-// version 1.1.0
-// http://welcome.totheinter.net/columnizer-jquery-plugin/
-// created by: Adam Wulf adam.wulf@gmail.com
- $.fn.columnize = function(options) {
- var defaults = {
- width: 400,
- columns : false,
- buildOnce : false
- };
- var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
- return this.each(function() {
- var $inBox = $(this);
- var maxHeight = $inBox.height();
- var $cache = $('<div></div>'); // this is where we'll put the real content
- var lastWidth = 0;
- var columnizing = false;
- $cache.append($inBox.children().clone());
- columnizeIt();
- $(window).resize(function() {
- if(!options.buildOnce && $.browser.msie){
- if($inBox.data("timeout")){
- clearTimeout($inBox.data("timeout"));
- }
- $inBox.data("timeout", setTimeout(columnizeIt, 200));
- }else if(!options.buildOnce){
- columnizeIt();
- }else{
- // don't rebuild
- }
- });
- /**
- * return a node that has a height
- * less than or equal to height
- *
- * @param putInHere, a dom element
- * @$pullOutHere, a jQuery element
- */
- function columnize($putInHere, $pullOutHere, $parentColumn, height){
- while($parentColumn.height() < height &&
- $pullOutHere[0].childNodes.length){
- $putInHere.append($pullOutHere[0].childNodes[0]);
- }
- if($putInHere[0].childNodes.length == 0) return;
- // now we're too tall, undo the last one
- var kids = $putInHere[0].childNodes;
- var lastKid = kids[kids.length-1];
- $putInHere[0].removeChild(lastKid);
- var $item = $(lastKid);
- if($item[0].nodeType == 3){
- // it's a text node, split it up
- var oText = $item[0].nodeValue;
- var counter2 = options.width / 8;
- var columnText;
- while($parentColumn.height() < height && oText.length){
- if (oText.indexOf(' ', counter2) != '-1') {
- columnText = oText.substring(0, oText.indexOf(' ', counter2));
- } else {
- columnText = oText;
- }
- $putInHere.append(document.createTextNode(columnText));
- if(oText.length > counter2){
- oText = oText.substring(oText.indexOf(' ', counter2));
- }else{
- oText = "";
- }
- }
- if(oText.length){
- $item[0].nodeValue = oText;
- }else{
- return;
- }
- }
- if($pullOutHere.children().length){
- $pullOutHere.prepend($item);
- }else{
- $pullOutHere.append($item);
- }
- }
- function split($putInHere, $pullOutHere, $parentColumn, height){
- if($pullOutHere.children().length){
- $cloneMe = $pullOutHere.children(":first");
- $clone = $cloneMe.clone();
- if($clone.attr("nodeType") == 1){
- $putInHere.append($clone);
- if($clone.is("img") && $parentColumn.height() < height + 20){
- $cloneMe.remove();
- }else if(!$cloneMe.hasClass("dontsplit") && $parentColumn.height() < height + 20){
- $cloneMe.remove();
- }else if($clone.is("img") || $cloneMe.hasClass("dontsplit")){
- $clone.remove();
- }else{
- $clone.empty();
- columnize($clone, $cloneMe, $parentColumn, height);
- if($cloneMe.children().length){
- split($clone, $cloneMe, $parentColumn, height);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function singleColumnizeIt() {
- if ($inBox.data("columnized") && $inBox.children().length == 1) {
- return;
- }
- $inBox.data("columnized", true);
- $inBox.data("columnizing", true);
- $inBox.empty();
- $inBox.append($("<div class='first last column'></div>")); //"
- $col = $inBox.children().eq($inBox.children().length-1);
- $col.append($cache.clone());
- $inBox.data("columnizing", false);
- }
- function columnizeIt() {
- if(lastWidth == $inBox.width()) return;
- lastWidth = $inBox.width();
- var numCols = Math.round($inBox.width() / options.width);
- if(options.columns) numCols = options.columns;
-// if ($inBox.data("columnized") && numCols == $inBox.children().length) {
-// return;
-// }
- if(numCols <= 1){
- return singleColumnizeIt();
- }
- if($inBox.data("columnizing")) return;
- $inBox.data("columnized", true);
- $inBox.data("columnizing", true);
- $inBox.empty();
- $inBox.append($("<div style='width:" + (Math.round(100 / numCols) - 2)+ "%; padding: 3px; float: left;'></div>")); //"
- $col = $inBox.children(":last");
- $col.append($cache.clone());
- maxHeight = $col.height();
- $inBox.empty();
- var targetHeight = maxHeight / numCols;
- var firstTime = true;
- var maxLoops = 3;
- for(var loopCount=0;loopCount<maxLoops;loopCount++){
- $inBox.empty();
- var $destroyable = $cache.clone();
- $destroyable.css("visibility", "hidden");
- // create the columns
- for (var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
- /* create column */
- var className = (i == 0) ? "first column" : "column";
- var className = (i == numCols - 1) ? ("last " + className) : className;
- $inBox.append($("<div class='" + className + "' style='width:" + (Math.round(100 / numCols) - 2)+ "%; float: left;'></div>")); //"
- }
- // fill all but the last column
- for (var i = 0; i < numCols-1; i++) {
- var $col = $inBox.children().eq(i);
- columnize($col, $destroyable, $col, targetHeight);
- split($col, $destroyable, $col, targetHeight);
- }
- // the last column in the series
- $col = $inBox.children().eq($inBox.children().length-1);
- while($destroyable.children().length) $col.append($destroyable.children(":first"));
- var afterH = $col.height();
- var diff = afterH - targetHeight;
- var totalH = 0;
- var min = 10000000;
- var max = 0;
- $inBox.children().each(function($inBox){ return function($item){
- var h = $inBox.children().eq($item).height();
- totalH += h;
- if(h > max) max = h;
- if(h < min) min = h;
- }}($inBox));
- var avgH = totalH / numCols;
- if(max - min > 30){
- targetHeight = avgH + 30;
- }else if(Math.abs(avgH-targetHeight) > 20){
- targetHeight = avgH;
- }else{
- loopCount = maxLoops;
- }
- $inBox.append($("<br style='clear:both;'>"));
- }
- $inBox.data("columnizing", false);
- }
- });
- };