-"href='mailto:fundacja@nowoczesnapolska.org.pl'>administrators</a> about the "
+msgid "<p>The Wolnelektury.pl site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href='http://nowoczesnapolska.org.pl'>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href='mailto:fundacja@nowoczesnapolska.org.pl'>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
+"<p>Serwis Wolnelektury.pl jest chwilowo niedostępny. Odwiedź naszego <a href='http://nowoczesnapolska.org.pl'>bloga</a></p>\n"
+"<p>Powiadom <a href='mailto:fundacja@nowoczesnapolska.org.pl'>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
#: templates/503.html:6 templates/503.html.py:54
msgid "Service unavailable"
#: templates/503.html:6 templates/503.html.py:54
msgid "Service unavailable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Serwis niedostępny"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The Wolnelektury.pl site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The Wolnelektury.pl site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Serwis Wolnelektury.pl jest obecnie niedostępny z powodu prac konserwacyjnych."
#: templates/base.html:20
#: templates/base.html:20
-msgid ""
-"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
+msgstr "Internet Explorer nie potrafi poprawnie wyświetlić tej strony. Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej..."
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę poniżej."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zapisz półki"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:6
msgid "Expand fragment"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:6
msgid "Expand fragment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rozwiń fragment"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:12
msgid "Hide fragment"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:12
msgid "Hide fragment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zwiń fragment"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:17
msgid "See in a book"
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_short.html:17
msgid "See in a book"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zobacz w utworze"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
msgid "check list of books"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
msgid "check list of books"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "zobacz spis utworów"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
msgid "in our repository"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
msgid "in our repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "w naszym zbiorze"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
msgid "Browse books by categories"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:17
msgid "Browse books by categories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Przeglądaj lektury według wybranych kategorii"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:19
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:2
msgid "Your shelves with books"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Twoje półki z lekturami"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
msgid "delete"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:24
msgid "delete"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "usuń"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:15
msgid "Create shelf"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utwórz półkę"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
-msgid ""
-"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
-"to your shelf."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
+msgstr "Stwórz własny zestaw lektur. Możesz się nim później podzielić z innymi, przesyłając im link do Twojej półki."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "You need to "
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "You need to "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aby zarządzać swoimi półkami, musisz się"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "sign in"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "sign in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "zalogować"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "to manage your shelves."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
msgid "to manage your shelves."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:41
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:49
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Materiały pomocnicze dla nauczycieli"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:42
-msgid ""
-"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using Wolnelektury.pl for teaching."
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:43
-msgid " See more"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using Wolnelektury.pl for teaching."
+msgstr "Scenariusze lekcji i inne pomysły na wykorzytanie serwisu WolneLektury.pl podczas nauczania."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:47
-msgid ""
-"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
-"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr "to profesjonalne nagrania tekstów literackich z naszego zbioru dostępne na wolnej licencji w formatach MP3, Ogg Vorbis oraz w systemie DAISY."
-"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
-"only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr "Utwory włączane sukcesywnie do naszej biblioteki staramy się opracowywać jak najdokładniej. Jest to możliwe tylko dzięki współpracującym z nami wolontariuszom."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:269
-msgid ""
-"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
-"Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr "Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby, które chcą współtworzyć szkolną bibliotekę internetową Wolne Lektury."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
msgid "About us"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:273
msgid "About us"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "O projekcie"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
msgid ""
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:275
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings „Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
-"\"http://wolnelektury.pl\">www.wolnelektury.pl</a>) is a project made by "
-"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
-"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"http://wolnelektury.pl\">www.wolnelektury.pl</a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
+"Biblioteka internetowa z lekturami szkolnymi „Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"http://wolnelektury.pl\">www.wolnelektury.pl</a>) to projekt realizowany przez Fundację Nowoczesna Polska. Działa od 2007 roku i udostępnia w swoich zbiorach lektury szkolne, które są zalecane do użytku przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i które trafiły już do domeny publicznej."
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:5
msgid "Search in WolneLektury.pl"
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:5
msgid "Search in WolneLektury.pl"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wyszukiwanie w WolneLektury.pl"
-#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-msgid "Search of "
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:14
-msgid "did not match any resources."
-msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:15
+msgid "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources."
+msgstr "Przepraszamy! Brak wyników spełniających kryteria podane w zapytaniu."
-#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
+#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:17
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
-"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wyszukiwarka obsługuje takie kryteria jak tytuł, autor, motyw/temat, epoka, rodzaj i gatunek utworu. Obecnie nie obsługujemy wyszukiwania fraz w tekstach utworów."
#: templates/catalogue/tag_list.html:4
msgid "See full category"
#: templates/catalogue/tag_list.html:4
msgid "See full category"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zobacz całą kategorię"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:15
msgid "Your shelf is empty"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:15
msgid "Your shelf is empty"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Twoja półka jest pusta"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid ""
-"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
-"'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr "Możesz wrzucić książkę na półkę, wchodząc na stronę danej lektury i klikając na przycisk „Na półkę!”."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:31
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:31
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pobierz wszystkie książki z tej półki"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:35
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:35
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wybierz formaty książek, które chcesz pobrać:"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
msgid "for reading"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
msgid "for reading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "do czytania"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
msgid "and printing using"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:36
msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i drukowania przy pomocy"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
msgid "and editing using"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i edytowania przy pomocy"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "na małych ekranach, np. na komórce"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for listening"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "for listening"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "do słuchania"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "on favourite MP3 player"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
msgid "on favourite MP3 player"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "w ulubionym odtwarzaczu MP3"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "open format"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "open format"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "otwarty format"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "Xiph.org Foundation"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
msgid "Xiph.org Foundation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fundacji Xiph.Org"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pobierz"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uaktualnianie listy formatów książek na półce."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "cancel"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
msgid "cancel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "anuluj"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:46
msgid "Share this shelf"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:46
msgid "Share this shelf"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Podziel się tą półką"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:48
-msgid ""
-"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr "Skopiuj ten link i przekaż go osobom, z którymi chcesz się podzielić tą półką."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:57
msgid "Read work's study of this author on Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:57
msgid "Read work's study of this author on Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia utworów autora w serwisie Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
msgid "Read study of epoch"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
msgid "Read study of epoch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia z epoki"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
msgid "on Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:60
msgid "on Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "w serwisie Lektury.Gazeta.pl"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
msgid "Read article about this author on Wikipedia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Przeczytaj artykuł o autorze w Wikipedii"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
msgid "Read article about epoch"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
msgid "Read article about epoch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Przeczytaj artykuł o epoce"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
msgid "on Wikipedia"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:70
msgid "on Wikipedia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "w Wikipedii"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
msgid "Delete"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:80
msgid "Delete"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usuń"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:88
msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:88
msgid "This author's works are copyrighted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora objęte są prawem autorskim."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:91
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:91
-msgid ""
-"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
-"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora znajdują się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostaną opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:95
-msgid ""
-"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
-"be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora przejdą do zasobów domeny publicznej i będą mogły być publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:97
msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:97
msgid "Find out why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dowiedz się, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego autora."
- <div id="toggle-description"><p>{% trans "Toggle description" %} ▲</p></div>
+ <div id="toggle-description"><p>{% trans "Hide description" %} ▲</p></div>
{% endif %}
<div id="formats">
<p class="change-sets">{% trans "Put a book" %} <span><a href="{% url catalogue.views.book_sets book.slug %}" class="jqm-trigger">{% trans "on the shelf!" %}</a></span></p>
{% endif %}
<div id="formats">
<p class="change-sets">{% trans "Put a book" %} <span><a href="{% url catalogue.views.book_sets book.slug %}" class="jqm-trigger">{% trans "on the shelf!" %}</a></span></p>
- Internet library with school readings â\80\9eWolne Lektury” (<a href="http://wolnelektury.pl">www.wolnelektury.pl</a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.
+ Internet library with school readings â\80\9cWolne Lektury” (<a href="http://wolnelektury.pl">www.wolnelektury.pl</a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.
{% endblocktrans %}
<p class="see-more"><a href="{% url about_us %}">{% trans "See more" %} ⇒</a></p>
{% endblocktrans %}
<p class="see-more"><a href="{% url about_us %}">{% trans "See more" %} ⇒</a></p>