1 from functools import wraps
3 from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect,
5 from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
6 from django.template import RequestContext
7 from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
8 from django.utils.functional import Promise
9 from django.utils.http import urlquote_plus
10 from django.utils import simplejson
11 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
12 from django.views.decorators.vary import vary_on_headers
15 class LazyEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
16 def default(self, obj):
17 if isinstance(obj, Promise):
18 return force_unicode(obj)
21 # shortcut for JSON reponses
22 class JSONResponse(HttpResponse):
23 def __init__(self, data={}, callback=None, **kwargs):
25 kwargs.pop('mimetype', None)
26 data = simplejson.dumps(data)
28 data = callback + "(" + data + ");"
29 super(JSONResponse, self).__init__(data, mimetype="application/json", **kwargs)
32 def method_decorator(function_decorator):
33 """Converts a function decorator to a method decorator.
35 It just makes it ignore first argument.
37 def decorator(method):
39 def wrapped_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
40 def function(*fargs, **fkwargs):
41 return method(self, *fargs, **fkwargs)
42 return function_decorator(function)(*args, **kwargs)
47 def require_login(request):
48 """Return 403 if request is AJAX. Redirect to login page if not."""
50 return HttpResponseForbidden('Not logged in')
52 return HttpResponseRedirect('/uzytkownicy/zaloguj')# next?=request.build_full_path())
55 def placeholdized(form):
56 for field in form.fields.values():
57 field.widget.attrs['placeholder'] = field.label
61 class AjaxableFormView(object):
62 """Subclass this to create an ajaxable view for any form.
64 In the subclass, provide at least form_class.
69 # override to customize form look
70 template = "ajaxable/form.html"
78 full_template = "ajaxable/form_on_page.html"
80 @method_decorator(vary_on_headers('X-Requested-With'))
81 def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
82 """A view displaying a form, or JSON if request is AJAX."""
83 obj = self.get_object(request, *args, **kwargs)
84 form_args, form_kwargs = self.form_args(request, obj)
86 form_kwargs['prefix'] = self.form_prefix
88 if request.method == "POST":
89 # do I need to be logged in?
90 if self.POST_login and not request.user.is_authenticated():
91 return require_login(request)
93 form_kwargs['data'] = request.POST
94 form = self.form_class(*form_args, **form_kwargs)
96 add_args = self.success(form, request)
97 redirect = request.GET.get('next')
98 if not request.is_ajax() and redirect:
99 return HttpResponseRedirect(urlquote_plus(
100 redirect, safe='/?=&'))
101 response_data = {'success': True,
102 'message': self.success_message, 'redirect': redirect}
104 response_data.update(add_args)
105 elif request.is_ajax():
106 # Form was sent with errors. Send them back.
109 for key, value in form.errors.items():
110 errors["%s-%s" % (self.form_prefix, key)] = value
113 response_data = {'success': False, 'errors': errors}
116 if request.is_ajax():
117 return HttpResponse(LazyEncoder(ensure_ascii=False).encode(response_data))
119 if (self.POST_login and not request.user.is_authenticated()
120 and not request.is_ajax()):
121 return require_login(request)
123 form = self.form_class(*form_args, **form_kwargs)
127 if request.is_ajax():
128 template = self.template
130 template = self.full_template
131 cd = self.context_description(request, obj)
134 if self.placeholdize:
135 form = placeholdized(form)
139 "placeholdize": self.placeholdize,
140 "submit": self.submit,
141 "response_data": response_data,
142 "ajax_template": self.template,
144 "view_kwargs": kwargs,
146 context.update(self.extra_context(request, obj))
147 return render_to_response(template, context,
148 context_instance=RequestContext(request))
150 def redirect_or_refresh(self, request, path, message=None):
151 """If the form is AJAX, refresh the page. If not, go to `path`."""
152 if request.is_ajax():
153 output = "<script>window.location.reload()</script>"
155 output = "<div class='normal-text'>" + message + "</div>" + output
156 return HttpResponse(output);
158 return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
160 def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
161 """Override to parse view args and get some associated data."""
164 def form_args(self, request, obj):
165 """Override to parse view args and give additional args to the form."""
168 def extra_context(self, request, obj):
169 """Override to pass something to template."""
172 def context_description(self, request, obj):
173 """Description to appear in standalone form, but not in AJAX form."""
176 def success(self, form, request):
177 """What to do when the form is valid.
179 By default, just save the form.
182 return form.save(request)