From: Radek Czajka Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 12:54:01 +0000 (+0200) Subject: More data in payment form. X-Git-Url:;hp=f2cd20cec6083c7bc8fb17706b1718faa09a6139 More data in payment form. --- diff --git a/requirements/requirements.txt b/requirements/requirements.txt index 1e0c94435..42e2634b4 100644 --- a/requirements/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements/requirements.txt @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ djangorestframework==3.9.4 djangorestframework-xml django-admin-ordering==0.10.0 django-machina==1.0.2 +django-countries==7.2.1 # A version compatible with Django 2.2, with long help text and editable max_length. -e git+ diff --git a/src/club/ b/src/club/ index 4d65c3c46..1f3c837a7 100644 --- a/src/club/ +++ b/src/club/ @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class ScheduleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): ] search_fields = ['email'] list_filter = ['is_cancelled', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'method', PayedFilter, ExpiredFilter, 'source'] + filter_horizontal = ['consent'] date_hierarchy = 'started_at' raw_id_fields = ['membership'] inlines = [PayUOrderInline, PayUCardTokenInline] @@ -159,3 +160,13 @@ class DirectDebitAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 'amount' ] + +@admin.register(models.Consent) +class ConsentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): + list_display = ['text', 'order', 'active', 'required'] + + def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None): + if obj: + return ['text'] + else: + return [] diff --git a/src/club/ b/src/club/ index d1bebe85a..fe38c7bb3 100644 --- a/src/club/ +++ b/src/club/ @@ -10,21 +10,72 @@ from .payu.forms import CardTokenForm class ScheduleForm(forms.ModelForm, NewsletterForm): - data_processing = '''Administratorem danych osobowych jest Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska (ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, 00-514 Warszawa). Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne do przeprowadzenia wpłaty. Dane są przetwarzane w zakresie niezbędnym do zaksięgowania darowizny i przekazywania Tobie powiadomień dotyczących wpłaty, a także wysyłania Tobie wiadomości mailowych promujących zbiórki i inne formy wsparcia Fundacji. W przypadku wyrażenia dodatkowej zgody adres e-mail zostanie wykorzystany także w zakresie niezbędnym do wysyłania newslettera odbiorcom. Osobom, których dane są zbierane, przysługuje prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania.''' + data_processing = '''Informacja o przetwarzaniu danych osobowych + +
Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska z siedzibą w Warszawie, przy ul. Marszałkowskiej 84/92 lok.125, 00-514 Warszawa (dalej: Fundacja). + +Z Fundacją można się kontaktować we wszystkich sprawach dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz korzystania z praw związanych z przetwarzaniem danych, w szczególności w zakresie wycofania udzielonej zgody na przetwarzanie danych poprzez adres e-mail, telefonicznie pod numerem +48 22 621 30 17 (w dni powszednie w godz. 9-17) lub listownie pisząc na adres siedziby Fundacji. +Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, jednak konieczne do przeprowadzenia płatności oraz realizacji innych celów wskazanych poniżej. + +Twoje dane będą przetwarzane w celu: + • rozliczeniowym, księgowym, i innych sprawach związanych z Twoją darowizną na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b i c RODO, + • kontaktu telefonicznego, przez media elektroniczne oraz listownie, celem informowania o działalności oraz prośby o wsparcie na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a, + • przesyłania e-mailem newslettera: regularnej informacji o działalności fundacji oraz próśb o wsparcie na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO, + • ewentualnego ustalenia i dochodzenia roszczeń lub obrony przed nimi; zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa u Administratora oraz realizacji wewnętrznych celów administracyjnych, analitycznych i statystycznych na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO; uzasadnionym interesem Administratora jest możliwość obrony przed ewentualnymi roszczeniami, zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa u Administratora oraz możliwość realizacji wewnętrznych celów administracyjnych, analitycznych i statystycznych przez Fundację. + +Fundacja nie udostępnia Twoich danych osobowych podmiotom trzecim. Fundacja może korzystać z usług podwykonawców w celu realizacji kontaktu w ramach wyrażonej zgody. W szczególności Twoje dane mogą być przekazywane podmiotom takim jak banki, firma obsługująca księgowość i firmy współpracujące przy prowadzeniu akcji informacyjnych i edukacyjnych – przy czym takie podmioty przetwarzają dane wyłącznie na podstawie umowy z administratorem, wyłącznie zgodnie z poleceniami administratora i wyłącznie zgodnie z zakresem udzielonej zgody. + +Twoje dane osobowe będą przechowywane do momentu wycofania zgody, rozliczenia darowizn, a po tym okresie przez okres przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń lub przez okres, który wynika z przepisów prawa, w szczególności obowiązku przechowywania dokumentów księgowych (rachunkowych). + +Przysługuje Ci prawo dostępu do Twoich danych oraz prawo żądania ich sprostowania, ich usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania. W zakresie, w jakim podstawą przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych jest przesłanka prawnie uzasadnionego interesu administratora, przysługuje Ci prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych. W zakresie, w jakim podstawą przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych jest zgoda, masz prawo wycofania zgody. Wycofanie zgody nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej wycofaniem. W celu skorzystania z powyższych praw należy skontaktować się z fundacją w dowolny wskazany powyżej sposób. + +Masz prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeżeli uważasz, że Twoje dane osobowe są przetwarzane w niewłaściwy sposób. + +Twoje dane osobowe nie będą profilowane, ani przesyłane do państw trzecich i organizacji międzynarodowych. + +
+'''.replace('\n', '
') class Meta: model = models.Schedule - fields = ['monthly', 'amount', 'email', 'method'] + fields = ['monthly', 'amount', + 'first_name', 'last_name', + 'email', 'phone', + 'postal', + 'postal_code', 'postal_town', 'postal_country', + 'method'] widgets = { 'amount': forms.HiddenInput, 'monthly': forms.HiddenInput, 'method': forms.HiddenInput, + + 'first_name': forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": _('first name')}), + 'last_name': forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": _('last name')}), + + 'postal': forms.Textarea(attrs={"placeholder": _("If you leave your address, we'll be able to send you a postcard and other gadgets.")}), + 'postal_code': forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": _('postal code')}), + 'postal_town': forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": _('town')}), } def __init__(self, referer=None, **kwargs): self.referer = referer super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.fields['first_name'].required = True + self.fields['last_name'].required = True + self.fields['phone'].required = True + + self.consent = [] + for c in models.Consent.objects.filter(active=True).order_by('order'): + key = f'consent{}' + self.fields[key] = forms.BooleanField( + label=c.text, + required=c.required + ) + self.consent.append(( + c, key, (lambda k: lambda: self[k])(key) + )) + def clean_amount(self): value = self.cleaned_data['amount'] club = models.Club.objects.first() @@ -51,7 +102,14 @@ class ScheduleForm(forms.ModelForm, NewsletterForm): def save(self, *args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs) self.instance.source = self.referer or '' - return super().save(*args, **kwargs) + instance = super().save(*args, **kwargs) + + consents = [] + for consent, key, consent_field in self.consent: + if self.cleaned_data[key]: + instance.consent.add(consent) + + return instance class PayUCardTokenForm(CardTokenForm): diff --git a/src/club/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 5842795d9..a7200160b 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -66,142 +66,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -360,38 +432,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 5842795d9..a7200160b 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -66,142 +66,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -360,38 +432,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 5842795d9..a7200160b 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -66,142 +66,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -360,38 +432,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 6b253e6bf..9f4a0e82a 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -66,142 +66,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -360,38 +432,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 5842795d9..a7200160b 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -66,142 +66,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -360,38 +432,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index b9cf4362c..dc83c19c6 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -68,142 +68,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -366,38 +438,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ b/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ index c3026be64..b6bd8a38d 100644 Binary files a/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ and b/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ differ diff --git a/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 11f9830eb..78d5245a2 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-15 15:28+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-30 14:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: pl\n" @@ -31,144 +31,172 @@ msgstr "harmonogram przedawniony" msgid "Club" msgstr "Towarzystwo" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "imię" + +#: club/ club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "nazwisko" + +#: club/ +msgid "" +"If you leave your address, we'll be able to send you a postcard and other " +"gadgets." +msgstr "" +"Jeśli zostawisz nam swój adres, to będziemy mogli wysłać Ci pocztówkę i inne " +"drobne gadżety Wolnych Lektur." + +#: club/ club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "kod pocztowy" + +#: club/ club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "miejscowość" + +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "Minimalna kwota to %(amount)d zł." -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "minimum amount" msgstr "minimalna kwota" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "minimum amount for year" msgstr "minimalna kwota na rok" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "proposed amounts for single payment" msgstr "proponowane kwoty dla pojedynczej wpłaty" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "default single amount" msgstr "domyślna kwota dla pojedynczej wpłaty" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "proposed amounts for monthly payments" msgstr "proponowane kwoty dla miesięcznych wpłat" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "default monthly amount" msgstr "domyślna kwota dla miesięcznych wpłat" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "club" msgstr "towarzystwo" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "clubs" msgstr "towarzystwa" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "klucz" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "email" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "członkostwo" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "kwota" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "metoda płatności" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "miesięcznie" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "rocznie" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "źródło" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "anulowany" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "opłacona" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "start" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "wygasa" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "harmonogram" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "harmonogramy" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "użytkownik" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "utworzone" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "nazwisko" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "ustawiony ręcznie" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "notatki" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "aktualizacja" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "członkostwa" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "dni przed" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "temat" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "treść" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "email z przypomnieniem" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "emaile z przypomnieniem" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" @@ -177,7 +205,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d dni przed wygaśnięciem" msgstr[2] "%d dni przed wygaśnięciem" msgstr[3] "%d dni przed wygaśnięciem" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" @@ -186,93 +214,77 @@ msgstr[1] "%d dni po wygaśnięciu" msgstr[2] "%d dni po wygaśnięciu" msgstr[3] "%d dni przed wygaśnięciem" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "zdjęcie" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "tekst" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "ambasador" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "ambasadorowie" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" -#: club/ -msgid "first name" -msgstr "imię" - -#: club/ -msgid "last name" -msgstr "nazwisko" - -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "sex" msgstr "płeć" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "date of birth" msgstr "data urodzenia" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "street" msgstr "ulica" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "building" msgstr "numer domu" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "flat" msgstr "numer mieszkania" -#: club/ -msgid "town" -msgstr "miasto" - -#: club/ -msgid "postal code" -msgstr "kod" - -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "phone" msgstr "numer telefonu" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "e-mail" msgstr "e-mail" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "IBAN" msgstr "numer rachunku" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payment identifier" msgstr "identyfikator płatności" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "agree newsletter" msgstr "zgoda na newsletter" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "date" msgstr "data" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "direct debit" msgstr "polecenie zapłaty" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "direct debits" msgstr "polecenia zapłaty" @@ -459,32 +471,48 @@ msgstr "Bezpieczne wpłaty" msgid "transfer" msgstr "przelew" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "Wybierz rodzaj wsparcia" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "jednorazowo" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "Wybierz kwotę" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "inna kwota" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" -msgstr "Podaj adres e-mail" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "Podaj dane kontaktowe" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "First and last name:" +msgstr "Imię i nazwisko:" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 -msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." -msgstr "Chcę dostawać informacje o nowościach" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:67 +msgid "E-mail:" +msgstr "E-mail" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:72 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "Numer telefonu:" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:77 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "Adres pocztowy:" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:96 +msgid "I'd like to subscribe the newsletter." +msgstr "Zapisuję się na newsletter." + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:100 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." @@ -493,7 +521,7 @@ msgstr "" "\" href=\"\">polityce " "prywatności." -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:104 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Wpłać" @@ -537,6 +565,9 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "Zlecasz comiesięczną płatność w wysokości %(amount)s zł. Dziękujemy!" +#~ msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." +#~ msgstr "Chcę dostawać informacje o nowościach" + #~ msgid "in perpetuity" #~ msgstr "jednorazowo" @@ -554,6 +585,3 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "plans" #~ msgstr "plany" - -#~ msgid "method" -#~ msgstr "metoda płatności" diff --git a/src/club/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 36979b99b..d7f36997f 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -68,142 +68,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -366,38 +438,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/src/club/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 37d635fc6..655a66ddf 100644 --- a/src/club/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/src/club/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Club" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "Minimal amount is %(amount)d PLN." msgstr "" @@ -69,142 +69,214 @@ msgstr "" msgid "clubs" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "key" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "email" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "membership" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "amount" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:21 +#: club/ +msgid "method" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ club/templates/club/payment_form.html:25 msgid "monthly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "yearly" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "source" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "cancelled" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "payed at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "started at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "expires_at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedule" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "schedules" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "user" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "created at" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/ +#: club/ club/ msgid "name" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "manual" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "notes" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "updated at" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "memberships" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "days before" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "subject" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/payu/ +#: club/ club/payu/ msgid "body" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder email" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "reminder emails" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day before expiration" msgid_plural "%d days before expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ #, python-format msgid "a day after expiration" msgid_plural "%d days after expiration" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "text" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassador" msgstr "" -#: club/ +#: club/ msgid "ambassadors" msgstr "" -#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 +#: club/ club/templates/club/index.html:7 #: club/templates/club/index.html:13 club/templates/club/thanks.html:6 #: club/templates/payu/rec_payment.html:5 msgid "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Wolnych Lektur" msgstr "" +#: club/ +msgid "first name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "last name" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "sex" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date of birth" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "street" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "building" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "flat" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "town" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "postal code" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "phone" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "e-mail" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "IBAN" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "payment identifier" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "agree newsletter" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "date" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debit" +msgstr "" + +#: club/ +msgid "direct debits" +msgstr "" + #: club/payu/ club/payu/ msgid "POS id" msgstr "" @@ -367,38 +439,50 @@ msgstr "" msgid "transfer" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:15 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:18 msgid "Choose your type of support" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:20 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 msgid "one-time" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:24 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:28 msgid "Choose the amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:32 -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:45 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:36 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:49 msgid "different amount" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:51 -msgid "Provide an e-mail address" +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:57 +msgid "Provide contact details" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:60 +msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:58 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +msgid "Phone number:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:70 +msgid "Postal address:" +msgstr "" + +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:87 msgid "I'd like to receive informations about new publications." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:62 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:91 msgid "" "You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy." msgstr "" -#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:65 +#: club/templates/club/payment_form.html:94 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" diff --git a/src/club/migrations/ b/src/club/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c02e1ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/club/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-07-30 09:04 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('club', '0031_auto_20210622_0945'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.CreateModel( + name='Consent', + fields=[ + ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), + ('order', models.IntegerField()), + ('active', models.BooleanField(default=True)), + ('text', models.CharField(max_length=2048)), + ('required', models.BooleanField()), + ], + options={ + 'ordering': ['order'], + }, + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='consent', + field=models.ManyToManyField(to='club.Consent'), + ), + ] diff --git a/src/club/migrations/ b/src/club/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ea56c771 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/club/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-07-30 09:45 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('club', '0032_auto_20210730_1104'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='phone', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal', + field=models.TextField(blank=True), + ), + ] diff --git a/src/club/migrations/ b/src/club/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b8f15016c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/club/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-07-30 12:07 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('club', '0033_auto_20210730_1145'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal', + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='first_name', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='last_name', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_1', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_2', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_3', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_4', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_code', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_country', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + ] diff --git a/src/club/migrations/ b/src/club/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a444e7bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/club/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-07-30 12:12 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('club', '0034_auto_20210730_1407'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_town', + field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255), + ), + ] diff --git a/src/club/migrations/ b/src/club/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28779fb93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/club/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Generated by Django 2.2.19 on 2021-07-30 12:37 + +from django.db import migrations +import django_countries.fields + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('club', '0035_schedule_postal_town'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.RenameField( + model_name='schedule', + old_name='postal_1', + new_name='postal', + ), + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_2', + ), + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_3', + ), + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_4', + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='schedule', + name='postal_country', + field=django_countries.fields.CountryField(blank=True, default='PL', max_length=2), + ), + ] diff --git a/src/club/ b/src/club/ index 8905f08c4..77d1bb260 100644 --- a/src/club/ +++ b/src/club/ @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from django.db import models from django import template from django.utils.timezone import now from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ungettext, ugettext, get_language +from django_countries.fields import CountryField from catalogue.utils import get_random_hash from messaging.states import Level from reporting.utils import render_to_pdf @@ -43,6 +44,19 @@ class Club(models.Model): return [int(x) for x in self.monthly_amounts.split(',')] +class Consent(models.Model): + order = models.IntegerField() + active = models.BooleanField(default=True) + text = models.CharField(max_length=2048) + required = models.BooleanField() + + class Meta: + ordering = ['order'] + + def __str__(self): + return self.text + + class Schedule(models.Model): """ Represents someone taking up a plan. """ key = models.CharField(_('key'), max_length=255, unique=True) @@ -63,6 +77,16 @@ class Schedule(models.Model): expires_at = models.DateTimeField(_('expires_at'), null=True, blank=True) email_sent = models.BooleanField(default=False) + first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + phone = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + postal = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + postal_code = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + postal_town = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) + postal_country = CountryField(default='PL', blank=True) + + consent = models.ManyToManyField(Consent) + class Meta: verbose_name = _('schedule') verbose_name_plural = _('schedules') @@ -148,6 +172,9 @@ class Schedule(models.Model): Contact.update(, level, since, self.expires_at) + + + class Membership(models.Model): """ Represents a user being recognized as a member of the club. """ user = models.OneToOneField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, verbose_name=_('user'), on_delete=models.CASCADE) diff --git a/src/club/static/club/club.scss b/src/club/static/club/club.scss index 982ca7930..004f4e667 100644 --- a/src/club/static/club/club.scss +++ b/src/club/static/club/club.scss @@ -140,3 +140,74 @@ } } } + + +label.required { + &::before { + content: " * "; + color: red; + } +} + + + +.helptext { + position: relative; + + .short { + height: 1.5em; + overflow: hidden; + position: relative; + + &:after { + content:' '; + position:absolute; + bottom:0; + width:25%; + height:20px; + background-color:transparent; + overflow: hidden; + /* assume ltr */ + right:0; + background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0),#ffffff 50%); + background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0),#ffffff 50%); + background-image:-o-linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0),#ffffff 50%); + background-image:linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,0),#ffffff 50%) + } + } + + .morelink { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + &:after { + content: " ↓"; + } + } +} + + +#payment-form { + textarea { + box-sizing: border-box; + padding: 8px; + width: 440px; + height: 4em; + } + input[type="text"], input[type="email"] { + box-sizing: border-box; + width: 440px; + padding: 8px; + &#id_postal_code { + width: 120px; + } + &#id_postal_town { + width: 320px; + } + } + select { + box-sizing: border-box; + width: 440px; + padding: 8px; + } +} diff --git a/src/club/templates/club/payment_form.html b/src/club/templates/club/payment_form.html index 72d3e2515..58d564c12 100644 --- a/src/club/templates/club/payment_form.html +++ b/src/club/templates/club/payment_form.html @@ -54,18 +54,52 @@ -

3. {% trans "Provide an e-mail address" %}


3. {% trans "Provide contact details" %}

+ +

+ {{ form.first_name }} +

+ {{ form.last_name }} +

+ + +

+ {{ }} +

+ +

+ {{ }} +

+ +

+ {{ form.postal }}
+ {{ form.postal_code }} {{ form.postal_town }}
+ {{ form.postal_country }} +

+ +{% for c, key, consent_field in form.consent %} +

+ {{ consent_field }} + +

+{% endfor %} -

{{ }}

{{ form.agree_newsletter }}

{% trans 'You can unsubscribe at any point. More in the privacy policy.' %}


{{ form.data_processing }}

+ +
{{ form.data_processing|safe }}
diff --git a/src/wolnelektury/settings/ b/src/wolnelektury/settings/ index 1d7737282..e6f10f885 100644 --- a/src/wolnelektury/settings/ +++ b/src/wolnelektury/settings/ @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS_CONTRIB = [ 'getpaid.backends.payu', 'django_extensions', 'forms_builder.forms', + 'django_countries', 'debug_toolbar',