Drag and drop item number not the whole item text in exercise of type "przyporzadkuj"
[edumed.git] / forum / templates / pybb / category.html
1 {% load url from future %}
2 {% load i18n pybb_tags %}
4 {% if category.forums_accessed|pybb_forum_unread:user|length > 0 %}
5 <div class='category'>
6     <table class="table category-table">
7         <thead>
8             <tr class="forum-row head-row">
9                 <th class="forum-name">
10                     {% trans "Forum" %}
11                 </th>
12                 <th class="forum-topic-count">
13                     {% trans "Topics" %}
14                 </th>
15                 <th class="forum-post-count">
16                     {% trans "Posts" %}
17                 </th>
18                 <th class="forum-last-post">
19                     {% trans "Last posts" %}
20                 </th>
21             </tr>
22         </thead>
23         <tbody>
24         {% for forum in category.forums_accessed|pybb_forum_unread:user %}
25             <tr class="forum-row">
26                 <td class="forum-name {% if forum.unread %} forum-unread{% endif %}">
27                     <div class="state-indicator"></div>
28                     <a href="{{ forum.get_absolute_url }}">{{ forum.name }}</a> {% if forum.hidden %}[{% trans "Hidden" %}]{% endif %}
29                     <div class="forum-description">
30                         {{ forum.description|safe }}
31                     </div>
32                 </td>
33                 <td class="forum-topic-count">
34                     {{ forum.topic_count }}
35                 </td>
36                 <td class="forum-post-count">
37                     {{ forum.post_count }}
38                 </td>
39                 <td class="forum-last-post">
40                     {% include "pybb/forum_last_update_info.html" %}
41                 </td>
42             </tr>
43         {% endfor %}
44         </tbody>
45     </table>
46 </div>
47 {% endif %}