Wrappers for piston Emitter classes.
-When outputting a queryset of selected models, instead of returning
-XML or JSON stanzas, SSI include statements are returned.
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
-from piston.emitters import Emitter, XMLEmitter, JSONEmitter
-from catalogue.models import Book, Fragment, Tag
-from django.utils.translation import get_language
-class SsiQS(object):
- """A wrapper for QuerySet that won't serialize."""
- def __init__(self, queryset):
- self.queryset = queryset
- def __unicode__(self):
- raise TypeError("This is not serializable.")
- def get_ssis(self, emitter_format):
- """Yields SSI include statements for the queryset."""
- url_pattern = reverse(
- 'api_include',
- kwargs={
- 'model': self.queryset.model.__name__.lower(),
- 'pk': '0000',
- 'emitter_format': emitter_format,
- 'lang': get_language(),
- })
- for instance in self.queryset:
- yield "<!--#include file='%s'-->" % url_pattern.replace('0000', str(instance.pk))
-class SsiEmitterMixin(object):
- def construct(self):
- ssify_api = getattr(settings, 'SSIFY_API', True)
- if ssify_api and isinstance(self.data, QuerySet) and self.data.model in (Book, Fragment, Tag):
- return SsiQS(self.data)
- else:
- return super(SsiEmitterMixin, self).construct()
-class SsiJsonEmitter(SsiEmitterMixin, JSONEmitter):
- def render(self, request):
- try:
- return super(SsiJsonEmitter, self).render(request)
- except TypeError:
- return '[%s]' % ",".join(self.construct().get_ssis('json'))
-Emitter.register('json', SsiJsonEmitter, 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
-class SsiXmlEmitter(SsiEmitterMixin, XMLEmitter):
- def render(self, request):
- try:
- return super(SsiXmlEmitter, self).render(request)
- except TypeError:
- return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' \
- '<response><resource>%s</resource></response>' % \
- '</resource><resource>'.join(self.construct().get_ssis('xml'))
-Emitter.register('xml', SsiXmlEmitter, 'text/xml; charset=utf-8')
+from piston.emitters import Emitter
# hack
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
-# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
-from datetime import datetime
-import os.path
-import sqlite3
-from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
-from api.helpers import timestamp
-from api.settings import MOBILE_INIT_DB
-from catalogue.models import Book, Tag
-from wolnelektury.utils import makedirs
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = 'Creates an initial SQLite file for the mobile app.'
- def handle(self, **options):
- # those should be versioned
- last_checked = timestamp(datetime.now())
- db = init_db(last_checked)
- for b in Book.objects.all():
- add_book(db, b)
- for t in Tag.objects.exclude(
- category__in=('book', 'set', 'theme')).exclude(items=None):
- # only add non-empty tags
- add_tag(db, t)
- db.commit()
- db.close()
- current(last_checked)
-def pretty_size(size):
- """ Turns size in bytes into a prettier string.
- >>> pretty_size(100000)
- '97 KiB'
- """
- if not size:
- return None
- units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB']
- size = float(size)
- unit = units.pop(0)
- while size > 1000 and units:
- size /= 1024
- unit = units.pop(0)
- if size < 10:
- return "%.1f %s" % (size, unit)
- return "%d %s" % (size, unit)
- #
- # if not isinstance(value, unicode):
- # value = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
- #
- # # try to replace chars
- # value = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-]{1}', replace_char, value)
- # value = value.lower()
- # value = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9{|}]+', '~', value)
- #
- # return value.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
-def init_db(last_checked):
- makedirs(MOBILE_INIT_DB)
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(MOBILE_INIT_DB, 'initial.db-%d' % last_checked))
- schema = """
- title VARCHAR,
- cover VARCHAR,
- html_file VARCHAR,
- html_file_size INTEGER,
- parent INTEGER,
- parent_number INTEGER,
- sort_key VARCHAR,
- pretty_size VARCHAR,
- authors VARCHAR,
- _local BOOLEAN
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS book_title_index ON book (sort_key);
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS book_title_index ON book (title);
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS book_parent_index ON book (parent);
- name VARCHAR,
- category VARCHAR,
- sort_key VARCHAR,
- books VARCHAR);
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tag_name_index ON tag (name);
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tag_category_index ON tag (category);
-CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tag_sort_key_index ON tag (sort_key);
-CREATE TABLE state (last_checked INTEGER);
- db.executescript(schema)
- db.execute("INSERT INTO state VALUES (:last_checked)", {'last_checked': last_checked})
- return db
-def current(last_checked):
- target = os.path.join(MOBILE_INIT_DB, 'initial.db')
- if os.path.lexists(target):
- os.unlink(target)
- os.symlink(
- 'initial.db-%d' % last_checked,
- target,
- )
-book_sql = """
- (id, title, cover, html_file, html_file_size, parent, parent_number, sort_key, pretty_size, authors)
- (:id, :title, :cover, :html_file, :html_file_size, :parent, :parent_number, :sort_key, :size_str, :authors);
-book_tag_sql = "INSERT INTO book_tag (book, tag) VALUES (:book, :tag);"
-tag_sql = """
- (id, category, name, sort_key, books)
- (:id, :category, :name, :sort_key, :book_ids);
-categories = {'author': 'autor',
- 'epoch': 'epoka',
- 'genre': 'gatunek',
- 'kind': 'rodzaj',
- 'theme': 'motyw'
- }
-def add_book(db, book):
- if book.html_file:
- html_file = book.html_file.url
- html_file_size = book.html_file.size
- else:
- html_file = html_file_size = None
- db.execute(book_sql, {
- 'title': book.title,
- 'cover': book.cover.url if book.cover else None,
- 'html_file': html_file,
- 'html_file_size': html_file_size,
- 'parent': book.parent_id,
- 'parent_number': book.parent_number,
- 'sort_key': book.sort_key,
- 'size_str': pretty_size(html_file_size),
- 'authors': book.author_unicode(),
- })
-def add_tag(db, tag):
- books = Book.tagged_top_level([tag])
- book_ids = ','.join(str(book_id) for book_id in books.values_list('id', flat=True))
- db.execute(tag_sql, {
- 'category': categories[tag.category],
- 'name': tag.name,
- 'sort_key': tag.sort_key,
- 'book_ids': book_ids,
- })
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from piston.authentication import OAuthAuthentication, oauth_access_token, oauth_request_token
from piston.resource import Resource
-from ssify import ssi_included
import catalogue.views
from api import handlers
from api.helpers import CsrfExemptResource
paginate_re = r'(?:after/(?P<after>[a-z0-9-]+)/)?(?:count/(?P<count>[0-9]+)/)?$'
-def incl(request, model, pk, emitter_format):
- resource = {
- 'book': book_list_resource,
- 'fragment': fragment_list_resource,
- 'tag': tag_list_resource,
- }[model]
- request.piwik_track = False
- resp = resource(request, pk=pk, emitter_format=emitter_format)
- if emitter_format == 'xml':
- # Ugly, but quick way of stripping <?xml?> header and <response> tags.
- resp.content = resp.content[49:-11]
- return resp
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^oauth/request_token/$', oauth_request_token),
url(r'^oauth/authorize/$', oauth_user_auth, name='oauth_user_auth'),
url(r'^oauth/access_token/$', csrf_exempt(oauth_access_token)),
url(r'^$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='api/main.html'), name='api'),
- url(r'^include/(?P<model>book|fragment|tag)/(?P<pk>\d+)\.(?P<lang>.+)\.(?P<emitter_format>xml|json)$',
- incl, name='api_include'),
# info boxes (used by mobile app)
url(r'book/(?P<book_id>\d*?)/info\.html$', catalogue.views.book_info),