- {% else %}
- {% autopaginate object_list 10 %}
- <div id="books-list">
- {% with tags|last as last_tag %}
- {% if last_tag.has_description %}
- <div id="description">
- <div id='description-long'>{{ last_tag.description|safe }}</div>
- <div id='description-short'>{{ last_tag.description|safe|truncatewords_html:30 }}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="clearboth"></div>
- <div id="toggle-description"><p></p></div>
- {% endif %}
- {% if only_shelf %}
- <a id="download-shelf" href="{% url download_shelf last_tag.slug %}">
- {% trans "Download all books from this shelf" %}
- </a>
- <div id="download-shelf-menu" style="display:none;">
- <form action="{% url download_shelf last_tag.slug %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="download-formats-form" data-formats-feed="{% url shelf_book_formats last_tag.slug %}">
- <p>{% trans "Choose books' formats which you want to download:" %}</p>
- <li data-format="pdf"><label for="id_formats_2"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="pdf" id="id_formats_2" /> PDF</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for reading" %}</strong> {% trans "and printing using" %} <a href="http://get.adobe.com/reader/">Adobe Reader</a></em></li>
- <li data-format="epub"><label for="id_formats_5"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="epub" id="id_formats_5" /> EPUB</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for reading" %}</strong> {% trans "on mobile devices" %}</em></li>
- <li data-format="mobi"><label for="id_formats_7"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="mobi" id="id_formats_7" /> MOBI</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for reading" %}</strong> {% trans "on mobile devices" %}</em></li>
- <li data-format="odt"><label for="id_formats_3"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="odt" id="id_formats_3" /> ODT</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for reading" %}</strong> {% trans "and editing using" %} <a href="http://pl.openoffice.org/">OpenOffice.org</a></em></li>
- <li data-format="txt"><label for="id_formats_4"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="txt" id="id_formats_4" /> TXT</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for reading" %}</strong> {% trans "on small displays, for example mobile phones" %}</em></li>
- <li data-format="mp3"><label for="id_formats_0"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="mp3" id="id_formats_0" /> MP3</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for listening" %}</strong> {% trans "on favourite MP3 player" %}</em></li>
- <li data-format="ogg"><label for="id_formats_1"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="ogg" id="id_formats_1" /> Ogg Vorbis</label> <em><strong>{% trans "for listening" %}</strong> — {% trans "open format" %} <a href="http://www.vorbis.com/">{% trans "Xiph.org Foundation" %}</a></em></li>
- <li data-format="daisy"><label for="id_formats_6"><input type="checkbox" name="formats" value="daisy" id="id_formats_6" /> DAISY</label> </li>
- <li id="download-formats-form-submit-li"><label><input type="submit" name="submit" value="{% trans "Download" %}" id="download-formats-form-submit" disabled="disabled" /> <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" /></label> <span id="updating-formats">{% trans "Updating list of books' formats on the shelf" %}</span><span id="formats-updated" style="display:none;">{% trans "or" %} <a href="#" id="download-formats-form-cancel">{% trans "cancel" %}</a></span></li>
- <div class="clearboth"></div>
- </form>