- if get_filter:
- filt = get_filter()
- pictures_by_author, orphans = Picture.picture_list(filt)
- books_nav = OrderedDict()
- for tag in pictures_by_author:
- if pictures_by_author[tag]:
- books_nav.setdefault(tag.sort_key[0], []).append(tag)
- return render_to_response(template_name, locals(),
- context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+# WTF/unused
+# # was picture/picture_list.html list (without thumbs)
+# def picture_list(request, filter=None, get_filter=None, template_name='catalogue/picture_list.html',
+# cache_key=None, context=None):
+# """ generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered with a test function """
+# if get_filter:
+# filt = get_filter()
+# pictures_by_author, orphans = Picture.picture_list(filt)
+# books_nav = OrderedDict()
+# for tag in pictures_by_author:
+# if pictures_by_author[tag]:
+# books_nav.setdefault(tag.sort_key[0], []).append(tag)
+# return render_to_response(template_name, locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request))