6 use lib 'ext/Font-TTF/lib';
16 Convert between TTF and EOT. (Compressed EOTs are not supported.)
19 $0 [options] [inputfile] [outputfile]
22 --ttf-to-eot Convert input from TTF to EOT
23 --eot-to-ttf Convert input from EOT to TTF
33 my $result = GetOptions(
34 'verbose' => \$verbose,
35 'ttf-to-eot' => \$ttf_to_eot,
36 'eot-to-ttf' => \$eot_to_ttf,
41 my ($input_file, $output_file) = @ARGV;
43 if ($ttf_to_eot and $eot_to_ttf) {
47 if (not ($ttf_to_eot or $eot_to_ttf)) {
48 if ($input_file =~ /\.[ot]tf$/i and $output_file =~ /\.eot$/i) {
50 } elsif ($input_file =~ /\.eot$/i and $output_file =~ /\.[ot]tf$/i) {
58 Font::EOTWrapper::convert($input_file, $output_file);
59 } elsif ($eot_to_ttf) {
60 Font::EOTWrapper::extract($input_file, $output_file);