{% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
{% block ogtitle %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
{% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
{% block ogtitle %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %}
<h2>{% trans "Theme" %}: {{ theme }}</h2>
<p>{% trans "Explore works with the same theme" %}</p>
{% for book in theme_books %}
<h2>{% trans "Theme" %}: {{ theme }}</h2>
<p>{% trans "Explore works with the same theme" %}</p>
{% for book in theme_books %}
<li><a href="{% url 'dictionary_notes' %}">{% trans "Footnotes" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'suggest_publishing' %}" id="suggest-publishing" class="ajaxable">{% trans "Missing a book?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'publish_plan' %}">{% trans "Publishing plan" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'api' %}">API</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'oaipmh' %}">OAI-PMH</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'lesmianator' %}" lang="pl">Leśmianator</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'dictionary_notes' %}">{% trans "Footnotes" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'suggest_publishing' %}" id="suggest-publishing" class="ajaxable">{% trans "Missing a book?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'publish_plan' %}">{% trans "Publishing plan" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'api' %}">API</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'oaipmh' %}">OAI-PMH</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'lesmianator' %}" lang="pl">Leśmianator</a></li>
<img src="{% static "img/social/f.png" %}" alt="Wolne Lektury @ Facebook" />
<a href="https://nk.pl/profile/30441509" title='Wolne Lektury @ NK'>
<img src="{% static "img/social/f.png" %}" alt="Wolne Lektury @ Facebook" />
<a href="https://nk.pl/profile/30441509" title='Wolne Lektury @ NK'>