from catalogue.utils import split_tags
from ssify import ssi_included
from sponsors.models import Sponsor
-# WTF/unused
-# # was picture/picture_list.html list (without thumbs)
-# def picture_list(request, filter=None, get_filter=None, template_name='catalogue/picture_list.html',
-# cache_key=None, context=None):
-# """ generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered with a test function """
-# if get_filter:
-# filt = get_filter()
-# pictures_by_author, orphans = Picture.picture_list(filt)
-# books_nav = OrderedDict()
-# for tag in pictures_by_author:
-# if pictures_by_author[tag]:
-# books_nav.setdefault(tag.sort_key[0], []).append(tag)
-# return render_to_response(template_name, locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
from wolnelektury.utils import ajax
theme_things = split_tags(picture.related_themes())
- # categories = SortedDict()
- # for tag in picture.tags.iterator():
- # categories.setdefault(tag.category, []).append(tag)
return render_to_response("picture/picture_detail.html", {
'picture': picture,
'themes': theme_things.get('theme', []),