+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
-# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
-# from: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/243/
-import base64
-from django.http import HttpResponse
-from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
-def view_or_basicauth(view, request, test_func, realm = "", *args, **kwargs):
- """
- This is a helper function used by 'logged_in_or_basicauth' and
- 'has_perm_or_basicauth' (deleted) that does the nitty of determining if they
- are already logged in or if they have provided proper http-authorization
- and returning the view if all goes well, otherwise responding with a 401.
- """
- if test_func(request.user):
- # Already logged in, just return the view.
- #
- return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
- # They are not logged in. See if they provided login credentials
- #
- if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.META:
- auth = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split()
- if len(auth) == 2:
- # NOTE: We are only support basic authentication for now.
- #
- if auth[0].lower() == "basic":
- uname, passwd = base64.b64decode(auth[1]).split(':')
- user = authenticate(username=uname, password=passwd)
- if user is not None:
- if user.is_active:
- login(request, user)
- request.user = user
- return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
- # Either they did not provide an authorization header or
- # something in the authorization attempt failed. Send a 401
- # back to them to ask them to authenticate.
- #
- response = HttpResponse()
- response.status_code = 401
- response['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
- return response
-def logged_in_or_basicauth(realm = ""):
- """
- A simple decorator that requires a user to be logged in. If they are not
- logged in the request is examined for a 'authorization' header.
- If the header is present it is tested for basic authentication and
- the user is logged in with the provided credentials.
- If the header is not present a http 401 is sent back to the
- requestor to provide credentials.
- The purpose of this is that in several django projects I have needed
- several specific views that need to support basic authentication, yet the
- web site as a whole used django's provided authentication.
- The uses for this are for urls that are access programmatically such as
- by rss feed readers, yet the view requires a user to be logged in. Many rss
- readers support supplying the authentication credentials via http basic
- auth (and they do NOT support a redirect to a form where they post a
- username/password.)
- Use is simple:
- @logged_in_or_basicauth
- def your_view:
- ...
- You can provide the name of the realm to ask for authentication within.
- """
- def view_decorator(func):
- def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
- return view_or_basicauth(func, request,
- lambda u: u.is_authenticated(),
- realm, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- return view_decorator
-from base64 import b64encode
-import os.path
-from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
-from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.http import Http404
-from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
-from catalogue.models import Book, Tag
-_root_feeds = (
- {
- u"category": u"",
- u"link": u"opds_user",
- u"link_args": [],
- u"title": u"Moje półki",
- u"description": u"Półki użytkownika dostępne po zalogowaniu"
- },
- {
- u"category": u"author",
- u"link": u"opds_by_category",
- u"link_args": [u"author"],
- u"title": u"Autorzy",
- u"description": u"Utwory wg autorów"
- },
- {
- u"category": u"kind",
- u"link": u"opds_by_category",
- u"link_args": [u"kind"],
- u"title": u"Rodzaje",
- u"description": u"Utwory wg rodzajów"
- },
- {
- u"category": u"genre",
- u"link": u"opds_by_category",
- u"link_args": [u"genre"],
- u"title": u"Gatunki",
- u"description": u"Utwory wg gatunków"
- },
- {
- u"category": u"epoch",
- u"link": u"opds_by_category",
- u"link_args": [u"epoch"],
- u"title": u"Epoki",
- u"description": u"Utwory wg epok"
- },
-def factory_decorator(decorator):
- """ generates a decorator for a function factory class
- if A(*) == f, factory_decorator(D)(A)(*) == D(f)
- """
- def fac_dec(func):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- return decorator(func(*args, **kwargs))
- return wrapper
- return fac_dec
-class OPDSFeed(Atom1Feed):
- link_rel = u"subsection"
- link_type = u"application/atom+xml"
- _book_parent_img = "http://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/book-parent.png"))
- try:
- _book_parent_img_size = unicode(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "img/book-parent.png")))
- except:
- _book_parent_img_size = ''
- _book_img = "http://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/book.png"))
- try:
- _book_img_size = unicode(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "img/book.png")))
- except:
- _book_img_size = ''
- def add_root_elements(self, handler):
- super(OPDSFeed, self).add_root_elements(handler)
- handler.addQuickElement(u"link", u"", {u"href": reverse("opds_authors"), u"rel": u"start", u"type": u"application/atom+xml"})
- def add_item_elements(self, handler, item):
- """ modified from Atom1Feed.add_item_elements """
- handler.addQuickElement(u"title", item['title'])
- # add a OPDS Navigation link if there's no enclosure
- if item['enclosure'] is None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"link", u"", {u"href": item['link'], u"rel": u"subsection", u"type": u"application/atom+xml"})
- # add a "green book" icon
- handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
- {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail",
- u"href": self._book_parent_img,
- u"length": self._book_parent_img_size,
- u"type": u"image/png"})
- if item['pubdate'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"updated", rfc3339_date(item['pubdate']).decode('utf-8'))
- # Author information.
- if item['author_name'] is not None:
- handler.startElement(u"author", {})
- handler.addQuickElement(u"name", item['author_name'])
- if item['author_email'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"email", item['author_email'])
- if item['author_link'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"uri", item['author_link'])
- handler.endElement(u"author")
- # Unique ID.
- if item['unique_id'] is not None:
- unique_id = item['unique_id']
- else:
- unique_id = get_tag_uri(item['link'], item['pubdate'])
- handler.addQuickElement(u"id", unique_id)
- # Summary.
- # OPDS needs type=text
- if item['description'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"summary", item['description'], {u"type": u"text"})
- # Enclosure as OPDS Acquisition Link
- if item['enclosure'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
- {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/acquisition",
- u"href": item['enclosure'].url,
- u"length": item['enclosure'].length,
- u"type": item['enclosure'].mime_type})
- # add a "red book" icon
- handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
- {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail",
- u"href": self._book_img,
- u"length": self._book_img_size,
- u"type": u"image/png"})
- # Categories.
- for cat in item['categories']:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"category", u"", {u"term": cat})
- # Rights.
- if item['item_copyright'] is not None:
- handler.addQuickElement(u"rights", item['item_copyright'])
-class RootFeed(Feed):
- feed_type = OPDSFeed
- title = u'Wolne Lektury'
- link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
- description = u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
- author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
- author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
- def items(self):
- return _root_feeds
- def item_title(self, item):
- return item['title']
- def item_link(self, item):
- return reverse(item['link'], args=item['link_args'])
- def item_description(self, item):
- return item['description']
-class ByCategoryFeed(Feed):
- feed_type = OPDSFeed
- link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
- description = u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
- author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
- author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
- def get_object(self, request, category):
- feed = [feed for feed in _root_feeds if feed['category']==category]
- if feed:
- feed = feed[0]
- else:
- raise Http404
- return feed
- def title(self, feed):
- return feed['title']
- def items(self, feed):
- return (tag for tag in Tag.objects.filter(category=feed['category']) if tag.get_count() > 0)
- def item_title(self, item):
- return item.name
- def item_link(self, item):
- return reverse("opds_by_tag", args=[item.category, item.slug])
- def item_description(self):
- return u''
-class ByTagFeed(Feed):
- feed_type = OPDSFeed
- link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
- item_enclosure_mime_type = "application/epub+zip"
- author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
- author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
- def link(self, tag):
- return tag.get_absolute_url()
- def title(self, tag):
- return tag.name
- def description(self, tag):
- return u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
- def get_object(self, request, category, slug):
- return get_object_or_404(Tag, category=category, slug=slug)
- def items(self, tag):
- books = Book.tagged.with_any([tag])
- l_tags = Tag.objects.filter(category='book', slug__in=[book.book_tag_slug() for book in books])
- descendants_keys = [book.pk for book in Book.tagged.with_any(l_tags)]
- if descendants_keys:
- books = books.exclude(pk__in=descendants_keys)
- return books
- def item_title(self, book):
- return book.title
- def item_description(self):
- return u''
- def item_link(self, book):
- return book.get_absolute_url()
- def item_author_name(self, book):
- try:
- return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].name
- except KeyError:
- return u''
- def item_author_link(self, book):
- try:
- return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].get_absolute_url()
- except KeyError:
- return u''
- def item_enclosure_url(self, book):
- return "http://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, book.root_ancestor.epub_file.url)
- def item_enclosure_length(self, book):
- return book.root_ancestor.epub_file.size
-class UserFeed(Feed):
- feed_type = OPDSFeed
- link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
- description = u"Półki użytkownika na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
- author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
- author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
- def get_object(self, request):
- return request.user
- def title(self, user):
- return u"Półki użytkownika %s" % user.username
- def items(self, user):
- return (tag for tag in Tag.objects.filter(category='set', user=user) if tag.get_count() > 0)
- def item_title(self, item):
- return item.name
- def item_link(self, item):
- return reverse("opds_user_set", args=[item.slug])
- def item_description(self):
- return u''
-class UserSetFeed(Feed):
- feed_type = OPDSFeed
- link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
- item_enclosure_mime_type = "application/epub+zip"
- author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
- author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
- def link(self, tag):
- return tag.get_absolute_url()
- def title(self, tag):
- return tag.name
- def description(self, tag):
- return u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
- def get_object(self, request, slug):
- return get_object_or_404(Tag, category='set', slug=slug, user=request.user)
- def items(self, tag):
- return Book.tagged.with_any([tag])
- def item_title(self, book):
- return book.title
- def item_description(self):
- return u''
- def item_link(self, book):
- return book.get_absolute_url()
- def item_author_name(self, book):
- try:
- return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].name
- except KeyError:
- return u''
- def item_author_link(self, book):
- try:
- return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].get_absolute_url()
- except KeyError:
- return u''
- def item_enclosure_url(self, book):
- return "http://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, book.root_ancestor.epub_file.url)
- def item_enclosure_length(self, book):
- return book.root_ancestor.epub_file.size
-def user_set_feed(request):
- return UserSetFeed()(request)
# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
-from catalogue.feeds import RootFeed, ByCategoryFeed, ByTagFeed, UserFeed, UserSetFeed
urlpatterns = patterns('catalogue.views',
# tools
url(r'^zegar', 'clock', name='clock'),
- # OPDS interface
- url(r'^opds/$', RootFeed(), name="opds_authors"),
- url(r'^opds/user/$', UserFeed(), name="opds_user"),
- url(r'^opds/set/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', UserSetFeed(), name="opds_user_set"),
- url(r'^opds/(?P<category>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', ByCategoryFeed(), name="opds_by_category"),
- url(r'^opds/(?P<category>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', ByTagFeed(), name="opds_by_tag"),
# Public interface. Do not change this URLs.
url(r'^lektura/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.html$', 'book_text', name='book_text'),
url(r'^lektura/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', 'book_detail', name='book_detail'),
return type
+def books_starting_with(prefix):
+ prefix = prefix.lower()
+ return models.Book.objects.filter(_word_starts_with('title', prefix))
def find_best_matches(query, user=None):
""" Finds a Book, Tag or Bookstub best matching a query.
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+from opds.views import RootFeed, ByCategoryFeed, ByTagFeed, UserFeed, UserSetFeed, SearchFeed
+urlpatterns = patterns('opds.views',
+ url(r'^$', RootFeed(), name="opds_authors"),
+ url(r'^search/$', SearchFeed(), name="opds_search"),
+ url(r'^user/$', UserFeed(), name="opds_user"),
+ url(r'^set/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', UserSetFeed(), name="opds_user_set"),
+ url(r'^(?P<category>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', ByCategoryFeed(), name="opds_by_category"),
+ url(r'^(?P<category>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/(?P<slug>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/$', ByTagFeed(), name="opds_by_tag"),
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from base64 import b64encode
+import os.path
+from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
+from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from basicauth import logged_in_or_basicauth, factory_decorator
+from catalogue.models import Book, Tag
+from catalogue.views import books_starting_with
+_root_feeds = (
+ {
+ u"category": u"",
+ u"link": u"opds_user",
+ u"link_args": [],
+ u"title": u"Moje półki",
+ u"description": u"Półki użytkownika dostępne po zalogowaniu"
+ },
+ {
+ u"category": u"author",
+ u"link": u"opds_by_category",
+ u"link_args": [u"author"],
+ u"title": u"Autorzy",
+ u"description": u"Utwory wg autorów"
+ },
+ {
+ u"category": u"kind",
+ u"link": u"opds_by_category",
+ u"link_args": [u"kind"],
+ u"title": u"Rodzaje",
+ u"description": u"Utwory wg rodzajów"
+ },
+ {
+ u"category": u"genre",
+ u"link": u"opds_by_category",
+ u"link_args": [u"genre"],
+ u"title": u"Gatunki",
+ u"description": u"Utwory wg gatunków"
+ },
+ {
+ u"category": u"epoch",
+ u"link": u"opds_by_category",
+ u"link_args": [u"epoch"],
+ u"title": u"Epoki",
+ u"description": u"Utwory wg epok"
+ },
+def full_url(url):
+ return "http://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, url)
+class OPDSFeed(Atom1Feed):
+ link_rel = u"subsection"
+ link_type = u"application/atom+xml"
+ _book_parent_img = full_url(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/book-parent.png"))
+ try:
+ _book_parent_img_size = unicode(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "img/book-parent.png")))
+ except:
+ _book_parent_img_size = ''
+ _book_img = full_url(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/book.png"))
+ try:
+ _book_img_size = unicode(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "img/book.png")))
+ except:
+ _book_img_size = ''
+ def add_root_elements(self, handler):
+ super(OPDSFeed, self).add_root_elements(handler)
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", None,
+ {u"href": reverse("opds_authors"),
+ u"rel": u"start",
+ u"type": u"application/atom+xml"})
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", None,
+ {u"href": full_url(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "opensearch.xml")),
+ u"rel": u"search",
+ u"type": u"application/opensearchdescription+xml"})
+ def add_item_elements(self, handler, item):
+ """ modified from Atom1Feed.add_item_elements """
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"title", item['title'])
+ # add a OPDS Navigation link if there's no enclosure
+ if item['enclosure'] is None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", u"", {u"href": item['link'], u"rel": u"subsection", u"type": u"application/atom+xml"})
+ # add a "green book" icon
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
+ {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail",
+ u"href": self._book_parent_img,
+ u"length": self._book_parent_img_size,
+ u"type": u"image/png"})
+ if item['pubdate'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"updated", rfc3339_date(item['pubdate']).decode('utf-8'))
+ # Author information.
+ if item['author_name'] is not None:
+ handler.startElement(u"author", {})
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"name", item['author_name'])
+ if item['author_email'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"email", item['author_email'])
+ if item['author_link'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"uri", item['author_link'])
+ handler.endElement(u"author")
+ # Unique ID.
+ if item['unique_id'] is not None:
+ unique_id = item['unique_id']
+ else:
+ unique_id = get_tag_uri(item['link'], item['pubdate'])
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"id", unique_id)
+ # Summary.
+ # OPDS needs type=text
+ if item['description'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"summary", item['description'], {u"type": u"text"})
+ # Enclosure as OPDS Acquisition Link
+ if item['enclosure'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
+ {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/acquisition",
+ u"href": item['enclosure'].url,
+ u"length": item['enclosure'].length,
+ u"type": item['enclosure'].mime_type})
+ # add a "red book" icon
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
+ {u"rel": u"http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail",
+ u"href": self._book_img,
+ u"length": self._book_img_size,
+ u"type": u"image/png"})
+ # Categories.
+ for cat in item['categories']:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"category", u"", {u"term": cat})
+ # Rights.
+ if item['item_copyright'] is not None:
+ handler.addQuickElement(u"rights", item['item_copyright'])
+class AcquisitionFeed(Feed):
+ feed_type = OPDSFeed
+ link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
+ item_enclosure_mime_type = "application/epub+zip"
+ author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
+ author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
+ def item_title(self, book):
+ return book.title
+ def item_description(self):
+ return u''
+ def item_link(self, book):
+ return book.get_absolute_url()
+ def item_author_name(self, book):
+ try:
+ return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].name
+ except KeyError:
+ return u''
+ def item_author_link(self, book):
+ try:
+ return book.tags.filter(category='author')[0].get_absolute_url()
+ except KeyError:
+ return u''
+ def item_enclosure_url(self, book):
+ return full_url(book.root_ancestor.epub_file.url)
+ def item_enclosure_length(self, book):
+ return book.root_ancestor.epub_file.size
+class RootFeed(Feed):
+ feed_type = OPDSFeed
+ title = u'Wolne Lektury'
+ link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
+ description = u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
+ author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
+ author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
+ def items(self):
+ return _root_feeds
+ def item_title(self, item):
+ return item['title']
+ def item_link(self, item):
+ return reverse(item['link'], args=item['link_args'])
+ def item_description(self, item):
+ return item['description']
+class ByCategoryFeed(Feed):
+ feed_type = OPDSFeed
+ link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
+ description = u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
+ author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
+ author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
+ def get_object(self, request, category):
+ feed = [feed for feed in _root_feeds if feed['category']==category]
+ if feed:
+ feed = feed[0]
+ else:
+ raise Http404
+ return feed
+ def title(self, feed):
+ return feed['title']
+ def items(self, feed):
+ return (tag for tag in Tag.objects.filter(category=feed['category']) if tag.get_count() > 0)
+ def item_title(self, item):
+ return item.name
+ def item_link(self, item):
+ return reverse("opds_by_tag", args=[item.category, item.slug])
+ def item_description(self):
+ return u''
+class ByTagFeed(AcquisitionFeed):
+ def link(self, tag):
+ return tag.get_absolute_url()
+ def title(self, tag):
+ return tag.name
+ def description(self, tag):
+ return u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
+ def get_object(self, request, category, slug):
+ return get_object_or_404(Tag, category=category, slug=slug)
+ def items(self, tag):
+ books = Book.tagged.with_any([tag])
+ l_tags = Tag.objects.filter(category='book', slug__in=[book.book_tag_slug() for book in books])
+ descendants_keys = [book.pk for book in Book.tagged.with_any(l_tags)]
+ if descendants_keys:
+ books = books.exclude(pk__in=descendants_keys)
+ return books
+class UserFeed(Feed):
+ feed_type = OPDSFeed
+ link = u'http://www.wolnelektury.pl/'
+ description = u"Półki użytkownika na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
+ author_name = u"Wolne Lektury"
+ author_link = u"http://www.wolnelektury.pl/"
+ def get_object(self, request):
+ return request.user
+ def title(self, user):
+ return u"Półki użytkownika %s" % user.username
+ def items(self, user):
+ return (tag for tag in Tag.objects.filter(category='set', user=user) if tag.get_count() > 0)
+ def item_title(self, item):
+ return item.name
+ def item_link(self, item):
+ return reverse("opds_user_set", args=[item.slug])
+ def item_description(self):
+ return u''
+class UserSetFeed(AcquisitionFeed):
+ def link(self, tag):
+ return tag.get_absolute_url()
+ def title(self, tag):
+ return tag.name
+ def description(self, tag):
+ return u"Spis utworów na stronie http://WolneLektury.pl"
+ def get_object(self, request, slug):
+ return get_object_or_404(Tag, category='set', slug=slug, user=request.user)
+ def items(self, tag):
+ return Book.tagged.with_any([tag])
+class SearchFeed(AcquisitionFeed):
+ description = u"Wyniki wyszukiwania na stronie WolneLektury.pl"
+ title = u"Wyniki wyszukiwania"
+ def get_object(self, request):
+ return request.GET.get('q', '')
+ def get_link(self, query):
+ return "%s?q=%s" % (reverse('search'), query)
+ def items(self, query):
+ try:
+ return books_starting_with(query)
+ except ValueError:
+ # too short a query
+ return []
--- /dev/null
+# from http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/243/
+from functools import wraps
+import base64
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
+def view_or_basicauth(view, request, test_func, realm = "", *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ This is a helper function used by 'logged_in_or_basicauth' and
+ 'has_perm_or_basicauth' (deleted) that does the nitty of determining if they
+ are already logged in or if they have provided proper http-authorization
+ and returning the view if all goes well, otherwise responding with a 401.
+ """
+ if test_func(request.user):
+ # Already logged in, just return the view.
+ #
+ return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ # They are not logged in. See if they provided login credentials
+ #
+ if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.META:
+ auth = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split()
+ if len(auth) == 2:
+ # NOTE: We are only support basic authentication for now.
+ #
+ if auth[0].lower() == "basic":
+ uname, passwd = base64.b64decode(auth[1]).split(':')
+ user = authenticate(username=uname, password=passwd)
+ if user is not None:
+ if user.is_active:
+ login(request, user)
+ request.user = user
+ return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Either they did not provide an authorization header or
+ # something in the authorization attempt failed. Send a 401
+ # back to them to ask them to authenticate.
+ #
+ response = HttpResponse()
+ response.status_code = 401
+ response['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
+ return response
+def logged_in_or_basicauth(realm = ""):
+ """
+ A simple decorator that requires a user to be logged in. If they are not
+ logged in the request is examined for a 'authorization' header.
+ If the header is present it is tested for basic authentication and
+ the user is logged in with the provided credentials.
+ If the header is not present a http 401 is sent back to the
+ requestor to provide credentials.
+ The purpose of this is that in several django projects I have needed
+ several specific views that need to support basic authentication, yet the
+ web site as a whole used django's provided authentication.
+ The uses for this are for urls that are access programmatically such as
+ by rss feed readers, yet the view requires a user to be logged in. Many rss
+ readers support supplying the authentication credentials via http basic
+ auth (and they do NOT support a redirect to a form where they post a
+ username/password.)
+ Use is simple:
+ @logged_in_or_basicauth
+ def your_view:
+ ...
+ You can provide the name of the realm to ask for authentication within.
+ """
+ def view_decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
+ return view_or_basicauth(func, request,
+ lambda u: u.is_authenticated(),
+ realm, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return view_decorator
+def factory_decorator(decorator):
+ """ generates a decorator for a function factory class
+ if A(*) == f, factory_decorator(D)(A)(*) == D(f)
+ """
+ def fac_dec(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ return decorator(func(*args, **kwargs))
+ return wrapper
+ return fac_dec
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">
+ Configuration file for FBReader>=0.10
+ Should live as /usr/share/FBreader/network/wolnelektury.pl.xml
+<catalog type="opds">
+ <site>WolneLektury.pl</site>
+ <title>Wolne Lektury</title>
+ <summary>Szkolna biblioteka internetowa</summary>
+ <link rel="main" type="application/atom+xml">http://www.wolnelektury.pl/opds/</link>
+ <link rel="search" type="application/atom+xml">http://www.wolnelektury.pl/opds/search/?q=%s</link>
+ <link rel="signIn" type="application/atom+xml">http://www.wolnelektury.pl/opds/user/</link>
+ <link rel="signOut" type="application/atom+xml">http://www.wolnelektury.pl/uzytkownicy/wyloguj/?next=/opds/</link>
+ <feeds>
+ <condition show="signedIn">http://www.wolnelektury.pl/opds/user/</condition>
+ </feeds>
+ <authentication type="basic"/>
+ <icon>data:image/png;base64,
+ </icon>
\ No newline at end of file
+ 'opds',
CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem:///?max_entries=3000'
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
+ <ShortName>Wolne Lektury</ShortName>
+ <Description>WolneLektury.pl, szkolna biblioteka internetowa.</Description>
+ <Tags>lektury</Tags>
+ <Developer>Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska</Developer>
+ <Language>pl</Language>
+ <Contact>fundacja@nowoczesnapolska.org.pl</Contact>
+ <Url type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog"
+ template="http://www.wolnelektury.pl/opds/search/?q={searchTerms}" />
+ <Query role="example" searchTerms="słowa" />
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^katalog/', include('catalogue.urls')),
url(r'^materialy/', include('lessons.urls')),
+ url(r'^opds/', include('opds.urls')),
url(r'^sugestia/', include('suggest.urls')),
url(r'^lesmianator/?$', 'lesmianator.views.poem', name='lesmianator'),