3 {% load ssi_csrf_token from ssify %}
5 <h1>{% trans "Didn't find a book? Make a suggestion." %}</h1>
7 <form id='suggest-publishing-form' action="{% url 'suggest_publishing' %}" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" class="cuteform">
9 {% render_honeypot_field %}
11 <li><span class="error">{{ form.contact.errors }}</span><label for="id_contact">{{ form.contact.label }}</label> {{ form.contact }}</li>
13 <li>{% trans "I'd like to find in WolneLektury.pl theseā¦" %}</li>
15 <li><label for="id_books">{{ form.books.label }}:</label> {{ form.books }}</li>
17 <li class="checkbox"><span class="error">{{ form.ebook.errors }}</span><label for="id_ebook">{{ form.ebook.label }}:</label> {{ form.ebook }}</li>
18 <li class="checkbox"><span class="error">{{ form.audiobook.errors }}</span><label for="id_audiobook">{{ form.audiobook.label }}:</label> {{ form.audiobook }}</li>
20 <li><input type="submit" value="{% trans "Send report" %}"/></li>
21 <li>{% trans "Remember that we can only publish books in public domain, ie. 70 years after the death of the author!" %}</li>