{% load ssi_include from ssify %}
{% load cache %}
<div class="collection-box white-box">
- <h2><a href="{{ obj.get_absolute_url }}">{% trans "Collection" %}: {{ obj }}</a></h2>
- {% if obj.description %}
- {{ obj.description|safe|truncatewords_html:40 }}
+ <h2><a href="{{ collection.get_absolute_url }}">{% trans "Collection" %}: {{ collection }}</a></h2>
+ {% if collection.description %}
+ {{ collection.description|safe|truncatewords_html:40 }}
{% endif %}
- {% for book in obj.get_books|slice:":5" %}
+ {% for book in collection.get_books|slice:":5" %}
{% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %}
{% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %}
{% endcache %}
- {#% ssi_include 'catalogue_book_mini' pk=book.pk %#}
{% endfor %}
- {% with obj.get_books.count|add:-5 as more %}
+ {% with collection.get_books.count|add:-5 as more %}
{% if more > 0 %}
- <a href="{{ obj.get_absolute_url }}">
+ <a href="{{ collection.get_absolute_url }}">
{% blocktrans count c=more %}and one more{% plural %}and {{ c }} more{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
def collection_box(request, pk):
- obj = get_object_or_404(Collection, pk=pk)
+ collection = get_object_or_404(Collection, pk=pk)
return render(request, 'catalogue/collection_box.html', {
- 'obj': obj,
+ 'collection': collection,
# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
-from random import randint
-from django.db.models import Q
from django import template
from django.utils.functional import lazy
from django.utils.cache import add_never_cache_headers
-from catalogue.models import Book, Tag
+from catalogue.models import Book
from ssify import ssi_variable
from ssify.utils import ssi_vary_on_cookie
-from social.models import Cite
-from social.utils import likes, cites_for_tags
+from social.utils import likes, get_or_choose_cite
register = template.Library()
return likes(request.user, Book.objects.get(pk=book_id), request)
-def choose_cite(book_id=None, tag_ids=None):
- """Choose a cite for main page, for book or for set of tags."""
- if book_id is not None:
- cites = Cite.objects.filter(Q(book=book_id) | Q(book__ancestor=book_id))
- elif tag_ids is not None:
- tags = Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=tag_ids)
- cites = cites_for_tags(tags)
- else:
- cites = Cite.objects.all()
- stickies = cites.filter(sticky=True)
- count = stickies.count()
- if count:
- cite = stickies[randint(0, count - 1)]
- else:
- count = cites.count()
- if count:
- cite = cites[randint(0, count - 1)]
- else:
- cite = None
- return cite
@ssi_variable(register, name='choose_cite', patch_response=[add_never_cache_headers])
def choose_cite_tag(request, book_id=None, tag_ids=None):
- try:
- assert request.user.is_staff
- assert 'choose_cite' in request.GET
- cite = Cite.objects.get(pk=request.GET['choose_cite'])
- except (AssertionError, Cite.DoesNotExist):
- cite = choose_cite(book_id, tag_ids)
+ cite = get_or_choose_cite(request, book_id, tag_ids)
return cite.pk if cite is not None else None
# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
from collections import defaultdict
+from random import randint
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.functional import lazy
def cites_for_tags(tags):
"""Returns a QuerySet with all Cites for books with given tags."""
return Cite.objects.filter(book__in=Book.tagged.with_all(tags))
+# tag_ids is never used
+def choose_cite(book_id=None, tag_ids=None):
+ """Choose a cite for main page, for book or for set of tags."""
+ if book_id is not None:
+ cites = Cite.objects.filter(Q(book=book_id) | Q(book__ancestor=book_id))
+ elif tag_ids is not None:
+ tags = Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=tag_ids)
+ cites = cites_for_tags(tags)
+ else:
+ cites = Cite.objects.all()
+ stickies = cites.filter(sticky=True)
+ count = len(stickies)
+ if count:
+ cites = stickies
+ else:
+ count = len(cites)
+ if count:
+ cite = cites[randint(0, count - 1)]
+ else:
+ cite = None
+ return cite
+def get_or_choose_cite(request, book_id=None, tag_ids=None):
+ try:
+ assert request.user.is_staff
+ assert 'choose_cite' in request.GET
+ return Cite.objects.get(pk=request.GET['choose_cite'])
+ except (AssertionError, Cite.DoesNotExist):
+ return choose_cite(book_id, tag_ids)
+ 'template_fragments': {
+ 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
+ 'TIMEOUT': 86400,
+ '',
+ ],
+ },
{% extends "base/base.html" %}
{% load static from staticfiles %}
-{% load i18n catalogue_tags infopages_tags social_tags %}
+{% load i18n catalogue_tags infopages_tags %}
{% load ssi_include from ssify %}
{% load cache %}
+{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% spaceless %}
- {% choose_cite as cite_pk %}
- {{ cite_pk.if }}
- {% ssi_include 'social_cite_main' pk=cite_pk %}
- {{ cite_pk.endif }}
+ {% if cite %}
+ {% cache 3600 main_cite cite.pk %}
+ {% include "social/cite_promo.html" with main=True %}
+ {% endcache %}
+ {% endif %}
<section id="main-library">
<h1>W naszej cyfrowej bibliotece znajdziesz</h1>
{% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %}
{% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %}
{% endcache %}
- {#% ssi_include 'catalogue_book_mini' pk=b.pk %#}
{% endfor %}
<a href="{% url "book_list" %}">
{% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %}
{% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %}
{% endcache %}
- {#% ssi_include 'catalogue_book_mini' pk=book.pk %#}
{% endfor %}
{% if theme_fragment %}
- {% ssi_include 'catalogue_fragment_promo' pk=theme_fragment.pk %}
+ {% cache 3600 fragment_promo theme_fragment.pk %}
+ {% include 'catalogue/fragment_promo.html' with fragment=theme_fragment %}
+ {% endcache %}
{% endif %}
<a class="more" href="{% url 'theme_catalogue' %}">Zobacz katalog motywów</a>
{% if collection %}
- {% ssi_include 'catalogue_collection_box' pk=collection.pk %}
+ {% cache 3600 collection_box collection.pk LANGUAGE_CODE %}
+ {% include 'catalogue/collection_box.html' %}
+ {% endcache %}
<a class="more" href="{% url 'catalogue_collections' %}">Zobacz katalog kolekcji</a>
{% endif %}
{% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %}
{% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %}
{% endcache %}
- {#% ssi_include 'catalogue_book_mini' pk=book.pk %#}
{% endfor %}
<a class="more" href="{% url 'recent_list' %}">{% trans "More recent publications" %}</a>
{% block add_footer %}
{% spaceless %}
- {{ cite_pk.if }}
- <p>{% trans "Image used:" %}
- {% ssi_include 'social_cite_info' pk=cite_pk %}
+ {% if cite %}
+ <p>
+ {% trans "Image used:" %}
+ {% cache 3600 cite_info cite.pk %}
+ {% include 'social/cite_info.html' %}
+ {% endcache %}
- {{ cite_pk.endif }}
+ {% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}
from catalogue.models import Book, Collection, Tag, Fragment
from ssify import ssi_included
+from social.utils import get_or_choose_cite
def main_page(request):
ctx = {
'last_published': Book.objects.exclude(cover_thumb='').filter(parent=None).order_by('-created_at')[:6],
- 'theme_books': []
+ 'theme_books': [],
+ 'cite': get_or_choose_cite(request),
# for category in ('author', 'epoch', 'genre', 'kind'):