-from django.db import models
+from django.db import models, transaction
import catalogue.models
-from catalogue.fields import OverwritingFileField
+from django.db.models import permalink
+from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+from django.core.cache import get_cache
+from catalogue.utils import split_tags
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from fnpdjango.utils.text.slughifi import slughifi
+from picture import tasks
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import jsonfield
+import itertools
+from PIL import Image
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from newtagging import managers
from os import path
-picture_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'pictures'), base_url=settings.MEDIA_URL + "pictures/")
+picture_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=path.join(
+ settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'pictures'),
+ base_url=settings.MEDIA_URL + "pictures/")
class Picture(models.Model):
created_at = models.DateTimeField(_('creation date'), auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
changed_at = models.DateTimeField(_('creation date'), auto_now=True, db_index=True)
xml_file = models.FileField('xml_file', upload_to="xml", storage=picture_storage)
- image_file = models.FileField(_('image_file'), upload_to="images", storage=picture_storage)
+ image_file = ImageField(_('image_file'), upload_to="images", storage=picture_storage)
+ html_file = models.FileField('html_file', upload_to="html", storage=picture_storage)
+ areas = jsonfield.JSONField(_('picture areas'), default={}, editable=False)
+ extra_info = jsonfield.JSONField(_('extra information'), default={})
+ culturepl_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
+ wiki_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
objects = models.Manager()
tagged = managers.ModelTaggedItemManager(catalogue.models.Tag)
tags = managers.TagDescriptor(catalogue.models.Tag)
ret = super(Picture, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
+ if reset_short_html:
+ self.reset_short_html()
return ret
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
+ @permalink
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return ('picture.views.picture_detail', [self.slug])
- def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, images_path=None, overwrite=False):
+ def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, image_file=None, image_store=None, overwrite=False):
Import xml and it's accompanying image file.
+ If image file is missing, it will be fetched by librarian.picture.ImageStore
+ which looks for an image file in the same directory the xml is, with extension matching
+ its mime type.
+ from sortify import sortify
from django.core.files import File
- from librarian.picture import WLPicture
+ from librarian.picture import WLPicture, ImageStore
close_xml_file = False
+ close_image_file = False
+ if image_file is not None and not isinstance(image_file, File):
+ image_file = File(open(image_file))
+ close_image_file = True
if not isinstance(xml_file, File):
xml_file = File(open(xml_file))
close_xml_file = True
# use librarian to parse meta-data
- picture_xml = WLPicture.from_file(xml_file)
+ if image_store is None:
+ image_store = ImageStore(picture_storage.path('images'))
+ picture_xml = WLPicture.from_file(xml_file, image_store=image_store)
picture, created = Picture.objects.get_or_create(slug=picture_xml.slug)
if not created and not overwrite:
raise Picture.AlreadyExists('Picture %s already exists' % picture_xml.slug)
picture.title = picture_xml.picture_info.title
- picture.tags = catalogue.models.Tag.tags_from_info(picture_xml.picture_info)
- img = picture_xml.image_file()
- try:
- picture.image_file.save(path.basename(picture_xml.image_path), File(img))
- finally:
- img.close()
+ picture.extra_info = picture_xml.picture_info.to_dict()
+ motif_tags = set()
+ thing_tags = set()
+ area_data = {'themes':{}, 'things':{}}
+ for part in picture_xml.partiter():
+ if picture_xml.frame:
+ c = picture_xml.frame[0]
+ part['coords'] = [[p[0] - c[0], p[1] - c[1]] for p in part['coords']]
+ if part.get('object', None) is not None:
+ objname = part['object']
+ tag, created = catalogue.models.Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slughifi(objname), category='thing')
+ if created:
+ tag.name = objname
+ tag.sort_key = sortify(tag.name)
+ tag.save()
+ thing_tags.add(tag)
+ area_data['things'][tag.slug] = {
+ 'object': part['object'],
+ 'coords': part['coords'],
+ }
+ else:
+ for motif in part['themes']:
+ tag, created = catalogue.models.Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slughifi(motif), category='theme')
+ if created:
+ tag.name = motif
+ tag.sort_key = sortify(tag.name)
+ tag.save()
+ motif_tags.add(tag)
+ area_data['themes'][tag.slug] = {
+ 'theme': motif,
+ 'coords': part['coords']
+ }
+ picture.tags = catalogue.models.Tag.tags_from_info(picture_xml.picture_info) + \
+ list(motif_tags) + list(thing_tags)
+ picture.areas = area_data
+ if image_file is not None:
+ img = image_file
+ else:
+ img = picture_xml.image_file()
+ modified = cls.crop_to_frame(picture_xml, img)
+ # FIXME: hardcoded extension - detect from DC format or orginal filename
+ picture.image_file.save(path.basename(picture_xml.image_path), File(modified))
picture.xml_file.save("%s.xml" % picture.slug, File(xml_file))
+ tasks.generate_picture_html(picture.id)
+ except Exception, ex:
+ print "Rolling back a transaction"
+ transaction.rollback()
+ raise ex
if close_xml_file:
+ if close_image_file:
+ image_file.close()
+ transaction.commit()
return picture
+ @classmethod
+ def crop_to_frame(cls, wlpic, image_file):
+ if wlpic.frame is None:
+ return image_file
+ img = Image.open(image_file)
+ img = img.crop(itertools.chain(*wlpic.frame))
+ contents = StringIO()
+ img.save(contents, format='png', quality=95)
+ return contents
+ @classmethod
+ def picture_list(cls, filter=None):
+ """Generates a hierarchical listing of all pictures
+ Pictures are optionally filtered with a test function.
+ """
+ pics = cls.objects.all().order_by('sort_key')\
+ .only('title', 'slug', 'image_file')
+ if filter:
+ pics = pics.filter(filter).distinct()
+ pics_by_author = SortedDict()
+ orphans = []
+ for tag in catalogue.models.Tag.objects.filter(category='author'):
+ pics_by_author[tag] = []
+ for pic in pics.iterator():
+ authors = list(pic.tags.filter(category='author'))
+ if authors:
+ for author in authors:
+ pics_by_author[author].append(pic)
+ else:
+ orphans.append(pic)
+ return pics_by_author, orphans
+ @property
+ def info(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_info'):
+ from librarian import dcparser
+ from librarian import picture
+ info = dcparser.parse(self.xml_file.path, picture.PictureInfo)
+ self._info = info
+ return self._info
+ def reset_short_html(self):
+ if self.id is None:
+ return
+ cache_key = "Picture.short_html/%d" % (self.id)
+ get_cache('permanent').delete(cache_key)
+ def short_html(self):
+ if self.id:
+ cache_key = "Picture.short_html/%d" % (self.id)
+ short_html = get_cache('permanent').get(cache_key)
+ else:
+ short_html = None
+ if short_html is not None:
+ return mark_safe(short_html)
+ else:
+ tags = self.tags.filter(category__in=('author', 'kind', 'epoch', 'genre'))
+ tags = split_tags(tags)
+ short_html = unicode(render_to_string(
+ 'picture/picture_short.html',
+ {'picture': self, 'tags': tags}))
+ if self.id:
+ get_cache('permanent').set(cache_key, short_html)
+ return mark_safe(short_html)