1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
5 from catalogue.test_utils import (BookInfoStub, PersonStub, info_args,
6 WLTestCase, get_fixture)
7 from catalogue.models import Book
8 from librarian import WLURI, XMLNamespace
10 AtomNS = XMLNamespace("http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")
13 class OpdsSearchTests(WLTestCase):
14 """Tests search feed in OPDS.."""
16 WLTestCase.setUp(self)
17 with self.settings(NO_SEARCH_INDEX=False):
18 self.do_doktora = Book.from_xml_file(
19 get_fixture('do-doktora.xml'))
20 self.do_anusie = Book.from_xml_file(
21 get_fixture('fraszka-do-anusie.xml', catalogue))
23 def assert_finds(self, query, books):
24 """Takes a query and tests against books expected to be found."""
25 tree = etree.fromstring(
26 self.client.get('/opds/search/?%s' % query).content)
27 elem_ids = tree.findall('.//%s/%s' % (AtomNS('entry'), AtomNS('id')))
28 slugs = [WLURI(elem.text).slug for elem in elem_ids]
29 self.assertEqual(set(slugs), set(b.slug for b in books),
30 u"OPDS search '%s' failed." % query)
32 def test_opds_search_simple(self):
33 """Do a simple q= test, also emulate dumb OPDS clients."""
34 both = set([self.do_doktora, self.do_anusie])
35 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka', both)
36 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka&author={opds:author}', both)
38 def test_opds_search_title(self):
39 """Search by title."""
40 both = set([self.do_doktora, self.do_anusie])
41 self.assert_finds('title=fraszka', both)
42 self.assert_finds('title=fraszka', both)
43 self.assert_finds('q=title:fraszka', [self.do_doktora])
45 def test_opds_search_author(self):
46 """Search by author."""
47 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka&author=Kochanowski', [self.do_doktora])
48 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka+author:Kochanowski', [self.do_doktora])
49 self.assert_finds('q=Kochanowski', [self.do_doktora])
51 def test_opds_search_translator(self):
52 """Search by translator."""
53 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka&translator=Fikcyjny', [self.do_doktora])
54 self.assert_finds('q=fraszka+translator:Fikcyjny', [self.do_doktora])
55 self.assert_finds('q=Fikcyjny', [self.do_doktora])