- return render(
- request,
- 'catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html',
- {
- 'pd_authors': pd_authors,
- 'books': books,
- 'pictures': pictures,
- 'did_you_mean': suggestion,
- 'set': {
- 'lang': lang,
- 'format': format,
- 'epoch': epoch,
- 'kind': kind,
- 'genre': genre,
- },
- 'tags': {
- 'epoch': Tag.objects.filter(category='epoch'),
- 'genre': Tag.objects.filter(category='genre'),
- 'kind': Tag.objects.filter(category='kind'),
- },
- })
-def search_books(query, lang=None, only_audio=False, only_synchro=False, epoch=None, kind=None, genre=None):
- search = Search()
- results_parts = []
- search_fields = []
- words = query.split()
- fieldsets = (
- (['authors', 'authors_nonstem'], True),
- (['title', 'title_nonstem'], True),
- (['metadata', 'metadata_nonstem'], True),
- (['text', 'text_nonstem', 'themes_pl', 'themes_pl_nonstem'], False),
- )
- for fields, is_book in fieldsets:
- search_fields += fields
- results_parts.append(search.search_words(words, search_fields, required=fields, book=is_book))
- results = []
- ids_results = {}
- for results_part in results_parts:
- for result in sorted(SearchResult.aggregate(results_part), reverse=True):
- book_id = result.book_id
- if book_id in ids_results:
- ids_results[book_id].merge(result)
- else:
- results.append(result)
- ids_results[book_id] = result
- descendant_ids = set(
- Book.objects.filter(id__in=ids_results, ancestor__in=ids_results).values_list('id', flat=True))
- results = [result for result in results if result.book_id not in descendant_ids]
- for result in results:
- search.get_snippets(result, query, num=3)
- def ensure_exists(r):
- try:
- r.book
- except Book.DoesNotExist:
- return False
- print(lang, r.book.language)
- if lang and r.book.language != lang:
- return False
- if only_audio and not r.book.has_mp3_file():
- return False
- if only_synchro and not r.book.has_daisy_file():
- return False
- if epoch and not r.book.tags.filter(category='epoch', slug=epoch).exists():
- return False
- if kind and not r.book.tags.filter(category='kind', slug=kind).exists():
- return False
- if genre and not r.book.tags.filter(category='genre', slug=genre).exists():
- return False
- return True
- results = [r for r in results if ensure_exists(r)]
- return results
-def search_pictures(query, epoch=None, kind=None, genre=None):
- search = Search()
- results_parts = []
- search_fields = []
- words = query.split()
- fieldsets = (
- (['authors', 'authors_nonstem'], True),
- (['title', 'title_nonstem'], True),
- (['metadata', 'metadata_nonstem'], True),
- (['themes_pl', 'themes_pl_nonstem'], False),
- )
- for fields, is_book in fieldsets:
- search_fields += fields
- results_parts.append(search.search_words(words, search_fields, required=fields, book=is_book, picture=True))
- results = []
- ids_results = {}
- for results_part in results_parts:
- for result in sorted(PictureResult.aggregate(results_part), reverse=True):
- picture_id = result.picture_id
- if picture_id in ids_results:
- ids_results[picture_id].merge(result)
- else:
- results.append(result)
- ids_results[picture_id] = result
- def ensure_exists(r):
- try:
- return r.picture
- except Picture.DoesNotExist:
- return False
- if epoch and not r.picture.tags.filter(category='epoch', slug=epoch).exists():
- return False
- if kind and not r.picture.tags.filter(category='kind', slug=kind).exists():
- return False
- if genre and not r.picture.tags.filter(category='genre', slug=genre).exists():
- return False
- results = [r for r in results if ensure_exists(r)]
- return results
-def search_pd_authors(query):
- pd_authors = Author.objects.filter(name__icontains=query)
- existing_slugs = Tag.objects.filter(
- category='author', slug__in=list(pd_authors.values_list('slug', flat=True))) \
- .values_list('slug', flat=True)
- pd_authors = pd_authors.exclude(slug__in=existing_slugs)
- return pd_authors
-def prepare_query(query):
- query = ' '.join(query.split())
- # filter out private use characters
- import unicodedata
- query = ''.join(ch for ch in query if unicodedata.category(ch) != 'Co')
- query = remove_query_syntax_chars(query)
- words = query.split()
- if len(words) > 10:
- query = ' '.join(words[:10])
- return query