+ @classmethod
+ def children(cls, book):
+ """ Returns all children for a book. """
+ return book.children.all()
+ @classmethod
+ def media(cls, book):
+ """ Returns all media for a book. """
+ return book.media.all()
+ @classmethod
+ def cover(cls, book):
+ return MEDIA_BASE + book.cover.url if book.cover else ''
+class BookDetailHandler(BaseHandler, BookDetails):
+ """ Main handler for Book objects.
+ Responsible for single Book details.
+ """
+ allowed_methods = ['GET']
+ fields = ['title', 'parent', 'children'] + Book.formats + [
+ 'media', 'url', 'cover'] + book_tag_categories
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, book):
+ """ Returns details of a book, identified by a slug and lang. """
+ try:
+ return Book.objects.get(slug=book)
+ except Book.DoesNotExist:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
+ """ Main handler for Book objects.
+ Responsible for lists of Book objects.
+ """
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ model = Book
+ fields = ['author', 'href', 'title', 'url', 'cover']
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, tags, top_level=False):
+ """ Lists all books with given tags.
+ :param tags: filtering tags; should be a path of categories
+ and slugs, i.e.: authors/an-author/epoch/an-epoch/
+ :param top_level: if True and a book is included in the results,
+ it's children are aren't. By default all books matching the tags
+ are returned.
+ """
+ try:
+ tags = read_tags(tags, allowed=book_tag_categories)
+ except ValueError:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ if tags:
+ if top_level:
+ books = Book.tagged_top_level(tags)
+ return books if books else rc.NOT_FOUND
+ else:
+ books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
+ elif top_level:
+ books = Book.objects.filter(parent=None)
+ else:
+ books = Book.objects.all()
+ if books.exists():
+ return books
+ else:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ def create(self, request, tags, top_level=False):
+ return rc.FORBIDDEN
+class BooksHandler(BookDetailHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
+ model = Book
+ fields = ['author', 'href', 'title', 'url']
+ anonymous = AnonymousBooksHandler
+ def create(self, request, tags, top_level=False):
+ if not request.user.has_perm('catalogue.add_book'):
+ return rc.FORBIDDEN
+ data = json.loads(request.POST.get('data'))
+ form = BookImportForm(data)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ form.save()
+ return rc.CREATED
+ else:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+# add categorized tags fields for Book
+def _tags_getter(category):
+ @classmethod
+ def get_tags(cls, book):
+ return book.tags.filter(category=category)
+ return get_tags
+for plural, singular in category_singular.items():
+ setattr(BookDetails, plural, _tags_getter(singular))
+# add fields for files in Book
+def _file_getter(format):
+ field = "%s_file" % format
+ @classmethod
+ def get_file(cls, book):
+ f = getattr(book, field)
+ if f:
+ return MEDIA_BASE + f.url
+ else:
+ return ''
+ return get_file
+for format in Book.formats:
+ setattr(BookDetails, format, _file_getter(format))
+class TagDetails(object):
+ """Custom Tag fields."""
+ @classmethod
+ def href(cls, tag):
+ """ Returns URI in the API for the tag. """
+ return API_BASE + reverse("api_tag", args=[category_plural[tag.category], tag.slug])
+ @classmethod
+ def url(cls, tag):
+ """ Returns URL on the site. """
+ return WL_BASE + tag.get_absolute_url()
+class TagDetailHandler(BaseHandler, TagDetails):
+ """ Responsible for details of a single Tag object. """
+ fields = ['name', 'url', 'sort_key', 'description']
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, category, slug):
+ """ Returns details of a tag, identified by category and slug. """
+ try:
+ category_sng = category_singular[category]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ try:
+ return Tag.objects.get(category=category_sng, slug=slug)
+ except Tag.DoesNotExist:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class TagsHandler(BaseHandler, TagDetails):
+ """ Main handler for Tag objects.
+ Responsible for lists of Tag objects
+ and fields used for representing Tags.
+ """
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ model = Tag
+ fields = ['name', 'href', 'url']
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, category):
+ """ Lists all tags in the category (eg. all themes). """
+ try:
+ category_sng = category_singular[category]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ tags = Tag.objects.filter(category=category_sng).exclude(book_count=0)
+ if tags.exists():
+ return tags
+ else:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class FragmentDetails(object):
+ """Custom Fragment fields."""
+ @classmethod
+ def href(cls, fragment):
+ """ Returns URI in the API for the fragment. """
+ return API_BASE + reverse("api_fragment",
+ args=[fragment.book.slug, fragment.anchor])
+ @classmethod
+ def url(cls, fragment):
+ """ Returns URL on the site for the fragment. """
+ return WL_BASE + fragment.get_absolute_url()
+ @classmethod
+ def themes(cls, fragment):
+ """ Returns a list of theme tags for the fragment. """
+ return fragment.tags.filter(category='theme')
+class FragmentDetailHandler(BaseHandler, FragmentDetails):
+ fields = ['book', 'anchor', 'text', 'url', 'themes']
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, book, anchor):
+ """ Returns details of a fragment, identified by book slug and anchor. """
+ try:
+ return Fragment.objects.get(book__slug=book, anchor=anchor)
+ except Fragment.DoesNotExist:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class FragmentsHandler(BaseHandler, FragmentDetails):
+ """ Main handler for Fragments.
+ Responsible for lists of Fragment objects
+ and fields used for representing Fragments.
+ """
+ model = Fragment
+ fields = ['book', 'url', 'anchor', 'href']
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ categories = set(['author', 'epoch', 'kind', 'genre', 'book', 'theme'])
+ @piwik_track
+ def read(self, request, tags):
+ """ Lists all fragments with given book, tags, themes.
+ :param tags: should be a path of categories and slugs, i.e.:
+ books/book-slug/authors/an-author/themes/a-theme/
+ """
+ try:
+ tags = read_tags(tags, allowed=self.categories)
+ except ValueError:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ fragments = Fragment.tagged.with_all(tags).select_related('book')
+ if fragments.exists():
+ return fragments
+ else:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+# Changes handlers