-# =====================================================================
-# = Helpers. These are called by other functions rather than directly =
-# =====================================================================
-def upload_tar_from_git():
- "Create an archive from the current Git master branch and upload it"
- print '>>> upload tar from git'
- require('release', provided_by=[deploy])
- local('git archive --format=tar master | gzip > %(release)s.tar.gz' % env)
- run('mkdir -p %(path)s/releases/%(release)s' % env, pty=True)
- run('mkdir -p %(path)s/packages' % env, pty=True)
- put('%(release)s.tar.gz' % env, '%(path)s/packages/' % env)
- run('cd %(path)s/releases/%(release)s && tar zxf ../../packages/%(release)s.tar.gz' % env, pty=True)
- local('rm %(release)s.tar.gz' % env)
-def install_requirements():
- "Install the required packages from the requirements file using pip"
- print '>>> install requirements'
- require('release', provided_by=[deploy])
- run('cd %(path)s; %(pip)s install -E . requirements.pybundle' % env)
-def upload_pybundle():
- "Create pybundle with required libraries and upload it"
- print ">>> upload pybundle"
- require('release', provided_by=[deploy])
- with settings(warn_only=True):
- pip_options = run('cat %(path)s/releases/%(release)s/pip-options.txt' % env)
- if pip_options.failed:
- env.pip_options = ''
- else:
- env.pip_options = pip_options
- requirements_mtime = os.path.getmtime('requirements.txt')
- bundle_mtime = 0
- try:
- bundle_mtime = os.path.getmtime('requirements.pybundle')
- except os.error:
- pass
- if requirements_mtime > bundle_mtime:
- local('pip bundle requirements.pybundle %(pip_options)s -r requirements.txt' % env)
- put('requirements.pybundle', '%(path)s' % env)
-def symlink_current_release():
- "Symlink our current release"
- print '>>> symlink current release'
- require('release', provided_by=[deploy])
- require('path', provided_by=[staging, production])
- with cd(env.path):
- run('rm releases/previous; mv releases/current releases/previous')
- run('ln -s %(release)s releases/current' % env)
-def migrate():
- "Update the database"
- print '>>> migrate'
- require('project_name', provided_by=[staging, production])
- with cd('%(path)s/releases/current/%(project_name)s' % env):
- run('../../../bin/python manage.py syncdb --noinput' % env, pty=True)
- if env.use_south:
- run('../../../bin/python manage.py migrate' % env, pty=True)
-def restart_webserver():
- "Restart the web server"
- print '>>> restart webserver'
- run('touch %(path)s/releases/current/%(project_name)s/%(project_name)s.wsgi' % env)
+def production():
+ env.hosts = ['giewont.icm.edu.pl']
+ env.user = 'lektury'
+ env.app_path = '/srv/wolnelektury.pl'
+ env.django_root_path = 'src'
+ env.requirements_file = 'requirements/requirements.txt'
+ env.services = [
+ Supervisord('wolnelektury'),
+ Supervisord('wolnelektury.celery'),
+ ]
+def update_counters():
+ print '>>> update counters'
+ require('app_path', 'project_name')
+ with cd(get_django_root_path('current')):
+ run('%(ve)s/bin/python manage.py update_counters' % env, pty=True)
+def beta():
+ env.hosts = ['giewont.icm.edu.pl']
+ env.user = 'lektury'
+ env.app_path = '/srv/wolnelektury.pl/beta'
+ env.ve = '/srv/wolnelektury.pl/ve'
+ env.django_root_path = 'src'
+ env.requirements_file = 'requirements/requirements.txt'
+ env.pre_collectstatic = [
+ update_counters,
+ ]
+ env.services = [
+ Supervisord('beta'),
+ ]
+def staging():
+ env.hosts = ['san.nowoczesnapolska.org.pl:2223']
+ env.user = 'staging'
+ env.app_path = '/home/staging/wolnelektury.pl'
+ env.services = [
+ DebianGunicorn('wolnelektury'),
+ ]