<div class="description {% if link and is_current %}with-button{% endif %}"
style="display: inline-block;">
{% if link %}<a href="{% if is_current %}{% url 'funding_current' offer.slug %}{% else %}{{ offer.get_absolute_url }}{% endif %}">{% endif %}
- {% if is_current %}<strong style="margin-right: .6em;">{% trans "Help free the book!" %}</strong>{% endif %}
- {% if show_title %}<span class="funding-title{% if not is_current %}-strong{% endif %}">{{ offer }}</span>{% endif %}
+ {% if show_title %}
+ {% if is_current %}<strong style="margin-right: .6em;">{% trans "Help free the book!" %}</strong>{% endif %}
+ <span class="funding-title{% if not is_current %}-strong{% endif %}">{{ offer }}</span>
+ {% endif %}
<div class="progress"
style="text-align: center; background-size: {{ percentage|stringformat:'.2f' }}% 1px;"