+ <h2>Leśmianator</h2>
+ <p>Wybierz, co wpadnie do miksera, i pokaż efekt znajomym!
+ </p>
+ <p class="see-more" style="clear:both"><a href="{% url lesmianator %}">{% trans "Twórzże się!" %} ⇒</a></p>
+ <h2>{% trans "Wolne Lektury Widget" %}</h2>
+ <p>{% trans "Place our widget - search engine for Wolne Lektury which gives access to free books and audiobooks - on your homepage! Just copy the HTML code below onto your page:" %}</p>
+ <textarea rows="1" cols="35" class='widget-code' title='widget'><!-- START {% trans "Insert this element in place where you want display the widget" %} -->
+<div id="wl" />
+<!-- END -->
+<!-- START {% trans "Place this element just before closing body tag: </body>" %} -->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.wolnelektury.pl/static/js/widget.js"></script>
+<!-- END --></textarea>
+ <p class="see-more"><a href="{% url widget %}" title="{% trans "Wolne Lektury Widget" %}">{% trans "See more" %} ⇒</a></p>