-from django.db import connection
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-from django.utils.translation import get_language
-from picture.models import Picture, PictureArea
-from catalogue.models import Fragment, Tag, Book
+from django.db.models import Count
+from .models import Tag, Book
-def _get_tag_relations_sql(tags):
- select = """
- SELECT Rx.object_id, Rx.content_type_id
- FROM catalogue_tag_relation Rx"""
- joins = []
- where = ['WHERE Rx.tag_id = %d' % tags[0].pk]
- for i, tag in enumerate(tags[1:]):
- joins.append('INNER JOIN catalogue_tag_relation TR%(i)d '
- 'ON TR%(i)d.object_id = Rx.object_id '
- 'AND TR%(i)d.content_type_id = Rx.content_type_id' % {'i': i})
- where.append('AND TR%d.tag_id = %d' % (i, tag.pk))
- return " ".join([select] + joins + where)
+BOOK_CATEGORIES = ('author', 'epoch', 'genre', 'kind')
+def get_top_level_related_tags(tags=None, categories=BOOK_CATEGORIES):
+ """
+ Finds tags related to given tags through books, and counts their usage.
-def get_related_tags(tags):
- # Get Tag fields for constructing tags in a raw query.
- tag_fields = ('id', 'category', 'slug', 'sort_key', 'name_%s' % get_language())
- tag_fields = ', '.join(
- 'T.%s' % connection.ops.quote_name(field)
- for field in tag_fields)
- tag_ids = tuple(t.pk for t in tags)
- # This is based on fragments/areas sharing their works tags
- qs = Tag.objects.raw('''
- SELECT ''' + tag_fields + ''', COUNT(T.id) count
- FROM (
- -- R: TagRelations of all objects tagged with the given tags.
- ''' + _get_tag_relations_sql(tags) + '''
- )
- SELECT ''' + tag_fields + ''', MAX(R4.object_id) ancestor
- -- R2: All tags of the found objects.
- JOIN catalogue_tag_relation R2
- ON R2.object_id = R1.object_id
- AND R2.content_type_id = R1.content_type_id
- -- Tag data for output.
- JOIN catalogue_tag T
- ON T.id=R2.tag_id
- -- Special case for books:
- -- We want to exclude from output all the relations
- -- between a book and a tag, if there's a relation between
- -- the the book's ancestor and the tag in the result.
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_book_ancestor A
- ON A.from_book_id = R1.object_id
- AND R1.content_type_id = %s
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_tag_relation R3
- ON R3.tag_id = R2.tag_id
- AND R3.content_type_id = R1.content_type_id
- AND R3.object_id = A.to_book_id
- ON R4.object_id = R3.object_id
- AND R4.content_type_id = R3.content_type_id
- -- Exclude from the result the tags we started with.
- R2.tag_id NOT IN %s
- -- Special case for books: exclude descendants.
- -- AND R4.object_id IS NULL
- AND (
- -- Only count fragment tags on fragments
- -- and book tags for books.
- (R2.content_type_id IN %s AND T.category IN %s)
- OR
- (R2.content_type_id IN %s AND T.category IN %s)
- )
- GROUP BY T.id, R2.object_id, R2.content_type_id
- ) T
- -- Now group by tag and count occurencies.
- WHERE ancestor IS NULL
- GROUP BY ''' + tag_fields + '''
- ORDER BY T.sort_key
- ''', params=(
- ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Book).pk,
- tag_ids,
- tuple(ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk
- for model in (Fragment, PictureArea)),
- ('theme', 'object'),
- tuple(ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk
- for model in (Book, Picture)),
- ('author', 'epoch', 'genre', 'kind'),
- ))
- return qs
+ Takes ancestry into account: if a tag is applied to a book, its
+ usage on the book's descendants is ignored.
+ This is tested for PostgreSQL 9.1+, and might not work elsewhere.
+ It particular, it uses raw SQL using WITH clause, which is
+ supported in SQLite from v. 3.8.3, and is missing in MySQL.
+ http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=16244
-def get_fragment_related_tags(tags):
- tag_fields = ', '.join(
- 'T.%s' % (connection.ops.quote_name(field.column))
- for field in Tag._meta.fields)
+ """
+ # First, find all tag relations of relevant books.
+ bct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Book)
+ relations = Tag.intermediary_table_model.objects.filter(
+ content_type=bct)
+ if tags is not None:
+ tagged_books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags).only('pk')
+ relations = relations.filter(
+ object_id__in=tagged_books).exclude(
+ tag_id__in=[tag.pk for tag in tags])
- tag_ids = tuple(t.pk for t in tags)
- # This is based on fragments/areas sharing their works tags
- return Tag.objects.raw('''
- SELECT T.*, COUNT(T.id) count
- FROM (
- -- R1: TagRelations of all objects tagged with the given tags.
- FROM (
- ''' + _get_tag_relations_sql(tags) + '''
- ) R1
- -- R2: All tags of the found objects.
- JOIN catalogue_tag_relation R2
- ON R2.object_id = R1.object_id
- AND R2.content_type_id = R1.content_type_id
- -- Tag data for output.
- JOIN catalogue_tag T
- ON T.id = R2.tag_id
+ rel_sql, rel_params = relations.query.sql_with_params()
- -- Exclude from the result the tags we started with.
- R2.tag_id NOT IN %s
- GROUP BY T.id, R2.object_id, R2.content_type_id
+ # Exclude those relations between a book and a tag,
+ # for which there is a relation between the book's ancestor
+ # and the tag and
- ) T
- -- Now group by tag and count occurencies.
- GROUP BY ''' + tag_fields + '''
- ORDER BY T.sort_key
- ''', params=(
- tag_ids,
- ))
-def tags_usage_for_books(categories):
- tag_fields = ', '.join(
- 'T.%s' % (connection.ops.quote_name(field.column))
- for field in Tag._meta.fields)
- # This is based on fragments/areas sharing their works tags
return Tag.objects.raw('''
- SELECT T.*, COUNT(T.id) count
- FROM (
- FROM catalogue_tag_relation R1
- -- Tag data for output.
- JOIN catalogue_tag T
- ON T.id=R1.tag_id
- -- We want to exclude from output all the relations
- -- between a book and a tag, if there's a relation between
- -- the the book's ancestor and the tag in the result.
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_book_ancestor A
- ON A.from_book_id=R1.object_id
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_tag_relation R3
- ON R3.tag_id = R1.tag_id
- AND R3.content_type_id = R1.content_type_id
- AND R3.object_id = A.to_book_id
- R1.content_type_id = %s
- -- Special case for books: exclude descendants.
- AND R3.object_id IS NULL
- AND T.category IN %s
- -- TODO:
- -- Shouldn't it just be 'distinct'?
- -- Maybe it's faster this way.
- GROUP BY T.id, R1.object_id, R1.content_type_id
- ) T
- -- Now group by tag and count occurencies.
- GROUP BY ''' + tag_fields + '''
- ORDER BY T.sort_key
- ''', params=(
- ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Book).pk,
- tuple(categories),
- ))
-def tags_usage_for_works(categories):
- tag_fields = ', '.join(
- 'T.%s' % (connection.ops.quote_name(field.column))
- for field in Tag._meta.fields)
- return Tag.objects.raw('''
- SELECT T.*, COUNT(T.id) count
- FROM (
- FROM catalogue_tag_relation R1
- -- Tag data for output.
- JOIN catalogue_tag T
- ON T.id = R1.tag_id
- -- Special case for books:
- -- We want to exclude from output all the relations
- -- between a book and a tag, if there's a relation between
- -- the the book's ancestor and the tag in the result.
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_book_ancestor A
- ON A.from_book_id = R1.object_id
- AND R1.content_type_id = %s
- LEFT JOIN catalogue_tag_relation R3
- ON R3.tag_id = R1.tag_id
- AND R3.content_type_id = R1.content_type_id
- AND R3.object_id = A.to_book_id
- R1.content_type_id IN %s
- -- Special case for books: exclude descendants.
- AND R3.object_id IS NULL
- AND T.category IN %s
- -- TODO:
- -- Shouldn't it just be 'distinct'?
- -- Maybe it's faster this way.
- GROUP BY T.id, R1.object_id, R1.content_type_id
- ) T
- -- Now group by tag and count occurencies.
- GROUP BY ''' + tag_fields + '''
- ORDER BY T.sort_key
- ''', params=(
- ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Book).pk,
- tuple(ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk for model in (Book, Picture)),
- categories,
- ))
-def tags_usage_for_fragments(categories):
- return Tag.objects.raw('''
- SELECT t.*, count(t.id)
- from catalogue_tag_relation r
- join catalogue_tag t
- on t.id = r.tag_id
- where t.category IN %s
- group by t.id
- order by t.sort_key
- ''', params=(
- categories,
- ))
+ WITH AllTagged AS (''' + rel_sql + ''')
+ SELECT catalogue_tag.*, COUNT(catalogue_tag.id) AS count
+ FROM catalogue_tag, AllTagged
+ WHERE catalogue_tag.id=AllTagged.tag_id
+ AND catalogue_tag.category IN %s
+ SELECT AncestorTagged.id
+ FROM catalogue_book_ancestor Ancestor,
+ AllTagged AncestorTagged
+ WHERE Ancestor.from_book_id=AllTagged.object_id
+ AND AncestorTagged.content_type_id=%s
+ AND AncestorTagged.object_id=Ancestor.to_book_id
+ AND AncestorTagged.tag_id=AllTagged.tag_id
+ )
+ GROUP BY catalogue_tag.id
+ ORDER BY sort_key''', rel_params + (categories, bct.pk))