{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
-{% block titleextra %}:: {{ title }}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
return LoginForm(prefix='login').as_ul()
-def search_form():
- return {"form": SearchForm()}
-def breadcrumbs(tags, search_form=True):
- context = {'tag_list': tags}
- try:
- max_tag_list = settings.MAX_TAG_LIST
- except AttributeError:
- max_tag_list = -1
- if search_form and (max_tag_list == -1 or len(tags) < max_tag_list):
- context['search_form'] = SearchForm(tags=tags)
- return context
def catalogue_url(parser, token):
bits = token.split_contents()
categories = split_tags(tags)
fragment_tags = categories.get('theme', [])
- form = forms.SearchForm()
return render_to_response('catalogue/catalogue.html', locals(),
def book_list(request, filter=None, template_name='catalogue/book_list.html'):
""" generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered with a test function """
- form = forms.SearchForm()
books_by_author, orphans, books_by_parent = models.Book.book_list(filter)
books_nav = SortedDict()
for tag in books_by_author:
theme = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=theme_slug, category='theme')
fragments = models.Fragment.tagged.with_all([book_tag, theme])
- form = forms.SearchForm()
return render_to_response('catalogue/book_fragments.html', locals(),
projects.add((project, meta.get('funded_by', '')))
projects = sorted(projects)
- form = forms.SearchForm()
custom_pdf_form = forms.CustomPDFForm()
return render_to_response('catalogue/book_detail.html', locals(),
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n pagination_tags %}
-{% load catalogue_tags %}
{% block bodyid %}footnotes{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Footnotes on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Footnotes" %}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% trans "Footnotes" %}</h1>
- {% search_form %}
from dictionary.models import Note
def letter_notes(request, letter=None):
- form = SearchForm()
letters = ["0-9"] + [chr(a) for a in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)]
objects = Note.objects.all()
if letter == "0-9":
{% load i18n %}
{% load chunks %}
-{% block titleextra %}:: {{ page.title }}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}{{ left_column|striptags|truncatewords:10 }}{% endblock %}
from catalogue.utils import get_random_hash
from catalogue.models import Book, Tag
-from catalogue import forms
from lesmianator.models import Poem, Continuations
def main_page(request):
last = Poem.objects.all().order_by('-created_at')[:10]
- form = forms.SearchForm()
shelves = Tag.objects.filter(user__username='lesmianator')
return render_to_response('lesmianator/lesmianator.html',
- {"last": last, "form": form, "shelves": shelves},
+ {"last": last, "shelves": shelves},
# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_detail
-from catalogue import forms
from lessons import models
- extra_context={
- 'form': forms.SearchForm(),
- })
+ )
-from catalogue import forms
from picture.models import Picture
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
def picture_list(request, filter=None, template_name='catalogue/picture_list.html'):
""" generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered with a test function """
- form = forms.SearchForm()
pictures_by_author, orphans = Picture.picture_list()
books_nav = SortedDict()
for tag in pictures_by_author:
def picture_detail(request, picture):
- form = forms.SearchForm()
picture = get_object_or_404(Picture, slug=picture)
categories = SortedDict()
{% load i18n %}
{% load reporting_stats catalogue_tags %}
-{% block title %}Statystyka w WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Reports" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}reports-stats{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- {% search_form %}
<p><a href="{% url reporting_catalogue_pdf %}">Katalog biblioteki w formacie PDF.</a></p>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta name="description"
content="{% block metadescription %}Darmowe opracowane, pełne teksty lektur, e-booki, audiobooki i pliki DAISY na wolnej licencji.{% endblock %}" />
- <title>{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}
+ <title>{% trans "Wolne Lektury" %} ::
{% block titleextra %}{% endblock %}</title>
<link rel="icon" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/favicon.png" type="image/png" />
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Wolne Lektury" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}opensearch.xml" />
{% block bodyid %}book-a-list{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Listing of all audiobooks on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Listing of all audiobooks" %}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Darmowe audiobooki na wolnej licencji. Lektury czytane przez znanych aktorów.{% endblock %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{{ book.title }} {% trans "on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ book.title }}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}{% book_title book %}. {{ block.super }}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% book_title book %}</h1>
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
<div id="books-list">
<div id='breadcrumbs'>
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Theme" %} {{ theme }} {% trans "in work " %} {{ book }} {% trans "on" %} WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Theme" %} {{ theme }} {% trans "in work " %} {{ book }}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% trans "Theme" %} {{ theme }} {% trans "in work " %} {{ book }} </h1>
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{{ book.get_absolute_url }}">{% trans "return to book's page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
{% autopaginate fragments 10 %}
<div id="books-list">
{% block bodyid %}book-a-list{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Listing of all works on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Listing of all works" %}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% block book_list_header %}{% trans "Listing of all works" %}{% endblock %}</h1>
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} {{ form.tags }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" />
- <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> {% trans "see" %}:
- <span class='collections'>
- <a href="{% url catalogue.views.book_list %}">{% trans "all books" %}</a>
- <a href="{% url catalogue.views.audiobook_list %}">{% trans "audiobooks" %}</a>
- <a href="{% url catalogue.views.daisy_list %}">{% trans "DAISY" %}</a>
- </span></p>
- </form>
<div class="column-left">{% block book_list_info %}{% endblock %}</div><div style='clear:both;'></div>
<a name="top">
<div id="book-list-nav">
+++ /dev/null
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load catalogue_tags %}
-<div id="searchContainer">
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <ul class="facelist-selections" style="float:left;">
- {% for tag in tag_list %}
- <li class="facelist-selection-item">
- <span style="margin-left: 5px;">
- <a href="{% catalogue_url tag %}">{{ tag }}</a>
- <a class="facelist-close" href="{% catalogue_url tag_list -tag %}">x</a>
- </span>
- </li>
- {% empty %}
- <li class="facelist-selection-item">
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- {% if search_form %}
- <li>{{ search_form.q }} {{ search_form.tags }}</li>
- {% endif %}
- </ul>
- <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" id="searchSubmit"/>
- </form>
-<div class="clearboth"></div>
{% load catalogue_tags %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Catalogue" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}catalogue-catalogue{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
+ <h1>{% trans "Catalogue" %}</h1>
<h2></a>{% trans "Authors" %}<a name="autorzy"></a></h2>
{% tag_list categories.author %}
{% block bodyid %}book-a-list{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Listing of all DAISY files on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Listing of all DAISY files" %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{% trans "Latest DAISY audiobooks" %}" href="{% url audiobook_feed 'daisy' %}" />
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags %}
-{% block title %}{% title_from_tags tags %} w WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% title_from_tags tags %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}differentiate_tags{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
<p>{% trans "The criteria are ambiguous. Please select one of the following options:" %}</p>
<div id="books-list">
{% load thumbnail %}
-{% block title %}{{ picture.title }} {% trans "on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ picture.title }}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}picture-detail{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
<div id="books-list">
<div id='breadcrumbs'>
{% block bodyid %}picture-list{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Listing of all pictures on WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Listing of all pictures" %}{% endblock %}
{% block picture_list_header %}{% trans "Listing of all pictures" %}{% endblock %}
+++ /dev/null
-{% load i18n %}
-<form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{%trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to the main page" %}</a></p>
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Searching in" %} WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Search" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
+ <h1>{% trans "Search" %}</h1>
<div id="books-list">
<p>{% trans "More than one result matching the criteria found." %}</p>
- <div id="set-window">
- <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
- <div class="target">
- <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Search in WolneLektury.pl" %}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Search" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
+ <h1>{% trans "Search" %}</h1>
<div id="books-list">
<p>{% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %}</p>
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Searching in" %} WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Search" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
+ <h1>{% trans "Search" %}</h1>
<div id="books-list">
<p>{% trans "Sorry! Search query must have at least two characters." %}</p>
{% include "info/join_us.html" %}
- <div id="set-window">
- <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
- <div class="target">
- <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags switch_tag %}
-{% block title %}{% title_from_tags tags %} w WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% title_from_tags tags %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
{% if only_shelf and not object_list %}
<div id="books-list">
{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags %}
-{% block title %}Leśmianator w WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}Leśmianator{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Stwórz własny wierszmiks z utworów znajdujących się na Wolnych Lekturach.{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
<div id="books-list">
<p>Leśmianator tworzy wierszmiksy – dzięki niemu
{% block bodyid %}document-list-body{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}{% trans "Hand-outs for teachers on " %}WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Hand-outs for teachers" %}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Scenariusze lekcji. Materiały dla nauczycieli na wolnej licencji.{% endblock %}
{% endblock extrahead %}
{% block body %}
<h1>{% trans "Hand-outs for teachers" %}</h1>
- <form action="{% url search %}" method="GET" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
- <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
- </form>
<div id="document-list">
{% chunk "document-list" %}
{% load cache i18n catalogue_tags infopages_tags %}
+{% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<blockquote id="big-cite">
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
-{% block titleextra %}:: {{ author.name }}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ author.name }}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Licznik domeny publicznej: {{author.name}}.{% endblock %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
-{% block titleextra %}:: {{ book.title }}{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{{ book.title }}{% endblock %}
{% block metadescription %}Licznik domeny publicznej: {{ book.title }}.{% endblock %}