book_descendants += list(child_book.children.all())
for tag in descendants_tags:
- touch_tag.delay(tag)
+ touch_tag(tag)
# reset tag global counter
# we want Tag.changed_at updated for API to know the tag was touched
for tag in affected_tags:
- touch_tag.delay(tag)
+ touch_tag(tag)
# if book tags changed, reset book tag counter
if isinstance(sender, Book) and \
from django.utils.http import urlquote_plus
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from ajaxable.utils import JSONResponse, AjaxableFormView
def tagged_object_list(request, tags=''):
tags = models.Tag.get_tag_list(tags)
def book_detail(request, slug):
book = models.Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
{% cache 60 tagline LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% url book_list as b %}
- {% url book_list as r %}
+ {% url infopage 'o-projekcie' as r %}
{% count_books book_count %}
{% blocktrans count book_count as c %}
<a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free reading you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
<div class="tags">
+ {% spaceless %}
<span class="mono"> {% trans "Epoch" %}:</span> <span class="book-box-tag">
{% for name, slug in related.tags.epoch %}
<a href="{% tag_url 'epoch' slug %}">{{ name }}</a>
{% endfor %}
+ {% endspaceless %}
{% shelf_tags book %}
from ajaxable.utils import placeholdized
def main_page(request):
last_published = Book.objects.exclude(html_file='').order_by('-created_at')[:4]