+ query = None
+ query = request.GET.get('q', '')
+ if len(query) < 2:
+ return render_to_response('catalogue/search_too_short.html',
+ {'prefix': query},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ search = Search()
+ theme_terms = search.index.analyze(text=query, field="themes_pl") \
+ + search.index.analyze(text=query, field="themes")
+ # change hints
+ tags = search.hint_tags(query, pdcounter=True, prefix=False)
+ tags = split_tags(tags)
+ author_results = search.search_phrase(query, 'authors', book=True)
+ title_results = search.search_phrase(query, 'title', book=True)
+ # Boost main author/title results with mixed search, and save some of its results for end of list.
+ # boost author, title results
+ author_title_mixed = search.search_some(query, ['authors', 'title', 'tags'], query_terms=theme_terms)
+ author_title_rest = []
+ for b in author_title_mixed:
+ also_in_mixed = filter(lambda ba: ba.book_id == b.book_id, author_results + title_results)
+ for b2 in also_in_mixed:
+ b2.boost *= 1.1
+ if also_in_mixed is []:
+ author_title_rest.append(b)
+ # Do a phrase search but a term search as well - this can give us better snippets then search_everywhere,
+ # Because the query is using only one field.
+ text_phrase = SearchResult.aggregate(
+ search.search_phrase(query, 'text', snippets=True, book=False),
+ search.search_some(query, ['text'], snippets=True, book=False, query_terms=theme_terms))
+ everywhere = search.search_everywhere(query, query_terms=theme_terms)
+ def already_found(results):
+ def f(e):
+ for r in results:
+ if e.book_id == r.book_id:
+ e.boost = 0.9
+ results.append(e)
+ return True
+ return False
+ return f
+ f = already_found(author_results + title_results + text_phrase)
+ everywhere = filter(lambda x: not f(x), everywhere)
+ author_results = SearchResult.aggregate(author_results)
+ title_results = SearchResult.aggregate(title_results)
+ everywhere = SearchResult.aggregate(everywhere, author_title_rest)
+ for field, res in [('authors', author_results),
+ ('title', title_results),
+ ('text', text_phrase),
+ ('text', everywhere)]:
+ res.sort(reverse=True)
+ print "get snips %s, res size %d" % (field, len(res))
+ for r in res:
+ print "Get snippets for %s" % r
+ search.get_snippets(r, query, field, 3)
+ # for r in res:
+ # for h in r.hits:
+ # h['snippets'] = map(lambda s:
+ # re.subn(r"(^[ \t\n]+|[ \t\n]+$)", u"",
+ # re.subn(r"[ \t\n]*\n[ \t\n]*", u"\n", s)[0])[0], h['snippets'])
+ # suggestion = did_you_mean(query, search.get_tokens(toks, field="SIMPLE"))
+ suggestion = u''
+ def ensure_exists(r):
+ try:
+ return r.book
+ except Book.DoesNotExist:
+ return False
+ author_results = filter(ensure_exists, author_results)
+ title_results = filter(ensure_exists, title_results)
+ text_phrase = filter(ensure_exists, text_phrase)
+ everywhere = filter(ensure_exists, everywhere)
+ results = author_results + title_results + text_phrase + everywhere
+ # ensure books do exists & sort them
+ results.sort(reverse=True)
+ if len(results) == 1:
+ fragment_hits = filter(lambda h: 'fragment' in h, results[0].hits)
+ if len(fragment_hits) == 1:
+ #anchor = fragment_hits[0]['fragment']
+ #frag = Fragment.objects.get(anchor=anchor)
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(fragment_hits[0]['fragment'].get_absolute_url())
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(results[0].book.get_absolute_url())
+ elif len(results) == 0:
+ form = PublishingSuggestForm(initial={"books": query + ", "})
+ return render_to_response('catalogue/search_no_hits.html',
+ {'tags': tags,
+ 'prefix': query,
+ "form": form,
+ 'did_you_mean': suggestion},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ return render_to_response('catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html',
+ {'tags': tags,
+ 'prefix': query,
+ 'results': {'author': author_results,
+ 'title': title_results,
+ 'content': text_phrase,
+ 'other': everywhere},
+ 'did_you_mean': suggestion},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))