1 from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
2 from django.core.management.color import no_style
3 from django.db import models
4 from django.db.models.fields.related import RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
5 from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericRelation
6 from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
7 from optparse import make_option
8 from south import migration
17 class Command(BaseCommand):
18 option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
19 make_option('--model', action='append', dest='model_list', type='string',
20 help='Generate a Create Table migration for the specified model. Add multiple models to this migration with subsequent --model parameters.'),
21 make_option('--add-field', action='append', dest='field_list', type='string',
22 help='Generate an Add Column migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
23 make_option('--initial', action='store_true', dest='initial', default=False,
24 help='Generate the initial schema for the app.'),
26 help = "Creates a new template migration for the given app"
28 def handle(self, app=None, name="", model_list=None, field_list=None, initial=False, **options):
30 # If model_list is None, then it's an empty list
31 model_list = model_list or []
33 # If field_list is None, then it's an empty list
34 field_list = field_list or []
36 # make sure --model and --all aren't both specified
37 if initial and (model_list or field_list):
38 print "You cannot use --initial and other options together"
41 # specify the default name 'initial' if a name wasn't specified and we're
42 # doing a migration for an entire app
43 if not name and initial:
46 # if not name, there's an error
48 print "You must name this migration"
52 print "Please provide an app in which to create the migration."
55 # See if the app exists
56 app_models_module = models.get_app(app)
57 if not app_models_module:
58 print "App '%s' doesn't seem to exist, isn't in INSTALLED_APPS, or has no models." % app
61 # Determine what models should be included in this migration.
62 models_to_migrate = []
64 models_to_migrate = models.get_models(app_models_module)
65 if not models_to_migrate:
66 print "No models found in app '%s'" % (app)
69 for model_name in model_list:
70 model = models.get_model(app, model_name)
72 print "Couldn't find model '%s' in app '%s'" % (model_name, app)
75 models_to_migrate.append(model)
77 # See what fields need to be included
79 for field_spec in field_list:
80 model_name, field_name = field_spec.split(".", 1)
81 model = models.get_model(app, model_name)
83 print "Couldn't find model '%s' in app '%s'" % (model_name, app)
86 field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
87 except FieldDoesNotExist:
88 print "Model '%s' doesn't have a field '%s'" % (model_name, field_name)
90 fields_to_add.append((model, field_name, field))
92 # Make the migrations directory if it's not there
93 app_module_path = app_models_module.__name__.split('.')[0:-1]
95 app_module = __import__('.'.join(app_module_path), {}, {}, [''])
97 print "Couldn't find path to App '%s'." % app
100 migrations_dir = os.path.join(
101 os.path.dirname(app_module.__file__),
104 # Make sure there's a migrations directory and __init__.py
105 if not os.path.isdir(migrations_dir):
106 print "Creating migrations directory at '%s'..." % migrations_dir
107 os.mkdir(migrations_dir)
108 init_path = os.path.join(migrations_dir, "__init__.py")
109 if not os.path.isfile(init_path):
110 # Touch the init py file
111 print "Creating __init__.py in '%s'..." % migrations_dir
112 open(init_path, "w").close()
113 # See what filename is next in line. We assume they use numbers.
114 migrations = migration.get_migration_names(migration.get_app(app))
116 for migration_name in migrations:
118 number = int(migration_name.split("_")[0])
119 highest_number = max(highest_number, number)
122 # Make the new filename
123 new_filename = "%04i%s_%s.py" % (
125 "".join([random.choice(string.letters.lower()) for i in range(0)]), # Possible random stuff insertion
128 # If there's a model, make the migration skeleton, else leave it bare
129 forwards, backwards = '', ''
131 # First, do the added fields
132 for model, field_name, field in fields_to_add:
133 field_definition = generate_field_definition(model, field)
135 if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
136 # Make a mock model for each side
137 mock_model = "\n".join([
138 create_mock_model(model, " "),
139 create_mock_model(field.rel.to, " ")
141 # And a field defn, that's actually a table creation
145 # Adding ManyToManyField '%s.%s'
146 db.create_table('%s', (
147 ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
148 ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False)),
149 ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False))
152 model._meta.object_name,
154 field.m2m_db_table(),
155 field.m2m_column_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the end
156 model._meta.object_name,
157 field.m2m_reverse_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the ned
158 field.rel.to._meta.object_name
161 # Dropping ManyToManyField '%s.%s'
162 db.drop_table('%s')''' % (
163 model._meta.object_name,
168 elif field.rel: # ForeignKey, etc.
169 mock_model = create_mock_model(field.rel.to, " ")
170 field_definition = related_field_definition(field, field_definition)
174 # If we can't get it (inspect madness?) then insert placeholder
175 if not field_definition:
176 print "Warning: Could not generate field definition for %s.%s, manual editing of migration required." % \
177 (model._meta.object_name, field.name)
178 field_definition = '<<< REPLACE THIS WITH FIELD DEFINITION FOR %s.%s >>>' % (model._meta.object_name, f.name)
187 # Adding field '%s.%s'
188 db.add_column(%r, %r, %s)
190 model._meta.object_name,
192 model._meta.db_table,
197 # Deleting field '%s.%s'
198 db.delete_column(%r, %r)
200 model._meta.object_name,
202 model._meta.db_table,
206 if models_to_migrate:
207 # Now, do the added models
208 for model in models_to_migrate:
209 table_name = model._meta.db_table
212 for f in model._meta.local_fields:
214 # Look up the field definition to see how this was created
215 field_definition = generate_field_definition(model, f)
217 # If it's a OneToOneField, and ends in _ptr, just use it
218 if isinstance(f, models.OneToOneField) and f.name.endswith("_ptr"):
219 mock_models.append(create_mock_model(f.rel.to, " "))
220 field_definition = "models.OneToOneField(%s)" % f.rel.to.__name__
222 # It's probably normal then
223 elif field_definition:
225 if isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey):
226 mock_models.append(create_mock_model(f.rel.to, " "))
227 field_definition = related_field_definition(f, field_definition)
229 # Oh noes, no defn found
231 print "Warning: Could not generate field definition for %s.%s, manual editing of migration required." % \
232 (model._meta.object_name, f.name)
235 field_definition = '<<< REPLACE THIS WITH FIELD DEFINITION FOR %s.%s >>>' % (model._meta.object_name, f.name)
237 fields.append((f.name, field_definition))
244 ''' % "\n".join(mock_models)
248 db.create_table(%r, (
251 model._meta.object_name,
253 "\n ".join(["('%s', %s)," % (f[0], f[1]) for f in fields]),
256 backwards = ('''db.delete_table('%s')
257 ''' % table_name) + backwards
259 # Now go through local M2Ms and add extra stuff for them
260 for m in model._meta.local_many_to_many:
261 # ignore generic relations
262 if isinstance(m, GenericRelation):
265 # if the 'through' option is specified, the table will
266 # be created through the normal model creation above.
270 mock_models = [create_mock_model(model, " "), create_mock_model(m.rel.to, " ")]
277 db.create_table('%s', (
278 ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
279 ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False)),
280 ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False))
282 "\n".join(mock_models),
283 model._meta.object_name,
286 m.m2m_column_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the end
287 model._meta.object_name,
288 m.m2m_reverse_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the ned
289 m.rel.to._meta.object_name
292 backwards = '''db.delete_table('%s')
293 ''' % m.m2m_db_table() + backwards
295 if model._meta.unique_together:
296 ut = model._meta.unique_together
297 if not isinstance(ut[0], (list, tuple)):
301 columns = ["'%s'" % model._meta.get_field(f).column for f in unique]
304 db.create_index('%s', [%s], unique=True, db_tablespace='%s')
308 model._meta.db_tablespace
314 db.send_create_signal('%s', ['%s'])''' % (
316 "','".join(model._meta.object_name for model in models_to_migrate)
319 # Try sniffing the encoding using PEP 0263's method
321 first_two_lines = inspect.getsourcelines(app_models_module)[0][:2]
322 for line in first_two_lines:
323 if re.search("coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)", line):
326 if (not forwards) and (not backwards):
327 forwards = '"Write your forwards migration here"'
328 backwards = '"Write your backwards migration here"'
329 fp = open(os.path.join(migrations_dir, new_filename), "w")
331 from south.db import db
332 from django.db import models
333 from %s.models import *
342 """ % (encoding or "", '.'.join(app_module_path), forwards, backwards))
344 print "Created %s." % new_filename
347 def generate_field_definition(model, field):
349 Inspects the source code of 'model' to find the code used to generate 'field'
351 def test_field(field_definition):
353 parser.suite(field_definition)
358 def strip_comments(field_definition):
359 # remove any comments at the end of the field definition string.
360 field_definition = field_definition.strip()
361 if '#' not in field_definition:
362 return field_definition
364 index = field_definition.index('#')
366 stripped_definition = field_definition[:index].strip()
367 # if the stripped definition is parsable, then we've removed
368 # the correct comment.
369 if test_field(stripped_definition):
370 return stripped_definition
373 index = field_definition.index('#', index+1)
377 return field_definition
379 # give field subclasses a chance to do anything tricky
380 # with the field definition
381 if hasattr(field, 'south_field_definition'):
382 return field.south_field_definition()
386 source = inspect.getsourcelines(model)
388 raise Exception("Could not find source to model: '%s'" % (model.__name__))
390 # look for a line starting with the field name
391 start_field_re = re.compile(r'\s*%s\s*=\s*(.*)' % field.name)
392 for line in source[0]:
393 # if the field was found during a previous iteration,
394 # we're here because the field spans across multiple lines
395 # append the current line and try again
397 field_pieces.append(line.strip())
398 if test_field(' '.join(field_pieces)):
399 return strip_comments(' '.join(field_pieces))
402 match = start_field_re.match(line)
405 field_pieces.append(match.groups()[0].strip())
406 if test_field(' '.join(field_pieces)):
407 return strip_comments(' '.join(field_pieces))
409 # the 'id' field never gets defined, so return what django does by default
410 # django.db.models.options::_prepare
411 if field.name == 'id' and field.__class__ == models.AutoField:
412 return "models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)"
414 # search this classes parents
415 for base in model.__bases__:
416 # we don't want to scan the django base model
417 if base == models.Model:
420 field_definition = generate_field_definition(base, field)
422 return field_definition
426 def replace_model_string(field_definition, search_string, model_name):
427 # wrap 'search_string' in both ' and " chars when searching
430 test = "%s%s%s" % (quote, search_string, quote)
431 if test in field_definition:
432 return field_definition.replace(test, model_name)
436 def related_field_definition(field, field_definition):
437 # if the field definition contains any of the following strings,
438 # replace them with the model definition:
441 # django.db.models.fields.related.RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
443 '%s.%s' % (field.rel.to._meta.app_label, field.rel.to._meta.object_name),
444 '%s' % field.rel.to._meta.object_name,
449 fd = replace_model_string(field_definition, test, field.rel.to._meta.object_name)
453 return field_definition
455 def create_mock_model(model, indent=" "):
456 # produce a string representing the python syntax necessary for creating
457 # a mock model using the supplied real model
458 if not model._meta.pk.__class__.__module__.startswith('django.db.models.fields'):
459 # we can fix this with some clever imports, but it doesn't seem necessary to
460 # spend time on just yet
461 print "Can't generate a mock model for %s because it's primary key isn't a default django field; it's type %s." % (model, model._meta.pk.__class__)
467 # If it's a OneToOneField or ForeignKey, take it's first arg
468 if model._meta.pk.__class__.__name__ in ["OneToOneField", "ForeignKey"]:
469 if model._meta.pk.rel.to == model:
470 pk_field_args += ["'self'"]
472 pk_field_args += [model._meta.pk.rel.to._meta.object_name]
473 other_mocks += [model._meta.pk.rel.to]
475 # Perhaps it has a max_length set?
476 if model._meta.pk.max_length:
477 pk_field_kwargs["max_length"] = model._meta.pk.max_length
479 return "%s%s%s = db.mock_model(model_name='%s', db_table='%s', db_tablespace='%s', pk_field_name='%s', pk_field_type=models.%s, pk_field_args=[%s], pk_field_kwargs=%r)" % \
481 "\n".join([create_mock_model(m, indent) for m in other_mocks]+[""]),
483 model._meta.object_name,
484 model._meta.object_name,
485 model._meta.db_table,
486 model._meta.db_tablespace,
488 model._meta.pk.__class__.__name__,
489 ", ".join(pk_field_args),