from newtagging.models import TagBase
from newtagging import managers
-import djangosphinx
from librarian import html, dcparser
user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True)
book_count = models.IntegerField(_('book count'), default=0, blank=False, null=False)
- search = djangosphinx.SphinxSearch()
def has_description(self):
return len(self.description) > 0
has_description.short_description = _('description')
tagged = managers.ModelTaggedItemManager(Tag)
tags = managers.TagDescriptor(Tag)
- search = djangosphinx.SphinxSearch()
def name(self):
tagged = managers.ModelTaggedItemManager(Tag)
tags = managers.TagDescriptor(Tag)
- search = djangosphinx.SphinxSearch()
def short_html(self):
if len(self._short_html):
return mark_safe(self._short_html)
+++ /dev/null
-Sphinx Search Engine ORM for Django models
-Developed and maintained David Cramer <>
-To add a search manager to your model:
- search = SphinxSearch([index=<string>, weight=[<int>,], mode=<string>])
-To query the engine and retrieve objects:
-'my string')
-To use multiple index support, you need to define a "content_type" field in your SQL
-clause. Each index also needs to have the exact same field's. The rules are almost identical
-to that of an SQL UNION query.
- SELECT id, name, 1 as content_type FROM model_myapp
- SELECT id, name, 2 as content_type FROM model_myotherapp
- search_results = SphinxSearch()
- search_results.on_index('model_myapp model_myotherapp')
- search_results.query('hello')
-default values
- SPHINX_SERVER = 'localhost'
- SPHINX_PORT = 3312
-from manager import SearchError, ConnectionError, SphinxSearch
-from utils import generate_config_for_model, generate_config_for_models
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id:,v 1.7 2007/04/01 21:38:13 shodan Exp $
-# Python version of Sphinx searchd client (Python API)
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Andrew Aksyonoff
-# Copyright (c) 2006, Mike Osadnik
-# All rights reserved
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You should have
-# received a copy of the GPL license along with this program; if you
-# did not, you can find it at
-import select
-import socket
-from struct import *
-# known searchd commands
-# current client-side command implementation versions
-# known searchd status codes
-# known match modes
-# known sort modes
-# known attribute types
-# known grouping functions
-class SphinxClient:
- _host = 'localhost' # searchd host (default is "localhost")
- _port = 3312 # searchd port (default is 3312)
- _offset = 0 # how much records to seek from result-set start (default is 0)
- _limit = 20 # how much records to return from result-set starting at offset (default is 20)
- _mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL # query matching mode (default is SPH_MATCH_ALL)
- _weights = [] # per-field weights (default is 1 for all fields)
- _sort = SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE # match sorting mode (default is SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE)
- _sortby = '' # attribute to sort by (defualt is "")
- _min_id = 0 # min ID to match (default is 0)
- _max_id = 0xFFFFFFFF # max ID to match (default is UINT_MAX)
- _filters = [] # search filters
- _groupby = '' # group-by attribute name
- _groupfunc = SPH_GROUPBY_DAY # group-by function (to pre-process group-by attribute value with)
- _groupsort = '@group desc' # group-by sorting clause (to sort groups in result set with)
- _maxmatches = 1000 # max matches to retrieve
- _error = '' # last error message
- _warning = '' # last warning message
- def __init__ (self):
- """
- create a new client object and fill defaults
- """
- pass
- def GetLastError (self):
- """
- get last error message (string)
- """
- return self._error
- def GetLastWarning (self):
- """
- get last warning message (string)
- """
- return self._warning
- def SetServer (self, host, port):
- """
- set searchd server
- """
- assert(isinstance(host, str))
- assert(isinstance(port, int))
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- def _Connect (self):
- """
- connect to searchd server
- """
- try:
- sock = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
- sock.connect ( ( self._host, self._port ) )
- except socket.error, msg:
- if sock:
- sock.close()
- self._error = 'connection to %s:%s failed (%s)' % ( self._host, self._port, msg )
- return 0
- v = unpack('>L', sock.recv(4))
- if v<1:
- sock.close()
- self._error = 'expected searchd protocol version, got %s' % v
- return 0
- # all ok, send my version
- sock.send(pack('>L', 1))
- return sock
- def _GetResponse (self, sock, client_ver):
- """
- get and check response packet from searchd server
- """
- (status, ver, length) = unpack('>2HL', sock.recv(8))
- response = ''
- left = length
- while left>0:
- chunk = sock.recv(left)
- if chunk:
- response += chunk
- left -= len(chunk)
- else:
- break
- sock.close()
- # check response
- read = len(response)
- if not response or read!=length:
- if length:
- self._error = 'failed to read searchd response (status=%s, ver=%s, len=%s, read=%s)' \
- % (status, ver, length, read)
- else:
- self._error = 'received zero-sized searchd response'
- return None
- # check status
- if status==SEARCHD_WARNING:
- wend = 4 + unpack ( '>L', response[0:4] )[0]
- self._warning = response[4:wend]
- return response[wend:]
- if status==SEARCHD_ERROR:
- self._error = 'searchd error: '+response[4:]
- return None
- if status==SEARCHD_RETRY:
- self._error = 'temporary searchd error: '+response[4:]
- return None
- if status!=SEARCHD_OK:
- self._error = 'unknown status code %d' % status
- return None
- # check version
- if ver<client_ver:
- self._warning = 'searchd command v.%d.%d older than client\'s v.%d.%d, some options might not work' \
- % (ver>>8, ver&0xff, client_ver>>8, client_ver&0xff)
- return response
- def SetLimits (self, offset, limit, maxmatches=0):
- """
- set match offset, count, and max number to retrieve
- """
- assert(isinstance(offset, int) and offset>=0)
- assert(isinstance(limit, int) and limit>0)
- assert(maxmatches>=0)
- self._offset = offset
- self._limit = limit
- if maxmatches>0:
- self._maxmatches = maxmatches
- def SetMatchMode (self, mode):
- """
- set match mode
- """
- self._mode = mode
- def SetSortMode ( self, mode, clause='' ):
- """
- set sort mode
- """
- assert ( isinstance ( clause, str ) )
- self._sort = mode
- self._sortby = clause
- def SetWeights (self, weights):
- """
- set per-field weights
- """
- assert(isinstance(weights, list))
- for w in weights:
- assert(isinstance(w, int))
- self._weights = weights
- def SetIDRange (self, minid, maxid):
- """
- set IDs range to match
- only match those records where document ID
- is beetwen minid and maxid (including minid and maxid)
- """
- assert(isinstance(minid, int))
- assert(isinstance(maxid, int))
- assert(minid<=maxid)
- self._min_id = minid
- self._max_id = maxid
- def SetFilter ( self, attribute, values, exclude=0 ):
- """
- set values filter
- only match those records where $attribute column values
- are in specified set
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(values, list))
- assert(values)
- values = map(int, values)
- self._filters.append ( { 'attr':attribute, 'exclude':exclude, 'values':values } )
- def SetFilterRange (self, attribute, min_, max_, exclude=0 ):
- """
- set range filter
- only match those records where $attribute column value
- is beetwen $min and $max (including $min and $max)
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(min_, int))
- assert(isinstance(max_, int))
- assert(min_<=max_)
- self._filters.append ( { 'attr':attribute, 'exclude':exclude, 'min':min_, 'max':max_ } )
- def SetGroupBy ( self, attribute, func, groupsort='@group desc' ):
- """
- set grouping attribute and function
- in grouping mode, all matches are assigned to different groups
- based on grouping function value.
- each group keeps track of the total match count, and the best match
- (in this group) according to current sorting function.
- the final result set contains one best match per group, with
- grouping function value and matches count attached.
- groups in result set could be sorted by any sorting clause,
- including both document attributes and the following special
- internal Sphinx attributes:
- - @id - match document ID;
- - @weight, @rank, @relevance - match weight;
- - @group - groupby function value;
- - @count - amount of matches in group.
- the default mode is to sort by groupby value in descending order,
- ie. by "@group desc".
- "total_found" would contain total amount of matching groups over
- the whole index.
- WARNING: grouping is done in fixed memory and thus its results
- are only approximate; so there might be more groups reported
- in total_found than actually present. @count might also
- be underestimated.
- for example, if sorting by relevance and grouping by "published"
- attribute with SPH_GROUPBY_DAY function, then the result set will
- contain one most relevant match per each day when there were any
- matches published, with day number and per-day match count attached,
- and sorted by day number in descending order (ie. recent days first).
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(groupsort, str))
- self._groupby = attribute
- self._groupfunc = func
- self._groupsort = groupsort
- def Query (self, query, index='*'):
- """
- connect to searchd server and run given search query
- "query" is query string
- "index" is index name to query, default is "*" which means to query all indexes
- returns false on failure
- returns hash which has the following keys on success:
- "matches"
- an array of found matches represented as ( "id", "weight", "attrs" ) hashes
- "total"
- total amount of matches retrieved (upto SPH_MAX_MATCHES, see sphinx.h)
- "total_found"
- total amount of matching documents in index
- "time"
- search time
- "words"
- an array of ( "word", "docs", "hits" ) hashes which contains
- docs and hits count for stemmed (!) query words
- """
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return {}
- # build request
- req = [pack('>4L', self._offset, self._limit, self._mode, self._sort)]
- req.append(pack('>L', len(self._sortby)))
- req.append(self._sortby)
- req.append(pack('>L', len(query)))
- req.append(query)
- req.append(pack('>L', len(self._weights)))
- for w in self._weights:
- req.append(pack('>L', w))
- req.append(pack('>L', len(index)))
- req.append(index)
- req.append(pack('>L', self._min_id))
- req.append(pack('>L', self._max_id))
- # filters
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(self._filters) ) )
- for f in self._filters:
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(f['attr']) ) )
- req.append ( f['attr'] )
- if ( 'values' in f ):
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(f['values']) ) )
- for v in f['values']:
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', v ) )
- else:
- req.append ( pack ( '>3L', 0, f['min'], f['max'] ) )
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', f['exclude'] ) )
- # group-by, max-matches, group-sort
- req.append ( pack ( '>2L', self._groupfunc, len(self._groupby) ) )
- req.append ( self._groupby )
- req.append ( pack ( '>2L', self._maxmatches, len(self._groupsort) ) )
- req.append ( self._groupsort )
- # send query, get response
- req = ''.join(req)
- length = len(req)
- req = pack('>2HL', SEARCHD_COMMAND_SEARCH, VER_COMMAND_SEARCH, length)+req
- sock.send(req)
- response = self._GetResponse(sock, VER_COMMAND_SEARCH)
- if not response:
- return {}
- # parse response
- result = {}
- max_ = len(response)
- # read schema
- p = 0
- fields = []
- attrs = []
- nfields = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- while nfields>0 and p<max_:
- nfields -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- fields.append(response[p:p+length])
- p += length
- result['fields'] = fields
- nattrs = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- while nattrs>0 and p<max_:
- nattrs -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- attr = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- type_ = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- attrs.append([attr,type_])
- result['attrs'] = attrs
- # read match count
- count = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- # read matches
- result['matches'] = []
- while count>0 and p<max_:
- count -= 1
- doc, weight = unpack('>2L', response[p:p+8])
- p += 8
- match = { 'id':doc, 'weight':weight, 'attrs':{} }
- for i in range(len(attrs)):
- match['attrs'][attrs[i][0]] = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- result['matches'].append ( match )
- result['total'], result['total_found'], result['time'], words = \
- unpack('>4L', response[p:p+16])
- result['time'] = '%.3f' % (result['time']/1000.0)
- p += 16
- result['words'] = []
- while words>0:
- words -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- word = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- docs, hits = unpack('>2L', response[p:p+8])
- p += 8
- result['words'].append({'word':word, 'docs':docs, 'hits':hits})
- sock.close()
- return result
- def BuildExcerpts (self, docs, index, words, opts=None):
- """
- connect to searchd server and generate exceprts from given documents
- "docs" is an array of strings which represent the documents' contents
- "index" is a string specifiying the index which settings will be used
- for stemming, lexing and case folding
- "words" is a string which contains the words to highlight
- "opts" is a hash which contains additional optional highlighting parameters:
- "before_match"
- a string to insert before a set of matching words, default is "<b>"
- "after_match"
- a string to insert after a set of matching words, default is "<b>"
- "chunk_separator"
- a string to insert between excerpts chunks, default is " ... "
- "limit"
- max excerpt size in symbols (codepoints), default is 256
- "around"
- how much words to highlight around each match, default is 5
- returns false on failure
- returns an array of string excerpts on success
- """
- if not opts:
- opts = {}
- assert(isinstance(docs, list))
- assert(isinstance(index, str))
- assert(isinstance(words, str))
- assert(isinstance(opts, dict))
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return []
- # fixup options
- opts.setdefault('before_match', '<b>')
- opts.setdefault('after_match', '</b>')
- opts.setdefault('chunk_separator', ' ... ')
- opts.setdefault('limit', 256)
- opts.setdefault('around', 5)
- # build request
- # v.1.0 req
- # mode=0, flags=1 (remove spaces)
- req = [pack('>2L', 0, 1)]
- # req index
- req.append(pack('>L', len(index)))
- req.append(index)
- # req words
- req.append(pack('>L', len(words)))
- req.append(words)
- # options
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['before_match'])))
- req.append(opts['before_match'])
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['after_match'])))
- req.append(opts['after_match'])
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['chunk_separator'])))
- req.append(opts['chunk_separator'])
- req.append(pack('>L', int(opts['limit'])))
- req.append(pack('>L', int(opts['around'])))
- # documents
- req.append(pack('>L', len(docs)))
- for doc in docs:
- assert(isinstance(doc, str))
- req.append(pack('>L', len(doc)))
- req.append(doc)
- req = ''.join(req)
- # send query, get response
- length = len(req)
- # add header
- wrote = sock.send(req)
- response = self._GetResponse(sock, VER_COMMAND_EXCERPT )
- if not response:
- return []
- # parse response
- pos = 0
- res = []
- rlen = len(response)
- for i in range(len(docs)):
- length = unpack('>L', response[pos:pos+4])[0]
- pos += 4
- if pos+length > rlen:
- self._error = 'incomplete reply'
- return []
- res.append(response[pos:pos+length])
- pos += length
- return res
-# $Id:,v 1.7 2007/04/01 21:38:13 shodan Exp $
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id: 1216 2008-03-14 23:25:39Z shodan $
-# Python version of Sphinx searchd client (Python API)
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Andrew Aksyonoff
-# Copyright (c) 2006, Mike Osadnik
-# All rights reserved
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You should have
-# received a copy of the GPL license along with this program; if you
-# did not, you can find it at
-import sys
-import select
-import socket
-from struct import *
-# known searchd commands
-# current client-side command implementation versions
-# known searchd status codes
-# known match modes
-# known ranking modes (extended2 mode only)
-SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 = 0 # default mode, phrase proximity major factor and BM25 minor one
-SPH_RANK_BM25 = 1 # statistical mode, BM25 ranking only (faster but worse quality)
-SPH_RANK_NONE = 2 # no ranking, all matches get a weight of 1
-SPH_RANK_WORDCOUNT = 3 # simple word-count weighting, rank is a weighted sum of per-field keyword occurence counts
-# known sort modes
-# known filter types
-# known attribute types
-SPH_ATTR_MULTI = 0X40000000L
-# known grouping functions
-class SphinxClient:
- def __init__ (self):
- """
- Create a new client object, and fill defaults.
- """
- self._host = 'localhost' # searchd host (default is "localhost")
- self._port = 3312 # searchd port (default is 3312)
- self._offset = 0 # how much records to seek from result-set start (default is 0)
- self._limit = 20 # how much records to return from result-set starting at offset (default is 20)
- self._mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL # query matching mode (default is SPH_MATCH_ALL)
- self._weights = [] # per-field weights (default is 1 for all fields)
- self._sort = SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE # match sorting mode (default is SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE)
- self._sortby = '' # attribute to sort by (defualt is "")
- self._min_id = 0 # min ID to match (default is 0)
- self._max_id = 0xFFFFFFFF # max ID to match (default is UINT_MAX)
- self._filters = [] # search filters
- self._groupby = '' # group-by attribute name
- self._groupfunc = SPH_GROUPBY_DAY # group-by function (to pre-process group-by attribute value with)
- self._groupsort = '@group desc' # group-by sorting clause (to sort groups in result set with)
- self._groupdistinct = '' # group-by count-distinct attribute
- self._maxmatches = 1000 # max matches to retrieve
- self._cutoff = 0 # cutoff to stop searching at
- self._retrycount = 0 # distributed retry count
- self._retrydelay = 0 # distributed retry delay
- self._anchor = {} # geographical anchor point
- self._indexweights = {} # per-index weights
- self._ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 # ranking mode
- self._maxquerytime = 0 # max query time, milliseconds (default is 0, do not limit)
- self._fieldweights = {} # per-field-name weights
- self._error = '' # last error message
- self._warning = '' # last warning message
- self._reqs = [] # requests array for multi-query
- return
- def GetLastError (self):
- """
- Get last error message (string).
- """
- return self._error
- def GetLastWarning (self):
- """
- Get last warning message (string).
- """
- return self._warning
- def SetServer (self, host, port):
- """
- Set searchd server host and port.
- """
- assert(isinstance(host, str))
- assert(isinstance(port, int))
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- def _Connect (self):
- """
- INTERNAL METHOD, DO NOT CALL. Connects to searchd server.
- """
- try:
- sock = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
- sock.connect ( ( self._host, self._port ) )
- except socket.error, msg:
- if sock:
- sock.close()
- self._error = 'connection to %s:%s failed (%s)' % ( self._host, self._port, msg )
- return 0
- v = unpack('>L', sock.recv(4))
- if v<1:
- sock.close()
- self._error = 'expected searchd protocol version, got %s' % v
- return 0
- # all ok, send my version
- sock.send(pack('>L', 1))
- return sock
- def _GetResponse (self, sock, client_ver):
- """
- INTERNAL METHOD, DO NOT CALL. Gets and checks response packet from searchd server.
- """
- (status, ver, length) = unpack('>2HL', sock.recv(8))
- response = ''
- left = length
- while left>0:
- chunk = sock.recv(left)
- if chunk:
- response += chunk
- left -= len(chunk)
- else:
- break
- sock.close()
- # check response
- read = len(response)
- if not response or read!=length:
- if length:
- self._error = 'failed to read searchd response (status=%s, ver=%s, len=%s, read=%s)' \
- % (status, ver, length, read)
- else:
- self._error = 'received zero-sized searchd response'
- return None
- # check status
- if status==SEARCHD_WARNING:
- wend = 4 + unpack ( '>L', response[0:4] )[0]
- self._warning = response[4:wend]
- return response[wend:]
- if status==SEARCHD_ERROR:
- self._error = 'searchd error: '+response[4:]
- return None
- if status==SEARCHD_RETRY:
- self._error = 'temporary searchd error: '+response[4:]
- return None
- if status!=SEARCHD_OK:
- self._error = 'unknown status code %d' % status
- return None
- # check version
- if ver<client_ver:
- self._warning = 'searchd command v.%d.%d older than client\'s v.%d.%d, some options might not work' \
- % (ver>>8, ver&0xff, client_ver>>8, client_ver&0xff)
- return response
- def SetLimits (self, offset, limit, maxmatches=0, cutoff=0):
- """
- Set offset and count into result set, and optionally set max-matches and cutoff limits.
- """
- assert(isinstance(offset, int) and offset>=0)
- assert(isinstance(limit, int) and limit>0)
- assert(maxmatches>=0)
- self._offset = offset
- self._limit = limit
- if maxmatches>0:
- self._maxmatches = maxmatches
- if cutoff>=0:
- self._cutoff = cutoff
- def SetMaxQueryTime (self, maxquerytime):
- """
- Set maximum query time, in milliseconds, per-index. 0 means 'do not limit'.
- """
- assert(isinstance(maxquerytime,int) and maxquerytime>0)
- self._maxquerytime = maxquerytime
- def SetMatchMode (self, mode):
- """
- Set matching mode.
- """
- self._mode = mode
- def SetRankingMode (self, ranker):
- """
- Set ranking mode.
- """
- self._ranker = ranker
- def SetSortMode ( self, mode, clause='' ):
- """
- Set sorting mode.
- """
- assert ( isinstance ( clause, str ) )
- self._sort = mode
- self._sortby = clause
- def SetWeights (self, weights):
- """
- Set per-field weights.
- WARNING, DEPRECATED; do not use it! use SetFieldWeights() instead
- """
- assert(isinstance(weights, list))
- for w in weights:
- assert(isinstance(w, int))
- self._weights = weights
- def SetFieldWeights (self, weights):
- """
- Bind per-field weights by name; expects (name,field_weight) dictionary as argument.
- """
- assert(isinstance(weights,dict))
- for key,val in weights.items():
- assert(isinstance(key,str))
- assert(isinstance(val,int))
- self._fieldweights = weights
- def SetIndexWeights (self, weights):
- """
- Bind per-index weights by name; expects (name,index_weight) dictionary as argument.
- """
- assert(isinstance(weights,dict))
- for key,val in weights.items():
- assert(isinstance(key,str))
- assert(isinstance(val,int))
- self._indexweights = weights
- def SetIDRange (self, minid, maxid):
- """
- Set IDs range to match.
- Only match records if document ID is beetwen $min and $max (inclusive).
- """
- assert(isinstance(minid, int))
- assert(isinstance(maxid, int))
- assert(minid<=maxid)
- self._min_id = minid
- self._max_id = maxid
- def SetFilter ( self, attribute, values, exclude=0 ):
- """
- Set values set filter.
- Only match records where 'attribute' value is in given 'values' set.
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(values, list))
- assert(values)
- for value in values:
- assert(isinstance(value, int))
- self._filters.append ( { 'type':SPH_FILTER_VALUES, 'attr':attribute, 'exclude':exclude, 'values':values } )
- def SetFilterRange (self, attribute, min_, max_, exclude=0 ):
- """
- Set range filter.
- Only match records if 'attribute' value is beetwen 'min_' and 'max_' (inclusive).
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(min_, int))
- assert(isinstance(max_, int))
- assert(min_<=max_)
- self._filters.append ( { 'type':SPH_FILTER_RANGE, 'attr':attribute, 'exclude':exclude, 'min':min_, 'max':max_ } )
- def SetFilterFloatRange (self, attribute, min_, max_, exclude=0 ):
- assert(isinstance(attribute,str))
- assert(isinstance(min_,float))
- assert(isinstance(max_,float))
- assert(min_ <= max_)
- self._filters.append ( {'type':SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE, 'attr':attribute, 'exclude':exclude, 'min':min_, 'max':max_} )
- def SetGeoAnchor (self, attrlat, attrlong, latitude, longitude):
- assert(isinstance(attrlat,str))
- assert(isinstance(attrlong,str))
- assert(isinstance(latitude,float))
- assert(isinstance(longitude,float))
- self._anchor['attrlat'] = attrlat
- self._anchor['attrlong'] = attrlong
- self._anchor['lat'] = latitude
- self._anchor['long'] = longitude
- def SetGroupBy ( self, attribute, func, groupsort='@group desc' ):
- """
- Set grouping attribute and function.
- """
- assert(isinstance(attribute, str))
- assert(isinstance(groupsort, str))
- self._groupby = attribute
- self._groupfunc = func
- self._groupsort = groupsort
- def SetGroupDistinct (self, attribute):
- assert(isinstance(attribute,str))
- self._groupdistinct = attribute
- def SetRetries (self, count, delay=0):
- assert(isinstance(count,int) and count>=0)
- assert(isinstance(delay,int) and delay>=0)
- self._retrycount = count
- self._retrydelay = delay
- def ResetFilters (self):
- """
- Clear all filters (for multi-queries).
- """
- self._filters = []
- self._anchor = {}
- def ResetGroupBy (self):
- """
- Clear groupby settings (for multi-queries).
- """
- self._groupby = ''
- self._groupfunc = SPH_GROUPBY_DAY
- self._groupsort = '@group desc'
- self._groupdistinct = ''
- def Query (self, query, index='*', comment=''):
- """
- Connect to searchd server and run given search query.
- Returns None on failure; result set hash on success (see documentation for details).
- """
- assert(len(self._reqs)==0)
- self.AddQuery(query,index,comment)
- results = self.RunQueries()
- if not results or len(results)==0:
- return None
- self._error = results[0]['error']
- self._warning = results[0]['warning']
- if results[0]['status'] == SEARCHD_ERROR:
- return None
- return results[0]
- def AddQuery (self, query, index='*', comment=''):
- """
- Add query to batch.
- """
- # build request
- req = [pack('>5L', self._offset, self._limit, self._mode, self._ranker, self._sort)]
- req.append(pack('>L', len(self._sortby)))
- req.append(self._sortby)
- if isinstance(query,unicode):
- query = query.encode('utf-8')
- assert(isinstance(query,str))
- req.append(pack('>L', len(query)))
- req.append(query)
- req.append(pack('>L', len(self._weights)))
- for w in self._weights:
- req.append(pack('>L', w))
- req.append(pack('>L', len(index)))
- req.append(index)
- req.append(pack('>L',0)) # id64 range marker FIXME! IMPLEMENT!
- req.append(pack('>L', self._min_id))
- req.append(pack('>L', self._max_id))
- # filters
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(self._filters) ) )
- for f in self._filters:
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(f['attr'])) + f['attr'])
- filtertype = f['type']
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', filtertype))
- if filtertype == SPH_FILTER_VALUES:
- req.append ( pack ('>L', len(f['values'])))
- for val in f['values']:
- req.append ( pack ('>L', val))
- elif filtertype == SPH_FILTER_RANGE:
- req.append ( pack ('>2L', f['min'], f['max']))
- elif filtertype == SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE:
- req.append ( pack ('>2f', f['min'], f['max']))
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', f['exclude'] ) )
- # group-by, max-matches, group-sort
- req.append ( pack ( '>2L', self._groupfunc, len(self._groupby) ) )
- req.append ( self._groupby )
- req.append ( pack ( '>2L', self._maxmatches, len(self._groupsort) ) )
- req.append ( self._groupsort )
- req.append ( pack ( '>LLL', self._cutoff, self._retrycount, self._retrydelay))
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(self._groupdistinct)))
- req.append ( self._groupdistinct)
- # anchor point
- if len(self._anchor) == 0:
- req.append ( pack ('>L', 0))
- else:
- attrlat, attrlong = self._anchor['attrlat'], self._anchor['attrlong']
- latitude, longitude = self._anchor['lat'], self._anchor['long']
- req.append ( pack ('>L', 1))
- req.append ( pack ('>L', len(attrlat)) + attrlat)
- req.append ( pack ('>L', len(attrlong)) + attrlong)
- req.append ( pack ('>f', latitude) + pack ('>f', longitude))
- # per-index weights
- req.append ( pack ('>L',len(self._indexweights)))
- for indx,weight in self._indexweights.items():
- req.append ( pack ('>L',len(indx)) + indx + pack ('>L',weight))
- # max query time
- req.append ( pack ('>L', self._maxquerytime) )
- # per-field weights
- req.append ( pack ('>L',len(self._fieldweights) ) )
- for field,weight in self._fieldweights.items():
- req.append ( pack ('>L',len(field)) + field + pack ('>L',weight) )
- # comment
- req.append ( pack('>L',len(comment)) + comment )
- # send query, get response
- req = ''.join(req)
- self._reqs.append(req)
- return
- def RunQueries (self):
- """
- Run queries batch.
- Returns None on network IO failure; or an array of result set hashes on success.
- """
- if len(self._reqs)==0:
- self._error = 'no queries defined, issue AddQuery() first'
- return None
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return None
- req = ''.join(self._reqs)
- length = len(req)+4
- req = pack('>HHLL', SEARCHD_COMMAND_SEARCH, VER_COMMAND_SEARCH, length, len(self._reqs))+req
- sock.send(req)
- response = self._GetResponse(sock, VER_COMMAND_SEARCH)
- if not response:
- return None
- nreqs = len(self._reqs)
- # parse response
- max_ = len(response)
- p = 0
- results = []
- for i in range(0,nreqs,1):
- result = {}
- result['error'] = ''
- result['warning'] = ''
- status = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- result['status'] = status
- if status != SEARCHD_OK:
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- message = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- if status == SEARCHD_WARNING:
- result['warning'] = message
- else:
- result['error'] = message
- continue
- # read schema
- fields = []
- attrs = []
- nfields = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- while nfields>0 and p<max_:
- nfields -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- fields.append(response[p:p+length])
- p += length
- result['fields'] = fields
- nattrs = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- while nattrs>0 and p<max_:
- nattrs -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- attr = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- type_ = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- attrs.append([attr,type_])
- result['attrs'] = attrs
- # read match count
- count = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- id64 = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- # read matches
- result['matches'] = []
- while count>0 and p<max_:
- count -= 1
- if id64:
- dochi, doc, weight = unpack('>3L', response[p:p+12])
- doc += (dochi<<32)
- p += 12
- else:
- doc, weight = unpack('>2L', response[p:p+8])
- p += 8
- match = { 'id':doc, 'weight':weight, 'attrs':{} }
- for i in range(len(attrs)):
- if attrs[i][1] == SPH_ATTR_FLOAT:
- match['attrs'][attrs[i][0]] = unpack('>f', response[p:p+4])[0]
- elif attrs[i][1] == (SPH_ATTR_MULTI | SPH_ATTR_INTEGER):
- match['attrs'][attrs[i][0]] = []
- nvals = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- for n in range(0,nvals,1):
- match['attrs'][attrs[i][0]].append(unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0])
- p += 4
- p -= 4
- else:
- match['attrs'][attrs[i][0]] = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- result['matches'].append ( match )
- result['total'], result['total_found'], result['time'], words = unpack('>4L', response[p:p+16])
- result['time'] = '%.3f' % (result['time']/1000.0)
- p += 16
- result['words'] = []
- while words>0:
- words -= 1
- length = unpack('>L', response[p:p+4])[0]
- p += 4
- word = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- docs, hits = unpack('>2L', response[p:p+8])
- p += 8
- result['words'].append({'word':word, 'docs':docs, 'hits':hits})
- results.append(result)
- self._reqs = []
- sock.close()
- return results
- def BuildExcerpts (self, docs, index, words, opts=None):
- """
- Connect to searchd server and generate exceprts from given documents.
- """
- if not opts:
- opts = {}
- if isinstance(words,unicode):
- words = words.encode('utf-8')
- assert(isinstance(docs, list))
- assert(isinstance(index, str))
- assert(isinstance(words, str))
- assert(isinstance(opts, dict))
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return None
- # fixup options
- opts.setdefault('before_match', '<b>')
- opts.setdefault('after_match', '</b>')
- opts.setdefault('chunk_separator', ' ... ')
- opts.setdefault('limit', 256)
- opts.setdefault('around', 5)
- # build request
- # v.1.0 req
- # mode=0, flags=1 (remove spaces)
- req = [pack('>2L', 0, 1)]
- # req index
- req.append(pack('>L', len(index)))
- req.append(index)
- # req words
- req.append(pack('>L', len(words)))
- req.append(words)
- # options
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['before_match'])))
- req.append(opts['before_match'])
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['after_match'])))
- req.append(opts['after_match'])
- req.append(pack('>L', len(opts['chunk_separator'])))
- req.append(opts['chunk_separator'])
- req.append(pack('>L', int(opts['limit'])))
- req.append(pack('>L', int(opts['around'])))
- # documents
- req.append(pack('>L', len(docs)))
- for doc in docs:
- if isinstance(doc,unicode):
- doc = doc.encode('utf-8')
- assert(isinstance(doc, str))
- req.append(pack('>L', len(doc)))
- req.append(doc)
- req = ''.join(req)
- # send query, get response
- length = len(req)
- # add header
- wrote = sock.send(req)
- response = self._GetResponse(sock, VER_COMMAND_EXCERPT )
- if not response:
- return []
- # parse response
- pos = 0
- res = []
- rlen = len(response)
- for i in range(len(docs)):
- length = unpack('>L', response[pos:pos+4])[0]
- pos += 4
- if pos+length > rlen:
- self._error = 'incomplete reply'
- return []
- res.append(response[pos:pos+length])
- pos += length
- return res
- def UpdateAttributes ( self, index, attrs, values ):
- """
- Update given attribute values on given documents in given indexes.
- Returns amount of updated documents (0 or more) on success, or -1 on failure.
- 'attrs' must be a list of strings.
- 'values' must be a dict with int key (document ID) and list of int values (new attribute values).
- Example:
- res = cl.UpdateAttributes ( 'test1', [ 'group_id', 'date_added' ], { 2:[123,1000000000], 4:[456,1234567890] } )
- """
- assert ( isinstance ( index, str ) )
- assert ( isinstance ( attrs, list ) )
- assert ( isinstance ( values, dict ) )
- for attr in attrs:
- assert ( isinstance ( attr, str ) )
- for docid, entry in values.items():
- assert ( isinstance ( docid, int ) )
- assert ( isinstance ( entry, list ) )
- assert ( len(attrs)==len(entry) )
- for val in entry:
- assert ( isinstance ( val, int ) )
- # build request
- req = [ pack('>L',len(index)), index ]
- req.append ( pack('>L',len(attrs)) )
- for attr in attrs:
- req.append ( pack('>L',len(attr)) + attr )
- req.append ( pack('>L',len(values)) )
- for docid, entry in values.items():
- req.append ( pack('>q',docid) )
- for val in entry:
- req.append ( pack('>L',val) )
- # connect, send query, get response
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return None
- req = ''.join(req)
- length = len(req)
- req = pack ( '>2HL', SEARCHD_COMMAND_UPDATE, VER_COMMAND_UPDATE, length ) + req
- wrote = sock.send ( req )
- response = self._GetResponse ( sock, VER_COMMAND_UPDATE )
- if not response:
- return -1
- # parse response
- updated = unpack ( '>L', response[0:4] )[0]
- return updated
- def BuildKeywords ( self, query, index, hits ):
- """
- Connect to searchd server, and generate keywords list for a given query.
- Returns None on failure, or a list of keywords on success.
- """
- assert ( isinstance ( query, str ) )
- assert ( isinstance ( index, str ) )
- assert ( isinstance ( hits, int ) )
- # build request
- req = [ pack ( '>L', len(query) ) + query ]
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', len(index) ) + index )
- req.append ( pack ( '>L', hits ) )
- # connect, send query, get response
- sock = self._Connect()
- if not sock:
- return None
- req = ''.join(req)
- length = len(req)
- req = pack ( '>2HL', SEARCHD_COMMAND_KEYWORDS, VER_COMMAND_KEYWORDS, length ) + req
- wrote = sock.send ( req )
- response = self._GetResponse ( sock, VER_COMMAND_KEYWORDS )
- if not response:
- return None
- # parse response
- res = []
- nwords = unpack ( '>L', response[0:4] )[0]
- p = 4
- max_ = len(response)
- while nwords>0 and p<max_:
- nwords -= 1
- length = unpack ( '>L', response[p:p+4] )[0]
- p += 4
- tokenized = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- length = unpack ( '>L', response[p:p+4] )[0]
- p += 4
- normalized = response[p:p+length]
- p += length
- entry = { 'tokenized':tokenized, 'normalized':normalized }
- if hits:
- entry['docs'], entry['hits'] = unpack ( '>2L', response[p:p+8] )
- p += 8
- res.append ( entry )
- if nwords>0 or p>max_:
- self._error = 'incomplete reply'
- return None
- return res
-# $Id: 1216 2008-03-14 23:25:39Z shodan $
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-source {{ source_name }}
- type = {{ database_engine }}
- strip_html = 0
- index_html_attrs =
- sql_host = {{ database_host }}
- sql_user = {{ database_user }}
- sql_pass = {{ database_password }}
- sql_db = {{ database_name }}
- sql_port = {{ database_port }}
- log = {{ log_file }}
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
-{% for table_name, content_type in tables %}
- SELECT {{ field_names|join:", " }}, {{ }} as content_type \
- FROM `{{ table_name }}`{% if not loop.last %} UNION \{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if group_columns %}
- # ForeignKey's
-{% for field_name in group_columns %} sql_attr_uint = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if date_columns %}
- # DateField's and DateTimeField's
-{% for field_name in date_columns %} sql_attr_timestamp = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if bool_columns %}
- # BooleanField's
-{% for field_name in bool_columns %} sql_attr_bool = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if float_columns %}
- # FloatField's and DecimalField's
-{% for field_name in float_columns %} sql_attr_float = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-source {{ source_name }}
- type = {{ database_engine }}
- sql_host = {{ database_host }}
- sql_user = {{ database_user }}
- sql_pass = {{ database_password }}
- sql_db = {{ database_name }}
- sql_port = {{ database_port }}
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
- SELECT {{ field_names|join:", " }} \
- FROM {{ table_name }}
- sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `{{ table_name }}` WHERE `{{ primary_key }}` = $id
-{% if group_columns %}
- # ForeignKey's
-{% for field_name in group_columns %} sql_attr_uint = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if date_columns %}
- # DateField's and DateTimeField's
-{% for field_name in date_columns %} sql_attr_timestamp = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if bool_columns %}
- # BooleanField's
-{% for field_name in bool_columns %} sql_attr_bool = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if float_columns %}
- # FloatField's and DecimalField's
-{% for field_name in float_columns %} sql_attr_float = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from djangosphinx.constants import *
- from sphinxapi import *
-except ImportError, exc:
- name = 'djangosphinx.apis.api%d' % (SPHINX_API_VERSION,)
- sphinxapi = __import__(name)
- for name in name.split('.')[1:]:
- sphinxapi = getattr(sphinxapi, name)
- for attr in dir(sphinxapi):
- globals()[attr] = getattr(sphinxapi, attr)
+++ /dev/null
-from django.conf import settings
-__all__ = ('SPHINX_API_VERSION',)
-# 0x113 = 1.19
-# 0x107 = 1.17
-SPHINX_API_VERSION = getattr(settings, 'SPHINX_API_VERSION', 0x107)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from import AppCommand
-from django.db import models
-from djangosphinx.manager import SphinxModelManager
-class Command(AppCommand):
- help = "Prints generic configuration for any models which use a standard SphinxSearch manager."
- output_transaction = True
- def handle_app(self, app, **options):
- from djangosphinx.utils.config import generate_config_for_model
- model_classes = [getattr(app, n) for n in dir(app) if hasattr(getattr(app, n), '_meta')]
- found = 0
- for model in model_classes:
- indexes = getattr(model, '__sphinx_indexes__', [])
- for index in indexes:
- found += 1
- print generate_config_for_model(model, index)
- if found == 0:
- print "Unable to find any models in application which use standard SphinxSearch configuration."
- #return u'\n'.join(sql_create(app,'utf-8')
+++ /dev/null
-import select
-import socket
-import time
-import struct
-import warnings
-import operator
-import apis.current as sphinxapi
- import decimal
-except ImportError:
- from django.utils import _decimal as decimal # for Python 2.3
-from django.db.models.query import QuerySet, Q
-from django.conf import settings
-__all__ = ('SearchError', 'ConnectionError', 'SphinxSearch', 'SphinxRelation')
-from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-from datetime import datetime, date
-# server settings
-SPHINX_SERVER = getattr(settings, 'SPHINX_SERVER', 'localhost')
-SPHINX_PORT = int(getattr(settings, 'SPHINX_PORT', 3312))
-# These require search API 275 (Sphinx 0.9.8)
-SPHINX_RETRIES = int(getattr(settings, 'SPHINX_RETRIES', 0))
-SPHINX_RETRIES_DELAY = int(getattr(settings, 'SPHINX_RETRIES_DELAY', 5))
-MAX_INT = int(2**31-1)
-class SearchError(Exception): pass
-class ConnectionError(Exception): pass
-class SphinxProxy(object):
- """
- Acts exactly like a normal instance of an object except that
- it will handle any special sphinx attributes in a _sphinx class.
- """
- __slots__ = ('__dict__', '__instance__', '_sphinx')
- def __init__(self, instance, attributes):
- object.__setattr__(self, '__instance__', instance)
- object.__setattr__(self, '_sphinx', attributes)
- def _get_current_object(self):
- """
- Return the current object. This is useful if you want the real object
- behind the proxy at a time for performance reasons or because you want
- to pass the object into a different context.
- """
- return self.__instance__
- __current_object = property(_get_current_object)
- def __dict__(self):
- try:
- return self.__current_object.__dict__
- except RuntimeError:
- return AttributeError('__dict__')
- __dict__ = property(__dict__)
- def __repr__(self):
- try:
- obj = self.__current_object
- except RuntimeError:
- return '<%s unbound>' % self.__class__.__name__
- return repr(obj)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- try:
- return bool(self.__current_object)
- except RuntimeError:
- return False
- def __unicode__(self):
- try:
- return unicode(self.__current_oject)
- except RuntimeError:
- return repr(self)
- def __dir__(self):
- try:
- return dir(self.__current_object)
- except RuntimeError:
- return []
- def __getattr__(self, name, value=None):
- if name == '__members__':
- return dir(self.__current_object)
- elif name == '_sphinx':
- return object.__getattr__(self, '_sphinx', value)
- return getattr(self.__current_object, name)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- if name == '_sphinx':
- return object.__setattr__(self, '_sphinx', value)
- return setattr(self.__current_object, name, value)
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- self.__current_object[key] = value
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- del self.__current_object[key]
- def __setslice__(self, i, j, seq):
- self.__current_object[i:j] = seq
- def __delslice__(self, i, j):
- del self.__current_object[i:j]
- __delattr__ = lambda x, n: delattr(x.__current_object, n)
- __str__ = lambda x: str(x.__current_object)
- __unicode__ = lambda x: unicode(x.__current_object)
- __lt__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object < o
- __le__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object <= o
- __eq__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object == o
- __ne__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object != o
- __gt__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object > o
- __ge__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object >= o
- __cmp__ = lambda x, o: cmp(x.__current_object, o)
- __hash__ = lambda x: hash(x.__current_object)
- # attributes are currently not callable
- # __call__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x.__current_object(*a, **kw)
- __len__ = lambda x: len(x.__current_object)
- __getitem__ = lambda x, i: x.__current_object[i]
- __iter__ = lambda x: iter(x.__current_object)
- __contains__ = lambda x, i: i in x.__current_object
- __getslice__ = lambda x, i, j: x.__current_object[i:j]
- __add__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object + o
- __sub__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object - o
- __mul__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object * o
- __floordiv__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object // o
- __mod__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object % o
- __divmod__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object.__divmod__(o)
- __pow__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object ** o
- __lshift__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object << o
- __rshift__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object >> o
- __and__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object & o
- __xor__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object ^ o
- __or__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object | o
- __div__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object.__div__(o)
- __truediv__ = lambda x, o: x.__current_object.__truediv__(o)
- __neg__ = lambda x: -(x.__current_object)
- __pos__ = lambda x: +(x.__current_object)
- __abs__ = lambda x: abs(x.__current_object)
- __invert__ = lambda x: ~(x.__current_object)
- __complex__ = lambda x: complex(x.__current_object)
- __int__ = lambda x: int(x.__current_object)
- __long__ = lambda x: long(x.__current_object)
- __float__ = lambda x: float(x.__current_object)
- __oct__ = lambda x: oct(x.__current_object)
- __hex__ = lambda x: hex(x.__current_object)
- __index__ = lambda x: x.__current_object.__index__()
- __coerce__ = lambda x, o: x.__coerce__(x, o)
- __enter__ = lambda x: x.__enter__()
- __exit__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x.__exit__(*a, **kw)
-def to_sphinx(value):
- "Convert a value into a sphinx query value"
- if isinstance(value, date) or isinstance(value, datetime):
- return int(time.mktime(value.timetuple()))
- elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal) or isinstance(value, float):
- return float(value)
- return int(value)
-class SphinxQuerySet(object):
- available_kwargs = ('rankmode', 'mode', 'weights', 'maxmatches')
- def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs):
- self._select_related = False
- self._select_related_args = {}
- self._select_related_fields = []
- self._filters = {}
- self._excludes = {}
- self._extra = {}
- self._query = ''
- self.__metadata = None
- self._offset = 0
- self._limit = 20
- self._groupby = None
- self._sort = None
- self._weights = [1, 100]
- self._maxmatches = 1000
- self._result_cache = None
- self._mode = sphinxapi.SPH_MATCH_ALL
- self._rankmode = getattr(sphinxapi, 'SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25', None)
- self._model = model
- self._anchor = {}
- self.__metadata = {}
- self.set_options(**kwargs)
- if model:
- self._index = kwargs.get('index', model._meta.db_table)
- else:
- self._index = kwargs.get('index')
- def __repr__(self):
- if self._result_cache is not None:
- return repr(self._get_data())
- else:
- return '<%s instance>' % (self.__class__.__name__,)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._get_data())
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self._get_data())
- def __getitem__(self, k):
- if not isinstance(k, (slice, int, long)):
- raise TypeError
- assert (not isinstance(k, slice) and (k >= 0)) \
- or (isinstance(k, slice) and (k.start is None or k.start >= 0) and (k.stop is None or k.stop >= 0)), \
- "Negative indexing is not supported."
- if type(k) == slice:
- if self._offset < k.start or k.stop-k.start > self._limit:
- self._result_cache = None
- else:
- if k not in range(self._offset, self._limit+self._offset):
- self._result_cache = None
- if self._result_cache is None:
- if type(k) == slice:
- self._offset = k.start
- self._limit = k.stop-k.start
- return self._get_results()
- else:
- self._offset = k
- self._limit = 1
- return self._get_results()[0]
- else:
- return self._result_cache[k]
- def set_options(self, **kwargs):
- if 'rankmode' in kwargs:
- if kwargs.get('rankmode') is None:
- kwargs['rankmode'] = sphinxapi.SPH_RANK_NONE
- for key in self.available_kwargs:
- if key in kwargs:
- setattr(self, '_%s' % (key,), kwargs[key])
- def query(self, string):
- return self._clone(_query=unicode(string).encode('utf-8'))
- def group_by(self, attribute, func, groupsort='@group desc'):
- return self._clone(_groupby=attribute, _groupfunc=func, _groupsort=groupsort)
- def rank_none(self):
- warnings.warn('`rank_none()` is deprecated. Use `set_options(rankmode=None)` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
- return self._clone(_rankmode=sphinxapi.SPH_RANK_NONE)
- def mode(self, mode):
- warnings.warn('`mode()` is deprecated. Use `set_options(mode='')` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
- return self._clone(_mode=mode)
- def weights(self, weights):
- warnings.warn('`mode()` is deprecated. Use `set_options(weights=[])` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
- return self._clone(_weights=weights)
- def on_index(self, index):
- warnings.warn('`mode()` is deprecated. Use `set_options(on_index=foo)` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
- return self._clone(_index=index)
- # only works on attributes
- def filter(self, **kwargs):
- filters = self._filters.copy()
- for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
- if hasattr(v, 'next'):
- v = list(v)
- elif not (isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple)):
- v = [v,]
- filters.setdefault(k, []).extend(map(to_sphinx, v))
- return self._clone(_filters=filters)
- def geoanchor(self, lat_attr, lng_attr, lat, lng):
- assert(sphinxapi.VER_COMMAND_SEARCH >= 0x113, "You must upgrade sphinxapi to version 0.98 to use Geo Anchoring.")
- return self._clone(_anchor=(lat_attr, lng_attr, float(lat), float(lng)))
- # this actually does nothing, its just a passthru to
- # keep things looking/working generally the same
- def all(self):
- return self
- # only works on attributes
- def exclude(self, **kwargs):
- filters = self._excludes.copy()
- for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
- if hasattr(v, 'next'):
- v = list(v)
- elif not (isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple)):
- v = [v,]
- filters.setdefault(k, []).extend(map(to_sphinx, v))
- return self._clone(_excludes=filters)
- # you cannot order by @weight (it always orders in descending)
- # keywords are @id, @weight, @rank, and @relevance
- def order_by(self, *args):
- sort_by = []
- for arg in args:
- sort = 'ASC'
- if arg[0] == '-':
- arg = arg[1:]
- sort = 'DESC'
- if arg == 'id':
- arg = '@id'
- sort_by.append('%s %s' % (arg, sort))
- if sort_by:
- return self._clone(_sort=(sphinxapi.SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, ', '.join(sort_by)))
- return self
- # pass these thru on the queryset and let django handle it
- def select_related(self, *args, **kwargs):
- _args = self._select_related_fields[:]
- _args.extend(args)
- _kwargs = self._select_related_args.copy()
- _kwargs.update(kwargs)
- return self._clone(
- _select_related=True,
- _select_related_fields=_args,
- _select_related_args=_kwargs,
- )
- def extra(self, **kwargs):
- extra = self._extra.copy()
- extra.update(kwargs)
- return self._clone(_extra=extra)
- def count(self):
- return min(self._sphinx.get('total_found', 0), self._maxmatches)
- def reset(self):
- return self.__class__(self._model, self._index)
- # Internal methods
- def _clone(self, **kwargs):
- # Clones the queryset passing any changed args
- c = self.__class__()
- c.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
- c.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- return c
- def _sphinx(self):
- if not self.__metadata:
- # We have to force execution if this is accessed beforehand
- self._get_data()
- return self.__metadata
- _sphinx = property(_sphinx)
- def _get_data(self):
- assert(self._index)
- # need to find a way to make this work yet
- if self._result_cache is None:
- self._result_cache = list(self._get_results())
- return self._result_cache
- def _get_sphinx_results(self):
- assert(self._offset + self._limit <= self._maxmatches)
- client = sphinxapi.SphinxClient()
- if self._sort:
- client.SetSortMode(*self._sort)
- if isinstance(self._weights, dict):
- client.SetFieldWeights(self._weights)
- else:
- # assume its a list
- client.SetWeights(map(int, self._weights))
- client.SetMatchMode(self._mode)
- # 0.97 requires you to reset it
- if hasattr(client, 'ResetFilters'):
- client.ResetFilters()
- if hasattr(client, 'ResetGroupBy'):
- client.ResetGroupBy()
- def _handle_filters(filter_list, exclude=False):
- for name, values in filter_list.iteritems():
- parts = len(name.split('__'))
- if parts > 2:
- raise NotImplementedError, 'Related object and/or multiple field lookups not supported'
- elif parts == 2:
- # The float handling for __gt and __lt is kind of ugly..
- name, lookup = name.split('__', 1)
- is_float = isinstance(values[0], float)
- if lookup == 'gt':
- value = is_float and values[0] + (1.0/MAX_INT) or values[0] - 1
- args = (name, value, MAX_INT, exclude)
- elif lookup == 'gte':
- args = (name, values[0], MAX_INT, exclude)
- elif lookup == 'lt':
- value = is_float and values[0] - (1.0/MAX_INT) or values[0] - 1
- args = (name, -MAX_INT, value, exclude)
- elif lookup == 'lte':
- args = (name, -MAX_INT, values[0], exclude)
- elif lookup == 'range':
- args = (name, values[0], values[1], exclude)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError, 'Related object and/or field lookup "%s" not supported' % lookup
- if is_float:
- client.SetFilterFloatRange(*args)
- elif not exclude and self._model and name ==
- client.SetIDRange(*args[1:3])
- else:
- client.SetFilterRange(*args)
- else:
- client.SetFilter(name, values, exclude)
- # Include filters
- if self._filters:
- _handle_filters(self._filters)
- # Exclude filters
- if self._excludes:
- _handle_filters(self._excludes, True)
- if self._groupby:
- client.SetGroupBy(self._groupby, self._groupfunc, self._groupsort)
- if self._anchor:
- client.SetGeoAnchor(*self._anchor)
- if self._rankmode:
- client.SetRankingMode(self._rankmode)
- if not self._limit > 0:
- # Fix for Sphinx throwing an assertion error when you pass it an empty limiter
- return []
- if sphinxapi.VER_COMMAND_SEARCH >= 0x113:
- client.SetLimits(int(self._offset), int(self._limit), int(self._maxmatches))
- results = client.Query(self._query, self._index)
- # The Sphinx API doesn't raise exceptions
- if not results:
- if client.GetLastError():
- raise SearchError, client.GetLastError()
- elif client.GetLastWarning():
- raise SearchError, client.GetLastWarning()
- return results
- def _get_results(self):
- results = self._get_sphinx_results()
- if not results or not results['matches']:
- results = []
- elif self._model:
- queryset = self._model.objects.all()
- if self._select_related:
- queryset = queryset.select_related(*self._select_related_fields, **self._select_related_args)
- if self._extra:
- queryset = queryset.extra(**self._extra)
- pks = getattr(self._model._meta, 'pks', None)
- if pks is None or len(pks) == 1:
- queryset = queryset.filter(pk__in=[r['id'] for r in results['matches']])
- queryset = dict([(, o) for o in queryset])
- else:
- for r in results['matches']:
- r['id'] = ', '.join([unicode(r['attrs'][p.column]) for p in pks])
- q = reduce(operator.or_, [reduce(operator.and_, [Q(**{ r['attrs'][p.column]}) for p in pks]) for r in results['matches']])
- if q:
- queryset = queryset.filter(q)
- queryset = dict([(', '.join([unicode(p) for p in o.pks]), o) for o in queryset])
- else:
- queryset = None
- if queryset:
- self.__metadata = {
- 'total': results['total'],
- 'total_found': results['total_found'],
- 'words': results['words'],
- }
- results = [SphinxProxy(queryset[r['id']], r) for r in results['matches'] if r['id'] in queryset]
- else:
- results = []
- else:
- "We did a query without a model, lets see if there's a content_type"
- results['attrs'] = dict(results['attrs'])
- if 'content_type' in results['attrs']:
- "Now we have to do one query per content_type"
- objcache = {}
- for r in results['matches']:
- ct = r['attrs']['content_type']
- if ct not in objcache:
- objcache[ct] = {}
- objcache[ct][r['id']] = None
- for ct in objcache:
- queryset = ContentType.objects.get(pk=ct).model_class().objects.filter(pk__in=objcache[ct])
- for o in queryset:
- objcache[ct][] = o
- results = [objcache[r['attrs']['content_type']][r['id']] for r in results['matches']]
- else:
- results = results['matches']
- self._result_cache = results
- return results
-class SphinxModelManager(object):
- def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):
- self._model = model
- self._index = kwargs.pop('index', model._meta.db_table)
- self._kwargs = kwargs
- def _get_query_set(self):
- return SphinxQuerySet(self._model, index=self._index, **self._kwargs)
- def get_index(self):
- return self._index
- def all(self):
- return self._get_query_set()
- def filter(self, **kwargs):
- return self._get_query_set().filter(**kwargs)
- def query(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._get_query_set().query(*args, **kwargs)
- def on_index(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._get_query_set().on_index(*args, **kwargs)
- def geoanchor(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._get_query_set().geoanchor(*args, **kwargs)
-class SphinxInstanceManager(object):
- """Collection of tools useful for objects which are in a Sphinx index."""
- def __init__(self, instance, index):
- self._instance = instance
- self._index = index
- def update(self, **kwargs):
- assert(sphinxapi.VER_COMMAND_SEARCH >= 0x113, "You must upgrade sphinxapi to version 0.98 to use Geo Anchoring.")
- sphinxapi.UpdateAttributes(index, kwargs.keys(), dict(, map(to_sphinx, kwargs.values())))
-class SphinxSearch(object):
- def __init__(self, index=None, **kwargs):
- self._kwargs = kwargs
- self._sphinx = None
- self._index = index
- self.model = None
- def __call__(self, index, **kwargs):
- warnings.warn('For non-model searches use a SphinxQuerySet instance.', DeprecationWarning)
- return SphinxQuerySet(index=index, **kwargs)
- def __get__(self, instance, model, **kwargs):
- if instance:
- return SphinxInstanceManager(instance, index)
- return self._sphinx
- def contribute_to_class(self, model, name, **kwargs):
- if self._index is None:
- self._index = model._meta.db_table
- self._sphinx = SphinxModelManager(model, index=self._index, **self._kwargs)
- self.model = model
- if getattr(model, '__sphinx_indexes__', None) is None:
- setattr(model, '__sphinx_indexes__', [self._index])
- else:
- model.__sphinx_indexes__.append(self._index)
- setattr(model, name, self._sphinx)
-class SphinxRelationProxy(SphinxProxy):
- def count(self):
- return min(self._sphinx['attrs']['@count'], self._maxmatches)
-class SphinxRelation(SphinxSearch):
- """
- Adds "related model" support to django-sphinx --
- Example --
- class MySearch(SphinxSearch):
- myrelatedobject = SphinxRelation(RelatedModel)
- anotherone = SphinxRelation(AnotherModel)
- ...
- class MyModel(models.Model):
- search = MySearch('index')
- """
- def __init__(self, model=None, attr=None, sort='@count desc', **kwargs):
- if model:
- self._related_model = model
- self._related_attr = attr or model.__name__.lower()
- self._related_sort = sort
- super(SphinxRelation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def __get__(self, instance, instance_model, **kwargs):
- self._mode = instance._mode
- self._rankmode = instance._rankmode
- self._index = instance._index
- self._query = instance._query
- self._filters = instance._filters
- self._excludes = instance._excludes
- self._model = self._related_model
- self._groupby = self._related_attr
- self._groupsort = self._related_sort
- self._groupfunc = sphinxapi.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR
- return self
- def _get_results(self):
- results = self._get_sphinx_results()
- if not results: return []
- if results['matches'] and self._model:
- ids = []
- for r in results['matches']:
- value = r['attrs']['@groupby']
- if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
- ids.append(value)
- else:
- ids.extend()
- qs = self._model.objects.filter(pk__in=set(ids))
- if self._select_related:
- qs = qs.select_related(*self._select_related_fields,
- **self._select_related_args)
- if self._extra:
- qs = qs.extra(**self._extra)
- queryset = dict([(, o) for o in qs])
- self.__metadata = {
- 'total': results['total'],
- 'total_found': results['total_found'],
- 'words': results['words'],
- }
- results = [ SphinxRelationProxy(queryset[k['attrs']['@groupby']], k) \
- for k in results['matches'] \
- if k['attrs']['@groupby'] in queryset ]
- else:
- results = []
- self._result_cache = results
- return results
- def _sphinx(self):
- if not self.__metadata:
- # We have to force execution if this is accessed beforehand
- self._get_data()
- return self.__metadata
- _sphinx = property(_sphinx)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-index {{ index_name }}
- source = {{ source_name }}
- path = /var/data/{{ index_name }}
- docinfo = extern
- morphology = none
- stopwords =
- min_word_len = 2
- charset_type = sbcs
- min_prefix_len = 0
- min_infix_len = 0
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-index {{ index_name }}
- source = {{ source_name }}
- path = /var/data/{{ index_name }}
- docinfo = extern
- morphology = none
- stopwords =
- min_word_len = 2
- charset_type = sbcs
- min_prefix_len = 0
- min_infix_len = 0
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-source {{ source_name }}
- type = {{ database_engine }}
- html_strip = 0
- html_index_attrs =
- sql_host = {{ database_host }}
- sql_user = {{ database_user }}
- sql_pass = {{ database_password }}
- sql_db = {{ database_name }}
- sql_port = {{ database_port }}
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
-{% for table_name, content_type in tables %}
- SELECT {{ field_names|join:", " }}, {{ }} as content_type \
- FROM `{{ table_name }}`{% if not loop.last %} UNION \{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if group_columns %}
- # ForeignKey's
-{% for field_name in group_columns %} sql_group_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if bool_columns %}
- # BooleanField's
-{% for field_name in bool_columns %} sql_group_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if date_columns %}
- # DateField's and DateTimeField's
-{% for field_name in date_columns %} sql_date_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-source {{ source_name }}
- type = {{ database_engine }}
- strip_html = 0
- index_html_attrs =
- sql_host = {{ database_host }}
- sql_user = {{ database_user }}
- sql_pass = {{ database_password }}
- sql_db = {{ database_name }}
- sql_port = {{ database_port }}
- log = {{ log_file }}
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
- SELECT {{ field_names|join:", " }} \
- FROM {{ table_name }}
- sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `{{ table_name }}` WHERE `{{ primary_key }}` = $id
-{% if group_columns %}
- # ForeignKey's
-{% for field_name in group_columns %} sql_group_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if bool_columns %}
- # BooleanField's
-{% for field_name in bool_columns %} sql_group_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
-{% if date_columns %}
- # DateField's and DateTimeField's
-{% for field_name in date_columns %} sql_date_column = {{ field_name }}
-{% endfor %}{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from config import *
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.template import Template, Context
-from django.db import models
-from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-import os.path
-import djangosphinx.apis.current as sphinxapi
-__all__ = ('generate_config_for_model', 'generate_config_for_models')
-def _get_database_engine():
- if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'mysql':
- return settings.DATABASE_ENGINE
- elif settings.DATABASE_ENGINE.startswith('postgresql'):
- return 'pgsql'
- raise ValueError, "Only MySQL and PostgreSQL engines are supported by Sphinx."
-def _get_template(name):
- paths = (
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../apis/api%s/templates/' % (sphinxapi.VER_COMMAND_SEARCH,)),
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../templates/'),
- )
- for path in paths:
- try:
- fp = open(path + name, 'r')
- except IOError:
- continue
- try:
- t = Template(
- return t
- finally:
- fp.close()
- raise ValueError, "Template matching name does not exist: %s." % (name,)
-def _is_sourcable_field(field):
- # We can use float fields in 0.98
- if sphinxapi.VER_COMMAND_SEARCH >= 0x113 and (isinstance(field, models.FloatField) or isinstance(field, models.DecimalField)):
- return True
- if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey):
- return True
- if isinstance(field, models.IntegerField) and field.choices:
- return True
- if not field.rel:
- return True
- return False
-# No trailing slashes on paths
- 'database_engine': _get_database_engine(),
- 'database_host': settings.DATABASE_HOST,
- 'database_port': settings.DATABASE_PORT,
- 'database_name': settings.DATABASE_NAME,
- 'database_user': settings.DATABASE_USER,
- 'database_password': settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD,
- 'log_file': '/var/log/sphinx/searchd.log',
- 'data_path': '/var/data',
-# Generate for single models
-def generate_config_for_model(model_class, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """
- Generates a sample configuration including an index and source for
- the given model which includes all attributes and date fields.
- """
- return generate_source_for_model(model_class, index, sphinx_params) + "\n\n" + generate_index_for_model(model_class, index, sphinx_params)
-def generate_index_for_model(model_class, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """Generates a source configmration for a model."""
- t = _get_template('index.conf')
- if index is None:
- index = model_class._meta.db_table
- params.update(sphinx_params)
- params.update({
- 'index_name': index,
- 'source_name': index,
- })
- c = Context(params)
- return t.render(c)
-def generate_source_for_model(model_class, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """Generates a source configmration for a model."""
- t = _get_template('source.conf')
- valid_fields = [f for f in model_class._meta.fields if _is_sourcable_field(f)]
- # Hackish solution for a bug I've introduced into composite pks branch
- pk = model_class._meta.get_field(
- if pk not in valid_fields:
- valid_fields.insert(0,
- if index is None:
- index = model_class._meta.db_table
- params.update(sphinx_params)
- params.update({
- 'source_name': index,
- 'index_name': index,
- 'table_name': index,
- 'primary_key': pk.column,
- 'field_names': [f.column for f in valid_fields],
- 'group_columns': [f.column for f in valid_fields if (f.rel or isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.IntegerField)) and not f.primary_key],
- 'date_columns': [f.column for f in valid_fields if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField) or isinstance(f, models.DateField)],
- 'float_columns': [f.column for f in valid_fields if isinstance(f, models.FloatField) or isinstance(f, models.DecimalField)],
- })
- c = Context(params)
- return t.render(c)
-# Generate for multiple models (search UNIONs)
-def generate_config_for_models(model_classes, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """
- Generates a sample configuration including an index and source for
- the given model which includes all attributes and date fields.
- """
- return generate_source_for_models(model_classes, index, sphinx_params) + "\n\n" + generate_index_for_models(model_classes, index, sphinx_params)
-def generate_index_for_models(model_classes, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """Generates a source configmration for a model."""
- t = _get_template('index-multiple.conf')
- if index is None:
- index = '_'.join(m._meta.db_table for m in model_classes)
- params.update(sphinx_params)
- params.update({
- 'index_name': index,
- 'source_name': index,
- })
- c = Context(params)
- return t.render(c)
-def generate_source_for_models(model_classes, index=None, sphinx_params={}):
- """Generates a source configmration for a model."""
- t = _get_template('source-multiple.conf')
- # We need to loop through each model and find only the fields that exist *exactly* the
- # same across models.
- def _the_tuple(f):
- return (f.__class__, f.column, getattr(f.rel, 'to', None), f.choices)
- valid_fields = [_the_tuple(f) for f in model_classes[0]._meta.fields if _is_sourcable_field(f)]
- for model_class in model_classes[1:]:
- valid_fields = [_the_tuple(f) for f in model_class._meta.fields if _the_tuple(f) in valid_fields]
- tables = []
- for model_class in model_classes:
- tables.append((model_class._meta.db_table, ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model_class)))
- if index is None:
- index = '_'.join(m._meta.db_table for m in model_classes)
- params.update(sphinx_params)
- params.update({
- 'tables': tables,
- 'source_name': index,
- 'index_name': index,
- 'field_names': [f[1] for f in valid_fields],
- 'group_columns': [f[1] for f in valid_fields if f[2] or isinstance(f[0], models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f[0], models.IntegerField)],
- 'date_columns': [f[1] for f in valid_fields if issubclass(f[0], models.DateTimeField) or issubclass(f[0], models.DateField)],
- 'float_columns': [f[1] for f in valid_fields if isinstance(f[0], models.FloatField) or isinstance(f[0], models.DecimalField)],
- })
- c = Context(params)
- return t.render(c)
\ No newline at end of file
# external
- 'djangosphinx',
-SPHINX_SERVER = 'localhost'
# Load localsettings, if they exist
+++ /dev/null
-searchd {
- port = 3312
- log = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- query_log = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- read_timeout = 5
- max_children = 30
- pid_file = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- max_matches = 1000
- seamless_rotate = 1
- preopen_indexes = 0
- unlink_old = 1
-source catalogue_book
- type = mysql
- strip_html = 0
- index_html_attrs =
- sql_host =
- sql_user = root
- sql_pass =
- sql_db = wolnelektury
- sql_port =
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
- SELECT id, title, slug, description, created_at, _short_html, parent_number, xml_file, html_file, pdf_file, odt_file, txt_file, parent_id \
- FROM catalogue_book
- sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `catalogue_book` WHERE `id` = $id
- # ForeignKey's
- sql_group_column = parent_number
- sql_group_column = parent_id
- # DateField's and DateTimeField's
- sql_date_column = created_at
-index catalogue_book
- source = catalogue_book
- path = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- docinfo = extern
- morphology = none
- stopwords =
- min_word_len = 2
- charset_type = sbcs
- min_prefix_len = 0
- min_infix_len = 0
-source catalogue_fragment
- type = mysql
- strip_html = 0
- index_html_attrs =
- sql_host =
- sql_user = root
- sql_pass =
- sql_db = wolnelektury
- sql_port =
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
- SELECT id, text, short_text, _short_html, anchor, book_id \
- FROM catalogue_fragment
- sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `catalogue_fragment` WHERE `id` = $id
- # ForeignKey's
- sql_group_column = book_id
-index catalogue_fragment
- source = catalogue_fragment
- path = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- docinfo = extern
- morphology = none
- stopwords =
- min_word_len = 2
- charset_type = sbcs
- min_prefix_len = 0
- min_infix_len = 0
-source catalogue_tag
- type = mysql
- strip_html = 0
- index_html_attrs =
- sql_host =
- sql_user = root
- sql_pass =
- sql_db = wolnelektury
- sql_port =
- sql_query_pre =
- sql_query_post =
- sql_query = \
- SELECT id, name, slug, sort_key, category, description, main_page, user_id, book_count \
- FROM catalogue_tag
- sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `catalogue_tag` WHERE `id` = $id
- # ForeignKey's
- sql_group_column = main_page
- sql_group_column = user_id
- sql_group_column = book_count
-index catalogue_tag
- source = catalogue_tag
- path = /Users/zuber/Projekty/
- docinfo = extern
- morphology = none
- stopwords =
- min_word_len = 2
- charset_type = sbcs
- min_prefix_len = 0
- min_infix_len = 0