+# the original re.escape messes with unicode
+def re_escape(s):
+ return re.sub(r"[(){}\[\].*?|^$\\+-]", r"\\\g<0>", s)
+def get_cached_render_key(instance, property_name, language=None):
+ if language is None:
+ language = get_language()
+ return 'cached_render:%s.%s:%s:%s' % (
+ type(instance).__name__,
+ property_name,
+ instance.pk,
+ language
+ )
+def cached_render(template_name, timeout=24 * 60 * 60):
+ def decorator(method):
+ @wraps(method)
+ def wrapper(self):
+ key = get_cached_render_key(self, method.__name__)
+ content = cache.get(key)
+ if content is None:
+ context = method(self)
+ content = render_to_string(template_name, context)
+ cache.set(key, str(content), timeout=timeout)
+ else:
+ content = mark_safe(content)
+ return content
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+def clear_cached_renders(bound_method):
+ for lc, ln in settings.LANGUAGES:
+ cache.delete(
+ get_cached_render_key(
+ bound_method.__self__,
+ bound_method.__name__,
+ lc
+ )
+ )