Preserve the weirdness of the API.
[wolnelektury.git] / src / api / tests / res / responses / books-child.json
1 {
2     "epochs": [], 
3     "fragment_data": {
4         "html": "Fragment", 
5         "title": "Parent, Child"
6     }, 
7     "txt": "", 
8     "children": [
9         {
10             "kind": "", 
11             "full_sort_key": "$grandchild$3", 
12             "author": "", 
13             "url": "http://testserver/katalog/lektura/grandchild/",
14             "cover_color": "#000000", 
15             "title": "Grandchild", 
16             "cover": "", 
17             "liked": null, 
18             "slug": "grandchild", 
19             "epoch": "", 
20             "href": "http://testserver/api/books/grandchild/",
21             "genre": "Sonet", 
22             "simple_thumb": "", 
23             "has_audio": false, 
24             "cover_thumb": ""
25         }
26     ], 
27     "xml": null,
28     "genres": [
29         {
30             "url": "http://testserver/katalog/gatunek/wiersz/",
31             "href": "http://testserver/api/genres/wiersz/",
32             "name": "Wiersz", 
33             "slug": "wiersz"
34         }
35     ], 
36     "title": "Child", 
37     "media": [], 
38     "html": "", 
39     "preview": false, 
40     "fb2": "", 
41     "kinds": [], 
42     "parent": {
43         "kind": "Liryka", 
44         "full_sort_key": "john doe$parent$1", 
45         "author": "John Doe", 
46         "url": "http://testserver/katalog/lektura/parent/",
47         "cover_color": "#a6820a", 
48         "title": "Parent", 
49         "cover": "http://testserver/media/cover/parent.jpg",
50         "liked": null, 
51         "slug": "parent", 
52         "epoch": "Barok", 
53         "href": "http://testserver/api/books/parent/",
54         "genre": "Sonet", 
55         "simple_thumb": "http://testserver/media/cover_api_thumb/parent.jpg",
56         "has_audio": true, 
57         "cover_thumb": "http://testserver/media/cover/parent.jpg-139x193"
58     }, 
59     "cover_color": "#000000", 
60     "simple_cover": "", 
61     "authors": [], 
62     "audio_length": "", 
63     "epub": "", 
64     "cover_thumb": "", 
65     "mobi": "", 
66     "url": "http://testserver/katalog/lektura/child/",
67     "cover": "", 
68     "pdf": "", 
69     "simple_thumb": ""
70 }