{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
{% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %}
-{% block title %}Wyszukiwanie w WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %}
+{% block titleextra %}{% trans "Search" %}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
- <h1>{% title_from_tags tags %}</h1>
- {% breadcrumbs tags %}
- <div id="books-list">
- <p>Przepraszamy! Brak wyników spełniających kryteria podane w zapytaniu.</p>
+ <h1>{% trans "Search" %}</h1>
+ <div class="left-column">
+ <div class="normal-text">
+ <p>{% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %}</p>
+ <p>{% blocktrans %}Search engine supports following criteria: title, author, theme/topic, epoch, kind and genre.
+ As for now we do not support full text search.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
{% include "info/join_us.html" %}
+ </div>
- <div id="set-window">
- <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">Zamknij</a></div>
- <div class="target">
- <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> Ładowanie</p>
- </div>
+ <div class="right-column">
+ {% include "publishing_suggest.html" %}
-{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+{% endblock %}