+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from django.core.management import setup_environ
+from wolnelektury import settings
+import sys
+from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, splitext
+import os
+# Add apps and lib directories to PYTHONPATH
+sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__), 'apps')))
+sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__), 'lib')))
+from catalogue.models import Book
+from mutagen import easyid3
+from slughifi import slughifi
+chosen_book_slugs = set()
+for file_name in os.listdir('mp3'):
+ base_name, ext = splitext(file_name)
+ if ext != '.mp3':
+ continue
+ audio = easyid3.EasyID3(join('mp3', file_name))
+ title = audio['title'][0]
+ artist = title.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
+ artist_slug = slughifi(artist)
+ title_part = slughifi(title.rsplit(',', 1)[1].strip())
+ print "--------------------"
+ print "File: %s" % file_name
+ print "Title: %s" % title
+ print
+ print "Matching books:"
+ matching_books = [book for book in Book.tagged.with_all(artist_slug) if book.slug not in chosen_book_slugs]
+ matching_books = [book for book in matching_books if title_part in book.slug]
+ if len(matching_books) > 1:
+ for i, book in enumerate(matching_books):
+ print "%d: %s (%s)" % (i, book.title, ', '.join(tag.slug for tag in book.tags))
+ print
+ i = int(input("Choose which book is read in this file:"))
+ elif len(matching_books) == 1:
+ i = 0
+ else:
+ print "Skipping %s: No matching book found" % file_name
+ continue
+ print "You chose %d (%s)" % (i, matching_books[i].slug)
+ chosen_book_slugs.add(matching_books[i].slug)
+ os.rename(join('mp3', file_name), join('new_mp3', matching_books[i].slug + '.mp3'))
+ os.rename(join('oggvorbis', base_name + '.ogg'), join('new_ogg', matching_books[i].slug + '.ogg'))
\ No newline at end of file