corrections in register speaker form
[prawokultury.git] / prawokultury / locale /
2016-07-06 Jan Szejkocorrections in register speaker form
2016-07-05 Jan Szejkoupdate registration form for speakers
2016-07-04 Prawo Kulturylocal changes from server
2014-09-30 Radek CzajkaChoose your day.
2014-07-31 Aleksander ŁukaszRequire accepting Terms of CopyCamp upon registration
2014-04-22 Aleksander ŁukaszTranslating thematic track names in the CopyCamp regist...
2014-04-18 Aleksander ŁukaszCopyCamp registration form update
2014-04-07 Aleksander ŁukaszChanges to CopyCamp registration form
2014-04-02 Radek CzajkaChanging registration form.
2014-04-02 Radek CzajkaOld changes
2013-06-28 Radek CzajkaSome old changes
2012-11-08 Radek Czajkaregistration limit
2012-11-07 Radek Czajkachange form
2012-10-23 Radek CzajkaSome changes
2012-10-11 Radek CzajkaSimplify forms
2012-10-10 Radek CzajkaNicer menu.
2012-08-30 Radek Czajkalocale
2012-08-30 Radek Czajkarss
2012-08-28 Radek Czajkapiwik
2012-08-28 Radek Czajkacomment form
2012-08-28 Marcin KoziejMerge branch 'master' of
2012-08-28 Radek Czajkagraphics fixes
2012-08-07 Radek Czajkadirty, ugly but workable