1 This folder contains the src/ folder of the previous Lucene major version.
3 The test-backwards ANT task compiles the previous version's tests (bundled) against the
4 previous released lucene-core.jar file (bundled). After that the compiled test classes
5 are run against the new lucene-core.jar file, created by ANT before.
7 After tagging a new Lucene *major* version (tag name "lucene_solr_X_Y_0") do the following
8 (for minor versions never do this); also always use the x.y.0 version for the backwards folder,
9 later bugfix releases should not be tested (the reason is that the new version must be backwards
10 compatible to the last base version, bugfixes should not taken into account):
13 * svn rm src/test src/test-framework lib/lucene-core*.jar
14 * svn commit (1st commit; you must do this, else you will corrupt your checkout)
15 * svn cp https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/tags/lucene_solr_X_Y_0/lucene/src/test-framework src
16 * svn cp https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/tags/lucene_solr_X_Y_0/lucene/src/test src
17 * Copy the lucene-core.jar from the last release tarball to lib.
18 * Check that everything is correct: The backwards folder should contain a src/ folder
19 that now contains "test" and "test-framework". The files should be the ones from the last version.
20 * Run "ant test-backwards"
21 * Commit the stuff again (2nd commit)