+def picture_mini(request, pk, with_link=True):
+ picture = get_object_or_404(Picture, pk=pk)
+ author_str = ", ".join(tag.name
+ for tag in picture.tags.filter(category='author'))
+ return render(request, 'picture/picture_mini_box.html', {
+ 'picture': picture,
+ 'author_str': author_str,
+ 'with_link': with_link,
+ })
+def picture_short(request, pk):
+ picture = get_object_or_404(Picture, pk=pk)
+ return render(request, 'picture/picture_short.html', {
+ 'picture': picture,
+ 'main_link': picture.get_absolute_url(),
+ 'request': request,
+ 'tags': split_tags(picture.tags),
+ })
+def picturearea_short(request, pk):
+ area = get_object_or_404(PictureArea, pk=pk)
+ theme = area.tags.filter(category='theme')
+ theme = theme and theme[0] or None
+ thing = area.tags.filter(category='thing')
+ thing = thing and thing[0] or None
+ return render(request, 'picture/picturearea_short.html', locals())