-// Function is executed by $.jqmHide to hide a modal
- // mark this modal as inactive (h.a === false)
-close:function(s){var h=H[s];h.a=false;
- // If modal, remove from modal stack.
- // If no modals in modal stack, unbind the Keep Focus Function
- if(h.c.modal){A.pop();!A[0]&&F('unbind');}
- // IF toTop was passed and an overlay exists;
- // Move modal back to its previous ("remembered") position.
- h.c.toTop&&h.o&&$('#jqmP'+h.w[0]._jqm).after(h.w).remove();
- // Execute user defined onHide callback, or else hide (make invisible) the modal and remove the overlay.
- if(h.c.onHide)h.c.onHide(h);else{h.w.hide()&&h.o&&h.o.remove()}return false;
-// set jqModal scope shortcuts;
-// s: {INT} serials placeholder
-// H: {HASH} shortcut to jqModal Hash Object
-// A: {ARRAY} Array of active/visible modals
-// ie6: {bool} True if client browser is Internet Explorer 6
-// i: {JQ, DOM Element} iframe placeholder used to prevent active-x bleedthrough in IE6
-// NOTE: It is important to include the iframe styling (iframe.jqm) in your CSS!
-// *AND* ...
-var s=0,H=$.jqm.hash,A=[],ie6=$.browser.msie&&($.browser.version == "6.0"),i=$('<iframe src="javascript:false;document.write(\'\');" class="jqm"></iframe>').css({opacity:0}),
-// O: The jqModal default Open Callback;
-// IF ie6; Add the iframe to the overlay (if overlay exists) OR to the modal (if an iframe doesn't already exist from a previous opening)
-// Execute the Modal Focus Function
-O=function(h){if(ie6)h.o&&h.o.html('<p style="width:100%;height:100%"/>').prepend(i)||(!$('iframe.jqm',h.w)[0]&&h.w.prepend(i)); f(h);},
-// f: The Modal Focus Function;
-// Attempt to focus the first visible input within the modal
-// F: The Keep Focus Function;
-// Binds or Unbinds (t) the Focus Examination Function to keypresses and clicks
-// x: The Focus Examination Function;
-// Fetch the current modal's Hash as h (supports nested modals)
-// Determine if the click/press falls within the modal. If not (r===true);
-// call the Modal Focus Function and prevent click/press follow-through (return false [!true])
-// ELSE if so (r===false); follow event (return true [!false])
-x=function(e){var h=H[A[A.length-1]],r=(!$(e.target).parents('.jqmID'+h.s)[0]);r&&f(h);return !r;},
-// hide-show function; assigns click events to trigger elements that
-// hide, show, or hide AND show modals.
-// Expandos (jqmShow and/or jqmHide) are added to all trigger elements.
-// These Expandos hold an array of modal serials {INT} to show or hide.
-// w: {DOM Element} The modal element (window/dialog/notice/etc. container)
-// e: {DOM Elemet||jQ Selector String} The triggering element
-// y: {String} Type (jqmHide||jqmShow)
-// s: {array} the serial number of passed modals, calculated below;
-HS=function(w,e,y){var s=[];w.each(function(){s.push(this._jqm)});
-// for each triggering element attach the jqmHide or jqmShow expando (y)
-// or else expand the expando with the current serial array
- $(e).each(function(){if(this[y])$.extend(this[y],s);
- // Assign a click event on the trigger element which examines the element's
- // jqmHide/Show expandos and attempts to execute $.jqmHide/Show on matching modals
- else{this[y]=s;$(this).click(function(){for(var i in {jqmShow:1,jqmHide:1})for(var s in this[i])if(H[this[i][s]])H[this[i][s]].w[i](this);return false;});}});return w;};
+close:function(s){var h=H[s];if(!h.a)return F;h.a=F;
+ if(A[0]){A.pop();if(!A[0])L('unbind');}
+ if(h.c.toTop&&h.o)$('#jqmP'+h.w[0]._jqm).after(h.w).remove();
+ if(h.c.onHide)h.c.onHide(h);else{h.w.hide();if(h.o)h.o.remove();} return F;
+var s=0,H=$.jqm.hash,A=[],ie6=$.browser.msie&&($.browser.version == "6.0"),F=false,
+i=$('<iframe src="javascript:false;document.write(\'\');" class="jqm"></iframe>').css({opacity:0}),
+e=function(h){if(ie6)if(h.o)h.o.html('<p style="width:100%;height:100%"/>').prepend(i);else if(!$('iframe.jqm',h.w)[0])h.w.prepend(i); f(h);},
+m=function(e){var h=H[A[A.length-1]],r=(!$(e.target).parents('.jqmID'+h.s)[0]);if(r)f(h);return !r;},
+hs=function(w,t,c){return w.each(function(){var s=this._jqm;$(t).each(function() {
+ if(!this[c]){this[c]=[];$(this).click(function(){for(var i in {jqmShow:1,jqmHide:1})for(var s in this[i])if(H[this[i][s]])H[this[i][s]].w[i](this);return F;});}this[c].push(s);});});};