--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.utils import timezone
+from isbn.models import ONIXRecord
+HEADER = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ONIXMessage release="3.0"
+ xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference"
+ xmlns:schemaLocation="https://e-isbn.pl/IsbnWeb/schemas/ONIX_BookProduct_3.0_reference.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+ <Header>
+ <Sender>
+ <SenderName>Fundacja NOWOCZESNA POLSKA</SenderName>
+ <ContactName>Paulina Choromańska</ContactName>
+ <EmailAddress>paulinachoromanska@nowoczesnapolska.org.pl</EmailAddress>
+ </Sender>
+ <SentDateTime>%s</SentDateTime>
+ <MessageNote>Opis wygenerowany przez wydawcę</MessageNote>
+ <DefaultLanguageOfText>pol</DefaultLanguageOfText>
+ </Header>"""
+PRODUCT = """
+ <Product datestamp="%(datestamp)s">
+ <RecordReference>%(record_reference)s</RecordReference>
+ <NotificationType>03</NotificationType>
+ <RecordSourceType>01</RecordSourceType>
+ <RecordSourceName>Fundacja NOWOCZESNA POLSKA</RecordSourceName>
+ <ProductIdentifier>
+ <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
+ <IDValue>%(isbn)s</IDValue>
+ </ProductIdentifier>
+ <DescriptiveDetail>
+ <ProductComposition>00</ProductComposition>
+ <ProductForm>%(product_form)s</ProductForm>%(product_form_detail)s
+ <TitleDetail>
+ <TitleType>01</TitleType>
+ <TitleElement>
+ <TitleElementLevel>01</TitleElementLevel>%(part_number)s
+ <TitleText>%(title)s</TitleText>
+ </TitleElement>
+ </TitleDetail>%(contributors)s
+ <EditionType>%(edition_type)s</EditionType>
+ <EditionNumber>%(edition_number)s</EditionNumber>
+ <Language>
+ <LanguageRole>01</LanguageRole>
+ <LanguageCode>%(language)s</LanguageCode>
+ </Language>
+ </DescriptiveDetail>
+ <PublishingDetail>
+ <Imprint>
+ <ImprintName>%(imprint)s</ImprintName>
+ </Imprint>
+ <Publisher>
+ <PublishingRole>01</PublishingRole>
+ <PublisherName>Fundacja NOWOCZESNA POLSKA</PublisherName>
+ </Publisher>
+ <CityOfPublication>Warszawa</CityOfPublication>
+ <CountryOfPublication>PL</CountryOfPublication>
+ <PublishingDate>
+ <PublishingDateRole>01</PublishingDateRole>
+ <Date>%(publishing_date)s</Date>
+ </PublishingDate>
+ <PublishingDate>
+ <PublishingDateRole>09</PublishingDateRole>
+ <Date>%(publishing_date)s</Date>
+ </PublishingDate>
+ </PublishingDetail>
+ </Product>"""
+ <ProductFormDetail>%s</ProductFormDetail>"""
+ <PartNumber>%s</PartNumber>"""
+ <Contributor>
+ <SequenceNumber>%(no)s</SequenceNumber>
+ <ContributorRole>%(role)s</ContributorRole>%(identifier)s%(name)s%(corporate_name)s%(unnamed)s%(birth_date)s%(death_date)s
+ </Contributor>"""
+ <NameIdentifier>
+ <NameIDType>16</NameIDType>
+ <IDValue>%(isni)s</IDValue>
+ </NameIdentifier>"""
+NAME = """
+ <PersonNameInverted>%s</PersonNameInverted>"""
+ <CorporateName>%s</CorporateName>"""
+UNNAMED = """
+ <UnnamedPersons>%s</UnnamedPersons>"""
+ <ContributorDate>
+ <ContributorDateRole>%(role)s</ContributorDateRole>
+ <Date>%(date)s</Date>
+ </ContributorDate>"""
+FOOTER = """
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = "Export ONIX."
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ xml = HEADER % timezone.now().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%z')
+ for record in ONIXRecord.objects.all():
+ xml += self.render_product(record)
+ xml += FOOTER
+ print xml.encode('utf-8')
+ def render_product(self, record):
+ if record.product_form_detail:
+ product_form_detail = PRODUCT_FORM_DETAIL % record.product_form_detail
+ else:
+ product_form_detail = ''
+ if record.part_number:
+ part_number = PART_NUMBER % record.part_number
+ else:
+ part_number = ''
+ contributors = ''
+ for no, contributor in enumerate(record.contributors, start=1):
+ contributors += self.render_contributor(no, contributor)
+ return PRODUCT % {
+ 'datestamp': record.datestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d'),
+ 'record_reference': record.reference(),
+ 'isbn': record.isbn(),
+ 'product_form': record.product_form,
+ 'product_form_detail': product_form_detail,
+ 'part_number': part_number,
+ 'title': record.title,
+ 'contributors': contributors,
+ 'edition_type': record.edition_type,
+ 'edition_number': record.edition_number,
+ 'language': record.language,
+ 'imprint': record.imprint,
+ 'publishing_date': record.publishing_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def render_contributor(no, contributor):
+ if 'isni' in contributor:
+ identifier = NAME_IDENTFIER % contributor
+ else:
+ identifier = ''
+ if 'name' in contributor:
+ name = NAME % contributor['name']
+ else:
+ name = ''
+ if 'corporate_name' in contributor:
+ corporate_name = CORPORATE_NAME % contributor['corporate_name']
+ else:
+ corporate_name = ''
+ if 'unnamed' in contributor:
+ unnamed = UNNAMED % contributor['unnamed']
+ else:
+ unnamed = ''
+ if 'birth_date' in contributor:
+ birth_date = CONTRIBUTOR_DATE % {'role': '50', 'date': contributor['birth_date']}
+ else:
+ birth_date = ''
+ if 'death_date' in contributor:
+ death_date = CONTRIBUTOR_DATE % {'role': '51', 'date': contributor['death_date']}
+ else:
+ death_date = ''
+ return CONTRIBUTOR % {
+ 'no': no,
+ 'role': contributor['role'],
+ 'identifier': identifier,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'corporate_name': corporate_name,
+ 'unnamed': unnamed,
+ 'birth_date': birth_date,
+ 'death_date': death_date,
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from datetime import date
+from lxml import etree
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from isbn.models import ISBNPool, ONIXRecord
+ONIXNS = '{http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference}'
+ 'product_form': 'ProductForm',
+ 'product_form_detail': 'ProductFormDetail',
+ 'title': 'TitleText',
+ 'part_number': 'PartNumber',
+ 'edition_type': 'EditionType',
+ 'edition_number': 'EditionNumber',
+ 'language': 'LanguageCode',
+ 'imprint': 'ImprintName',
+UNNAMED = u'Autor nieznany'
+def parse_date(date_str):
+ year = int(date_str[:4])
+ month = int(date_str[4:6])
+ day = int(date_str[6:])
+ return date(year, month, day)
+def get_descendants(element, tags):
+ if isinstance(tags, basestring):
+ tags = [tags]
+ return element.findall('.//' + '/'.join(ONIXNS + tag for tag in tags))
+def get_field(element, tags, allow_multiple=False):
+ sub_elements = get_descendants(element, tags)
+ if not allow_multiple:
+ assert len(sub_elements) <= 1, 'multiple elements: %s' % tags
+ return sub_elements[0].text if sub_elements else None
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = "Import data from ONIX."
+ args = 'filename'
+ def handle(self, filename, *args, **options):
+ tree = etree.parse(open(filename))
+ for product in get_descendants(tree, 'Product'):
+ isbn = get_field(product, ['ProductIdentifier', 'IDValue'])
+ assert len(isbn) == 13
+ pool = ISBNPool.objects.get(prefix__in=[isbn[:i] for i in xrange(8, 11)])
+ contributors = [
+ self.parse_contributor(contributor)
+ for contributor in get_descendants(product, 'Contributor')]
+ record_data = {
+ 'isbn_pool': pool,
+ 'suffix': int(isbn[len(pool.prefix):-1]),
+ 'publishing_date': parse_date(
+ get_field(product, ['PublishingDate', 'Date'], allow_multiple=True)),
+ 'contributors': contributors,
+ }
+ for field, tag in DIRECT_FIELDS.iteritems():
+ record_data[field] = get_field(product, tag) or ''
+ record = ONIXRecord.objects.create(**record_data)
+ ONIXRecord.objects.filter(pk=record.pk).update(datestamp=parse_date(product.attrib['datestamp']))
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_contributor(contributor):
+ data = {
+ 'isni': get_field(contributor, 'IDValue'),
+ 'name': get_field(contributor, 'PersonNameInverted'),
+ 'corporate_name': get_field(contributor, 'CorporateName'),
+ 'unnamed': get_field(contributor, 'UnnamedPersons')
+ }
+ contributor_data = {
+ 'role': get_field(contributor, 'ContributorRole'),
+ }
+ for key, value in data.iteritems():
+ if value:
+ contributor_data[key] = value
+ if contributor_data.get('name') == UNNAMED:
+ del contributor_data['name']
+ contributor_data['unnamed'] = '01'
+ for date_elem in get_descendants(contributor, 'ContributorDate'):
+ date_role = get_field(date_elem, 'ContributorDateRole')
+ date = get_field(date_elem, 'Date')
+ if date_role == '50':
+ contributor_data['birth_date'] = date
+ elif date_role == '51':
+ contributor_data['death_date'] = date
+ return contributor_data
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import jsonfield.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ISBNPool',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)),
+ ('prefix', models.CharField(max_length=10)),
+ ('suffix_from', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('suffix_to', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('ref_from', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('next_suffix', models.IntegerField()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ONIXRecord',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)),
+ ('datestamp', models.DateField(auto_now=True)),
+ ('suffix', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('product_form', models.CharField(max_length=4)),
+ ('product_form_detail', models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=True)),
+ ('title', models.CharField(max_length=256)),
+ ('part_number', models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True)),
+ ('contributors', jsonfield.fields.JSONField()),
+ ('edition_type', models.CharField(max_length=4)),
+ ('edition_number', models.IntegerField(default=1)),
+ ('language', models.CharField(max_length=4)),
+ ('imprint', models.CharField(max_length=256)),
+ ('publishing_date', models.DateField()),
+ ('isbn_pool', models.ForeignKey(to='isbn.ISBNPool')),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('isbn', '0001_initial'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='onixrecord',
+ options={'ordering': ['isbn_pool__id', 'suffix']},
+ ),
+ ]
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from django.db import models
+from jsonfield import JSONField
+class ISBNPool(models.Model):
+ prefix = models.CharField(max_length=10)
+ suffix_from = models.IntegerField()
+ suffix_to = models.IntegerField()
+ ref_from = models.IntegerField()
+ next_suffix = models.IntegerField()
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_digit(prefix12):
+ digits = [int(d) for d in prefix12]
+ return str((-sum(digits[0::2]) + 7 * sum(digits[1::2])) % 10)
+ def isbn(self, suffix):
+ prefix_length = len(self.prefix)
+ suffix_length = 12 - prefix_length
+ suffix_str = ('%%0%dd' % suffix_length) % suffix
+ prefix12 = self.prefix + suffix_str
+ return prefix12 + self.check_digit(prefix12)
+class ONIXRecord(models.Model):
+ isbn_pool = models.ForeignKey(ISBNPool)
+ datestamp = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
+ suffix = models.IntegerField()
+ product_form = models.CharField(max_length=4)
+ product_form_detail = models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=True)
+ title = models.CharField(max_length=256)
+ part_number = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True)
+ contributors = JSONField() # roles, names, optional: ISNI, date of birth/death
+ edition_type = models.CharField(max_length=4)
+ edition_number = models.IntegerField(default=1)
+ language = models.CharField(max_length=4)
+ imprint = models.CharField(max_length=256)
+ publishing_date = models.DateField()
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ['isbn_pool__id', 'suffix']
+ def isbn(self):
+ return self.isbn_pool.isbn(self.suffix)
+ def reference(self):
+ return 'pl-eisbn-%s' % (self.isbn_pool.ref_from + self.suffix)
+ 'isbn',