1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
4 # Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
6 from librarian import ValidationError, NoDublinCore, ParseError, NoProvider
7 from librarian import RDFNS, IOFile
8 from librarian import dcparser
10 from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
11 from lxml import etree
12 from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError
16 from StringIO import StringIO
18 class WLDocument(object):
19 LINE_SWAP_EXPR = re.compile(r'/\s', re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE)
25 if self._edoc is None:
26 data = self.source.get_string()
27 if not isinstance(data, unicode):
28 data = data.decode('utf-8')
29 data = data.replace(u'\ufeff', '')
31 parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=False)
32 self._edoc = etree.parse(StringIO(data.encode('utf-8')), parser)
33 except (ExpatError, XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError), e:
40 if self._rdf_elem is None:
41 dc_path = './/' + RDFNS('RDF')
42 self._rdf_elem = self.edoc.getroot().find(dc_path)
43 if self._rdf_elem is None:
44 raise NoDublinCore('Document has no DublinCore - which is required.')
50 if not self.parse_dublincore:
52 if self._book_info is None:
53 self._book_info = dcparser.BookInfo.from_element(
54 self.rdf_elem, fallbacks=self.meta_fallbacks, strict=self.strict)
55 return self._book_info
57 def __init__(self, iofile, provider=None,
58 parse_dublincore=True, # shouldn't it be in a subclass?
60 meta_fallbacks=None # ?
63 self.provider = provider
64 self.parse_dublincore = parse_dublincore
66 self.meta_fallbacks = meta_fallbacks
67 if self.edoc.getroot().tag != 'utwor':
68 raise ValidationError("Invalid root element. Found '%s', should be 'utwor'" % root_elem.tag)
73 def from_string(cls, xml, *args, **kwargs):
74 return cls(IOFile.from_string(xml), *args, **kwargs)
77 def from_file(cls, xmlfile, *args, **kwargs):
78 if isinstance(xmlfile, basestring):
79 iofile = IOFile.from_filename(xmlfile)
81 iofile = IOFile.from_file(xmlfile)
82 return cls(iofile, *args, **kwargs)
85 def swap_endlines(self):
86 """Converts line breaks in stanzas into <br/> tags."""
87 # only swap inside stanzas
88 for elem in self.edoc.iter('strofa'):
89 for child in list(elem):
91 chunks = self.LINE_SWAP_EXPR.split(child.tail)
92 ins_index = elem.index(child) + 1
93 while len(chunks) > 1:
94 ins = etree.Element('br')
95 ins.tail = chunks.pop()
96 elem.insert(ins_index, ins)
97 child.tail = chunks.pop(0)
99 chunks = self.LINE_SWAP_EXPR.split(elem.text)
100 while len(chunks) > 1:
101 ins = etree.Element('br')
102 ins.tail = chunks.pop()
104 elem.text = chunks.pop(0)
107 if self.book_info is None:
108 raise NoDublinCore('No Dublin Core in document.')
109 if self.book_info.parts and self.provider is None:
110 raise NoProvider('No document provider supplied.')
111 for part_uri in self.book_info.parts:
112 yield self.from_file(self.provider.by_uri(part_uri),
113 provider=self.provider)
115 def chunk(self, path):
116 # convert the path to XPath
117 expr = self.path_to_xpath(path)
118 elems = self.edoc.xpath(expr)
125 def path_to_xpath(self, path):
128 for part in path.split('/'):
129 match = re.match(r'([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]', part)
133 tag, n = match.groups()
134 parts.append("*[%d][name() = '%s']" % (int(n)+1, tag) )
139 return '/'.join(parts)
141 def transform(self, stylesheet, **options):
142 return self.edoc.xslt(stylesheet, **options)
146 parent = self.rdf_elem.getparent()
147 parent.replace( self.rdf_elem, self.book_info.to_etree(parent) )
151 return etree.tostring(self.edoc, encoding=unicode, pretty_print=True)
153 def merge_chunks(self, chunk_dict):
156 for key, data in chunk_dict.iteritems():
158 xpath = self.path_to_xpath(key)
159 node = self.edoc.xpath(xpath)[0]
160 repl = etree.fromstring(u"<%s>%s</%s>" %(node.tag, data, node.tag) )
161 node.getparent().replace(node, repl)
163 unmerged.append( repr( (key, xpath, e) ) )
167 def clean_ed_note(self):
168 """ deletes forbidden tags from nota_red """
170 for node in self.edoc.xpath('|'.join('//nota_red//%s' % tag for tag in
171 ('pa', 'pe', 'pr', 'pt', 'begin', 'end', 'motyw'))):
178 """Returns a set of all editors for book and its children.
180 :returns: set of dcparser.Person objects
182 if self.book_info is None:
183 raise NoDublinCore('No Dublin Core in document.')
184 persons = set(self.book_info.editors +
185 self.book_info.technical_editors)
186 for child in self.parts():
187 persons.update(child.editors())
194 def as_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
195 from librarian import pyhtml as html
196 return html.transform(self, *args, **kwargs)
198 def as_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
199 from librarian import text
200 return text.transform(self, *args, **kwargs)
202 def as_epub(self, *args, **kwargs):
203 from librarian import epub
204 return epub.transform(self, *args, **kwargs)
206 def as_pdf(self, *args, **kwargs):
207 from librarian import pypdf
208 return pypdf.EduModulePDFFormat(self).build(*args, **kwargs)
210 def as_mobi(self, *args, **kwargs):
211 from librarian import mobi
212 return mobi.transform(self, *args, **kwargs)
214 def as_fb2(self, *args, **kwargs):
215 from librarian import fb2
216 return fb2.transform(self, *args, **kwargs)
218 def as_cover(self, cover_class=None, *args, **kwargs):
219 if cover_class is None:
220 from librarian.styles.wolnelektury.cover import WLCover
221 cover_class = WLCover
222 return cover_class(self.book_info, *args, **kwargs).output_file()
224 def save_output_file(self, output_file, output_path=None,
225 output_dir_path=None, make_author_dir=False, ext=None):
227 save_path = output_dir_path
229 save_path = os.path.join(save_path,
230 unicode(self.book_info.author).encode('utf-8'))
231 save_path = os.path.join(save_path,
232 self.book_info.uri.slug)
234 save_path += '.%s' % ext
236 save_path = output_path
238 output_file.save_as(save_path)