from django.db.models import Q
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
-from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET, require_POST
+from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from django.contrib import auth
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, AuthenticationForm
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.utils.functional import Promise
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
+from newtagging.views import tagged_object_list
+from catalogue import models
+from catalogue import forms
+from catalogue.utils import split_tags
class LazyEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Promise):
return obj
-from catalogue import models
-from catalogue import forms
-from catalogue.utils import split_tags
def catalogue_redirect(request, tags=''):
if len(request.GET['q']) > 0:
if 'q' in request.GET:
return catalogue_redirect(request, tags)
- choices_split = tags.split('/')
- tags = []
- for tag in choices_split:
- tag = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=tag)
- if tag.category == 'set' and (not request.user.is_authenticated() or request.user != tag.user):
- raise Http404
- tags.append(tag)
+ try:
+ tags = models.Tag.get_tag_list(tags)
+ except models.Tag.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
- books = models.Book.objects.with_all(tags)
if request.user.is_authenticated():
extra_where = '(NOT catalogue_tag.category = "set" OR catalogue_tag.user_id = %d)' %
extra_where = 'NOT catalogue_tag.category = "set"'
related_tags = models.Tag.objects.related_for_model(tags, models.Book, counts=True, extra={'where': [extra_where]})
categories = split_tags(related_tags)
- form = forms.SearchForm()
- return render_to_response('catalogue/tagged_book_list.html', dict(
+ return tagged_object_list(
+ request,
+ tag_model=models.Tag,
+ queryset_or_model=models.Book,
- form=form,
- books=books,
- categories=categories,
- ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ template_name='catalogue/tagged_book_list.html',
+ extra_context = {'categories': categories, 'form': forms.SearchForm() },
+ )
def book_detail(request, slug):
--- /dev/null
+Tagging related views.
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
+def tagged_object_list(request, queryset_or_model=None, tag_model=None, tags=None,
+ related_tags=False, related_tag_counts=True, **kwargs):
+ """
+ A thin wrapper around
+ ``django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list`` which creates a
+ ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the given queryset or model
+ tagged with the given tag.
+ In addition to the context variables set up by ``object_list``, a
+ ``tag`` context variable will contain the ``Tag`` instance for the
+ tag.
+ If ``related_tags`` is ``True``, a ``related_tags`` context variable
+ will contain tags related to the given tag for the given model.
+ Additionally, if ``related_tag_counts`` is ``True``, each related
+ tag will have a ``count`` attribute indicating the number of items
+ which have it in addition to the given tag.
+ """
+ # Check attributes
+ if queryset_or_model is None:
+ raise AttributeError(_('tagged_object_list must be called with a queryset or a model.'))
+ if tag_model is None:
+ raise AttributeError(_('tagged_object_list must be called with a tag model.'))
+ if tags is None:
+ raise AttributeError(_('tagged_object_list must be called with a tag.'))
+ tag_instances = tag_model.get_tag_list(tags)
+ if tag_instances is None:
+ raise Http404(_('No tags found matching "%s".') % tags)
+ queryset = tag_model.intermediary_table_model.objects.get_intersection_by_model(queryset_or_model, tag_instances)
+ if not kwargs.has_key('extra_context'):
+ kwargs['extra_context'] = {}
+ kwargs['extra_context']['tags'] = tag_instances
+ if related_tags:
+ kwargs['extra_context']['related_tags'] = \
+ tag_model.objects.related_for_model(tag_instances, queryset_or_model,
+ counts=related_tag_counts)
+ return object_list(request, queryset, **kwargs)