- model = models.Fragment
- extra_where = 'NOT catalogue_tag.category = "set"'
- related_tags = models.Tag.objects.related_for_model(tags, model, counts=True, extra={'where': [extra_where]})
- categories = split_tags(related_tags)
- if not theme_is_set:
- model=models.Book.objects.filter(parent=None)
- return newtagging_views.tagged_object_list(
- request,
- tag_model=models.Tag,
- queryset_or_model=model,
- tags=tags,
- template_name='catalogue/tagged_object_list.html',
- extra_context = {'categories': categories, 'shelf_is_set': shelf_is_set },
- )
+ shelf_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category == 'set']
+ fragment_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category != 'set']
+ fragments = models.Fragment.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
+ if shelf_tags:
+ books = models.Book.tagged.with_all(shelf_tags).order_by()
+ l_tags = models.Tag.objects.filter(category='book',
+ slug__in=[book.book_tag_slug() for book in books.iterator()])
+ fragments = models.Fragment.tagged.with_any(l_tags, fragments)
+ # newtagging goes crazy if we just try:
+ #related_tags = models.Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(fragments, counts=True,
+ # extra={'where': ["catalogue_tag.category != 'book'"]})
+ fragment_keys = [fragment.pk for fragment in fragments.iterator()]
+ if fragment_keys:
+ related_tags = models.Fragment.tags.usage(counts=True,
+ filters={'pk__in': fragment_keys},
+ extra={'where': ["catalogue_tag.category != 'book'"]})
+ related_tags = (tag for tag in related_tags if tag not in fragment_tags)
+ categories = split_tags(related_tags)
+ objects = fragments
+ else:
+ if shelf_is_set:
+ objects = models.Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
+ else:
+ objects = models.Book.tagged_top_level(tags)
+ # get related tags from `tag_counter` and `theme_counter`
+ related_counts = {}
+ tags_pks = [tag.pk for tag in tags]
+ for book in objects:
+ for tag_pk, value in itertools.chain(book.tag_counter.iteritems(), book.theme_counter.iteritems()):
+ if tag_pk in tags_pks:
+ continue
+ related_counts[tag_pk] = related_counts.get(tag_pk, 0) + value
+ related_tags = models.Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=related_counts.keys())
+ related_tags = [tag for tag in related_tags if tag not in tags]
+ for tag in related_tags:
+ tag.count = related_counts[tag.pk]
+ categories = split_tags(related_tags)
+ del related_tags
+ if not objects:
+ only_author = len(tags) == 1 and tags[0].category == 'author'
+ objects = models.Book.objects.none()
+ # Add pictures
+ objects = MultiQuerySet(Picture.tagged.with_all(tags), objects)
+ return render_to_response('catalogue/tagged_object_list.html',
+ {
+ 'object_list': objects,
+ 'categories': categories,
+ 'only_shelf': only_shelf,
+ 'only_author': only_author,
+ 'only_my_shelf': only_my_shelf,
+ 'formats_form': forms.DownloadFormatsForm(),
+ 'tags': tags,
+ 'theme_is_set': theme_is_set,
+ },
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))