-Teraz wystarczy uruchomić serwer deweloperski poleceniem::
- ./manage.py runserver
-W wyniku powinniśmy otrzymać całkiem funkcjonalny serwer.
+ ./manage.py celeryd --loglevel=INFO
+If you don't want to run a separate Celery daemon, make sure you set this
+option in your ``localsettings.py``::
+Setup your server in fabfile.py and do::
+ fab <your_server_name> setup
+Aside from uploading a current (git's HEAD) version of the app this will also
+download all dependencies into a `virtualenv <http://www.virtualenv.org>`_,
+create a VHost and WSGI files for running with Apache and mod_wsgi, and
+a celery config file for `supervisord <http://supervisord.org/>`_.
+To deploy a new version into an existing setup, do:
+ fab <your_server_name> deploy