2011-12-30 | Radek Czajka | Merge branch 'pretty' of github.com:fnp/wolnelektury... | tree | commitdiff |
2011-12-29 | Marcin Koziej | merge player changes and detail page + search | tree | commitdiff |
2011-12-28 | Marcin Koziej | merge wyszukiwania. | tree | commitdiff |
2011-12-21 | Marcin Koziej | merge search into pretty branch | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-24 | Marcin Koziej | Search in stagin phase - waiting for final guidelines... | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-24 | Marcin Koziej | first search demo | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-24 | Marcin Koziej | more integrated to templates | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-24 | Marcin Koziej | almost there | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-15 | Marcin Koziej | search demo | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-15 | Marcin Koziej | aggregate & display results | tree | commitdiff |
2011-11-15 | Marcin Koziej | store contents in index for highlighting fragments | tree | commitdiff |