class BookAdmin(TaggableModelAdmin):
tag_model = Tag
- list_display = ('title', 'slug', 'has_pdf_file', 'has_epub_file', 'has_html_file', 'has_description',)
+ list_display = ('title', 'slug', 'created_at', 'has_pdf_file', 'has_epub_file', 'has_html_file', 'has_description',)
search_fields = ('title',)
ordering = ('title',)
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db import models
+from django.utils import simplejson as json
+from mutagen import id3
+def get_mp3_info(file):
+ """Retrieves artist and director names from audio ID3 tags."""
+ try:
+ audio = id3.ID3(file.path)
+ artist_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE1'))
+ director_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE3'))
+ except:
+ artist_name = director_name = ''
+ return {'artist_name': artist_name, 'director_name': director_name}
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
- # Saving data which would be 'Lost In Migration'
- if not db.dry_run:
- medias = []
- for book in orm.Book.objects.all():
- try:
- medias.append({"url": book.odt_file.url, "book": book, "type": "odt" })
- except:
- pass
- try:
- medias.append({"url": book.daisy_file.url, "book": book, "type": "daisy"})
- except:
- pass
- try:
- medias.append({"url": book.ogg_file.url, "book": book, "type": "ogg" })
- except:
- pass
- try:
- medias.append({"url": book.mp3_file.url, "book": book, "type": "mp3" })
- except:
- pass
# Adding model 'BookMedia'
db.create_table('catalogue_bookmedia', (
('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length='100', blank=True)),
('file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(max_length=100, blank=True)),
('uploaded_at','django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)),
+ ('extra_info','catalogue.fields.JSONField')(default='{}')),
db.send_create_signal('catalogue', ['BookMedia'])
+ # Adding M2M table for field medias on 'Book'
+ db.create_table('catalogue_book_medias', (
+ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
+ ('book', models.ForeignKey(orm[''], null=False)),
+ ('bookmedia', models.ForeignKey(orm['catalogue.bookmedia'], null=False))
+ ))
+ db.create_unique('catalogue_book_medias', ['book_id', 'bookmedia_id'])
+ # Data migration
+ if not db.dry_run:
+ jsonencoder = json.JSONEncoder()
+ for book in orm[''].objects.all():
+ medias = []
+ if book.odt_file:
+ medias.append({"file": book.odt_file, "type": "odt"})
+ if book.daisy_file:
+ medias.append({"file": book.daisy_file, "type": "daisy"})
+ if book.ogg_file:
+ medias.append({"file": book.ogg_file, "type": "ogg"})
+ if book.mp3_file:
+ medias.append({"file": book.mp3_file, "type": "mp3"})
+ newbook = orm.Book.objects.get(
+ for media in medias:
+ name = book.title
+ bookMedia = orm.BookMedia.objects.create(file=media['file'], type=media['type'], name=name)
+ if bookMedia.type == 'mp3':
+ bookMedia.extra_info = jsonencoder.encode(get_mp3_info(bookMedia.file))
+ newbook.medias.add(bookMedia)
# Deleting field 'Book.odt_file'
db.delete_column('catalogue_book', 'odt_file')
# Deleting field 'Book.mp3_file'
db.delete_column('catalogue_book', 'mp3_file')
- # Adding M2M table for field medias on 'Book'
- db.create_table('catalogue_book_medias', (
- ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
- ('book', models.ForeignKey(orm[''], null=False)),
- ('bookmedia', models.ForeignKey(orm['catalogue.bookmedia'], null=False))
- ))
- db.create_unique('catalogue_book_medias', ['book_id', 'bookmedia_id'])
# Changing field 'Tag.main_page'
db.alter_column('catalogue_tag', 'main_page','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(blank=True))
- # Moving data from previous state to the new one
- if not db.dry_run:
- for media in medias:
- try:
- name = media['url'].split("/")[-1].split(".")[1]
- except:
- name = media['url'].split("/")[-1]
- bookMedia = orm.BookMedia.objects.create(file=media['url'], type=media['type'], name=name)
- media['book'].medias.add(bookMedia)
def backwards(self, orm):
# Deleting model 'BookMedia'
# Adding field 'Book.odt_file'
- db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'odt_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default=None, max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
+ db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'odt_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default='', max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
# Adding field 'Book.daisy_file'
- db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'daisy_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default=None, max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
+ db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'daisy_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default='', max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
# Adding field 'Book.ogg_file'
- db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'ogg_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default=None, max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
+ db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'ogg_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default='', max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
# Adding field 'Book.mp3_file'
- db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'mp3_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default=None, max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
+ db.add_column('catalogue_book', 'mp3_file','django.db.models.fields.files.FileField')(default='', max_length=100, blank=True), keep_default=False)
# Removing M2M table for field medias on 'Book'
'catalogue.bookmedia': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'BookMedia'},
+ 'extra_info': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'default': "'{}'"}),
'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': "'100'"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'})
+ },
+ '': {
+ 'Meta': {'ordering': "('title',)", 'object_name': 'Book', 'db_table': "'catalogue_book'"},
+ '_short_html': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}),
+ '_short_html_de': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_en': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_es': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_fr': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_lt': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_pl': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_ru': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_short_html_uk': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': True, 'blank': True}),
+ '_tag_counter': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'null': 'True'}),
+ '_theme_counter': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'null': 'True'}),
+ 'created_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'daisy_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'epub_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'extra_info': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {}),
+ 'gazeta_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'html_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+ 'mp3_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'odt_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'ogg_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'children'", 'blank': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['catalogue.Book']"}),
+ 'parent_number': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}),
+ 'pdf_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'unique': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}),
+ 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'}),
+ 'txt_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'wiki_link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '240', 'blank': 'True'}),
+ 'xml_file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'})
'catalogue.bookmedia': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "('type', 'name')", 'object_name': 'BookMedia'},
+ 'extra_info': ('catalogue.fields.JSONField', [], {'default': "'{}'"}),
'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': "'100'", 'blank': 'True'}),
class BookMedia(models.Model):
type = models.CharField(_('type'), choices=MEDIA_FORMATS, max_length="100")
name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length="100", blank=True)
- file = models.FileField(_('file'), upload_to=book_upload_path(), blank=True)
+ file = models.FileField(_('file'), upload_to=book_upload_path(), blank=True)
uploaded_at = models.DateTimeField(_('creation date'), auto_now_add=True, editable=False)
+ extra_info = JSONField(_('extra information'), default='{}')
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s (%s)" % (,"/")[-1])
verbose_name = _('book media')
verbose_name_plural = _('book media')
+ def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False):
+ media = super(BookMedia, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
+ if self.type == 'mp3':
+ file = self.file
+ extra_info = self.get_extra_info_value()
+ extra_info.update(self.get_mp3_info())
+ self.set_extra_info_value(extra_info)
+ media = super(BookMedia, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
+ return media
+ def get_mp3_info(self):
+ """Retrieves artist and director names from audio ID3 tags."""
+ try:
+ audio = id3.ID3(self.file.path)
+ artist_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE1'))
+ director_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE3'))
+ except:
+ artist_name = director_name = ''
+ return {'artist_name': artist_name, 'director_name': director_name}
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=120)
slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
- def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, reset_short_html=True, refresh_mp3=True, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, reset_short_html=True, **kwargs):
if reset_short_html:
# Reset _short_html during save
update = {}
# Fragment.short_html relies on book's tags, so reset it here too
- book = super(Book, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
- if refresh_mp3 and self.has_media('mp3'):
- file = self.get_media('mp3')[0]
- #print file, file.path
- extra_info = self.get_extra_info_value()
- extra_info.update(self.get_mp3_info())
- self.set_extra_info_value(extra_info)
- book = super(Book, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
- return book
+ return super(Book, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
def get_absolute_url(self):
formats.append(u'<a href="%s">PDF</a>' % self.get_media('pdf').url)
if self.root_ancestor.has_media("epub"):
formats.append(u'<a href="%s">EPUB</a>' % self.root_ancestor.get_media('epub').url)
- if self.has_media("odt"):
- formats.append(u'<a href="%s">ODT</a>' % self.get_media('odt').url)
if self.has_media("txt"):
formats.append(u'<a href="%s">TXT</a>' % self.get_media('txt').url)
# other files
for m in self.medias.order_by('type'):
- formats.append(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % m.type, m.file.url)
+ formats.append(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (m.file.url, m.type.upper()))
formats = [mark_safe(format) for format in formats]
return self._root_ancestor
- def get_mp3_info(self):
- """Retrieves artist and director names from audio ID3 tags."""
- audio = id3.ID3(self.get_media('mp3')[0].file.path)
- artist_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE1'))
- director_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE3'))
- return {'artist_name': artist_name, 'director_name': director_name}
def has_description(self):
return len(self.description) > 0
has_description.short_description = _('description')
has_epub_file.short_description = 'EPUB'
has_epub_file.boolean = True
+ def has_txt_file(self):
+ return bool(self.txt_file)
+ has_txt_file.short_description = 'HTML'
+ has_txt_file.boolean = True
def has_html_file(self):
return bool(self.html_file)
has_html_file.short_description = 'HTML'
epub.transform(BookImportDocProvider(self), self.slug, output_file=epub_file)'%s.epub' % self.slug, ContentFile(epub_file.getvalue()), save=False)
FileRecord(slug=self.slug, type='epub', sha1=sha1(epub_file.getvalue()).hexdigest()).save()
except NoDublinCore:
if remove_descendants and child_book.has_epub_file():
# save anyway, to refresh short_html
book_descendants += list(child_book.children.all())
new_fragment.tags = set(book_tags + themes + [book_tag] + ancestor_tags)
if not settings.NO_BUILD_EPUB and build_epub:
- book.root_ancestor().build_epub()
+ book.root_ancestor.build_epub()
book_descendants = list(book.children.all())
# add l-tag to descendants and their fragments
for tag in self.tags.exclude(category__in=('book', 'theme', 'set')).order_by():
tags[] = 1
-, refresh_mp3=False)
return tags
def reset_tag_counter(self):
self._tag_counter = None
-, refresh_mp3=False)
if self.parent:
for tag in fragment.tags.filter(category='theme').order_by():
tags[] = tags.get(, 0) + 1
-, refresh_mp3=False)
return tags
def reset_theme_counter(self):
self._theme_counter = None
-, refresh_mp3=False)
if self.parent:
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:43\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Schliessen"
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Online lesen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "PDF-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "zum Lesen"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "drucken mit"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "EPUB-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "TXT-Datei herunterladen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "auf kleines Display, z. B. Handy"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "ODT-Datei herunterladen"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "bearbeiten mit"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Liest"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "Führt Regie"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoche"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Art"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Gattung"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Andere Ressourcen"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Schullektüre auf WikiProjekt"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Buchquelle"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Buchbeschreibung unter"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Buchbeschreibung auf Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Werkmotive"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Wähle Buchformate aus, die du herunterladen möchtest:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "zum Lesen"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "drucken mit"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "bearbeiten mit"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "auf kleines Display, z. B. Handy"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "zur Startseite wechseln"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"Auf unserer Hompage Wolne Lektury wurden bereits etwa 1200 Werke "
"veröffentlicht! Helfe uns bei der Mitgestaltung und Veröffentlichung neuer "
-"Schullektüren, <a href=\"\">indem"
-"du uns eine Spende in Höhe von 1% deiner Steuerabgaben "
+"Schullektüren, <a href=\""
+"\">indemdu uns eine Spende in Höhe von 1% deiner Steuerabgaben übergibst</a>."
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "Dieses Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt."
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "ODT-Datei herunterladen"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Liest"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "Führt Regie"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "auf kleines Display, z. B. Handy"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "MP3-Datei herunterladen"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr ""
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr ""
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr ""
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 10:49\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Cerrar"
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Leer online"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Descargar PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "para leer"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "e imprimir"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Descargar EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Descargar TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "en pantallas pequeñas como las de teléfonos móviles"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "Descargar ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "y editar"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Artista"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "Director"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Época"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Género"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Subgénero"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Otros recursos"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Libro en wiki del proyecto"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Fuente del libro"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Descripción del libro en"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Descripción del libro en Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Temas de la obra"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Elige formatos de los libros que quieres descargar:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "para leer"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "e imprimir"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "y editar"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "en pantallas pequeñas como las de teléfonos móviles"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "volver a la página principal"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"¡Hay más que 1200 obras publicadas en Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Ayúdanos a desarrollar la biblioteca y publicar nuevas lecturas gratis\n"
-"<a href=\"\">haciendo una donación o transfiriendo 1% de tus impuestos</a>."
+"<a href=\"\">haciendo una "
+"donación o transfiriendo 1% de tus impuestos</a>."
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "Esta obra está protegida por los derechos de autor."
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "Descargar ODT"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Artista"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "Director"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "en pantallas pequeñas como las de teléfonos móviles"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "Descargar MP3"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-07 20:23+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Fermer"
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Lire en ligne"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "pour lire"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "et imprimer avec"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Télécharger un fichier TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "sur petits écrans, par exemple téléphones portables"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "Télécharger un fichier ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "et rédiger avec"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Artiste"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "Metteur en scène"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Auteur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoque"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Type"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Genre"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Autres ressources"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Le livre sur le wiki du projet"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Source du livre"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Description du livre sur"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Description du livre sur Wikipédia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Les thèmes de l'oeuvre"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Choisir le format du livre à télécharger:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "pour lire"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "et imprimer avec"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "et rédiger avec"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "sur petits écrans, par exemple téléphones portables"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "retour à l'accueil"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"Il y a plus de 1200 oeuvres publiées sur Lectures libres!\n"
"Aidez-nous à développer la bibliothèque et mettre de textes nouveaux à "
-"disposition gratuite <a href=\"\">en\n"
-"faisant une donation ou en nous transmettant 1% de votre impôt sur le revenu</a>."
+"disposition gratuite <a href=\""
+"faisant une donation ou en nous transmettant 1% de votre impôt sur le "
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "Cette oeuvre est protégée par le droit d'auteur"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "sur petits écrans, par exemple téléphones portables"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "polonais"
#~ msgid "Hide description"
#~ msgstr "Cacher la description"
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier ODT"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Artiste"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "Metteur en scène"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "Télécharger un fichier MP3"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 22:39+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Alicja Sinkiewicz <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Uždaryk "
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Skaityk online"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "atsisiųsk PDF failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "į skaitimą"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "ir spausdinti su pagalbą"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "atsisiųsk EPUB failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "atsisiųsk TXT failą"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "ant displėjaus, pvz. mobilaus telefono "
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "atsisiųsk ODT failą"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "ir edituoti su pagalbą "
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "artistas"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "vadovas"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "detalės "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autorius"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Gadynė"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Rūšis "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Padermė "
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Kitose vietose"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Sukurk straipsnį apie knygą vikiprojekte"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Literaturos šaltinis"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Literaturos aprašymas"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Literaturos aprašymas Vikipedijoje"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Kūrinio motyvai"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Pasirink knygos persiuntimo formatą:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "į skaitimą"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "ir spausdinti su pagalbą"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "ir edituoti su pagalbą "
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "ant displėjaus, pvz. mobilaus telefono "
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "sugryžk į pagrindinį puslapį "
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"or transferring 1% of your income tax</a>."
msgstr ""
"Tinklapyje Laisvoji Literatura rasi virš 1200 kūrinių! Padėk mums vystytis "
-"ir plėsti literaturą <a href=\"\">paskirk 1% pajamų</a> mokesčio bibliotekai"
+"ir plėsti literaturą <a href=\""
+"\">paskirk 1% pajamų</a> mokesčio bibliotekai"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "Šis kūrinis apimtas autoriaus teisę."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "ant displėjaus, pvz. mobilaus telefono "
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "Lenkų"
#~ msgid "Hide description"
#~ msgstr "Suvyniok aprašymą "
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk ODT failą"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "artistas"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "vadovas"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "atsisiųsk MP3 failą"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-01 15:33+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-05 13:02+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Radek Czajka <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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+#: templates/
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "Podana strona nie istnieje"
#: templates/404.html:17
-msgid ""
-"We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered "
-"correct address or go to "
-msgstr ""
-"Przepraszamy, ale ta strona nie istnieje. Sprawdź czy podałeś dobry adres, "
-"lub przejdź do"
+msgid "We are sorry, but this page does not exist. Please check if you entered correct address or go to "
+msgstr "Przepraszamy, ale ta strona nie istnieje. Sprawdź czy podałeś dobry adres, lub przejdź do"
#: templates/404.html:17
msgid "main page"
msgstr "strony głównej"
-#: templates/500.html:6 templates/
+#: templates/500.html:6
+#: templates/
msgid "Server error"
msgstr "Błąd serwera"
#: templates/500.html:55
-msgid ""
-"<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our "
-"<a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a "
-"href=''>administrators</a> about the "
+msgid "<p>The site is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, visit our <a href=''>blog</a>.</p> <p>Inform our <a href=''>administrators</a> about the error.</p>"
msgstr ""
-"<p>Serwis jest chwilowo niedostępny. Odwiedź naszego <a "
-"<p>Powiadom <a href='"
-"pl'>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
+"<p>Serwis jest chwilowo niedostępny. Odwiedź naszego <a href=''>bloga</a></p>\n"
+"<p>Powiadom <a href=''>administratorów</a> o błędzie.</p>"
-#: templates/503.html:6 templates/
+#: templates/503.html:6
+#: templates/
msgid "Service unavailable"
msgstr "Serwis niedostępny"
#: templates/503.html:56
msgid "The site is currently unavailable due to maintainance."
-msgstr ""
-"Serwis jest obecnie niedostępny z powodu prac "
+msgstr "Serwis jest obecnie niedostępny z powodu prac konserwacyjnych."
#: templates/base.html:20
-msgid ""
-"Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read "
-msgstr ""
-"Internet Explorer nie potrafi poprawnie wyświetlić tej strony. Kliknij "
-"tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej..."
+msgid "Internet Explorer cannot display this site properly. Click here to read more..."
+msgstr "Internet Explorer nie potrafi poprawnie wyświetlić tej strony. Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej..."
#: templates/base.html:33
msgid "Welcome"
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administracja"
-#: templates/base.html:38 templates/
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+#: templates/
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr "Zgłoś błąd"
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Wyloguj"
-#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:93
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-#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:12
+#: templates/base.html:43
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+#: templates/
+#: templates/auth/login.html:4
+#: templates/auth/
+#: templates/auth/login.html:12
#: templates/auth/
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
-#: templates/base.html:43 templates/ templates/base.html:97
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-#: templates/auth/ templates/auth/login.html:23
+#: templates/base.html:43
+#: templates/
+#: templates/base.html:97
+#: templates/
+#: templates/auth/login.html:7
+#: templates/auth/
+#: templates/auth/login.html:23
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Załóż konto"
#: templates/base.html:70
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
-"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
-"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\""
-"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tWolne Lektury is a project lead by <a href=\"\">Modern Poland Foundation</a>.\n"
+"\t\t\t\tDigital reproductions are made by <a href=\"\">The National Library</a>, based on TNL resources.\n"
"\t\t\t\tHosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Wolne Lektury to projekt prowadzony przez <a href=\"http://nowoczesnapolska."
-"\">Fundację Nowoczesna Polska</a>. \n"
-"Reprodukcje cyfrowe wykonane przez <a href=\""
-"\">Bibliotekę Narodową</a> z egzemplarzy pochodzących ze zbiorów BN.\n"
+"Wolne Lektury to projekt prowadzony przez <a href=\"\">Fundację Nowoczesna Polska</a>. \n"
+"Reprodukcje cyfrowe wykonane przez <a href=\"\">Bibliotekę Narodową</a> z egzemplarzy pochodzących ze zbiorów BN.\n"
"Hosting <a href=\"\">EO Networks</a>. "
#: templates/base.html:77
msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 "
-"lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
-" e-mail: <a href=\""
+"\t\t\t\tModern Poland Foundation, 00-514 Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17\n"
+" e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>\n"
msgstr ""
-"Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. "
-"125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"mailto:"
+"Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, 00-514 Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 125, tel/fax: (22) 621-30-17, e-mail: <a href=\"\"></a>"
-#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
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#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
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#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"
-#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/base.html:109
+#: templates/
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Ładowanie"
-#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4 templates/admin/
+#: templates/admin/base_site.html:4
+#: templates/admin/
msgid "Site administration"
msgstr "Administracja stroną"
msgid "Register on"
msgstr "Zarejestruj się w"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
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-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13 templates/info/base.html:10
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:13
+#: templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Szukaj"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:12
-#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44 templates/info/base.html:10
+#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:14
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:44
+#: templates/info/base.html:10
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:9
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
msgid "or"
msgstr "lub"
-#: templates/auth/login.html:9 templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
+#: templates/auth/login.html:9
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:12
#: templates/catalogue/book_list.html:12
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:53
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:11
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Czytaj online"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Pobierz plik PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "do czytania"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "i drukowania przy pomocy"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Pobierz plik EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr "na urządzeniach mobilnych"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Pobierz plik TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "na małych ekranach, np. na komórce"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "Pobierz plik ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "i edytowania przy pomocy"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr "Audiobooki"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Czyta"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "Reżyseruje"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr "Audiobooki przygotowane w ramach projektu %(cs)s."
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "O utworze"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Epoka"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Rodzaj"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Gatunek"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "W innych miejscach"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Lektura na wiki projektu"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Źródło lektury"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Opis lektury w"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Opis lektury w Wikipedii"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Źródłowy plik XML"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Motywy w utworze"
msgid "Put a book on the shelf!"
msgstr "Wrzuć lekturę na półkę!"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3 templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:3
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:6
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:16
msgid "Create new shelf"
msgstr "Utwórz nową półkę"
#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:10
msgid "You do not have any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę "
+msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę poniżej."
-#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15 templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
+#: templates/catalogue/book_sets.html:15
+#: templates/catalogue/book_short.html:4
msgid "Put on the shelf!"
msgstr "Wrzuć na półkę"
#: templates/catalogue/book_text.html:19
msgid "Edit. note"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nota red."
#: templates/catalogue/daisy_list.html:6
msgid "Listing of all DAISY files on"
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:13
msgid "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:"
-msgstr ""
-"Podane kryteria są niejednoznaczne. Proszę wybrać jedną z następujących "
+msgstr "Podane kryteria są niejednoznaczne. Proszę wybrać jedną z następujących możliwości:"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:4
msgid "Show full category"
msgstr "Zobacz całą kategorię"
#: templates/catalogue/folded_tag_list.html:13
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:75
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:114
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:297
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:4
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:55
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below, if you want to."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę "
+msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć nową półkę poniżej."
#: templates/catalogue/fragment_sets.html:9
msgid "Save all shelves"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:26
msgid "Books for every school level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lektury na każdy poziom edukacji"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:28
msgid "primary school"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "szkoła podstawowa"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:29
msgid "gymnasium"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "gimnazjum"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:30
msgid "high school"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "szkoła średnia"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:35
msgid "Twórzże się!"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:45
msgid "Wolne Lektury Widget"
msgstr "Widżet Wolne Lektury"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:38
-msgid ""
-"Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to "
-"free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below "
-"onto your page:"
-msgstr ""
-"Umieść widżet – wyszukiwarkę Wolnych Lektur umożliwiającą dostęp do "
-"darmowych lektur i audiobooków – na swojej stronie WWW! Po prostu skopiuj "
-"poniższy kod HTML na swoją stronę:"
+msgid "Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below onto your page:"
+msgstr "Umieść widżet – wyszukiwarkę Wolnych Lektur umożliwiającą dostęp do darmowych lektur i audiobooków – na swojej stronie WWW! Po prostu skopiuj poniższy kod HTML na swoją stronę:"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:39
msgid "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget"
msgstr "Utwórz półkę"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:64
-msgid ""
-"Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link "
-"to your shelf."
-msgstr ""
-"Stwórz własny zestaw lektur. Możesz się nim później podzielić z innymi, "
-"przesyłając im link do Twojej półki."
+msgid "Create your own book set. You can share it with friends by sending them link to your shelf."
+msgstr "Stwórz własny zestaw lektur. Możesz się nim później podzielić z innymi, przesyłając im link do Twojej półki."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:65
msgid "You need to "
msgid "to manage your shelves."
msgstr "."
-#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68 templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:68
+#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:70
#: templates/lessons/document_list.html:51
msgid "Hand-outs for teachers"
msgstr "Materiały pomocnicze dla nauczycieli"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:69
-msgid ""
-"Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
-msgstr ""
-"Scenariusze lekcji i inne pomysły na wykorzytanie serwisu "
-"podczas nauczania."
+msgid "Lessons' prospects and other ideas for using for teaching."
+msgstr "Scenariusze lekcji i inne pomysły na wykorzytanie serwisu podczas nauczania."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:74
-msgid ""
-"are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available "
-"on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
-msgstr ""
-"to profesjonalne nagrania tekstów literackich z naszego zbioru dostępne na "
-"wolnej licencji w formatach MP3, Ogg Vorbis oraz w systemie DAISY."
+msgid "are professional recordings of literary texts from our repository, available on free license in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats as well as in DAISY system."
+msgstr "to profesjonalne nagrania tekstów literackich z naszego zbioru dostępne na wolnej licencji w formatach MP3, Ogg Vorbis oraz w systemie DAISY."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:81
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:112
msgstr "Możesz nam pomóc!"
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:295
-msgid ""
-"We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible "
-"only due to support of our volunteers."
-msgstr ""
-"Utwory włączane sukcesywnie do naszej biblioteki staramy się opracowywać jak "
-"najdokładniej. Jest to możliwe tylko dzięki współpracującym z nami "
+msgid "We try our best to elaborate works appended to our library. It is possible only due to support of our volunteers."
+msgstr "Utwory włączane sukcesywnie do naszej biblioteki staramy się opracowywać jak najdokładniej. Jest to możliwe tylko dzięki współpracującym z nami wolontariuszom."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:296
-msgid ""
-"We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library "
-"Wolne Lektury."
-msgstr ""
-"Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby, które chcą współtworzyć szkolną bibliotekę "
-"internetową Wolne Lektury."
+msgid "We invite people who want to take part in developing Internet school library Wolne Lektury."
+msgstr "Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby, które chcą współtworzyć szkolną bibliotekę internetową Wolne Lektury."
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:300
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:306
#: templates/catalogue/main_page.html:302
msgid ""
-"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
-"\"\"></a>) is a project made by "
-"Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, "
-"which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public "
+"\t\t\tInternet library with school readings “Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) is a project made by Modern Poland Foundation. It started in 2007 and shares school readings, which are recommended by Ministry of National Education and are in public domain.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Biblioteka internetowa z lekturami szkolnymi „Wolne Lektury” (<a href="
-"\"\"></a>) to projekt realizowany "
-"przez Fundację Nowoczesna Polska. Działa od 2007 roku i udostępnia w swoich "
-"zbiorach lektury szkolne, które są zalecane do użytku przez Ministerstwo "
-"Edukacji Narodowej i które trafiły już do domeny publicznej."
+"Biblioteka internetowa z lekturami szkolnymi „Wolne Lektury” (<a href=\"\"></a>) to projekt realizowany przez Fundację Nowoczesna Polska. Działa od 2007 roku i udostępnia w swoich zbiorach lektury szkolne, które są zalecane do użytku przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i które trafiły już do domeny publicznej."
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:5
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:5
#: templates/catalogue/search_no_hits.html:16
msgid ""
-"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, "
-"epoch, kind and genre.\n"
+"Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.\n"
"\t\tAs for now we do not support full text search."
-msgstr ""
-"Wyszukiwarka obsługuje takie kryteria jak tytuł, autor, motyw/temat, epoka, "
-"rodzaj i gatunek utworu. Obecnie nie obsługujemy wyszukiwania fraz w "
-"tekstach utworów."
+msgstr "Wyszukiwarka obsługuje takie kryteria jak tytuł, autor, motyw/temat, epoka, rodzaj i gatunek utworu. Obecnie nie obsługujemy wyszukiwania fraz w tekstach utworów."
#: templates/catalogue/search_too_short.html:14
msgid "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters."
msgstr "Twoja półka jest pusta"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:16
-msgid ""
-"You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking "
-"'Put on the shelf'."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz wrzucić książkę na półkę, wchodząc na stronę danej lektury i klikając "
-"na przycisk „Na półkę!”."
+msgid "You can put a book on a shelf by entering page of the reading and clicking 'Put on the shelf'."
+msgstr "Możesz wrzucić książkę na półkę, wchodząc na stronę danej lektury i klikając na przycisk „Na półkę!”."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:32
msgid "Download all books from this shelf"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Wybierz formaty książek, które chcesz pobrać:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "do czytania"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "i drukowania przy pomocy"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr "na urządzeniach mobilnych"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "i edytowania przy pomocy"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "na małych ekranach, np. na komórce"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "Podziel się tą półką"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:51
-msgid ""
-"Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
-msgstr ""
-"Skopiuj ten link i przekaż go osobom, z którymi chcesz się podzielić tą "
+msgid "Copy this link and share it with other people to let them see your shelf."
+msgstr "Skopiuj ten link i przekaż go osobom, z którymi chcesz się podzielić tą półką."
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:61
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:65
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of kind %(last_tag)s on"
-msgstr ""
-"Przeczytaj omówienia z rodzaju %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
+msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia z rodzaju %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:67
#, python-format
msgid "Read study of genre %(last_tag)s on"
-msgstr ""
-"Przeczytaj omówienia z gatunku %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
+msgstr "Przeczytaj omówienia z gatunku %(last_tag)s w serwisie"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:69
msgid "Read related study on"
#: templates/catalogue/user_shelves.html:10
msgid "You do not own any shelves. You can create one below if you want to"
-msgstr ""
-"Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć półkę poniżej."
+msgstr "Nie posiadasz żadnych półek. Jeśli chcesz, możesz utworzyć półkę poniżej."
#: templates/info/base.html:10
msgid "return to the main page"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
"<a href=\"\">making a donation\n"
"or transferring 1% of your income tax</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"W serwisie Wolne Lektury już teraz opublikowanych jest ponad 1200 utworów! "
-"Pomóż w rozwijaniu biblioteki i uwalnianiu nowych lektur <a href=\"\">przekazując nam "
-"darowiznę lub 1% podatku</a>."
+msgstr "W serwisie Wolne Lektury już teraz opublikowanych jest ponad 1200 utworów! Pomóż w rozwijaniu biblioteki i uwalnianiu nowych lektur <a href=\"\">przekazując nam darowiznę lub 1% podatku</a>."
-#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
+#: templates/info/join_us.html:6
+#: templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Więcej..."
"Become an editor of Wolne Lektury! Find out if\n"
"we're currently working on a reading you're looking for and prepare\n"
"a publication by yourself by logging into the Editorial Platform."
-msgstr ""
-"Zostań redaktorem lub redaktorką Wolnych Lektur! Sprawdź, czy obecnie "
-"pracujemy nad publikacją wyszukiwanej przez ciebie lektury i samodzielnie "
-"przygotuj publikację logując się na Platformie Redakcyjnej."
+msgstr "Zostań redaktorem lub redaktorką Wolnych Lektur! Sprawdź, czy obecnie pracujemy nad publikacją wyszukiwanej przez ciebie lektury i samodzielnie przygotuj publikację logując się na Platformie Redakcyjnej."
#: templates/lessons/ajax_document_detail.html:3
#: templates/lessons/document_detail.html:13
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:36
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:44
-msgid ""
-"<a href=''>Find out</"
-"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
-msgstr ""
-"<a href=''>Dowiedz "
-"się</a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego "
+msgid "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this author's works."
+msgstr "<a href=''>Dowiedz się</a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać dzieł tego autora."
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:39
-msgid ""
-"This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet "
-"school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr ""
-"Dzieła tego autora znajdują się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostaną "
-"opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
+msgid "This author's works are in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora znajdują się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostaną opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
#: templates/pdcounter/author_detail.html:42
-msgid ""
-"This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to "
-"be published without restrictions in"
-msgstr ""
-"Dzieła tego autora przejdą do zasobów domeny publicznej i będą mogły być "
-"publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
+msgid "This author's works will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr "Dzieła tego autora przejdą do zasobów domeny publicznej i będą mogły być publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:16
-msgid ""
-"This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school "
-"library of Wolne Lektury soon."
-msgstr ""
-"To dzieło znajduje się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostanie opublikowane "
-"w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
+msgid "This work is in public domain and will be published on Internet school library of Wolne Lektury soon."
+msgstr "To dzieło znajduje się w domenie publicznej i niedługo zostanie opublikowane w szkolnej bibliotece internetowej Wolne Lektury."
#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:19
-msgid ""
-"This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be "
-"published without restrictions in"
-msgstr ""
-"To dzieło przejdzie do zasobów domeny publicznej i będzie mogło być "
-"publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
+msgid "This work will become part of public domain and will be allowed to be published without restrictions in"
+msgstr "To dzieło przejdzie do zasobów domeny publicznej i będzie mogło być publikowane bez żadnych ograniczeń za"
#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:21
#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:24
-msgid ""
-"<a href=''>Find out</"
-"a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
-msgstr ""
-"<a href=''>Dowiedz "
-"się</a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać tego dzieła."
+msgid "<a href=''>Find out</a> why Internet libraries can't publish this work."
+msgstr "<a href=''>Dowiedz się</a>, dlaczego biblioteki internetowe nie mogą udostępniać tego dzieła."
#: templates/pdcounter/book_stub_detail.html:23
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "To dzieło objęte jest prawem autorskim."
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik ODT"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Czyta"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "Reżyseruje"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik MP3"
#~ msgid "Download Ogg Vorbis"
#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik Ogg Vorbis"
#~ msgid "Download DAISY"
#~ msgstr "Pobierz plik DAISY"
#~ msgid "check list of books"
#~ msgstr "zobacz spis utworów"
#~ msgid "in our repository"
#~ msgstr "w naszym zbiorze"
#~ msgid "Polish"
#~ msgstr "polski"
#~ msgid "German"
#~ msgstr "niemiecki"
#~ msgid "English"
#~ msgstr "angielski"
#~ msgid "Lithuanian"
#~ msgstr "litewski"
#~ msgid "French"
#~ msgstr "francuski"
#~ msgid "Russian"
#~ msgstr "rosyjski"
#~ msgid "Spanish"
#~ msgstr "hiszpański"
#~ msgid "Ukrainian"
#~ msgstr "ukraiński"
#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
#~ msgstr "Wybierz język interfejsu:"
#~ msgid "Choose language"
#~ msgstr "Wybierz język"
#~ msgid "Hide description"
#~ msgstr "Zwiń opis"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 11:05\n"
"Last-Translator: <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Закройте"
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Читать онлайн"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Скачать PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "для чтения"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "и для печатки"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Скачать EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Скачать TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "на маленьких дисплеях, напр. мобильных телефонов"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "Скачать ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "и для редактирования"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Артист"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "режиссер"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Подробнее"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "эпоха"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "форма"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "жанр"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "другие ресурсы"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Книга по проекту вики"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Источник книги"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Описание книги на"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Описание книги на Wikipedia"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Темы труда"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Выбрать формат книг, которые вы хотите скачать:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "для чтения"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "и для печатки"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "и для редактирования"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "на маленьких дисплеях, напр. мобильных телефонов"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "возвратитесь на главную страницу"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"У нас больше 1200 трудов в Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Помогите нам распространить библиотеку и поместить новые бесплатные чтения\n"
-"при помощи <a href=\"\">денежного пожертвования или перевода 1% вашего подоходного налога</a>."
+"при помощи <a href=\""
+"\">денежного пожертвования или перевода 1% вашего подоходного налога</a>."
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "На эту работу распространяется авторское право."
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "Скачать ODT"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Артист"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "режиссер"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "на маленьких дисплеях, напр. мобильных телефонов"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "скачать MP3"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-29 20:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-05 12:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-26 14:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Natalia Kertyczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#: templates/base.html:86 templates/ templates/base.html:113
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:168
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:179
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:33
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:23
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:29
msgstr "Зачинити"
#: templates/base.html:109 templates/
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:170
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:181
#: templates/catalogue/book_fragments.html:35
#: templates/catalogue/differentiate_tags.html:25
#: templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html:31
msgid "Read online"
msgstr "Читати онлайн"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:47
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
msgid "Download PDF"
msgstr "Завантажити PDF"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:50
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "for reading"
+msgstr "для читання"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:48
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
+msgid "and printing using"
+msgstr "та друку з використанням"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
msgid "Download EPUB"
msgstr "Завантажити EPUB"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:61
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:51
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
+msgid "on mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
msgid "Download TXT"
msgstr "Завантажити TXT"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:114
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:54
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
+msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+msgstr "на невеликих екранах, на приклад на мобільному телефоні"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+msgid "Download ODT"
+msgstr "Завантажити ODT"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:57
+#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
+msgid "and editing using"
+msgstr "та едиції з використанням"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:62
+msgid "Audiobooks"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:76
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Артист"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:77
+msgid "Director"
+msgstr "Режисер"
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:104
+#, python-format
+msgid "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the %(cs)s project."
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:126
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Подробиці"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:118
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:129
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:124
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:135
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Епоха"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:130
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:141
msgid "Kind"
msgstr "Рід"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:136
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:147
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Жанр"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:142
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:153
msgid "Other resources"
msgstr "Інші засоби"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:144
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
msgid "Book on project's wiki"
msgstr "Книжка на вікі проекту"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:146
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:157
msgid "Source of the book"
msgstr "Джерело книжки"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:149
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:160
msgid "Book description on"
msgstr "Опис книжки на"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:152
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:163
msgid "Book description on Wikipedia"
msgstr "Опис книжки на Вікіпедії"
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:155
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:166
msgid "View XML source"
msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:158
+#: templates/catalogue/book_detail.html:169
msgid "Work's themes "
msgstr "Теми твору"
msgid "Choose books' formats which you want to download:"
msgstr "Вибрати формат, в якому хочете завантажити книжку:"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "for reading"
-msgstr "для читання"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:37
-msgid "and printing using"
-msgstr "та друку з використанням"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:38
-msgid "on mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:39
-msgid "and editing using"
-msgstr "та едиції з використанням"
-#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:40
-msgid "on small displays, for example mobile phones"
-msgstr "на невеликих екранах, на приклад на мобільному телефоні"
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:41
#: templates/catalogue/tagged_object_list.html:42
msgid "for listening"
msgstr "повернення на головну"
#: templates/info/join_us.html:2
+#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"We have over 1200 works published in Wolne Lektury!\n"
"Help us expand the library and set new readings free by\n"
msgstr ""
"На сайті Wolne Lektury опубліковано більше 1200 творів!\n"
"Допоможіть нам розвивати бібліотеку і надавати доступ до нових творів - \n"
-"<a href=\"\">передайте нам внесок або 1 відсоток вашого податку на прибуток</a>."
+"<a href=\"\">передайте нам "
+"внесок або 1 відсоток вашого податку на прибуток</a>."
#: templates/info/join_us.html:6 templates/info/
msgid "More..."
msgid "This work is copyrighted."
msgstr "Цей твір охороняється авторстким правом"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones"
+#~ msgstr "на невеликих екранах, на приклад на мобільному телефоні"
#~ msgid "Choose your interface language: "
#~ msgstr "Вибрати мову інтерфейсу"
#~ msgid "Hide description"
#~ msgstr "Сховати опис"
-#~ msgid "Download ODT"
-#~ msgstr "Завантажити ODT"
-#~ msgid "Artist"
-#~ msgstr "Артист"
-#~ msgid "Director"
-#~ msgstr "Режисер"
#~ msgid "Download MP3"
#~ msgstr "Завантажити MP3"
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 1.9em;
- background-color: #FFF;
- border: 1px solid #EEE;
+ background-color: #EEE;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE;
margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- -moz-border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
- -webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
- border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
+ padding-bottom: 2px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
margin-top: 40px;
-#formats .wrap .header {
- display: block;
- height: 1.5em;
+.audiotabs {
- width: 80px;
- text-align: center;
- padding: 2px 0;
- -moz-border-radius: 4px;
- -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
- border-radius: 4px;
- color: #2F4110;
- font-weight: bold;
- float:left;
- border: 1px solid #EEE;
-#formats .wrap .header span {
+.audiotabs span {
display: block;
height: 1.6em;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
color: #2F4110;
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
- border: 1px solid #EEE;
+ border: 1px solid #DDD;
#formats .wrap .header span.desc {
width: 100px;
text-align: center;
padding: 2px 0;
- -moz-border-radius: 4px;
- -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
- border-radius: 4px;
color: #2F4110;
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: bold;
- cursor: normal;
- margin-right: 20px;
- border:0px;
+ border: solid #eee;
+ border-width: 1px;
+.audiotabs {
+ float: right;
-#formats .wrap {
+#formats .wrap .online {
display: block;
width: 100%;
- height: 1.5em;
background-color: #EEE;
- margin-top: 0.5em;
+ margin: 0.5em 0 1em 0;
padding: 1em 0;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.6em;
#formats .wrap {
list-style-type: none;
+div.audiobooks li.mp3Player {
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
div.audiobooks {
padding: 15px;
float: left;
// player for audiobooks
// event handlers for playing different formats
- $('p.header span').click(function(){
- if(this.className != "desc"){
- $('.audiobook-list').hide();
- $('p.header').attr('class', '');
- // we don't want to interact with "audiobook" label, just 'format' tabs
- this.className = "active";
- $("#"+$("p.header").html().toLowerCase()+"-files").show();
- }
+ $('.audiotabs span').click(function(){
+ $('.audiobook-list').hide();
+ $('.audiotabs .active').removeClass('active');
+ // we don't want to interact with "audiobook" label, just 'format' tabs
+ var $this = $(this);
+ $this.addClass("active");
+ $("#"+$this.html().toLowerCase()+"-files").show();
- $("#"+$("p.header").html().toLowerCase()+"-files").show();
+ $("#"+$(".audiotabs .active").html().toLowerCase()+"-files").show();
/* this will be useful for javascript html player
var medias = $('.audiobook-list a');
<div class="clearboth"></div>
<div class="wrap">
{% if book.has_html_file %}
- <p class="online"><a href="{% url book_text book.slug %}">{% trans "Read online" %}</a></p>
+ <a class="online" href="{% url book_text book.slug %}">{% trans "Read online" %}</a>
{% endif %}
- <div class="download">
+ <div class="download">
{% if book.has_pdf_file %}
- <a href="{{ book.pdf_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/pdf.png" title="{% trans "Download PDF - for reading and printing using Adobe Reader" %}" alt="{% trans "Download PDF" %}" /></a>
+ <a href="{{ book.pdf_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/pdf.png" title="{% trans "Download PDF" %} – {% trans "for reading" %} {% trans "and printing using" %} Adobe Reader" %}" alt="{% trans "Download PDF" %}" /></a>
{% endif %}
{% if book.root_ancestor.epub_file %}
- <a href="{{ book.root_ancestor.epub_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/epub.png" title="{% trans "Download EPUB - for reading on mobile devices" %}" alt="{% trans "Download EPUB" %}" /></a>
+ <a href="{{ book.root_ancestor.epub_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/epub.png" title="{% trans "Download EPUB" %} – {% trans "for reading" %} {% trans "on mobile devices" %}" alt="{% trans "Download EPUB" %}" /></a>
{% endif %}
{% if book.has_txt_file %}
- <a href="{{ book.txt_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/txt.png" title="{% trans "Download TXT - for reading on small displays, for example mobile phones" %}" alt="{% trans "Download TXT" %}" /></a>
+ <a href="{{ book.txt_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/txt.png" title="{% trans "Download TXT" %} – {% trans "for reading" %} {% trans "on small displays, for example mobile phones" %}" alt="{% trans "Download TXT" %}" /></a>
{% endif %}
- {% if book.has_odt_file %}
- <a href="{{ book.odt_file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/odt.png" title="{% trans "Download ODT - for reading and editing using" %}" alt="{% trans "Download ODT" %}" /></a>
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- <p class="header">
- <span class="desc">{% trans "Audiobooks" %}:</span>
- {% if book.has_mp3_file %}<span class="active">MP3</span>{% endif %}
- {% if book.has_ogg_file %}<span>OGG</span>{% endif %}
- {% if book.has_daisy_file %}<span>DAISY</span>{% endif %}
- </p>
- <div class="audiobooks">
- <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/speaker.png" id="speaker" alt="Speaker icon"/>
- {% if book.has_ogg_file %}
- <ul class="audiobook-list" id="ogg-files">
- {% for media in book.get_ogg %}
- <li><a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- {% endif %}
- {% if book.has_daisy_file %}
- <ul class="audiobook-list" id="daisy-files">
- {% for media in book.get_daisy %}
- <li><a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- {% endif %}
+ {% for media in book.get_odt %}
+ <a href="{{ media.file.url }}"><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/odt.png" title="{% trans "Download ODT" %} – {% trans "for reading" %} {% trans "and editing using" %} {{ }}" alt="{% trans "Download ODT" %}" /></a>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ {% if book.has_mp3_file or book.has_ogg_file or book.has_daisy_file %}
+ <p class="header">
+ <span class="desc">{% trans "Audiobooks" %}:</span>
+ <span class="audiotabs">
+ {% if book.has_mp3_file %}<span class="active">MP3</span>{% endif %}
+ {% if book.has_ogg_file %}<span>OGG</span>{% endif %}
+ {% if book.has_daisy_file %}<span>DAISY</span>{% endif %}
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <div class="audiobooks">
+ <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/speaker.png" id="speaker" alt="Speaker icon"/>
+ {% if book.has_mp3_file %}
+ <ul class="audiobook-list" id="mp3-files">
+ {% for media in book.get_mp3 %}
+ <li class="mp3Player">
+ <a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a><br/>
+ {% trans "Artist" %}: {{ media.get_extra_info_value.artist_name }}<br/>
+ {% trans "Director"%}: {{ media.get_extra_info_value.director_name }}<br/>
+ <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="margin-top: 0.5em" data="{{ STATIC_URL }}player.swf" width="226" height="20">
+ <param name="movie" value="{{ STATIC_URL }}player.swf" />
+ <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
+ <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3={{ media.file.url }}&width=226&showvolume=1&bgcolor1=eeeeee&bgcolor2=eeeeee&buttoncolor=666666" />
+ </object>
+ </li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
- {% if book.has_mp3_file %}
- <ul class="audiobook-list" id="mp3-files">
- {% for media in book.get_mp3 %}
- <li class="mp3Player">
- <a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a>
- <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="margin-top: 0.5em" data="{{ STATIC_URL }}player.swf" width="226" height="20">
- <param name="movie" value="{{ STATIC_URL }}player.swf" />
- <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
- <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3={{ media.file.url }}&width=226&showvolume=1&bgcolor1=eeeeee&bgcolor2=eeeeee&buttoncolor=666666" />
- </object>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- {% endif %}
- </div> <!-- /audiobooks -->
- <p>{% trans "Audiobooks were prepared as a part of project" %}: <a href="">CzytamySłuchając</a>.</p>
+ {% if book.has_ogg_file %}
+ <ul class="audiobook-list" id="ogg-files">
+ {% for media in book.get_ogg %}
+ <li><a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if book.has_daisy_file %}
+ <ul class="audiobook-list" id="daisy-files">
+ {% for media in book.get_daisy %}
+ <li><a href="{{ media.file.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ </div> <!-- /audiobooks -->
+ <p>{% blocktrans with '<a href="">CzytamySłuchając</a>' as cs %}Audiobooks were prepared as a part of the {{ cs }} project.{% endblocktrans %}
+ </p>
+ {% endif %}