fix: changes to meta attribute were being lost
[fnpeditor.git] / modules / documentCanvas / canvas / canvas.js
2013-07-25 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing xml formatting
2013-07-25 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing some xml output formatting problems
2013-07-24 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring: nodeElement renders itself with its contents
2013-07-19 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring
2013-07-19 Aleksander ŁukaszOutput formatting wip
2013-07-18 Aleksander ŁukaszOutput formatting wip: keeping excessive white space...
2013-07-18 Aleksander ŁukaszKeeping xmlns and other attributes intact
2013-07-18 Aleksander Łukaszxml formatting wip: some inline element cases
2013-07-18 Aleksander Łukaszformatting xml output wip
2013-07-17 Aleksander ŁukaszSetting caret after creating list
2013-07-17 Aleksander Łukasztodo note update
2013-07-16 Aleksander ŁukaszDocumentNodeElement meta attributes
2013-07-16 Aleksander ŁukaszBreaking node at beginning/end
2013-07-16 Aleksander ŁukaszFix: publishing the right element as current text eleme...
2013-07-16 Aleksander ŁukaszIf browser returns selection outside of text element...
2013-07-16 Aleksander Łukaszfix
2013-07-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing text to land algorithm - handling case when...
2013-07-15 Aleksander ŁukaszImproving text node selecting algorithm after selectig...
2013-07-15 Aleksander ŁukaszQuick fix: Fixing node element selection
2013-07-15 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: restoring caret position and editor...
2013-07-15 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: nodePane, familyTree, breadcrumbs
2013-07-14 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: marking element as current
2013-07-14 Aleksander ŁukaszAllowing for canvas to listen to dom key events
2013-07-14 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring
2013-07-14 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring - using DocumentNodeElement.createDOM when...
2013-07-14 Aleksander ŁukaszWrapping text node containing DocumentTextElement's...
2013-07-13 Aleksander Łukaszrefactoring
2013-07-12 Aleksander ŁukaszCanvas.getCursor()
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing Canvas.getDocumentElement
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszExtracting list items out of all outer lists
2013-07-11 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: lists - creating, unnesting
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing creation of a nested list
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing list creation
2013-07-10 Aleksander Łukaszrefactor
2013-07-10 Aleksander Łukaszrefactoring
2013-07-10 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing order of items extracted from a list
2013-07-10 Aleksander ŁukaszExtracting items from nested lists
2013-07-10 Aleksander ŁukaszCanvas list API fix: removing unnecessary lists if...
2013-07-10 Aleksander ŁukaszBasic list items extracting
2013-07-10 Aleksander ŁukaszDescribing internal HTML represenation of a sample...
2013-07-09 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing white space handling
2013-07-09 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: changing representation of a DocumentN...
2013-07-09 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip
2013-07-09 Aleksander Łukaszcreating a list
2013-07-08 Aleksander ŁukaszSome white space in the wlxml source handling rules
2013-07-08 Aleksander Łukaszcleanup
2013-07-08 Aleksander ŁukaszWrapping text spanning multiple sibling DocumentTextNodes
2013-07-08 Aleksander ŁukaszWrapping text inside DocumentTextElement with DocumentN...
2013-07-08 Aleksander Łukaszcleanup
2013-07-05 Aleksander Łukaszcanvas3 wip - testing simple api, children