- def __init__(self, *args, request=None, **kwargs):
- super(ScheduleForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.request = request
- self.fields['plan'].empty_label = None
- def clean(self):
- cleaned_data = super(ScheduleForm, self).clean()
- if 'method' in cleaned_data:
- method = method_by_slug[cleaned_data['method']]
- if method not in cleaned_data['plan'].payment_methods():
- self.add_error('method', 'Metoda płatności niedostępna dla tego planu.')
- if cleaned_data['amount'] < cleaned_data['plan'].min_amount:
- self.add_error('amount', 'Minimalna kwota dla tego planu to %d zł.' % cleaned_data['plan'].min_amount)
+ def clean_amount(self):
+ value = self.cleaned_data['amount']
+ club = models.Club.objects.first()
+ if club and value < club.min_amount:
+ raise forms.ValidationError('Minimalna kwota to %d zł.' % club.min_amount)
+ return value