result = doc.xslt(style)
- result.write(output_filename, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')
+ add_table_of_contents(result.getroot())
+ result.write(output_filename, xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')
class Fragment(object):
for event, element in etree.iterparse(input_filename, events=('start', 'end')):
# Process begin and end elements
- if element.tag == 'span' and element.get('class', '') in ('theme-begin', 'theme-end'):
+ if element.get('class', '') in ('theme-begin', 'theme-end'):
if not event == 'end': continue # Process elements only once, on end event
# Open new fragment
fragment = Fragment(id=element.get('fid'), themes=element.text)
# Append parents
- if element.getparent().tag != 'body':
+ if element.getparent().get('id', None) != 'book-text':
parents = [element.getparent()]
- while parents[-1].getparent().tag != 'body':
+ while parents[-1].getparent().get('id', None) != 'book-text':
element.insert(0, anchor_target)
+def any_ancestor(element, test):
+ for ancestor in element.iterancestors():
+ if test(ancestor):
+ return True
+ return False
def add_anchors(root):
counter = 1
for element in root.iterdescendants():
- if element.getparent().tag in 'div' and 'note' in element.getparent().get('class', ''):
- continue
- if element.getparent().tag in 'blockquote':
+ if any_ancestor(element, lambda e: e.get('class') in ('note', 'motto', 'motto_podpis', 'dedication')
+ or e.tag == 'blockquote'):
if element.tag == 'p' and 'verse' in element.get('class', ''):
counter += 1
+def add_table_of_contents(root):
+ sections = []
+ for element in root.iterdescendants():
+ if element.tag in ('h2', 'h3'):
+ if element.tag == 'h3' and len(sections) and sections[-1][0] == 'h2':
+ sections[-1][2].append((element.tag, ''.join(element.xpath('descendant-or-self::text()')), []))
+ else:
+ sections.append((element.tag, ''.join(element.xpath('descendant-or-self::text()')), []))
+ toc = etree.Element('div')
+ toc.set('id', 'toc')
+ toc_header = etree.SubElement(toc, 'h2')
+ toc_header.text = u'Spis treści'
+ toc_list = etree.SubElement(toc, 'ol')
+ for section, text, subsections in sections:
+ section_element = etree.SubElement(toc_list, 'li')
+ section_element.text = text
+ if len(subsections):
+ subsection_list = etree.SubElement(section_element, 'ol')
+ for subsection, text, _ in subsections:
+ subsection_element = etree.SubElement(subsection_list, 'li')
+ subsection_element.text = text
+ root.insert(0, toc)