from catalogue import models
from catalogue import forms
from catalogue.utils import split_tags, AttachmentHttpResponse, async_build_pdf
+from catalogue.tasks import touch_tag
from pdcounter import models as pdcounter_models
from pdcounter import views as pdcounter_views
from suggest.forms import PublishingSuggestForm
def catalogue(request):
- tags = models.Tag.objects.exclude(category__in=('set', 'book'))
+ tags = models.Tag.objects.exclude(
+ category__in=('set', 'book')).exclude(book_count=0)
+ tags = list(tags)
for tag in tags:
- tag.count = tag.get_count()
+ tag.count = tag.book_count
categories = split_tags(tags)
fragment_tags = categories.get('theme', [])
new_shelves = [models.Tag.objects.get(pk=id) for id in form.cleaned_data['set_ids']]
for shelf in [shelf for shelf in old_shelves if shelf not in new_shelves]:
- shelf.book_count = None
+ touch_tag(shelf)
for shelf in [shelf for shelf in new_shelves if shelf not in old_shelves]:
- shelf.book_count = None
+ touch_tag(shelf)
book.tags = new_shelves + list(book.tags.filter(~Q(category='set') | ~Q(user=request.user)))
if request.is_ajax():
if shelf in book.tags:
models.Tag.objects.remove_tag(book, shelf)
- shelf.book_count = None
+ touch_tag(shelf)
return HttpResponse(_('Book was successfully removed from the shelf'))
if form.is_valid():
formats = form.cleaned_data['formats']
if len(formats) == 0:
- formats = ['pdf', 'epub', 'mobi', 'odt', 'txt']
+ formats = models.Book.ebook_formats
# Create a ZIP archive
temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(temp, 'w')
- already = set()
for book in collect_books(models.Book.tagged.with_all(shelf)):
fileid = book.fileid()
- if 'pdf' in formats and book.pdf_file:
- filename = book.pdf_file.path
- archive.write(filename, str('%s.pdf' % fileid))
- if 'mobi' in formats and book.mobi_file:
- filename = book.mobi_file.path
- archive.write(filename, str('' % fileid))
- if book.root_ancestor not in already and 'epub' in formats and book.root_ancestor.epub_file:
- filename = book.root_ancestor.epub_file.path
- archive.write(filename, str('%s.epub' % book.root_ancestor.fileid()))
- already.add(book.root_ancestor)
- if 'odt' in formats and book.has_media("odt"):
- for file in book.get_media("odt"):
- filename = file.file.path
- archive.write(filename, str('%s.odt' % slughifi(
- if 'txt' in formats and book.txt_file:
- filename = book.txt_file.path
- archive.write(filename, str('%s.txt' % fileid))
+ for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
+ if ebook_format in formats and book.has_media(ebook_format):
+ filename = book.get_media(ebook_format).path
+ archive.write(filename, str('%s.%s' % (fileid, ebook_format)))
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/zip', mimetype='application/x-zip-compressed')
shelf = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=shelf, category='set')
- formats = {'pdf': False, 'epub': False, 'mobi': False, 'odt': False, 'txt': False}
+ formats = {}
+ for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
+ formats[ebook_format] = False
for book in collect_books(models.Book.tagged.with_all(shelf)):
- if book.pdf_file:
- formats['pdf'] = True
- if book.root_ancestor.epub_file:
- formats['epub'] = True
- if book.mobi_file:
- formats['mobi'] = True
- if book.txt_file:
- formats['txt'] = True
- for format in ('odt',):
- if book.has_media(format):
- formats[format] = True
+ for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
+ if book.has_media(ebook_format):
+ formats[ebook_format] = True
return HttpResponse(LazyEncoder().encode(formats))
kwargs = models.Book.split_fileid(book)
url = None
- if format in ('pdf', 'epub', 'mobi'):
+ if format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
url = models.Book.zip_format(format)
elif format == 'audiobook' and kwargs is not None:
book = get_object_or_404(models.Book, **kwargs)