+Basic setup
+Wolne Lektury is a `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_ project.
+If you're new to Django, we strongly recommend you complete
+the `Django Girls Tutorial <https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/>`_ and/or
+the official :django:`Django Tutorial <getting-started>`
+to learn about setting up a Python virtual environment and general structure
+of a Django project.
+Getting started
+Once you have your Python (version at least 3.5) installed, virtualenv created,
+and the source code of Wolne Lektury checked out to a directory, then the most
+basic setup is as easy as:
+ $ pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
+After that, you should be able to run tests:
+ $ src/manage.py test
+And migrate the database and run the development server:
+ $ src/manage.py migrate
+ $ src/manage.py runserver
+Publishing books
+Books are represented as XML files.
+You can download some books as source XML files and import them
+into your instance either by using the admin interface,
+or by running::
+ src/manage.py importbooks your-directory-with-xml-files
+What's next?
+This basic setup:
+* uses a SQLite file as a database,
+* has search disabled,
+* does not generate PDF, EPUB or MOBI files from books,
+* will generate TXT, HTML, FB2 and cover image files, but will not use a task queue.
+In the next section, you'll see what additional setup is needed to solve these issues.