8 * `Python 2.6+ <http://python.org>`_
9 * Everyting from the ``requirements.txt`` file
10 * a library for your database of choice
11 (see `DBs supported by Django <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#get-your-database-running>`_)
12 * `puLucene <https://github.com/fnp/pylucene/>`_ for search
13 * Librarian dependencies, see lib/librarian/README.md
28 You can run the server with::
32 If you want to run lengthy tasks (like generating e-book files) in a seperate
33 Celery process (this is the default), you'll also need to run:
35 ./manage.py celeryd --loglevel=INFO
37 If you don't want to run a separate Celery daemon, make sure you set this
38 option in your ``localsettings.py``::
45 Setup your server in fabfile.py and do::
47 fab <your_server_name> setup
49 Aside from uploading a current (git's HEAD) version of the app this will also
50 download all dependencies into a `virtualenv <http://www.virtualenv.org>`_,
51 create a VHost and WSGI files for running with Apache and mod_wsgi, and
52 a celery config file for `supervisord <http://supervisord.org/>`_.
54 To deploy a new version into an existing setup, do:
56 fab <your_server_name> deploy
58 This will also check for new dependencied, migrate your app and restart the
59 WSGI server and Celery under supervisord.