- <div id="header-bg"></div>
- <div id="header">
- <div id="header-content">
- <div id="logo">
- <a class="logo" href="/">
- <img id="logo-image" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/logo-neon.png" /></a>
- </div>
- <div id="tagline">
- <span>
- {% cache 60 tagline LANGUAGE_CODE %}
- {% url book_list as b %}
- {% url infopage 'prawa' as r %}
- {% count_books book_count %}
- {% blocktrans count book_count as c %}
- <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free reading you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
- {% plural %}
- <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free readings you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
- {% endblocktrans %}
- {% endcache %}
- </span>
- </div>
- <p id="user-info" class="mono">
+ {% funding link=1 closeable=1 add_class="funding-top-header" %}
+ <div id="header-wrapper">
+ <header id="main">
+ <a href="/" id="logo">
+ <img src="{% static 'img/logo-neon.png' %}"
+ alt="Wolne Lektury" />
+ </a>
+ <p id="user-info">