISY"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "проверить список книг"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "в нашем хранилище"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "польский"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-25 10:23+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 15:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-26 14:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: templates/404.html:6
-#: templates/
#: templates/404.html:6 templates/
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "Сторінка не існує"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
-msgstr "На жаль, ця сторінка не існує. Будь ласка, перевірте, чи ви ввели правильну адресу або перейдіть на"
+msgid ""
+"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
+"correct address or go to "
+msgstr ""
+"На жаль, ця сторінка не існує. Будь ласка, перевірте, чи ви ввели правильну "
+"адресу або перейдіть на"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "головна сторінка"
-#: templates/500.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/500.html:6 templates/
msgid "Server error"
msgstr "Помилка сервера"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
-msgstr "<p>Сторінка тимчасово недоступна. В міжчасі, увійдіть на наш <a href=''>блог</a>.</p> <p>Повідомте наших <a href=''>адміністраторів</a> про помилку.</p>"
+msgid ""
+"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
+"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
+"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Сторінка тимчасово недоступна. В міжчасі, увійдіть на наш "
+"<a href=''>блог</a>.</p> <p>Повідомте наших <a "
+"href=''>адміністраторів</a> про "
-#: templates/503.html:6
-#: templates/
+#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Послуга недоступна"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr "В зв'язку з технічними роботами сервіс тимчасово недоступний."
+msgstr ""
+"В зв'язку з технічними роботами сервіс тимчасово недоступний."
#: templates/base.html:20
-msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
-msgstr "Інтернет Експолорер не може правильно відобразити цієї сторінки. Натисніть, щоб дізнатися більше..."
+msgid ""
+"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
+msgstr ""
+"Інтернет Експолорер не може правильно відобразити цієї сторінки. Натисніть, "
+"щоб дізнатися більше..."
-#: templates/base.html:32
+#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Ласкаво просимо"
-#: templates/base.html:33
+#: templates/base.html:34
msgid "Your shelves"
msgstr "Ваші полиці"
-#: templates/base.html:35
+#: templates/base.html:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Адміністрація"
-#: templates/base.html:37 templates/
+#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/base.html:38
+#: templates/base.html:39
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Вийти "
-#: templates/base.html:41
-#: templates/
-#: templates/base.html:91
-#: templates/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:4
-#: templates/auth/
-#: templates/auth/login.html:12
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Увійти"
-#: templates/base.html:42 templates/ templates/base.html:96
-#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/ templates/auth/login.html:7
#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Зареєструватися"
-#: templates/base.html:51
-msgid "Choose your interface language: "
-msgstr "Вибрати мову інтерфейсу"
-#: templates/base.html:56
-msgid "Choose language"
-msgstr "Вибрати мову"
-#: templates/base.html:68
+#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury це проект реалізований <a href=\"\">Фондом Модерна Польща</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tЦифрові репродукції виконані <a href=\"\">Національною Бібліотекою</a>, на основі її засобів. \n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury це проект реалізований <a href=\"http://"
+"\">Фондом Модерна Польща</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tЦифрові репродукції виконані <a href=\""
+"\">Національною Бібліотекою</a>, на основі її засобів. \n"
"\t\t\t\tГостинг <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
-#: templates/base.html:76
+#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
+"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\""
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\t\tФонд Модерна Польща, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, тел/факс: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" eлектронна пошта: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tФонд Модерна Польща, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. "
+"125, тел/факс: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" eлектронна пошта: <a href=\"mailto:fundacja@nowoczesnapolska."
-#: templates/base.html:85 templates/ templates/base.html:112
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:22
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:19
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:139
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:52
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:31
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Зачинити"
-#: templates/base.html:108 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:148
+#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:24
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:21
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:157
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:141
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:54
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:33
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Завантажується"
-#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4
-#: templates/admin/
+#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4 templates/admin/
msgid "Site administration"
msgstr "Сайт адміністрації"
msgid "Register on"
msgstr "Реєстрація на"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/breadcrumbs.html:21
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Пошук"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44 templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr "або"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:12
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:11
msgid "return to main page"
msgstr "повернення на головну сторінку"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks on"
+msgstr "Алфавітний список творів на"
+#: templates/catalogue/audiobook_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:5
msgid "on"
msgstr "на"
msgid "Based on"
msgstr "На основі"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:24
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:27
-msgid "Hide description"
-msgstr "Сховати опис"
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
msgid "Put a book"
msgstr "Покласти книжку"
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Завантажити PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Завантажити EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:53
-msgid "Download ODT"
-msgstr "Завантажити ODT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:40
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:56
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Завантажити TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:45
-msgid "Artist"
-msgstr "Артист"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:63
-msgid "Director"
-msgstr "Режисер"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
-msgid "Download MP3"
-msgstr "Завантажити MP3"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:52
-msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
-msgstr "Завантажити Ogg Vorbis"
-msgid "Download DAISY"
-msgstr "Завантажити DAISY"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:95
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Подробиці"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:82
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:88
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Епоха"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:94
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Рід"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:100
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:117
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Жанр"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:106
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Інші засоби"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:125
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Книжка на вікі проекту"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:109
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Джерело книжки"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Опис книжки на"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Опис книжки на Вікіпедії"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:119
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+msgid "View XML source"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Теми твору"
msgstr "книжки"
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:7
-msgid "Alphabetical listing of works on"
-msgstr "Алфавітний список творів на"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:10
-msgid "Alphabetical listing of works"
-msgstr "Алфавітний список творів"
msgid "Listing of all works on"
msgstr ""
msgid "Listing of all works"
msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Table of Content"
+msgstr "Зміст"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:41
+msgid "↑ top ↑"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:2
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Покласти книжку на полицю!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3 templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
+msgid "Create new shelf"
+msgstr "Створити нову полицю"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "В вас немає жодних полиць. Ви можете створити полицю нижче, якщо бажаєте."
+msgstr ""
+"В вас немає жодних полиць. Ви можете створити полицю нижче, якщо бажаєте."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:9
-#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgstr "Покласти на полицю!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:16
-#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
-msgid "Create new shelf"
-msgstr "Створити нову полицю"
#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:14
msgid "Jump to"
msgstr "Перейти до"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Категорії"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:17
-msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Цей твір є частиною суспільного надбання і скоро буде опублікований на Wolne Lektury"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:20
-msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Цей твір стане частиною суспільного надбання і можна буде його публікувати без обмежень у"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:22
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr "Дізнатися, чому інтернет-бібліотеки не можуть опублікувати цього твору"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid "This work is copyrighted."
-msgstr "Цей твір охороняється авторстким правом"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:17
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Зміст"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:18
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:130
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Теми"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
+msgid "Edit. note"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
+msgstr "Алфавітний список творів на"
+#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:8
+msgid "Listing of all DAISY files"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Показати всю категорію"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:48
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:87
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:270
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:279
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Більше"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:22
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:250
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:277
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Сховати"
msgstr "Полиці, які містять фрагмент"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr "В вас немає жодних полиць. В можете створити полицю нижче, якщо бажаєте."
+msgstr ""
+"В вас немає жодних полиць. В можете створити полицю нижче, якщо бажаєте."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
msgid "See in a book"
msgstr "Дивитись у книжці"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr "перевірити список книжок"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+msgid "see"
+msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
-msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr "в нашій базі"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "all books"
+msgstr "Покласти книжку"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
+msgid "audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:18
+msgid "daisy"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:23
msgid "Browse books by categories"
msgstr "Переглядати книжки за категоріями"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
+msgid "Books for every school level"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
+msgid "primary school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
+msgid "gymnasium"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
+msgid "high school"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
+msgid "Twórzże się!"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
+msgstr "на"
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+msgid ""
+"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
+"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
+"onto your page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
+msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
+msgid "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:46
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
msgstr "Ваші полиці з книжками"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:51
msgid "delete"
msgstr "видалити"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:60
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
msgstr "Створити полицю"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
-msgstr "Створити свій вибір книжок. Ви можете поділитися ним з друзями висилаючи їм посилання на вашу полицю."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
+msgid ""
+"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
+"to your shelf."
+msgstr ""
+"Створити свій вибір книжок. Ви можете поділитися ним з друзями висилаючи їм "
+"посилання на вашу полицю."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgstr "Вам треба"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "увійти в акаунт"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "щоб управляти своїми полицями"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
-#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Матеріали для вчителів"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
+msgid ""
+"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
msgstr "Плани уроків та інші ідеї як користуватися в навчанні"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr "це професійні записи текстів літератури з нашої бази, доступні на вільній ліцензії у форматах MP3 та Ogg Vorbis, а також в системі DAISY."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:54
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:128
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
+msgid ""
+"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
+"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr ""
+"це професійні записи текстів літератури з нашої бази, доступні на вільній "
+"ліцензії у форматах MP3 та Ogg Vorbis, а також в системі DAISY."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Автори"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:58
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:132
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:85
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:116
msgid "Kinds"
msgstr "Роди"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:62
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:89
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:120
msgid "Genres"
msgstr "Жанри"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:66
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:140
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:93
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:124
msgid "Epochs"
msgstr "Епохи"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:72
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:99
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
msgid "Themes and topics"
msgstr "Теми та мотиви"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:102
msgid "Themes groups"
msgstr "Групи мотивів"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:260
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:287
msgid "News"
msgstr "Новості"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:264
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:291
msgid "See our blog"
msgstr "Дивитись наш блог"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:267
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:294
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
msgid "You can help us!"
msgstr "Можете нам допомогти!"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:268
-msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr "Ми намагаємося якомога краще підготувати твори, які додаються до нашої бібліотеки. Це можливо тільки завдяки нашим волонтерам."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
+msgid ""
+"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
+"only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr ""
+"Ми намагаємося якомога краще підготувати твори, які додаються до нашої "
+"бібліотеки. Це можливо тільки завдяки нашим волонтерам."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr "Запрошуємо всіх, хто хоче брати участь у творенні шкільної інтернет-бібліотеки Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
+msgid ""
+"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
+"Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr ""
+"Запрошуємо всіх, хто хоче брати участь у творенні шкільної інтернет-"
+"бібліотеки Wolne Lektury."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Про нас"
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
+"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
+"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
msgstr ""
-"\t\t\tІнтернет-бібліотека шкільної літератури “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) це проект реалізований Фондом Модерна Польща. Проект стартував у 2007 році та надає доступ до літератури, рекомендованої Міністерством національної освіти, яка є частиною суспільного надбання.\n"
+"\t\t\tІнтернет-бібліотека шкільної літератури “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
+"\"\"></a>) це проект реалізований "
+"Фондом Модерна Польща. Проект стартував у 2007 році та надає доступ до "
+"літератури, рекомендованої Міністерством національної освіти, яка є частиною "
+"суспільного надбання.\n"
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
msgstr "Пошук в"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:101
msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
msgstr "На жаль, критеріям пошуку не відповідає жоден результат."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
+"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
msgstr ""
-"В пошуковій системі можливий пошук за критеріями: автор, тема/мотив, епоха, рід та жанр.\n"
+"В пошуковій системі можливий пошук за критеріями: автор, тема/мотив, епоха, "
+"рід та жанр.\n"
"\t\tНаразі неможливий пошук в цілому тексті."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgstr "Ваша полиця порожня"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr "Щоб покласти книжку на полицю, увійдіть на сторінку книжки та натисніть \"Покласти на полицю\"."
+msgid ""
+"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
+"'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr ""
+"Щоб покласти книжку на полицю, увійдіть на сторінку книжки та натисніть "
+"\"Покласти на полицю\"."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgstr "Вибрати формат, в якому хочете завантажити книжку:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for reading"
msgid "and printing using"
msgstr "та друку з використанням"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "and editing using"
msgstr "та едиції з використанням"
msgid " Foundation"
msgstr "Фонд"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Завантажити"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
msgstr "Оновити список форматів книжок, які на полиці"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:43
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "відхилити"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:49
msgid "Share this shelf"
msgstr "Поділитися цією полицею"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
-msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
+msgid ""
+"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
msgstr "Копіювати це посилання, щоб вислати іншим, та поділитися полицею."
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
msgid "Read work's study of this author on"
msgstr "Прочитати обговорення цього автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "Read study of epoch"
-msgstr "Прочитати обговорення епохи"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:63
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of epoch %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Прочитати обговорення цього автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
-msgid "on"
-msgstr "на"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Прочитати обговорення цього автора на"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
-msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
-msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
+msgstr "Прочитати обговорення цього автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "Read article about epoch"
-msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цю епоху"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related study on"
+msgstr "Прочитати обговорення цього автора на"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
-msgid "on Wikipedia"
-msgstr "на Вікіпедії"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:77
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:30
+msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:79
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about epoch %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Видалити"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:81
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about kind %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:102
-msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr "Твори цього автора охороняються авторським правом"
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:83
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "Read article about genre %(last_tag)s on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:91
-msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr "Твори цього автора є частиною суспільного надбання і скоро будуть опубліковані на Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read related article on Wikipedia"
+msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цього автора на Вікіпедії"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
-msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr "Твори цього автора стануть частиною суспільного надбання і можна буде їх публікувати без обмежень в"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:111
-msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr "Дізнатися чому інтернет-бібліотеки не можуть опубілкувати творів цього автора."
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Видалити"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:6
msgid "remove"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
msgid ""
-"We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
+"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax."
msgstr ""
-"На сайті Wolne Lektury опубліковано більше 1000 творів!\n"
+"На сайті Wolne Lektury опубліковано більше 1200 творів!\n"
"Допоможіть нам розвивати бібліотеку і надавати доступ до нових творів - \n"
"передайте нам внесок або 1 відсоток вашого податку на прибуток."
-#: templates/info/join_us.html:5
-#: templates/info/
+#: templates/info/join_us.html:5 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Більше..."
msgid "next"
msgstr "наступна"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:35
+msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
+msgstr "Твори цього автора охороняються авторським правом"
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=''>Дізнатися</"
+"a> чому інтернет-бібліотеки не можуть опубілкувати творів цього "
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
+msgid ""
+"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
+"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Твори цього автора є частиною суспільного надбання і скоро будуть "
+"опубліковані на Wolne Lektury."
+#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
+msgid ""
+"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
+"be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Твори цього автора стануть частиною суспільного надбання і можна буде їх "
+"публікувати без обмежень в"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
+msgid ""
+"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
+"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr ""
+"Цей твір є частиною суспільного надбання і скоро буде опублікований на Wolne "
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
+msgid ""
+"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
+"published without restrictions in"
+msgstr ""
+"Цей твір стане частиною суспільного надбання і можна буде його публікувати "
+"без обмежень у"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
+msgid ""
+"<a href=''>Find out</"
+"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr "<a href=''>Дізнатися</"
+"a>, чому інтернет-бібліотеки не можуть опублікувати цього твору"
+#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
+msgid "This work is copyrighted."
+msgstr "Цей твір охороняється авторстким правом"
+#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
+#~ msgstr "Вибрати мову інтерфейсу"
+#~ msgid "Choose language"
+#~ msgstr "Вибрати мову"
+#~ msgid "Hide description"
+#~ msgstr "Сховати опис"
+#~ msgid "Download ODT"
+#~ msgstr "Завантажити ODT"
+#~ msgid "Artist"
+#~ msgstr "Артист"
+#~ msgid "Director"
+#~ msgstr "Режисер"
+#~ msgid "Download MP3"
+#~ msgstr "Завантажити MP3"
+#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgstr "Завантажити Ogg Vorbis"
+#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
+#~ msgstr "Завантажити DAISY"
+#~ msgid "Alphabetical listing of works"
+#~ msgstr "Алфавітний список творів"
+#~ msgid "check list of books"
+#~ msgstr "перевірити список книжок"
+#~ msgid "in our repository"
+#~ msgstr "в нашій базі"
+#~ msgid "Read study of epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Прочитати обговорення епохи"
+#~ msgid "on"
+#~ msgstr "на"
+#~ msgid "Read article about epoch"
+#~ msgstr "Прочитати статтю про цю епоху"
+#~ msgid "on Wikipedia"
+#~ msgstr "на Вікіпедії"
+ 'pdcounter',
CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem:///?max_entries=3000'
+++ /dev/null
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{{ book.title }} w{% endblock %}
-{% block bodyid %}book-stub-detail{% endblock %}
-{% block body %}
- <h1>{{ book.title }}, {{ }}</h1>
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
- <div id="books-list">
- {% if book.in_pd %}
- {% trans "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon." %}
- {% else %}
- {% if book.pd %}
- {% trans "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in" %}
- {% include "catalogue/pd_counter.html" %}
- {% trans "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this work." %}
- {% else %}
- {% trans "This work is copyrighted." %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% include "info/join_us.html" %}
- </div>
- <div id="set-window">
- <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
- <div class="target">
- <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
-{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<div id='countdown'></div>
-$.countdown.setDefaults($.countdown.regional['{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}']);
-d = new Date({{ pd_counter }}, 1, 1);
-$('#countdown').countdown({until: d, format: 'ydHMS', serverSync: serverTime});
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
- {% if only_author %}
- {% if last_tag.alive %}
- {% trans "This author's works are copyrighted." %}
- {% else %}{% comment %} Is dead {% endcomment %}
- {% if last_tag.in_pd %}
- <p>{% trans "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon." %}</p>
- {% else %}
- {% comment %} Is dead, but not yet in public domain {% endcomment %}
- <div>
- <p>{% trans "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in" %}</p>
- {% include "catalogue/pd_counter.html" %}
- <p>{% trans "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works." %}</p>
- </div>
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- {% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %}
- {% endif %}
+ {% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %}
{% include "info/join_us.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% load i18n %}
-<p>{% blocktrans %}We have over 1000 works published in Wolne Lektury!
+<p>{% blocktrans %}We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!
Help us expand the library and set new readings free by
making a donation or transferring 1% of your income tax.{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}<a href='{}'>{% trans "More..." %}</a>{% endcomment %}</p>
--- /dev/null
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% block title %}{{ }} w{% endblock %}
+{% block bodyid %}author-detail{% endblock %}
+{% block body %}
+ <h1>{{ }}</h1>
+ <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
+ <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
+ </form>
+ <div id="books-list">
+ {% if author.has_description %}
+ <div id="description">
+ <div id='description-long'>{{ author.description|safe }}</div>
+ <div id='description-short'>{{ author.description|safe|truncatewords_html:30 }}</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearboth"></div>
+ <div id="toggle-description"><p></p></div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if author.gazeta_link %}
+ <p><a href="{{ author.gazeta_link }}">
+ {% trans "Read work's study of this author on" %}
+ </a></p>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if author.wiki_link %}
+ <p><a href="{{ author.wiki_link }}">
+ {% trans "Read article about this author on Wikipedia" %}
+ </a></p>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if author.alive %}
+ <p>{% trans "This author's works are copyrighted." %}
+ {% trans "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works." %}</p>
+ {% else %}
+ {% if author.in_pd %}
+ <p>{% trans "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon." %}</p>
+ {% else %}
+ <div>
+ <p>{% trans "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in" %}</p>
+ {% include "pdcounter/pd_counter.html" %}
+ <p>{% trans "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works." %}</p>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% include "info/join_us.html" %}
+ </div>
+ <div id="set-window">
+ <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
+ <div class="target">
+ <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% block title %}{{ book.title }} w{% endblock %}
+{% block bodyid %}book-stub-detail{% endblock %}
+{% block body %}
+ <h1>{{ }}, {{ book.title }}</h1>
+ <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
+ <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
+ </form>
+ <div id="books-list">
+ {% if book.in_pd %}
+ <p>{% trans "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon." %}</p>
+ {% else %}
+ {% if book.pd %}
+ <p>{% trans "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in" %}</p>
+ {% include "pdcounter/pd_counter.html" %}
+ <p>{% trans "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work." %}</p>
+ {% else %}
+ <p>{% trans "This work is copyrighted." %}
+ {% trans "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work." %}</p>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% include "info/join_us.html" %}
+ </div>
+ <div id="set-window">
+ <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
+ <div class="target">
+ <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<div id='countdown'></div>
+{% if LANGUAGE_CODE != 'en' %}
+ $.countdown.setDefaults($.countdown.regional['{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}']);
+{% else %}
+ $.countdown.setDefaults($.countdown.regional['']);
+{% endif %}
+d = new Date({{ pd_counter }}, 1, 1);
+$('#countdown').countdown({until: d, format: 'ydHMS', serverSync: serverTime});